SAFETY LANCET, medium flow, needle 21G x 1.8mm, green, s.u.
Valid Article
Safety lancets have a preloaded, sterile tip which is automatically injected into the skin for capillary blood collection. They are used to protect the patients and health care workers from transmitting infections by sharp injuries.
High flow safety blade lancet (STSSLANCSH3):
- Use: DBS (Dried Blood Spot) for HIV EID and VL in infants, children and adults
- Blood volume: 50-250µl
- Puncture site: heel (up to 6 months - 3 to 10kg) finger and earlobe
Medium flow safety needle lancet (STSSLANCSAM2):
- Use: Rapid tests and handheld analysers in infants, children and adults
- Blood volume: 10-50µl
- Puncture site: heel (up to 6 months - 3 to 10kg) finger and earlobe
Low flow safety needle lancet (STSSLANCSHL1)
- Use: rapid tests and handheld analyzers in infants and children
- Blood volume: 10-20µl
- Puncture site: heel (up to 6 months - 3 to 10kg) finger and earlobe
Protective blood lancet
Technical specifications
- Safety lancet: fully enclosed lancet housing
- Automatic retraction of the lancet ensuring that needle is hidden before and after use to prevent sharps injuries and preventing reuse of the device.
- Activation: push-button
- Sterile, single use
- High flow safety blade lancet (STSSLANCSH3)
- Type: blade
- Width: 1.5 mm
- Depth: 1.2 mm
- Colour: pink
- Medium flow safety needle lancet (STSSLANCSAM2)
- Type: needle
- Gauge: 21 G
- Depth: 1.8 mm
- Colour: green
- Low flow safety needle lancet (STSSLANCSHL1)
- Type: needle
- Gauge: 28 G
- Depth: 1.6 mm
- Colour: light blue
Packaging & Labelling
Packaging: box of 200.
Instructions for use
Single use only.
Immediately after use, dispose of the lancet into a sharps container (see related articles below).
Please consult the “Updated laboratory procedures, 2022” available online via the Laboratory working Group sharepoint page: Laboratory Procedures and Resources.
For offline access, contact your laboratory advisor.
MSF requirements
Safety lancets are used to collect capillary blood. Three different safety lancets are available depending on the need for low, medium or high flow and on the use in infants (<6 months), children or adults.
The system selected is easy to use with an automatic retraction of the needle/blade.