RING CUTTER, 16 cm, with blade
Valid Article
A manually-operated instrument designed for cutting rings and other jewellery when difficult to remove by other means. It is a scissors-like instrument that brings a serrated cutting wheel blade to bear on a thin support which is slipped beneath the ring or item to be removed; the operator rotates the cutting wheel manually by turning an attached handle. This is a reusable device.
- Protective guard allows removing rings safely while on the finger
- Circular sawing/ cutting blade
- Material: stainless steel allowing correct disinfection of the instrument after use
- Total length of the instrument= +/- 16 cm
Instructions for use
First try soaking the hand in an ice cold water for 1-2 minutes, then apply a lubricant (such as petroleum jelly or hand lotion) between the ring and the knuckle, hold the ring with a towel and pull with a rocking motion.
The manual ring cutter can cut gold, silver and platinum easily; however stainless steel and titanium take substantial time and effort (a high quality, diamond coated disc or tempered tool steel blade is required to cut titanium rings)
Tungsten carbide and ceramic rings are removed by cracking them into pieces with standard vice grip locking pliers. The same technique is used for removing natural stone bands like onyx or jade.
MSF requirements
Designed for surgical and emergency care use: saws rings while on or off the finger.