LABEL for IV fluid, unit
Valid Article
LABEL for IV fluid
Pre-printed label for correct identification of infusions and medications added in the infusion bag, in order to reduce medication errors.
Technical specifications
- The label must be self-adhesive
- If there is backing material, the label must be easily detachable from it and from adjacent labels
- The material of the label must allow the user to write information on it with a ball-point pen, without smudging or blurring
- Background colour: yellow (preferred)
- Size: ± 76 x 50 mm
- Pre printed text for fluid infusion with additive:
- patient and identifier
- date
- solution information
- start and end time
- flow rate (ml/hr or drops/minute)
- medicine added and strength
- diluent used
- prepared by (signature)
Packaging & Labelling
Unit presentation: unit = 1 label
Pack of 1000 labels or roll of 500 labels depending on supply availibilities. Contact your supplier.
The quantity to be ordered should be by number of labels (and not by number of packs or rolls).
Instructions for use
- Below 25°C - Protect from sunlight - Protect from humidity
- Keep the labels in their protective packaging, away from dust, until their use.
MSF requirements
The purpose of these recommendations is to standardise labelling and facilitate the identification and differentiation of containers (bags, bottles, etc.) used for the peripheral intravenous administration of infusion fluids, with or without injectable medicines.
To be followed at all times to reduce the risk of medication errors in MSF projects.