Ballistic protection NIJ levels

Protection is vital to ensure safety and performance in challenging conditions, and understanding NIJ ballistic levels is essential for choosing the most appropriate ballistic levels of protection for your application.

RatingAmmunitionWeight (gram)Weight (gram)Min/Max (meters/sec)Min/Max (feet/sec)Number of shots
Level I.22 long rifle high velocity lead402.6

320 +/- 12

1050 +/- 405
Level I.38 special round nose lead15810.2

259 +/- 15

850 +/- 505
Level IIA.357 mag. jacketed soft point15810.2

381 +/- 15

1250 +/- 505
Level IIA9mm full metal jacket1248

332 +/- 12

1090 +/-405
Level II.357 mag. jacketed soft point15810.2425 +/- 151395 +/- 505
Level II9mm full metal jacket1248358 +/- 121175 +/- 405
Level IIIA.44 mag. lead semi-wadcutter gas24015.55426 +/- 151400 +/- 505
Level IIIA9 mm full metal jacket1248426 +/- 151400 +/- 505

Level III

7.62mm (.308 Winchester) full metal jacket1509.7838 +/- 152750 +/- 505
Level IV.30-06 armor piercing16610.8868 +/- 152850 +/-501

The NIJ provides five armor protection level classifications - IIA, II, IIIA, III and IV. The “A” in some levels refers to the fact that the jacket offers more protection than the previous level, but cannot meet the standard of the next level, so it is usually half a step. Although there is a level 1 armor, it is now obsolete and no longer approved by the NIJ due to its low resistance level.

Soft-body vests are generally level IIIA or below, while hard-body vests and ballistic protective equipment are generally level III or above, including armour plates. Each of the five levels of armor has distinct advantages over different types of ammunition:

  • Level IIA: This soft body armor is light and undetectable. The wearer is protected from 9mm and .40 Smith & Wesson bullets.
  • Level II: Level II is still easy to conceal and light yet offers greater protection than level IIA. It’s designed to protect the wearer from 9mm and .357 magnum ammunition from short-barrel handguns.
  • Level IIIA: Level IIIA is soft for easy flexibility but offers excellent protection against .357 SIG and .44 Magnum ammunition from longer-barrel handguns.
  • Level III: This hard body armor uses metal plates or other composite materials to withstand rifle rounds. The NIJ tests this armor to withstand 7.62mm FMJ lead core rifle ammunition.
  • Level IV: Level IV is the most powerful body armor available. It’s designed specifically for military applications and can withstand .30cal steel core armor-piercing rifle ammunition.
    NIJ standard levels
