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Field Network kits (FNKs) or also called cyber kits are IT kits for field missions and projects.
There are 3 types of FNKs:
- mobile
- emergency
- fixed
They all have in common to be robust, convenient and plug-and-play solutions that can work despite environmental difficulties and be supported both locally and remotely.
Mobile field network kit:
The mobile field network kit is a portable, robust plug-and-play device. It provides an ad-hoc internet connection. By inserting SIM cards in it, the kit aggregates the cellular network of the country to provide you with an internet connection.
- can support up to 24 devices
- is carried as hand luggage
- 34 x 39 x 14 cm, 4.6 kg
- price between € 2500 and € 3500
Examples of contexts: distribution, exploration, outreach, assessment, mobile medical activities, operational research, emergency response, opening a project, temporary project or guest or expat house.
You need a cellular network coverage with data so that the kit can provide you with an internet connection. SIM cards need consumption follow-up to ensure the continuous operation of the kit. Reducing your costs also depends on the country rates of your mission.
Emergency field network kit:
The kit is designed to support first wave deployments and field activities in emergency contexts. With it you can quickly and easily set up a reliable internal network.
- can support up to 80 devices
- can be carried as check-in luggage
- 67 x 59 x 26 cm, 30 kg
- price between € 4500 and € 5000
Examples of contexts: assessment, vaccination campaign, emergency response, opening a project, temporary project or sub-office.
The emergency field network kit is intended for a first wave deployment. If you want full IT services, you will need to move to the fixed field network kit. To be plug-and-play, the kit needs to be checked by an ICT field support officer prior to shipping. You will need an internet connection (VSAT, ADSL WiMax...) to access online services and remote support.
Fixed field network kit:
The fixed field network kit will be the standard IT kit for every MSF mission and project. It supports your field activities with safe and reliable storage and full IT services. It can be customized for your specific needs.
- can support up to 80 devices
- to be sent by shipment
- 92 x 68 x 72 cm, 70 kg
- price between € 9000 and € 10000
Examples of contexts: coordination, hospital and health facilities, medium and large sites, long term sites, complex setup.
Advanced customisation and maintenance would require the intervention of an ICT officer (basic customisation can be done online). Shipment can take time according to local customs. You will need an internet connection (VSAT, ADSL WiMax...) to access online services and remote support.