VACCINE YELLOW FEVER, monodose vial + syr. diluent 0.5ml
Valid Article
The multldose vaccine is worded and codified by unit (= 1 dose) to make the order easier.
Full Name
Synonym: antiamaril vaccine
Therapeutic Action
Freeze-dried vaccine from live-attenuated strain of yellow fever virus
Prevention of yellow fever in children from 9 months of age and adults living in or travelling to or from endemic areas.
Prevention of yellow fever in mass immunisation campaigns during outbreaks.
Instructions for use
Reconstitute the powder vial with the diluent provided by the manufacturer.
Must be given by IM route into the anterolateral part of the thigh in children < 2 years and into the deltoid muscle in children ≥ 2 years and adults.
Fractional dosing of yellow fever vaccine can only be applied for vials containing 10 doses or less (to reduce the risk of contamination from multiple punctures).
For the multidose vial, do not forget to order the diluent together with the vaccine!
Orders are always done in number of doses and not in number of vials! (See Preliminary remarks on Vaccines)
Precautions for Use
As with all injectable vaccines and/or immunoglobulins, appropriate medical treatment should always be readily available in case of rare anaphylactic reactions following the administration of the product.
- Do not freeze.
- Powder: between 2°C and 8°C - Protect from sunlight
- Diluent: if not co-packed, a cold chain is not required for storage. However, at least 12 hrs before reconstitution of the vaccine, the diluent must be refrigerated between 2°C and 8°C so that the diluent and powder are at the same temperature (a thermic shock during reconstitution could reduce the vaccine efficacy).
- Reconstituted vaccine: between 2°C and 8°C, for up to 6 hrs
- The vaccine vial monitor (VVM) is mandatory on each vaccine.