Choosing a truck is a very complex matter, which must always be discussed with your technical department.
A digital guide to help with the decision to "procure or rent" is available and allows, by going through different steps, to:
- process an analysis of your needs and the ability of your mission to manage and maintain a truck.
- decide between "procurement" or "rent" and in case of a choice to procure, between local procurement or international procurement (decision HQ).
- communicate between the field and head quarters about this topic
- capitalise on the analysis.
The digital guide is called "Truck Rent or Buy Analysis" and is available under the MSF tools and reference books in the digital catalogue and on SherLog.
Evaluation of needs, some guidance:
Begin by assessing your needs, answering the questions below as fully as possible, before considering possible solutions.
- When will the need for a truck begin?
- For how long?
- How many days per week?
- How many kilometres per week?
- For what kind of goods?
- What is the approximate payload needed?
- What is the approximate volume needed?
- How is the quality of the roads?
- What do other organizations do about transport?
- What is the fleet of trucks available locally regarding quantity, models, owners?
- Is it possible to use a local haulage contractor?
- Is it possible to rent a truck locally?
- Is it possible to share the transport capacity of other organisations?
- What type of truck do you need: a 4x2 or 4x4?
- Is it possible to buy a new or second-hand truck locally or regionally?
- What is the local availability of spare parts, and for which brands?
- Is it possible to recruit locally a good truck driver, a good driver's mate, and a good mechanic?
- Is there a good mechanical workshop in the area for repairs?
- Do you have the resources in terms of HR and materials to manage and maintain a truck?
The final decision should be taken between the operational section (mission and HQ) and the technical department.
An MSF truck allows for some flexibility and self-reliance in operations, while its management needs technical and HR means that should not be overlooked.
Contact your technical department to make the evaluation tool "procure or rent" available, for further discussions.
The procurement of a vehicle, either new or second-hand should always be discussed with your technical department and approved by them.
Possible solutions
- Contract with a local haulage firm
This is usually the best solution.
- Advantage: the haulage firm is responsible for the truck and for any problems occurring during transportation
- Disadvantage: less flexibility
A contract should be drawn up for each journey. This contract should clearly specify who is responsible for what with regards to loading and transportation.
For transport of sensitive or costly goods, or if there is a risk of theft, have an MSF staff member ride in the truck.
- Renting a truck locally
- Advantage: more flexibility
- Disadvantage: more work and more responsibilities for MSF
One contract should be adequate for all the journeys during the rental period.
This contract should clearly specify who is responsible for what with regards to the truck, its loading and the transportation.
Try to get the owner to assume responsibility for maintenance.
It is always preferable to rent a truck with a driver: although more expensive, this considerably reduces MSF's liability.
- Purchasing a truck
To be considered only as a last resort.
- advantage: more flexibility and independence
- disadvantages: significant investment, which will pay for itself only in the long term, and even then only if well managed (planning, maintenance, repairs, spare parts etc.)
It is essential to have a good and trustworthy truck driver, along with a driver's mate.
Of all the different possible options (new or second-hand truck, local or European purchase), buy a second-hand truck in Europe if you can. Avoid purchasing a second-hand truck locally.
Putting in place an adequate transport follow-up system is necessary to guarantee the security and operability of the material at a controlled cost.
The management of spare parts is quite complex.
In order to define the parts you need, you must first identify:
- the chassis type and number
- the engine type and number
- the year of assembly
- the front axle type and number
- the rear axle type and number
- the transfer box type and number (for 4x4)
- the gearbox type and number.
Finding part numbers in catalogues is a laborious task. However, if you give the suppliers the worn-out part and all the above information, they should be able to find the right part.
Vehicles are essential to the running of a project and must therefore be properly managed.
See the existing MSF guidelines on the subject.
The MSF set of documents that include guidelines and catalogues embody the collective experiences of medical and logistics technicians from all MSF sections, whose years of experience have been compiled with the aim of helping the field staff in their daily work, speed up our interventions, and standardize our practices.
The guidelines concerning methods and protocols for implementation were the first documents to be produced. They indicate the most effective way to face up to a problem in a limited resources environment. As their use is not exclusively reserved for MSF, they propose a wider selection than what is actually available in the field (e.g.: the MSF guidelines “essential drugs” mentions some products which are not used by MSF, but which are still used in some countries).
The catalogues are common to all MSF sections. They propose medical and non-medical products selected by the MSF referents as being the most suitable for a given situation. They are used as reference and technical support for missions and supply centres, as well as specifications for technicians, purchasers and persons in charge of articles’ quality control at reception.
- The LOGISTICS (1 volume) and MEDICAL (7 volumes) CATALOGUES constitute THE REFERENCE regarding the selection, the use, the maintenance and the storage of standard articles which are used in MSF missions.
- The KITS CATALOGUE (1 volume) allows for the planning and quantifying of emergency operations due to a description of the type of use and the detailed content of each kit.
Catalogues are updated during international working/contact group meetings and their content is validated by the medical directors of the five operational centres of MSF. They are bilingual (English/French)
The catalogues can be ordered together (as a set of 7 catalogues) or separately through your OC library focal point (Bibop).
The international MSF guidelines are available through the international medical guidelines website
Some international MSF guidelines are for internal use and only available for the MSF world. They are posted on the Sharepoint.
The catalogues are edited by SPINCO once a year. They are simultaneously published on paper, electronic format (memory key) and posted on the Intranet (Sharepoint), from the international masterdata platform, UniData, managed by SPINCO.
Since 2021, the new platform UniCat is accessible on the web. It also enables to see the articles with their technical sheet/FFF. The advantages of UniCat are the daily updates and the ease of use.
The technical sheets, the Form Fit & Function (FFF) specifications and the photos of articles can also be viewed in UniData at any time.
The electronic version on Sharepoint also includes:
- the international MSF guidelines which are linked to the medical or logistic catalogues
- “Clinical guidelines”
- “Essential drugs”
- “Essential obstetric and newborn care”
- “Management of a cholera epidemic”
- “Management of a measles epidemic”
- “Tuberculosis”
- “Public health engineering in precarious situations”
- “Refugee health”
- “Temporary Health Structures”
- “Blood transfusion”
- “Management of epidemic meningococcal meningitis”
- “Rapid health assessment of refugee or displaced populations”
- “Integrating HIV & TB care in basic health care package in MSF projects”
- “Paediatric HIV Handbook”
- “Neonatal care. Clinical and therapeutic guidelines”
- "Mental Helath and Psychosocial Support Guideline"
- “Laboratory manual”
- "MSF laboratory quality assurance manual"
- "Collection, storage and transport of samples"
- “Electrical Installations and Equipment in the Field”
- “Ultrasound manual. For trained practioners”
- “X-ray manual. Guidelines for implementation and provision of x-ray services”
- the MSF TOOLS: pictures of the surgical sets, medical, food and logistical stationary forms, Excel file with kit contents, summary of changes and some logistical guides
The MSF documents evolve for the most part thanks to continuous FEEDBACK from the field and from other users. Don’t hesitate to contact SPINCO ( or to tell us about your experience !
