HIV-AIDS drugs
Non-Communicable Diseases drugs
Laboratory - TB Culture
Laboratory - Bacteriology
TB drugs
NTDs/TriTryps drugs
Malaria drugs
Hepatitis B drugs
Hepatitis C drugs
Biomedical articles
Toyota Landcruiser order tool
Laboratory - Mini-Lab
Kenya Office
MSF SK technical approved
LOG Articles
A - Administration / Office
ADAP - Data processing
AFOO - Food for MSF teams
AFUR - Furniture
ALIF - Team life
ALST - Logistic stationery
AOFF -Office equipment
ASTA- Stationery
C - Camps & Construction
CBUI - Building
CCLI - Acclimatization
CSEM - Semi-perma structs
CSHE - Shelter
CWAS - Waste
CWAT - Water and sanitation
K - Kits
KADM - Administration kits
KBUI - Building kits
KCAM - Camp kits
KCOM - Communication kits
KLIB - Kit, Library
KPRO - Programme support kits
KTOO - Kits for tools
KTRA - Transport kits
KWAS - Waste kits
KWAT - Water and sanitation kits
N - Nutrition
NFOO - Food commodities
NSFO - Stat. food comm.
P - Programme support
PCOL - Cold chain
PCOM - Communication
PCOO - Cooking equipment
PELE - Electricity
PHDW - Hardware
PHYG - Hygiene
PHYP - Personal hygiene
PIDE - Identification
PPAC - Packing and handling
PPAI - Paint
PSAF - Safety and protective
PTOO - Tools
T - Transport
TAIR - Air transport accessories
TBOA - Boat and boat accessories
TMOT - Motorcycles and quads and acc.
TTOY - Toyota vehicles
TTRA - Agriculture machinery
TTRU - Trucks > 3.5 T
TTYR - Tyre
TVEA - Vehicle accessories
TVEC - Vehicle consumables
TVEH - Vehicle other than Toyota
TVEM - Vehicle modifications
TVES - Vehicles with special purposes
MED Articles
D - Drugs
DEXO - Ophtalmic drugs ext
DEXT - Drugs for external use
DINF - Infusions
DINJ - Injectable drugs
DORA - Oral drugs
DVAC - Vaccines
E - Medical equipment
EANE - Anaesthesia
EANT - Anthropometric equipment
EDDC - Drug dispensing
EDIM - Diagnostic Imaging equipment
EEMD - Electro mechanical medical devices
EHOE - Hospital furniture
EIMT - Inspection, measuring and test equipment
ELAB - Laboratory equipment
ELAE - Electrical laboratory equipment
ELIN - Linen and protection clothing
EMEQ - Small medical equipment
EPHY - Physiotherapy equipment
EPSY - Psychological support
ESTE - Sterilization material
K - Kits
KMED - Medical kits
KSUD - Dental surgical instr.
KSUI - Internal fixation inst.
KSUR - Surgical instruments
N - Nutrition
NFOS - Specialized food
NSFS - Stationary Specialized
S - Renewable medical supplies
SAST - Antibiotic Susceptibility Test
SBCM - Bacteriological culture media
SBQC - Bacterial strains Quality Control
SCTD - Catheters, tubes and drains
SDDC - Drug dispensing & compounding
SDIM - Diagnostic imaging supplies
SDIS - Disinfectants
SDRE - Dressings
SIGN - NAIL of SIGN material
SINS - Injection supplies
SLAS - Laboratory reagents
SMST - Medical stationery
SMSU - Small medical supplies
SPAP - ParaPharmacy
A - Administration / Office
C - Camps & Construction
D - Drugs
E - Medical equipment
K - Kits
L - Library
N - Nutrition
P - Programme support
S - Renewable medical supplies
T - Transport
X - Services
Y - Mechanical spare parts
IDIM - Diagnostic Imaging
IDRU - Drugs
ISRH - SRH activities
ILAB - Laboratory
ISUI - Surgical equipment
INUT - Nutrition
INUR - Nursing Care
Therapeutic Groups
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