THERMAL INSULATION roll, PE, 120x1x5000cm, for roof
Valid Article
Last Updated on:
14/03/2025, 22:01:50
THERMAL INSULATION roll, PE, 120x1x5000cm, for roof
An industrial grade heavy duty double-sided reflective foil insulation, with a closed cell polyethylene foam core which provides an effective thermal, vapor and noise barrier.
Physical properties:
- Compression Set - ˂ 15%
- Compression Creep - ˂ 5% @ 17.5 kPa (2.5 psi)
- Thermal Conductivity - 0.0293 (W/m ˚K) (0.37BTU-in/hr-ft)
- Water Absorption - 0.02mg/cm² / 24hrs
- Tensile Strength - 54.0 kPa
- Fire Rating - Fire Retardant
- Temperature Reduction: Average 10 °C
- Noise Reduction Coefficient - 0.45
- Thickness - 10mm
- Density - 25 kg/m³
Used on metalandsteel buildings, warehouses, cold roomstoragefacilities, pharmaceuticalfacilities, othertemperature sensitive storageareas.
It is speciallydesigned to reduceheat gain andheatloss, thusachievingenergyefficiencywhilekeepingenergycosts low andinteriorspaces more comfortable.