(module immunization, 10 000 vacc.) PASSIVE COLD CHAIN TPT
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28/02/2025, 22:03:03
(mod. immunization) PASSIVE COLD CHAIN
An liquid cristal thermometer should be present in each cold box as well as vaccine carrier.
The vaccine carriers are used by the preparers:
- to keep a small quantity of vaccines and solvents out of the cold box before reconstitution between 2° and 8°C (in order to limit the openings of the cold boxes containing the vaccines and the solvents)
- to keep the reconstituted vaccine vials (hole in the foam of the vaccine carrier)
This module allows 5 autonomous teams of 1 vaccinator and 2 persons for preparing (on 5 vaccination sites) to immunize. If the number of teams and/or persons to be immunized per day should increase, contact your headquarters for the best choice of optional articles.