BEDPAN, with handle, polypropylene
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Last Updated on:
03/03/2025, 22:04:07
CE marking: declaration that the product meets EU standards for health, safety, and environmental protection. The CE marking indicates that the product may be sold freely in any part of the European Economic Area, regardless of its country of origin.
V0812 - Feces and urine collection aids (bed pans and parrots)
European Medical Device Nomenclature (EMDN) is the nomenclature of use by manufacturers when registering their medical devices in the EUDAMED database. EMDN is characterised by its alphanumeric structure that is established in a seven-level hierarchical tree.
In Europe, medical material that fulfills the definition of a medical device according to the MDR (Medical Device Regulation) is classified into 4 classes
BEDPAN, plastic
A portable device used by a patient or a person with a disability that is confined to his/her bed as a receptacle in which to urinate and/or defecate. It will be removed and emptied by attending staff and sanitized for reuse. This is a reusable device.
Quality standards
BS 2588-1, 1992, Portable sanitary pans for use in healthcare establishments. Specification for reusable bed pans
Technical specifications
- Material: polypropylene
- Model
- to be slipped (sloping front)
- anatomical shape, to fit the body
- all edges should be rounded and surfaces should be smooth
- one-piece moulding with no seams or joints, no internal edges where bacteria can hide and multiply
- With handle
- The lid is optional: it reduces the risk of spills and odours and is more comfortable for the user or carer to wear. Make sure the lid is secure but also easy to remove.
- Weight tolerance: for adults weighing 25 kg - 160 kg
- White colour
- Dimensions: ± 45 x 28 x 4 cm
- Volume ± 2.5 l
Instructions for use
- Intended for hospital wards.
- Must be replaced regularly.
- Must be disinfected between patients with chlorine.
MSF requirements
Made of polypropylene as it better stands disinfectant solutions than stainless steel
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