INFANT FORMULA, 1st age, powder, 800-900g


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INFANT FORMULA healthy infants

The 400 mg presentation became non-standard as the preferred presentation for infant formula 1st age is 800 g.


Breast milk substitute for infants.

Infant formula intended for healthy infants who tolerate this type of milk well.

There are also special infant formulas for infants with intolerances to standard infant formulas and for premature infants.

See the Statement on infant feeding.


Main Composition

Partially demineralised whey, vegetable fat (or vegetable oil), skimmed milk, maltodextrin, lactose, emulsifier, vitamins and minerals.

Technical specifications

These specifications apply to formulas for infants and above. They are manufactured from cows' milk proteins or protein hydrolysates.

Nutritional valuesper 100 ml (min - max)
Energy (kcal)60 - 70
Proteins (g)1.1 - 2.1
Lipids (g)2.6 - 4.21
Carbohydrates (g)5.4 - 9.8
Lactose (g)> 2.7
Mineralsper 100 ml (min - max)
Calcium* (mg)30 - 98
Phosphorus* (mg)15 - 70
Potassium (mg)36 - 126
Magnesium (mg)3 - 10.5
Sodium (mg)12 - 42
Iron (mg)> 0.27
Zinc (mg)0.3 - 1.1
Copper (µg)21 - 84
Iodine (µg)6 - 42
Manganese (µg)0.6 - 70
Chloride (mg)30 - 112
Fluoride** (µg)< 70
Vitaminsper 100 ml (min - max)
Retinol (Vit A)*** (µg)36 - 126
Cholecalciferol (Vit D)**** (µg)0.6 - 1.75
Tocopherol (Vit E)***** (mg)0.3 - 3.5
Ascorbic ac. (Vit C) (mg)6 - 49
Thiamin (Vit B1) (µg)36 - 201
Riboflavin (Vit B2) (µg)48 - 35
Niacin (Vit B3) (µg)180 - 1050
Pyridoxine (Vit B6) (µg)21 - 123
Cobalamin (Vit B12) (µg)0.06 - 1.05
Phylloquinone (Vit K1) (µg)2.4 - 18.9
Folate (Vit B9) (µg)6 - 35
Biotin (Vit B7) (µg)0.9 - 7
Pantothenic acid (Vit B5) (µg)240 - 1400

*Calcium:phosphorus ratio shall be between 1 and 2.

**Fluoride shall not be added in infant & follow-on formulae

***1 μg RE = 3.33 IU vitamin A = 1 μg all trans retinol

****In the form of cholecalciferol, of which 1μg = 40 IU of vitamin D.

*****mg α-TE = d-α-tocopherol equivalent

Physical and organoleptic properties

  • Texture: powder without lumps
  • Appearance: white or slightly yellowish fine powder, free of impurities/coloured particles. The reconstituted milk should be a homogenous white liquid.
  • Smell: neutral and typical of milk. Shall not be pungent
  • Taste: characteristic of milk; not rancid, pungent or unpleasant

Packaging & Labelling

Primary and secondary packaging must protect the hygienic and nutritional qualities of the product during transport, handling, storage under MSF field conditions.

  • Primary packaging (unit packaging): 900, 800 or 400 g aluminium tin, sealed with aluminium foil and a plastic lid, including a measuring spoon. The lid should protect the milk from humidity once the aluminium foil is removed.

The following must appear on the primary packaging:

  • product name
  • generic name
  • clear statement referring to nutrition of infants from birth when they are not breastfed (the label should provide the necessary information on the appropriate use of the products to encourage breastfeeding).
  • dosage: table with Nº of measuring spoons per amount of water
  • instructions for preparation and reconstitution
  • instructions for storage after reconstitution
  • list of ingredients
  • nutritional values
  • net weight
  • batch number and best-before date
  • name and address of the manufacturer, incl. country of origin

The following must appear on the secondary packaging:

  • product name
  • generic name
  • net, gross weight, volume, number of units in the carton
  • batch number and best-before date
  • storage conditions
  • name and address of the manufacturer, incl. country of origin

Instructions for use


Preparation and Reconstitution of infant formula (Good Hygiene Practices)

  • Preparation should take place in a clean environment on cleaned and disinfected work surfaces.
  • Wash hands thoroughly with soap and warm water, and dry with a clean cloth or single-use towel.
  • Water used to prepare powdered infant formula should be boiled for 2 minutes and then cooled to 60-70°C before adding the powder. Use a digital food grade thermometer to check the temperature of the water.
  • Pour the exact quantity of water (at 70°C) required (follow the instruction on the packaging) into a cleaned and sterilised recipient. Use a 100 ml graduated measuring jug or a 100 ml graduated glass beaker with spout.
  • Add the required amount of infant formula powder (follow the instruction on the packaging). Using more or less powder than indicated may make the infant sick.
  • Remark on the measuring spoon:
    • use the measuring spoon provided in the tin. Do NOT use a measuring spoon from another product or manufacturer.
    • put it directly back into the tin, do not wash it.
    • the measuring spoon should not get wet; if it does, dry it well before putting it back in the tin.
    • The measuring spoon provided usually corresponds to the dose of powder required for 30 ml of water.
  • Mix the preparation with a sterilised utensil until complete dilution.
  • Label the recipient: "Infant formula, day and time of preparation".
  • Cool to feeding temperature (approx. 37°C).
  • Use within 2 hours


  • Prepared formula should be administered either at room or body temperature. The temperature should be checked with a thermometer, preferably digital.
  • It is best to prepare and serve infant formula immediately after cooling to body temperature. Reducing the time between preparation and consumption reduces the risk to the infant.

Conservation of reconstituted infant formula

  • If it is not possible to consume immediately, keep the preparation refrigerated at 4ºC (do not exceed 4ºC) in a clean bottle or other container with lid, immediately after cooling to body temperature.
  • Refrigerated preparation should be consumed within 24 hrs.
  • Do not prepare infant formula in advance if it can not be consumed within 2 hrs or if refrigeration is not available.
  • Never keep infant formula in a refrigerator if it has been prepared for more than 2 hrs.
  • Discard any preparation that has not been consumed within 2 hrs.
  • Discard any refrigerated preparation that has not been consumed within 24 hrs.


  • Below 25ºC, Protect from sunlight ‐ Protect from humidity
  • Shelf-life: usually 24 months from the manufacturing date stated on the packaging.
  • Infant milk formula must be kept in its original packaging to prevent any contamination.
  • After opening, infant milk formula should be consumed within 3 weeks.
  • Destroy the powder milk immediately if the colour, smell, or aspect has changed, even if the expiry date has not yet been reached (high risk of bacteriological contamination).

Follow the procedure QA-NFOS-SOP3 Storage of specialised food (NFOS).

For procedures related to Quality Control, refer to Preliminary remarks on specialised food.

MSF requirements

This product must be prepared with safe drinking water. If there are difficulties in access to safe drinking water, a ready-to-use formulation (NST) may be considered. This should be reserved for exceptional cases as it is very expensive (contact your OC nutrition advisor for more details).

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