NETTOYANT UNIVERSEL (Tec7 683041000) 500ml, aérosol


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NETTOYANT UNIVERSEL (Tec7 683041000) 500ml, aérosol


Aerosol, cleaning liquid under pressure

one can is 500 ml

cleans sealant of Tec7 (CWATSEAL7G3) and to clean and degrease the surface on which the sealant CWATSEAL7G3 will be used to have optimal results and adherence.

Dangerous Goods transport (UN code 1950)

contains Hydrocarbons and is FLAMMABLE

Hazard Statements: H222 H229 H336 H412

order one aerosol can per cartridge of CWATSEAL7G3


to be used with GLUE MOUNT SEAL (Tec7 535106000) 310ml, black, cartridge, this cleaning product is specifically designed to be used with the TEC7 sealant.

Can also be used to clean up excess Tec7 sealant correctly


clean and degrease the surface on which the Tec7 sealant will be applied for optimal adherence results. Can also be used to clean up excess Tec7 sealant correctly

To be used with GLUE MOUNT SEAL (Tec7 535106000) 310ml, black, cartridge