The Delivery part of the hospital kit is a complementary part to the ward.
- Material to perform about 50 deliveries
- Material for the care of 5 neonates
- All furniture is optional (delivery table, examination table, Mayo table, stretcher, stool, infant warmer)
It is composed of two main parts:
- Medical equipment
- Medicines and renewable medical supplies
Galenic formulations presented as co-formulations (a combination of several molecules in the same pharmaceutical form, know as "FDC" = fixed dose combination) are labelled with a "/" separating the different molecules.
Example: ATOVAQUONE 250mg / PROGUANIL HCl 100mg, tab., >40 kg
Galenical formulations presented as co-blisters (where molecules are in separate dosage forms but combined in the same blister pack) are labelled with a "+" symbol between the different molecules. The co-blister form is always mentioned in the label.
Example: SP 1 x 500/25mg + AQ 3 x eq.150-153mg base, coblister, 9-17kg
Some excipients are prohibited in paediatric medicines, such as benzyl alcohol in injectable formulations and ethanol in oral formulations (unless no other source is available). Additionally, oral paediatric medicines containing sucrose should be avoided whenever possible in children.
Abbreviation | INN (International Nonproprietary Name) | Root |
Antimalarial medicines | ||
AL | Artemether / Lumefantrine | DORAARLU |
AS | Artesunate | DEXTARTS |
AS/AQ | Artesunate / Amodiaquine | DORAASAQ |
AV/PG | Atovaquone / Proguanil | DORAATOP |
CQ | Chloroquine | DORACHLQ |
DHA/PPQ | Dihydroartemisinin / Piperaquine | DORADHAP |
MQ | Mefloquine | DORAMEFL |
PQ | Primaquine | DORAPRIM |
QN | Quinine | DORAQUIN |
SX/PYR | Sulfadoxine / Pyrimethamine | DORASULP |
SX/PYR + AQ | Sulfadoxine / Pyrimethamine + Amodiaquine | DORASPAQ |
Abbreviation | INN (International Nonproprietary Name) | Root |
Antituberculosis medicines | ||
Bdq | Bedaquiline | DORABEDA |
Cfz | Clofazimine | DORACLOF |
Cs | Cycloserine | DORACYCL |
Dlm | Delamanid | DORADELA |
E | Ethambutol | DORAETHA |
E/H/R | Ethambutol / Isoniazid / Rifampicin | DORAEHRI |
E/H/Z/R | Ethambutol / Isoniazid / Pyrazinamide / Rifampicin | DORAEHZR |
Eto | Ethionamide | DORAETHN |
H | Isoniazid | DORAISON |
H/Z/R | Isoniazid / Pyrazinamide / Rifampicin | DORAHZRI |
H/R | Isoniazid / Rifampicin | DORAHRIF |
Lfx | Levofloxacin | DORALEFX |
Lzd | Linezolid | DORALINE |
Mkx | Moxifloxacin | DORAMOXI |
PAS-sodium | Para-aminosalicylic sodium (PAS-sodium) | DORAPASS |
Pa | Pretomanid | DORAPRET |
Pto | Prothionamide | DORAPRON |
Z | Pyrazinamide | DORAPYRZ |
Rfb | Rifabutin | DORARIFB |
R | Rifampicin | DORARIFA DINJRIFA |
RPT | Rifapentine | DORARIFP |
Abbreviation | INN (International Nonproprietary Name) | Root |
Antiretrovirals | ||
ABC | Abacavir | DORAABCV |
ABC/3TC | Abacavir / Lamivudine | DORAABLA |
ATV | Atazanavir | DORAATAZ |
ATV/r | Atazanavir / Ritonavir | DORAATVR |
CAB | Cabotegravir | DINJCABO |
DVP | Dapivirine | DEXTDAPI |
DRV | Darunavir | DORADARU |
DRV/r | Darunavir / Ritonavir | DORADRVR |
DTG | Dolutegravir | DORADOLU |
EFV | Efavirenz | DORAEFAV |
ETV | Etravirine | DORAETRA |
3TC | Lamivudine | DORALAMI |
LPV/r | Lopinavir / Ritonavir | DORALPVR |
NVP | Nevirapine | DORANEVI |
RAL | Raltegravir | DORARALT |
r | Ritonavir | DORARITO |
TDF/FTC | Tenofovir / Emtricitabine | DORATEEM |
TDF/3TC | Tenofovir / Lamivudine | DORATELA |
TDF/FTC/EFV | Tenofovir / Emtricitabine / Efavirenz | DORATEEF |
TDF/3TC/EFV | Tenofovir / Lamivudine / Efavirenz | DORATELE |
VGCV | Valganciclovir | DORAVALG |
AZT | Zidovudine | DORAYIDO |
AZT/3TC | Zidovudine / Lamivudine | DORAYILA |
AZT/3TC/NVP | Zidovudine / Lamivudine / Nevirapine | DORAYILN |
Medicon reference
Almost all labels or surgical instruments give the Medicon reference at the end of the label. The reference has the following structure: 3 x 2 numbers separated by a dash e.g. 11-22-33.
The Medicon reference gives clear specifications for the article, but it remains an open article. Several sources (other than Medicon) are possible if the same quality level is met.
The reference of Medicon can also be used to view the article in their online catalogue (replace the dash by a dot to search in the Medicon catalogue).
Norms for surgical instruments
The technical commission 170 from ISO is responsible for the standardization in the field of surgical instruments
- ISO 7151:1988 (3rd edition is under development): Surgical instruments -- Non-cutting, articulated instruments -- General requirements and test methods
- specification of basic requirements for as well physical characteristics as workmanship, of the steel grades used and heat treatment of component parts, excluding rivets, screws and parts manufactured of material grade M.
- ISO 7153-1:2016: Surgical instruments -- Materials -- Part 1: Metals
- specifies metals commonly used to manufacture various types of standard surgical instruments, including but not limited to those used in general surgery, orthopaedics and dentistry.
- is not intended for surgical instruments used in special applications, such as implantology and minimally invasive surgery, parts of it might be applicable to those instruments.
