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The product is part of at least one Kit. A kit is a collection of products (medical and/or logistic) that are needed for a certain intervention in emergency. The choice and quantity of the articles reflects the MSF protocols for this specific situation. The use of Kits allows to start an intervention without a detailed evaluation.

OC subscriptions: included in supply or field order tools (e.g. UniField)
SC subscriptions: included in supply or field tools
OC validations: approved for procurement and use by an OC for international or local orders specifying context and activity in Medical Standard Lists (MSL)

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Card impregnated dots with a humitiy indicator solution varying in concentration. The numbers inside the moisture sensitive spots indicate the relative humidity with a visible colour change from blue to pink.

Indicated for humidity monitoring during the storage DBS/DPS cards for DNA-PCR.


Technical specifications

  • Paper card with different humidity indicators
  • 6 dots containing varying concentration of a humidity indicator to measure : 10,20, 30, 40 50 and 60% measuring the relative humidity
  • Colour change from blue to pink when the % of relative humidity is reached
  • Reverse process: drop in humidity is shown through the reverse process of colour change

Instructions for use

The card should be used with silicagel bags that absorb the ambient humidity.

When the relative humidity rate reaches 30% the silicagel bags must be replaced.

The colour reaction of the humidity indicator card, however, can be delayed through low temperature levels during winter time, a lack of air circulation between humidity indicator and drying agent or foils not suitable for the purpose.

Waste management

Substance may have hazardous characteristics. Please contact your watsan referent for advice on proper disposal.

Detailed hazard and precautionary information can be found in the safety data sheet (SDS).

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