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W020201 - Cell count
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Slide designed by Fusch-Rosenthal used for counting the cells in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).

Used in the diagnosis of trypanosomiasis.


Fusch-Rosenthal haemacytometer




Technical specifications

  • Meets the European standards for the calibrated class (optical size, high precision grid, optimal visibility)
  • Bright Line quality
  • Depth: 0.2 mm
  • Surface: 0.0625 mm2
  • Volume: 3.2 mm³
  • Simple engraved grid
  • Supplied with 2 glass planed cover slides (20 x 26 mm)
  • Reusable

Packaging & Labelling

Instructions for use

The Fuchs-Rosenthal counting chamber is used to count cells in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) by observing through a microscope a calibrated grid of which the exact dimensions (including depth and volume) are known. A simple calculation allows the number of cells per ml or another volume unit to be determined.

For trypanosomiasis, two counts, and therefore two chambers, are needed for the same sample.

Allow for the liquid to settle after it has been placed in a wet chamber before counting.

Please consult the “Updated laboratory procedures, 2022” available online via the Laboratory working Group sharepoint page: Laboratory Procedures and Resources.

For offline access, contact your laboratory advisor.

MSF requirements

High precision when counting the white blood cells.

For cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), simple grid chambers are recommended in order to avoid mixing the fluids of two different patients.

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