- ISO 7740:1985 (reviewed and confirmed in 2021): Instruments for surgery -- Scalpels with detachable blades -- Fitting dimensions
- lays down the dimensions of two sizes of fitting features for detachable scalpel blades and the handles with which they are used. It secures a good fitting and interchangeability of detachable blades for scalpels
- ISO 7741: 1986 (reviewed and confirmed in 2017): Instruments for surgery -- Scissors and shears -- General requirements and test methods
- deals with materials, heat treatment and hardness of component parts, corrosion resistance, workmanship and cutting ability of scissors and shears used in the surgery and defines the test methods.
- ISO 13402:1995 (reviewed and confirmed in 2021): Surgical and dental hand instruments -- Determination of resistance against autoclaving, corrosion and thermal exposure
Metals used to manufacture surgical instruments
Since there are different requirements to various surgical instruments, there also have to be different requirements to the materials from which the instruments are manufactured. Not all of the materials are suited to use in every type of instrument.
For most types of surgical instruments materials which are known from experience to be suitable for those instruments are given in the tables of ISO 7153.
Surgical stainless steel
Surgical stainless steel is a grade of stainless steel used in biomedical applications. There is no formal definition on what constitutes a "surgical stainless steel", product manufacturers and distributors apply the term to refer to any grade of corrosion resistant steel.Table 4 of ISO 7153 lists the grades of stainless steels used in surgical instruments using the material number and short term according to EN 10088-1:2014.
The most common "surgical steels" are austenitic 316 stainless steels and martensitic 440 and 420 stainless steels.
440 and 420 stainless steels, known also by the name "Cutlery Stainless Steel", are high carbon steels alloyed with chromium. They have very good corrosion resistance compared to other cutlery steels, but their corrosion resistance is inferior to 316 stainless. Biomedical cutting instruments are often made from 440 or 420 stainless steel due to its high hardness coupled with acceptable corrosion resistance. This type of stainless steel may be slightly magnetic.
316 stainless steel, also referred to as marine grade stainless steel, is a chromium, nickel, molybdenum alloy of steel that exhibits relatively good strength and corrosion resistance.
Chemical composition of the stainless steels
Stainless steel is a steel alloy with a minimum of 10.5% chromium content by mass and a maximum of 1.2% carbon by mass.
Alloy steel is steel that is alloyed with a variety of elements in total amounts between 1.0% and 50% by weight to improve its mechanical properties.
The simplest steels are iron (Fe) alloyed with carbon (C): about 0.1% to 1%, depending on type. As the carbon percentage content rises, steel has the ability to become harder and stronger through heat treating; however, it becomes less ductile. Regardless of the heat treatment, a higher carbon content reduces weldability.
The term "alloy steel" is the standard term referring to steels with other alloying elements added deliberately in addition to the carbon.
- Si = silicium: increases the hardness and wear resistance
- Mn = manganese: can increase the tensile strength, could remove or improve the bad influence of Sulfur, could improve the hardening capacity of heat treatment. High content of Mn will cause worse welding capability and reduce the heat conductivity of steel = easier to cause cracks.
- Ni = nickel: could improve the tensile strength and toughness of cast steel, improve the hardening capacity of heat treatment. High content of Ni could improve the corrosion resistance and the properties of other alloys.
- P = phosphorus: reduces the plasticity and toughness of cast steel, especially at low temperature: better to keep it at less than 0.04%.
- S = sulfur: is the harmful impurity of cast steel, it causes fragility, especially after quenching heat treatment, and during machining at high temperature. A lower Sulfur is better (less than 0.04%).
- Mo = molybdenum: could improve the hardening capacity, and heat-resisting strength of heat treatment, = reducing the brittleness of quenching treatment. It can also improve the surface abrasive resistance.
- V = vanadium: promotes fine grain size, increases hardenability and improves wear resistance. Small amount of Vanadium increases the strength of steels significantly
Surgical stainless steels for families of products
Pressure force instruments and springs (haemostatic forceps, dissecting forceps, gripping forceps, surgical towel clamps, needle holding forceps, threading forceps, clamping forceps) ► martensitic steel
- The steel used must be springy and highly impact resistant.
- Carbon gives them hardness, while chromium gives them corrosion resistance.
- The steel have to undergo a complex, rigorous heat treatment which allows the steel to be hardened; otherwise they will bend the first time they are used.
- The steel must be carefully polished; the quality of the polishing determines the corrosion resistance.
Instruments that cut by shearing (scissors curettes, raspatories, gouge shears, cutting forceps) ► martensitic steel
- The steel used has a higher percentage of carbon than for the pressure force instruments in order to increase hardness.
- The percentage of chromium is the same to give corrosion resistance, while incorporation of molybdenum makes up the balance and improves the cutting qualities.
Instruments that cut by percussion (chisel shears, osteotomes, gouges) ⇒ martensitic steel
- For the cutting part, the heat treatment and polishing are the same as for instruments that cut by shearing.
- For the non cutting part, the heat treatment and polishing are the same as for pressure force instruments.
Static function instruments: self-retaining retractors, long-handles retractors, valves, specula, dilators) ► martensitic or austenitic steel
Miscellaneous instruments (instrument boxes, obstetrical hook, manual drill) ► austenitic steel
Hard metals used in surgical instruments
Alloy type used for instruments with wear protection (inserts or coating):
- cobalt-chrome-tungsten: for scissors
- tungsten carbide cobalt-binder: for forceps and needle holders
- tungsten carbide nickel-binder: for forceps, scissors and needle holders
Tungsten carbide is a chemical compound containing equal parts of tungsten and carbon atoms. It is approximately twice as stiff as steel and is double the density of steel—nearly midway between that of lead and gold.
Tungsten Carbide materials have a unique combination of properties, high compressive strength, hardness and resistance to wear, as well as an ability to withstand shock and impact.
The binder in most grades of Tungsten Carbide is cobalt. The other binder used is nickel. The binder is added as a percentage by weight varying from 3% to 30%. The amount of binder used is a very important factor in determining the properties of each grade. As a rule of thumb the lower the cobalt content the harder the material will become. However variation in grain size and additives can upset this rule.
Titanium used in surgical instruments
Different grades of pure titanium and titanium alloy are used in surgical instruments. Information about the quality can be found in ISO 5832 Implants for surgery -- Metallic materials
Retractors and probes: pure titanium = Unalloyed Commercially Pure (CP) Titanium, ISO implant quality 5832-2 grade 1, 2, 3 and 4. Grade 1 has the highest corrosion resistance, formability and lowest strength, grade 4 offers the highest strength and moderate formability.
