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T0304 - Radiotherapy protection devices
European Medical Device Nomenclature (EMDN) is the nomenclature of use by manufacturers when registering their medical devices in the EUDAMED database. EMDN is characterised by its alphanumeric structure that is established in a seven-level hierarchical tree.
Thermosensitive codes are defined for storage and transportation temperature requirements of the products.

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SC subscriptions: included in supply or field tools
OC validations: approved for procurement and use by an OC for international or local orders specifying context and activity in Medical Standard Lists (MSL)


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A frontal apron with lead is worn by a person remaining in the X-ray room to assist a patient during an X-ray examination. It protects the front of the body against ionizing radiation during x-ray exposure.

This frontal apron is suitable for use when taking plain-film x-rays. It is not recommended for use with a fluoroscopic system (c-arm) in an operating theatre (when wrap-around protection is required). The full apron is recommended for use in an operating theatre.


Quality standards

  • EN 61331-1, 2014, Protective devices against diagnostic medical x-radiation - Part 1 : Determination of attenuation properties of materials
  • EN 61331-3, 2014, Protective devices against diagnostic medical X-radiation - Part 3 : Protective clothing, eyewear and protective patient shields
  • ISO 8194, 1987, edition 1, (confirmed 2019) Radiation protection - Clothing for protection against radioactive contamination - Design, selection, testing and use


  • Polymer made with lead
  • Inside lining: woven nylon
  • Outer lining:

Technical specifications

  • Frontal apron
  • Protection: 0.35 mm of lead
  • Knee-length
  • Crossover back straps
  • Wide and strong Velcro closures for easy-on/easy-off access


Small, medium, large and extra large available

Instructions for use

Always face the radiation source since the back is not protected.

Do not fold, put on a hanger to store after use in order to avoid tears or cracks (hanger: local purchase or manufacture).

Once a month, visually check for possible damage (tears/ cracks).

Once a year, take a radiograph of the apron - see the MSF X-ray User maintenance SOPs for instructions.. If radiation is penetrating through cracks in the lead, contact the DIWG as most likely it requires replacement.


  • See the MSF X-ray User maintenance SOPs for detailed instructions.
  • Clean regularly with soapy water (neutral soap) with a damp cloth, rinse and let dry away from sunlight.
  • Disinfect if needed with a 0.25 % detergent-disinfectant solution for surfaces (i.e. 20 ml = 1 sachet = 1 stroke of dosing pump for 8 l water). Do not rinse (contact time must be 15 minutes minimum and the product is not corrosive).
  • Do not machine wash, do not dry-clean, do not iron, do not sterilize by steam autoclave.


  • Temperature < 35ºC, Protect from sunlight
  • Do not fold; store on a hanger (but may be rolled up)

MSF requirements

Ensures optimal protection during x-ray examinations, except fluoroscopic (c-arm) examinations in an operating theatre.

Lead protective apron.

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