DESOGESTREL 0.075mg, blister of 28 tab.
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Last Updated on:
05/02/2025, 22:07:13
Classification of the medicines in groups and subgroups according to their therapeutic use.
The classification used by MSF is based on the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines.
Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification according to WHOCC
Thermosensitive codes are defined for storage and transportation temperature requirements of the products.
Full Name
Synonym: Progestin-Only-Pills (POPs)
- Not in the WHO list of Essential Medicines 2023
Therapeutic Action
Oral progestogen-only contraceptive
Oral contraception with progestogen-only, in case of contra-indication to estro-progestogens
Instructions for use
1 tablet to be taken every day taken at the same time.
Desogestrel replaces 0.03 mg (30 µg) levonorgestrel in countries where desogestrel is registered.
0.075 mg is equivalent to 75 µg desogestrel.
Blister presentation: the quantity to be ordered is calculated per blister of 28 tablets, not per tablet.
Precautions for Use
POPs can be started immediately after delivery and can be used during breastfeeding.
Below 25ºC - Protect from sunlight