A titanium alloy (ISO 5832-3) can be used for: forceps, scissors, retractors, probes, needle holders, springs, screws, rivets, guide pins.
Titanium is naturally a grey metal, but by anodizing the surgical instruments, manufacturers change the surface properties of the metal. Titanium surgical instruments are typically blue. The anodizing also makes the surgical instruments non-reflective so that there is no glare.
Titanium surgical instruments offer several advantages over stainless steel instruments:
- lightweight: reduces hand fatigue especially during long surgical procedures
- high tensile strength.
- durable, even after repeated autoclaving without damaging the surfaces or cutting edges
- corrosion resistant, non-ferrous (it will not rust), non-magnetic (=MRI compatible) and bio-compatible.
A protocol for starting an orthopaedic programme with internal fixation exists for the MSF missions.
The authorization to practise internal fixations in an MSF mission must meet all the criteria listed in the reference document. They are absolute minimum criteria checked and signed by a referent before implementing such a programme.
The articles can only be used in projects where the prerequisites for internal fixation are already in place and internal fixation is ongoing with good follow up of surgical complications and surgical infections.
Only orthopedic surgeons are allowed to use these sets.
For information follows a non-exhaustive and non-detailed list about the means which must be present.
Material means
- Operation suite: electricity, air, water, electric cautery, tourniquet, single use gowns, surgical gloves, alcohol hand rub, iodineskin preparations...
- Sterilization: existing sterilization circuit (clean/dirty), autoclave with cycle at 134°C, MSF protocols for sterilization, tracability and sterilization indicators ...
- Radiology: must be present...
- Laboratory: blood transfusion, bacteriology examinations...
- In Patient Department: clear separation infected and not...
Human Resources
- OT nurse
- Ward nurse
- Surgeons: qualified "MSF" orthopedics
- Physiotherapist
- Prothesist
- Anesthetist...
- Antibiotics
- Thromboembolic prevention
- Pain
Data collection
- Data collection according existing forms
- Implementing evaluation systems in the different parts: sterilization, data collection, complications, anesthaesia quality, mortality...
All articles for internal fixation are closed: manufacturer is STRYKER or SIGN.
Codification of the articles: manufacturer (STRY or SIGN) followed by the reference of the manufacturer.
The content of these lists may change for several reasons. MSF is always looking for the best products in terms of quality/price ratio and the manufacturer can also update his product list.
Precatalog Text (English)
A laboratory should be adapted to the specific needs of a project. As there are many different set-ups and activities there is no standard kit for a complete laboratory.
Select and combine standard laboratory modules to start laboratory activities according to the projects needs.
Modules generally can contain different types of items;
- equipment or investment material, to be ordered once
- renewable supplies for sample collection and transport and carrying out the tests
- specific reagents for each test
When ordering the modules initially, make sure all 3 components are selected (equipment + renewable supplies + reagents). Afterwards items can be separately ordered according to the actual consumption.
There are different types of laboratory modules:
- sample collection and transport
- general laboratory tests, including basic analysis in epidemic contexts
- transfusion
- bacteriology laboratoire, Mini-Lab
The hospital kit is modular. You don’t order the hospital kit as a whole, but you order the part according the context and the activities you are carrying out.
6 main activity focal points
- OPD = out patient department: 10 000 persons/3 months
- Advanced medical post = AMP: 300 patients (50% severe)
- Emergency room: 300 severe patients
- Hospital ward: 20 to 40 beds / 300 patients
- and complementary module to the ward : delivery room: 50 deliveries
- Operating suite: 100 interventions
- Intensive care unit: 4 beds
4 support activities
These activities are mostly presented as an option
- Central sterilisation part: choose between the 90 or 39 litres autoclave
- Laboratory part: rapid diagnostic tests, equipment, reagents, …
- Central pharmacy part containing cold chain equipment
- Divers modules
The 6 main activities are composed of 2 or 3 parts each:
- Medical equipment (sometimes split into 2 parts like in the operating suite activities)
- Medicines and medical renewable supplies
- Complementary part (for OPD, advanced medical post, and ward)
In these parts, some modules are mandatory and other modules are optional.
Sometimes two articles/modules are indicated as Choice : it is mandatory to order one the two proposed choices according to the context.
The modules that are common to the different parts are called hospital modules:
(module hospital) | Code |
(mod hospital) equipment | KMEDMHHE… |
(mod hospital) medicines | KMEDMHHM… |
(mod hospital) medical supplies | KMEDMHHS… |
The modules that are specific to a main activity are indicated by a letter in the code:
- C: OPD/consultations: 10 000 persons/3 months
- A: advanced medical post: 300 patients (50% severe)
- E: emergency room: 300 severe patients
- W: Ward: 20 to 40 beds / 300 patients
- O: Operating room: 100 interventions
- I: intensive care unit: 4 beds
Equipment | Medicines | Medical supplies | |
OPD | (mod OPD) equipment KMEDMHCE | (mod OPD) medicines KMEDMHCM | (mod OPD) medical supplies KMEDMHCS |
AMP | (mod AMP) equipment KMEDMHAE | (mod AMP) medicines KMEDMHAM | (mod AMP) medical supplies KMEDMHAS |
Emergency room | (mod emergency) equipment KMEDMHEE | (mod emergency) medicines KMEDMHEM | (mod emergency) medical supplies KMEDMHES |
Ward | (mod ward) equipment KMEDMHWE | (mod ward) medicines KMEDMHWM | (mod ward) medical supplies KMEDMHWS |
Operating suite | (mod OT) equipment KMEDMHOE | (mod OT) medicines KMEDMHOM | (mod OT) medical supplies KMEDMHOS |
Intensive Care | (mod ICU) equipment KMEDMHIE | (mod ICU) medicines KMEDMHIM | (mod delivery) medical supplies KMEDMHID |
4 support activities
These activities are mostly presented as options, but the sterilization and the pharmacy must be ordered with one of the main activities.
- Central sterilization part: choose the 90 litres or 39 litres autoclave
- Laboratory part: modules rapid diagnostic tests, sampling, transport, reagents, equipment, transfusion, blood bank, clinical chemistry blood analyser
- Central pharmacy part including cold chain equipment, refrigerator or deep freezer, library, stationary, and blood bank refrigerator.
