APRON protective, leather, long
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Last Updated on:
22/06/2024, 22:22:25
tegory I - minim
Personal protective equipment: Equipment that will protect the health staff against health or safety risks in medical activities.
The product is part of at least one Kit.
A kit is a collection of products (medical and/or logistic) that are needed for a certain intervention in emergency. The choice and quantity of the articles reflects the MSF protocols for this specific situation. The use of Kits allows to start an intervention without a detailed evaluation.
APRON protective, leather, long
Apron, leather piece of material, with straps to attach around the neck and waist, reaches by the knees. Per piece.
Size must cover correctly the chest and down to the knees of the person wearing it.
Used for example as protective clothing for an individual waste management operator and for protection when working with fire, flammable products, etc. Quality must insure life time of one year minimum on a daily use. Must not be made of plastic.