(various logistic equipment) MODULE DANGEROUS GOODS
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Last Updated on:
04/07/2024, 22:19:39
Hazardous materials and products (identified by their 4-digit transport UN-number) must be transported under certain conditions as specified in the MSDS sheet (Material Safety Data Sheet).
The product is part of at least one Kit.
A kit is a collection of products (medical and/or logistic) that are needed for a certain intervention in emergency. The choice and quantity of the articles reflects the MSF protocols for this specific situation. The use of Kits allows to start an intervention without a detailed evaluation.
(various logistic equipment) MODULE DANGEROUS GOODS
Set of basic logistic items, for coping with the numerous small problems encountered in the installation stage of a mission or of storage facilities.
Dangerous items, parts of KPROMLOG01- module, various logistic equipment:
- PPAIPAINSFG Paint, green fluorescent, spray tin
- PPAIPAINSFO Paint, orange fluorescent, spray tin
- PPAIPAINSFR Paint, red fluorescent, spray tin
- PPAIPAINSFY Paint, yellow fluorescent, spray tin
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