- Divers modules:
- TB and ARV medicines
- Emergency box KMEDKFAI5--
- Module PEP
- Gynecology-obstetrical material
- VHF investigation module
- Module with medicines for the team
- Basic book kit
- Stationary module
- Some optional modules (injectable and oral antimalarial drugs, rape management)
Instructions for use
Examples of use:
- Displaced camp
- OPD + Sterilisation 39l + Pharmacy
- OPD + Sterilisation 39l + Pharmacy + Observation beds
- Conflict with hospital intervention
- ER +/‐ OPD, +/‐ AMP
- Ward 30 beds/400 patients
- OT suite + 1 OT room + 100 procedures
- Sterilisation 90l
- Pharmacy
- Earthquakes
- ER + Ward 30 beds/400 patients
- OT suite + 2 OT room + 200 procedures
- Sterilisation 90l
- Pharmacy
- Complementary delivery
- Physiotherapy module
Advanced medical post for 300 patients, of which 50% severe
- To manage medical, surgical, gynaecological/obstetrical and paediatric cases
- Severe patients must be stabilised and referred by ambulance to the hospital (2 hours drive)
- Exceptionally the patient can stay overnight
- No power
- Full treatment course for “green” ones
- 300 patients:
- 15% red = 45
- 25 % yellow = 75
- 10% black = 30
- 50% green = 150
- The presence of a medical doctor is required
It is composed of 3 parts
- Medical equipment
- Medicines and renewable medical supplies
- Complementary part if electricity available
The support activities Sterilisation and Pharmacy are mandatory in one of the 6 main activity focal points.
You will find hereafter the new organization of the TOOL KITS which includes 4 basic kits and several complementary kits for specific needs.
Basic kits
Basic tool set, essential in every MSF mission for small logistic jobs. This kit is complementary to KPROKTOO29-.
Tool kit essential for the maintenance and the realization of certain repairs of your Land Cruiser vehicle fleet. Could be extended upon request.
KPROKTOO3--:KIT TOOLS, workshop infrastructure
Complete equipment intended for setting up a mechanical workshop allowing vehicles maintenance and certain vehicles repairs.
KPROKTOO4--: KIT, TOOLS, carpentry
Selection of tools for carpentry jobs.
Complementary kits
KPROKTOO21-: KIT TOOLS, consumables
Selection of consumables needed in a mechanical workshop. A periodic order is to be submitted to replenish the stocks.
KPROKTOO23-: KIT TOOLS, complementary for truck
Selection of tools complementary to KPROKTOO029 intended for the maintenance and certain repairs on trucks.
KPROKTOO35-: TOOL KIT installation glued WINDSHIELD
Tools and equipment to take out an old windshield, clean the surfaces and place and hold the new windshield while the glue is drying.
KPROKTOO31-: KIT COMPRESSOR, 100 litres + accessories
Compressor with a tank volume of 100 litre and its module of accessories (to inflate inner tyres, to blow air for cleaning purposes). The module with accessories is identical for 3 different compressor kits.
A compressor is indispensable equipment for a mechanical workshop.
Make sure to check the quality of the power source (starting factor 3 to 5).
KPROKTOO311: KIT COMPRESSOR, <50 litres + accessories
Compressor with a tank volume of less or around 50 litre and its module of accessories (to inflate inner tyres, to blow air for cleaning purposes).
This kit with a compressor of +/- 50 litre (2 HP) is recommended for a mechanical workshop where the starting capacity of a compressor of 100 liters (3 HP) might be difficult.
Make sure to check the quality of the power source (starting factor 3 to 5).
KPROKTOO312: KIT COMPRESSOR, 200 litres + accessories
Compressor with a tank volume of or around 200 litre and its module of accessories (to inflate inner tyres, to blow air for cleaning purposes) as well as a module of painting accessories.
This compressor of 200 litre (3 to 4 HP) is recommended for a mechanical workshop where painting activities are done, which is an operation that requires a constant air flow.
Make sure to check the quality of the power source (starting factor 3 to 5).
Arc-welding unit of inverter type and accessories, 230 V and ± 160 A. Make sure to check the quality of the power source, this equipment needs a stable power supply.
Portable screwdriver/drilling machine supplied with spare battery, set of drill bits to drill in metal and screwdriver bits as well as protective goggles.
KPROKTOODRI: KIT HAMMER DRILLING machine 230V + accessories
Electrical hammer drilling equipment used to make holes. The drilling machine is supplied with a set drill bits for drilling in metal and in concrete, as well as protective goggles.
Electrical tool used to cut, trim, brush and polish. Supplied with discs with diameter of 125 mm for different purposes and with protection material.
KPROKTOOGR2: KIT ANGLE GRINDER, Ø230mm + accessories
Electrical tool used to cut and trim. Supplied with discs with diameter of 230 mm for different purposes and with protection material.
KPROKTOOTW-: KIT TIN WELDING ± 80-100W, 230V + accessories
Electric heating device allowing a brazing operation, by the contribution of a metal: tin. It is used to braze electrical contacts and electronic parts.
All tools are codified according to the MSF codification system, but for certain tools, MSF uses a reference of the supplier Facom at the end of the label. Nevertheless, this does not mean that all tools sent to the field are of the brand Facom. The actual brand selected and sent, varies according to supply centres, the intended use in the field (intensive use or not) and of the availability on the market with regards to the quality-price ratio..
The nail systemis composed of the intra-medullary nails with sliding screw system needed to insert the nail.
It contains the nailing instruments set, the spare parts, the different sizes of reamers, screws and nails (=implants).
When making an initial order for the Gamma nail, one of each set should be ordered which corresponds to the management of 40 patients. Established trauma centers may need to order more implants depending on the consumption.
Instructions for use
Used for intertrochanteric and subtrochanteric fractures of the femur.
Article to be justified
Only orthopedic surgeons are allowed to use this set.
There has to be a certain number of intertrochanteric and subtrochanteric fractures being admitted and treated in the trauma center to justify its order since not all trauma centers admit and treat these type of fractures.
See introduction KSUI
The system is composed of a lag screw, a side plate, cortical screws and accessories to insert the screw into the site of the fracture of the proximal femur.
Instructions for use
The Omega 3 System is indicated for closed fractures of the proximal femur which include
- simple and complicated pertrochanteric and intertrochanteric fractures
- fractures of the femoral neck and certain subtrochanteric fractures
Article to be justified
Only orthopedic surgeons are allowed to use this set.
There has to be a certain number of of femoral neck fractures, pertrochanteric and subtrochanteric fractures being admitted and treated in the trauma center to justify its order since not all trauma centers admit and treat this type of fractures.
See introduction to KSUI
A protocol for starting an orthopaedic programme with internal fixation exists for the MSF missions.
