VEGETABLE OIL, soy, 5l, HDPE jerrycan


Valid Article

OC subscriptions: included in supply or field order tools (e.g. UniField)
SC subscriptions: included in supply or field tools
OC validations: approved for procurement and use by an OC for international or local orders specifying context and activity in Medical Standard Lists (MSL)



Vegetable food oil (palme, soybean, sunflower, rapeseed...)


Vegetable oils used in the field are always refined for stability reasons.

Technical specifications

Quality factors
Water and volatile matter (105ºC)< 0,2%
Insoluble impurities< 0.05%
Soap content< 0.005%
Free fatty acids (palmitic acid for palm oil, oleic acid for all other oils)< 0.15%
Abnormal smell and/or tastenone
Vitamin A enrichment6000 UI/L
Peroxyde number10 milliequivalents of active oxygen/kg of oil
Acid value< 0.6 mg KOH/g d'huile
Appearanceclear at 20ºC

Oils should be "sound and market quality" and "fit for human consumption".

The only authorised additive is the butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT-E-321): max 75 mg per kg of oil.

The contaminant contents (heavy metals and pesticides) must comply with the maximum residue limits established by the Codex Alimentarius Commission (codex stan 210-2003):

  • lead (Pb): 0.1 mg/kg
  • arsenic (As): 0.1 mg/kg

Packaging & Labelling

Since all oils have different densities, it is better to buy them by the litre (and not by weight). Indicative

weights/volumes (at 20ºC):

  • palm oil: 890 g/l
  • soybean oil: 921 g/l
  • sunflower oil: 922 g/l
  • rapeseed oil: 912 g/l

Primary packaging

  • Must close with a screw-on cap
  • Liquid-proof: no leakage under the pressure of 6 m high stacking up
    • either 1 or 2 litres PET (polyethylene terephthalate) bottle of minimum 28.5 g (empty)
    • or 5 litres HDPE (high density polyethylene) jerrycan of standard weight 144 g

Secondary packaging

Cardboard boxes of 12 or 15 bottles or 4 jerrycans

  • double-corrugated, opaque cardboard boxes, closed with 50 mm tape suitable for tropical climates
  • stackable to a height of 8 boxes for at least six months without collapsing

Bottles/jerrycans AND boxes must be marked (in legible characters) with:

  • name (type) of the product
  • month and year of fabrication
  • expiry date
  • content in litres
  • manufacturer's name and address (and country)

Instructions for use

Oils undergo complex processing and deterioration can only be demonstrated by laboratory analysis (unlike unprocessed foodstuffs). Nevertheless, inspecting the product allows you to express suspicion, triggering sampling and analysis for verification. Product inspection is therefore critical for controlling risk.


Oils usually have a 1 year shelf life.


Follow the procedure QA-NFOS-SOP2 "Storage and stock management of food".

Preparing for storage

  • Staple foods should be stored separately from therapeutic foods to prevent any risk of crosscontamination.
  • Warehouses (walls, floor, etc.) should be given preventive treatment against insects and rodents before warehousing.
  • It is essential to check that the roof is watertight before the rainy season.

Storage organization

  • Away from direct sunlight
  • On pallets arranged in 6 to 8 pallet islands
  • Islands at least 1 m apart
  • At least 0.5 m from the walls
  • No more than 2 m high (= 6 to 8 boxes high, depending on the quality of the boxes)

Inventory monitoring

  • Follow expiry dates.
  • Any opened bottle should be used quickly (risk of oxidation).
  • Warehouse ventilation should be controlled to minimize ambient humidity and the risk that piles of boxes might collapse
  • Inventory should be regularly organized (every two weeks), looking for any leakage and inspecting warehouse to monitor anti-insect and anti-rodent prevention measures (bits of cardboard boxes make very comfortable nests for rodents!!!)

Procedures for Quality Control

  • Control upon receipt (quantity/quality): Use and fill the "check list for the control upon receipt": NSFOCRECOOE (English) / NSFOCRECOOF (French).
  • In case of purchase of big quantity, make an inspection company (SGS, Cotecna, Véritas, FAIDEX, etc.) perform an inspection before loading. Use and fill the "Inspection contract" ref. NSFOINSPOIF (French) / NSFOINSPOIE (English).
  • Control in case of suspicion (sending to a laboratory): use the analysis request form NSFOANALOIF (French) / NSFOANALOIE (English).
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