POTASSIUM chloride, 2mmol/ml (15%), 10ml, amp.


Valid Article

The product is supplied (and stored) sterile, it must remain sterile until its use. Sterile = state of being free from all living microorganisms.
Classification of the medicines in groups and subgroups according to their therapeutic use. The classification used by MSF is based on the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines.
Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification according to WHOCC
Thermosensitive codes are defined for storage and transportation temperature requirements of the products.

OC subscriptions: included in supply or field order tools (e.g. UniField)
SC subscriptions: included in supply or field tools
OC validations: approved for procurement and use by an OC for international or local orders specifying context and activity in Medical Standard Lists (MSL)


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POTASSIUM chloride

Therapeutic Action

Potassium supplement


Treatment of severe hypokalaemia

Instructions for use

Must be given ONLY as slow IV infusion in 0.9% NaCl.

Invert the bottle or bag at least 5 times to mix the potassium with the 0.9% NaCl.

Precautions for Use

NEVER administer undiluted by direct IV or IM or SC route.

IV potassium chloride is a high-risk medication which can cause rapid and asymptomatic hyperkalaemia, potentially fatal.

In order to reduce the risk of accidental overdose of intravenous potassium resulting from the calculation, preparation and administration of concentrated solutions, MSF has implemented a change in the standard concentration of IV potassium chloride:

  • The 2 mmol/ml solution (15% = 150mg/ml) makes easier the calculation and the preparation of the dilution.
  • The 1.34 mmol/ml (10%) concentration is non-standard and obsolete. It should be removed from circulating stocks, pre-positioned stocks and medical wards/departments and replaced by the 15% concentration. Consult your referent for calculation protocols.

Pay attention to the concentration indicated on the ampoule: there are ampoules at 7.5%, 10%, 15%, 11.2% and 20%.


Below 25ºC