The authorization to practise internal fixations in an MSF mission must meet all the criteria listed in the reference document. They are absolute minimum criteria checked and signed by a referent before implementing such a programme.
The articles can only be used in projects where the prerequisites for internal fixation are already in place and internal fixation is ongoing with good follow up of surgical complications and surgical infections.
Only orthopedic surgeons are allowed to use these sets.
The operating suite part can be ordered only if hospital beds are already present.
The operating suite part contains general medical equipment for a maximum of 2 operating rooms.
Each operating room includes its own equipment, plus the equipment for the recovery room.
One or two operating theatres can be ordered according to the planned activities.
The supplies are calculated for 100 interventions.
The operating suite part cannot be sent if there is no skilled surgeon with anaesthetist and an OT nurse present on the spot.
It is composed of 3 main parts
1. General medical equipment for the whole operating suite and the modules of the support activities (laboratory, sterilization, divers modules, pharmacy)
2. Medical equipment part for 1 operating room (OT 1 room) + 1 recovery room. This part needs to be ordered the number of times according the number of OR.
3. Medicines and renewable medical supplies for 100 interventions
The support activities Sterilisation and Pharmacy are mandatory in one of the 6 main activity focal point.
Choice : it is mandatory to order one the two proposed choices
- In part 1 (equipment for the whole operating suite) an autoclave must be ordered: either the 39 litres autoclave (if small number of small interventions planned), either the 90 litres autoclave (that enables to sterilize all type/size of instrument sets), both presented as choices
- In part 2 (medical equipment for 1 operating room) it is mandatory to order either the manual anaesthesia circuit (Diamedica DPA 02), either the anaesthesia ventilor “Glostavent Helix”, both presented as choices.
The ward equipment part contains the necessary material for 20 to 40 beds, the medicines and renewable supplies part if for about 400 patients:
- Inpatient ward, with post‐operative care
- Option: physiotherapy/traumatology
Depending of the activities, in particular surgical ones, the equipment for additional beds must be increased.
It is composed of 3 parts
- Medical equipment part for 20 to 40 beds: this part needs to be ordered the number of times according the number of beds present in the hospital
- Medicines and renewable medical supplies for 400 patients. To be multiplied, like the equipment, according the number of patients expected.
- The Delivery part of the hospital kit is a complementary part to the ward
The support activities Sterilisation and Pharmacy are mandatory in one of the 6 main activity focal point.
SPINCO is the driver for effective collaboration across the movement to deliver a central source of trusted product information that enables continuous process improvements.
SPINCO is the unit of MSF that was proposed and developed by the logistics and medical departments with the name ITC. The International Technical Coordination was officially recognised at International level in 1994 to maintain consistency in the choice of medical and non-medical articles between MSF sections in order to improve MSF interventions, while taking into account field realities. In 2006 ITC was integrated into MSF International.
The core role is coordinating the expression of the demand of articles (medical and non medical) and ensure it is properly translated for supply whose role is to fulfil that demand. For the last 25 years, SPINCO (former ITC) has been coordinating, producing and dispatching MSF catalogues within the movement which have been developed over all these years to be aligned with the operational needs in the field.
In 2016 UniData has been implemented, which is the unique central article database of MSF that contains all the products created in MSF, avoiding duplication, improving the articles description. Therefore, it provides visibility on the expression of the demand and helps streamlining supply chain processes. UniData details standard, non-standard and non-standard local products, with their descriptions, available for the field and shares article changes with the MSF movement.
SPINCO has been continuously implementing new tools and projects according to operational field priorities. Whilst the focus remains on making the product information available, by integrating UniData with systems and tools across MSF, UniData brings us up to date with the today’s way of working.
The mission of SPINCO is fourfold:
Social Mission Focus
To contribute towards MSF’s social mission by enabling improvements to field operations through the provision of product information to all layers in the organisation. This enables product quality and visibility for better quality of care, enables assortment management, improves supply chain performance and increases overall interoperability whilst reducing duplications of effort.
To continuously improve the quality of product information by developing and enforcing information governance rules, definitions and processes. This is done in close cooperation with multiple stakeholders in the domains of Operations, Medical, Logistics and Supply.
Information management
To provide a single source of truth for the product information and ensure that it is available in real time throughout the MSF movement and is accessible together with supporting information via a centralised point.
Co-ordination & Expertise
To provide expertise through product knowledge, services and tools that enable technical integration between the SPINCO systems & tools that manage the information and the MSF systems & tools used in assortment management, supply chain management and other processes for which information managed in SPINCO systems is needed.
The OPD kit is aimed for a general OPD: 10 000 people / 3 months
- Includes the full treatment course for the patient
- The severe cases must be referred: there is no Oxygen, no transfusion
- Contains small size sterilization equipment: 39 litres autoclave and few injectable medicines
It is composed of 3 parts
- Medical equipment
- Medicines and renewable medical supplies
- Optional complementary part with observation beds
The support activities Sterilisation and Pharmacy are mandatory in one of the 6 main activity focal points.
Emergency room for 300 patients and 4 beds/boxes:
- General emergencies: medical, surgical, gynaecological/obstetric, paediatric
- The patient receives only the first dose of treatment (it is not an OPD = outpatient department)
- The patient is referred rapidly to one of the hospital wards
- A medical doctor trained in the management of complicated emergencies must be present.
It is composed of 2 parts
- Medical equipment
- Medicines and renewable medical supplies
The support activities Sterilisation and Pharmacy are mandatory in one of the 6 main activity focal points.
The Intensive Care Kit (ICU kit) is intended to be used as part of the hospital kit for various types of critical care services (HDU, ICU ..).
The ICU part can only be ordered together with:
- the OPD part
- the ward part (minimum 1 ward)
- the operating theatre part (minimum 1 operating room)
- the 4 mandatory support activities modules:
- laboratory
- sterilization
- pharmacy
- divers modules
The kit contains equipment necessary for a mixed critical care unit (4 beds).
The ICU part can not be ordered if you are not located in a fully equipped hospital with skilled ICU staff, that can ensure a presence 24 hours a day.
It is composed of 2 parts
- Medical equipment for 4 beds
- Medicines and renewable medical supplies
Diagnostic equipment and supplies are included in the two parts
Stationary materials and other miscellaneous parts are included in the renewable supplies.
The kit is organised in different modules with a basic configuration (only mandatory modules) and an advanced configuration (some or all optional modules). This is intended to give flexibility and to be better adapted to each and every field.
Optional modules that can be added as needed depending on the type, level of care, skills and structure in which they are used.
