(clinical chem. NycoCard II) CALIBRATION DEVICE 1116821
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Last Updated on:
02/03/2025, 22:04:43
Single use
A single-use device, also referred to as a disposable device, is intended for use on one patient during a single procedure. It is not intended to be reprocessed (i.e., cleaned and disinfected or sterilized).
Shelf life = length of time a product can remain active and effective.
Short shelf life = shelf life = < 24 months
W0201069085 - Various rapid test chemistry / immunochemistry instruments - consumables
European Medical Device Nomenclature (EMDN) is the nomenclature of use by manufacturers when registering their medical devices in the EUDAMED database. EMDN is characterised by its alphanumeric structure that is established in a seven-level hierarchical tree.
(clinical chemistry NycoCard II) CONSUMABLES
Different consumables to be used with NycoCard: calibration device, pen ring, pen tip, capillary tubes and capillary holder.
- Capillary holder:
- length 5.5 cm - wide 1.8 cm
- Capillary tube:
- 5 µL - 200 units
- Calibration device:
- for white calibration, to be realised on regular basis
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Packaging & Labelling
- Capillary tubes: 200 tubes
- Pen rings, pen tips, calibration device : 10 units
- Capillary holder: 1 unit
Instructions for use
Follow the instruction and maintenance manuals
Please consult the “Updated laboratory procedures, 2022” available online via the Laboratory working Group sharepoint page: Laboratory Procedures and Resources.
For offline access, contact your laboratory advisor.
Guaranteed minimum remaining shelf life at delivery: 1/3 of total shelf life
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