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During a confirmed epidemic of Ebola type haemorrhagic fever: implementation of an isolation unit for sick people and suspected cases of haemorrhagic fever in a pre-existing health structure.


Kit composed of different modules allowing to manage a haemorrhagic fever epidemic, with set up of an isolation unit, outreach activities, surveillance, management of suspected cases, confirmed or deceased.

A specialised team in the management of an epidemic is necessary. The opening of an isolation unit requires the order of a complete ISOLATION kit (KMEDKEBO15-). Renewable supplies necessary for the functioning of the unit must be ordered as quickly as possible.

This kit allows to start the activities and to continue them for 2 weeks, while waiting for the order of renewable supplies which must reach the logistic team as soon as possible


KIT, VHF, ISOLATION & PATIENT CARE, 1 team / 15 days

  • MEDICINES and REGULATED MEDICINES: all the medicines needed for the medical management of the patients. Some of the medicines require cold chain transport (oxytocine, dexamethasone...)
  • MEDICAL EQUIPMENT: all the equipment needed for the work in the isolation unit. It contains also a small sterilization module to sterilize the delivery or manual vacuum aspiration set if it is necessary to use them inside the structure.
  • PROTECTION MATERIAL: calculated for 2 weeks of protection of the whole staff working in the isolation unit, including the water and sanitation people and the logisticians.
  • LOGISTIC and SANITATION (including regulated transport items): items that allow the installation and the daily work in the isolation unit, for the logisticians and the water and sanitation people. It includes the module camp installation and boundary for the isolation unit.
  • DOCUMENTATION, FORMS and STATIONERY: used for inside and outside the isolation unit. A printer module is also included.
  • MEDICAL RENEWABLE SUPPLIES: items necessary for the management of patients inside the isolation unit.
  • SAMPLING MODULE: allows taking of samples. It can either be used inside the isolation unit, or outside the isolation unit (the protection equipment is included in the module if it is used outside the isolation unit).

NB: The kit also includes the necessary equipment for the surveillance teams, if MSF is in charge of the surveillance (thermometer...)

NB: The ORAL antimalarial medicines are not included. They need to be ordered separately, after being informed of the national protocol. If the prevalence is not known, calculate according to the number of blisters in the Module basic unit of the KIT, INTERAGENCY EMERGENCY HEALTH 2006, 10 000 pers/3 months.


This module contains the protection equipment and other necessary articles for the training of the medical staff. In this module a checklist is included with an explanation concerning the training. It is calculated only for the medical staff of the isolation unit and the peripheral structures.


  • KIT, INTERAGENCY EMERGENCY HEALTH 2018, 10 000 pers/3 months: this kit is aimed to support a hospital and 10 health structures. Caution!
    • remove the medicines which are not recommended before distribution (e.g. ibuprofen)
    • this kit will not be sent with the antimalarial drugs module; it is necessary to check first the national antimalarial protocol prior to order antimalarial drugs separately (see related articles below).
  • OTHER ITEMS: there are other medicines, medical equipment, protection equipment, logistic and sanitation equipment to complete the support in existing structures in the area of the epidemic.


This module contains all the logistic, medical and sanitation equipment for:

  • 2 teams of 4 people to exit 20 bodies/20suspected cases and extra activities like for example:
    • ambulance team
    • burial team
    • spraying team for the houses at risk
    • If there are more than 2 teams, supplementary equipment should be ordered.
  • 10 teams of surveillance

(module VHF) SAMPLING (& regulated transport) AND SMALL ISOLATION

This module allows performing an exploratory mission outside the area of the epidemic and to manage a suspected case during some days, while waiting for the result of the test and/or the transfer of the patient to a more appropriate structure.

This module also allows any MSF project located outside the epidemic area to manage a suspected case if necessary.

It contains all the components of the 6 previous modules, but in small quantities.

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Don't forget the antimalarial drugs for the expatriate team.

The mosquito repellent is included in the VHF kit as its transport is regulated.

The other modules are necessary for the installation of a base/compound/office: to be ordered separately according to the context.


  • This kit contains internationally controlled substances (= psychotropic and narcotic drugs). It might be necessary to get an "Import Licence" from receiving National Authorities for these drugs.
  • Contact your supply centre and read the information related to psychotropic and narcotic drugs in the Medical Catalogue and order lists.