Although specialised activities were taken into account, purely specialised services such as burn ICUs, paediatric ICUs and neonatal ICUs should use an order with a medical standard list as some items and quantities might not be suitable.
The kit contains internationally controlled substances (= psychotropic and narcotic drugs). It might be necessary to get an Import Licence from receiving National Authorities for these drugs.
Choice : it is mandatory to order one the two proposed choices
In part medical equipment it is mandatory to order either the English version, either the French version for the syringe pump “Agilia SP MC” and the defibrillator "AED Pro", both presented as choice.
All options, indicated as "OPTION" (column "Tot Qty"), must be ordered in addition.
Stopped article
=> an article that is no longer supplied by MSF,
indicated with a grey banner mentioning “OUTDATED”
The article is either obsolete or an item which is no longer produced. Nevertheless, its entry in the catalogue allows the reasons for its withdrawal to be explained, for a potential replacement item to be suggested and for the accessories, consumables and spare parts supply to be continued.
Code ending by “+++”
=> technical sheet describing several articles
This signifies an item which comes in different models or sizes.
WARNING: That code can never be used to place an order! The exact codes of the different presentations of an item are written directly underneath the common label of that item.
=> lists of essential articles to set up specific activities
- “Laboratory” checklists are intended to help you order the required equipment and reagents to carry out different laboratory tests.
- “Hygiene” checklists aim to highlight the points to be considered in order to improve hygiene of MSF programs.
- “Diagnostic imaging” checklists are intended to help you order all the required articles related to an x-ray machine as well as the related bibliography.
- “Internal fixation” checklists are intended to list all articles for internal fixation with the Stryker Plating System (SPS) or all articles for the intra-medullar Nail of Sign.
Essential for harmonizing supplies on the field, the standardization process consists in clearly defining the most suitable equipment and supplies for a given situation, according to the following criteria:
- observance of the policies defined by the MSF medical and logistic directors
- quality and efficiency within the framework of MSF programmes
- easy maintenance and supply of spare parts/consumables
- “international agreement”: validation by all MSF sections
- purchasable by at least one European Supply Centre (ESC)
Therefore, a standard article has gone through a standardization process, supervised by SPINCO and is the best choice for field use.
Normally, articles are OPEN => “open articles” refer to a GENERIC PRODUCT, which corresponds to a set of technical specifications fulfilling a given function.
This means that all products with the technical specifications as described in the technical sheet are liable to be purchased regardless of their brand. Each MSF section may choose the product to be supplied as long as the required technical specifications are met.
E.g.: Several manufacturers make an external hard disk which meets the technical specifications of the article
Occasionally , some articles are CLOSED => “closed articles” refer to a SPECIFIC PRODUCT of a certain model and brand.
This means that the article is a particular model of a particular brand, and all MSF centres must supply exactly the same model of the same brand. Closed articles have been selected due to quality and/or safety reasons by international working groups, including technicians of different sections. They are mainly (electrical) apparatuses where maintenance and supply of spare-parts, accessories and consumables are mandatory, and adapted to specific MSF conditions (dust, heat etc.).
E.g.: The article “CONCENTRATOR O2 (DeVilbiss 525KS)” refers only to the 525KS model manufactured by DeVilbiss.
Although every medical response should be specifically planned based on information provided by the exploratory mission and reliable data, a kit containing essential items is nonetheless useful for an emergency. Intended for emergency contexts, the kits are ready to be delivered within a very short timeframe.
A module is a set of articles which is either a part of a kit or the optional complement to a kit.
In case the order of an article has to be justified, one or more justification codes (P, M, E, F, A, S) appear on the top of the technical sheet in the catalogue, and in a separate column on the order list. These codes give the reasons why the order of that article has to be justified. A more detailed explanation can be found in the catalogue, under the heading “Article to be justified”.
The request for justification aims at ensuring the programs’ quality, preventing medical risks, and highlighting the existence of programs that the medical or logistics department needs to be aware of.
Article reserved for a specific program (e.g.: drugs used in TB programs) or for specific applications (e.g.: HIV testing equipment used for pre-transfusion screening in surgical programs).
Article involving a potential medical risk if misused. Its use is reserved for duly trained staff having sufficient knowledge of the medical context which is concerned (e.g.: drugs used in the treatment of angina pectoris).
■ Particular case:
Drug implying a potential risk of abuse and which must be used and/or prescribed by duly trained staff, and safely managed. It may be subject to particular national or international controls (e.g.: narcotic and psychotropic drugs).
Expensive article of which the choice has to be justified in comparison with cheaper alternatives, considering the cost-effectiveness, the sustainability of the program and the severity of the situation (e.g.: surgical sets for external fixators).
Article newly introduced in the MSF list, for which additional information is necessary in terms of criteria for use, evaluation, consumption, ease of use, follow up of side effects, etc.
Article that needs to be adapted to each situation after a technical evaluation (e.g.: bungalow containers of which the configuration is specific to each installation).
Article must only be used if the first choice is not available or cannot be used in a specific context
Once the order of an article has been justified and agreed by the medical or logistics department for one project, there is no need to justify the following orders of the same article for the same project.
