(Pseudomonas test) PSEUDALERT REAGENTS 100ml, 200pcs
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(Pseudomonas test) PSEUDALERT REAGENTS 100ml, 200pcs
Each box contains 200 reagents for 100mL sample water size P. aeruginosa detection test.
To perform the complete test, you'll also need:
- 100mL glass (or that can be sterilized) sample bottles
- incubator
- UV lamp
1. Add the reagent to the sample. The sample turns yellow.
2. Incubate at 38°C (+/- 0.5°C) for 24 hours.
3. Read the results using the UV light. Blue fluorescence indicates the presence of P. aeruginosa.
Be aware that even a light fluorescence indicates the positivity of the test. If in doubt, incubate 4 hours of overtime (28h in total) at 38°C (+/-0.5°C). You can also use water without P. aeruginosa and use it as a negative reference when reading.
IDEXX Pseudalert detects or quantifies Pseudomonas aeruginosa in water in a 100ml format. The test is based on a bacterial enzyme detection technology that signals the presence through the hydrolysis of a substrate in the Pseudalert reagent.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa cells rapidly grow and reproduce using the nutrients present in the Pseudalert reagent. Actively growing strains have an enzyme that cleaves the substrate in the reagent to produce blue fluorescence under ultraviolet light. Pseudalert detects at 1 CFU per 100ml sample within 24 hours.