CAUTION: All orders of non-standard medical articles have to be justified
Medicines | |
tab. | Tablet |
break. tab. | Breakable tablet |
disp. tab. | Dispersible tablet |
orodisp. tab. | Oro-dispersible tablet |
scored tab. | Scored tablet |
chewable tab. | Chewable tablet |
effervescent tab. | Effervescent tablet |
soluble tab. | Soluble tablet |
prolonged. release tab. | Prolonged/ sustained release tablet |
gastro-resistant tab. | Enteric coated/ gastro-resistant tablet |
muco-adhesive tab. | Muco-adhesive tablet |
sublingual tab. | Sub-lingual tablet |
immediate relase tab. | Immediate release tablet |
heatstable tab./caps. | Heat-stable |
heatsensitive tab./caps. | Heat-sensitive |
caps. | Capsule |
prolonged release caps. | Prolonged/sustained release capsule |
gastro-resistant caps. | Enteric coated/ gastro-resistant capsule |
soft caps. | Soft capsule / soft gelatine capsule |
immediate relase caps. | Immediate release (soft) capsule |
gran. | Granules |
sol. for nebulizer | Solution for nebuliser |
powder oral susp. | Powder for oral suspension |
oral sol. | Oral solution |
oral susp. | Oral suspension |
flex. bag | Flexible bag |
semi-rigid bot. | Semi-rigid bottle (for infusion) |
amp. | Ampoule |
bot. | Glass bottle |
syr. | Syringe |
dent.cartr. | Cartridge (dental) |
autoinj.pref. | Auto-injector prefilled (=Pen) |
N (at end of the label) | Insulin from Novo Nordisk |
L (at end of the label) | Insulin from Lilly |
S (at end of the label) | Insulin from Sanofi |
sol. | Solution |
rectal caps. | Rectal capsules |
rectal sol. | Rectal solution |
tab. | Tablet |
vaginal tab. | Vaginal tablet |
impregnated comp. | Impregnated compress |
EML | Essential Medicines List |
EMLc | Essential Medicines List for children |
IM | Intramuscular (injection) |
IV | Intravenous (injection) |
SC | Subcutaneous (injection) |
TB | tuberculosis |
NTDs | Neglected Tropical Diseases |
HIV | Human immunodeficiency Virus |
Antimalarial medicines | ||
AL | Artemether / Lumefantrine | |
AS | Artesunate | |
AS/AQ | Artesunate / Amodiaquine | |
AV/PG | Atovaquone / Proguanil | |
CQ | Chloroquine | |
DHA/PPQ | Dihydroartemisinin / Piperaquine | |
MQ | Mefloquine | |
PQ | Primaquine | |
QN | Quinine | |
SX/PYR | Sulfadoxine / Pyrimethamine | |
SX/PYR + AQ | Sulfadoxine / Pyrimethamine + Amodiaquine |
Antituberculosis medicines | ||
Bdq | Bedaquiline | |
Cfz | Clofazimine | |
Cs | Cycloserine | |
Dlm | Delamanid | |
E | Ethambutol | |
E/H/R | Ethambutol / Isoniazid / Rifampicin | |
E/H/Z/R | Ethambutol / Isoniazid / Pyrazinamide / Rifampicin | |
Eto | Ethionamide | |
H | Isoniazid | |
H/Z/R | Isoniazid / Pyrazinamide / Rifampicin | |
H/R | Isoniazid / Rifampicin | |
Lfx | Levofloxacin | |
Lzd | Linezolid | |
Mkx | Moxifloxacin | |
PAS-sodium | Para-aminosalicylic sodium (PAS-sodium) | |
Pa | Pretomanid | |
Pto | Prothionamide | |
Z | Pyrazinamide | |
Rfb | Rifabutin | |
R | Rifampicin | |
RPT | Rifapentine |
Antiretrovirals | ||
ABC | Abacavir | |
ABC/3TC | Abacavir / Lamivudine | |
ATV | Atazanavir | |
ATV/r | Atazanavir / Ritonavir | |
CAB | Cabotegravir | |
DVP | Dapivirine | |
DRV | Darunavir | |
DRV/r | Darunavir / Ritonavir | |
DTG | Dolutegravir | |
EFV | Efavirenz | |
ETV | Etravirine | |
3TC | Lamivudine | |
LPV/r | Lopinavir / Ritonavir | |
NVP | Nevirapine | |
RAL | Raltegravir | |
r | Ritonavir | |
TDF/FTC | Tenofovir / Emtricitabine | |
TDF/3TC | Tenofovir / Lamivudine | |
TDF/FTC/EFV | Tenofovir / Emtricitabine / Efavirenz | |
TDF/3TC/EFV | Tenofovir / Lamivudine / Efavirenz | |
VGCV | Valganciclovir | |
AZT | Zidovudine | |
AZT/3TC | Zidovudine / Lamivudine | |
AZT/3TC/NVP | Zidovudine / Lamivudine / Nevirapine |
Specialized food | |
RUTF | Ready to use therapeutic food |
RUSF | Ready to use supplementary food |
RTU | Ready to use |
LNS | Lipid-based Nutrient Supplement |
Médical material | |
s.u. | Single use |
s.p. | Single patient multiple use |
neon. | neonate |
adol. | adolescent |
ad. | adult |
l | Liter |
ml | Milliliter |
µl | Microliter |
m | Meter |
cm | centimeter |
mm | millimeter |
kg | kilogrammes |
g | grammes |
µm | Micrometer, micron |
ID | inside diameter |
OD | outside diameter |
n° | Number |
w/o | Without |
ref | Reference |
L | Large |
M | Medium |
S | Small |
XL | Extra-large |
XXL | 2-Extra-large |
V | Volt |
W | Watt |
PP | Polypropylene |
PE | Polyethylene |
PET | Polyethylene Tetraphtalate |
PS | Polystyrene |
Ø | diameter |
Pb | Lead |
x-ray | Radiographic |
mono | Monofilament |
Frequently, for reasons related to stability, taste or solubility, the base form of a drug is administered in an altered form, such as an ester or salt. This modified form usually has a different molecular weight.
For example, caffeine citrate:
There are therefore two ways to express the active ingredient content of a medicine: either based on the salts contained in the formulation (e.g., 20 mg of caffeine citrate in this case) or based on the base equivalent that contributes to the pharmacological activity of the medicine (e.g., 10 mg of caffeine base).
In English-speaking countries, the content is typically expressed as salt, while in French-speaking countries, it is usually expressed as base. Unfortunately, there is no international standard for this, leading to frequent confusion between the two methods. As a result, it is not unusual for drugs labelled as bases to be used in protocols that express them as salts, and vice versa.
For salts where the non-active part is relatively small compared to the active part, these confusions often result in negligible errors. However, with small active molecules combined with heavy salts (such as phosphates, sulphates, carbonates, citrates, fumarates, etc.), the non-active part can constitute more than half of the molecular weight. In such case, confusions can lead to underdosage (resulting in ineffective treatment or a risk of resistance) or overdosage (increasing the risk of adverse effects). Examples of such products include caffeine citrate solution for injection and chloroquine phosphate tablets.
The International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) is an independent, quasi-judicial expert body established by the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961 through the merging two bodies:
- the Permanent Central Narcotics Board, established by the 1925 International Opium Convention, and
- the Drug Supervisory Body, established by the 1931 Convention for Limiting the Manufacture and Regulating the Distribution of Narcotic Drugs.
The INCB consist of 13 members, elected by the Economic and Social Council for a five-years term, with eligibility for re-election. Ten of these members are elected from a list of candidates nominated by governments, while the remaining three are selected from a list of candidates nominated by the World Health Organisation (WHO), based on their medical, pharmacological, or pharmaceutical experience. INCB members serve in an impartial, personal capacity and are independent of their respective governments.
The production and distribution of controlled substances must be licensed and supervised. Governments are required to provide the INCB with estimates and statistical reports on the drug quantities required, manufactured and used, as well as on quantities seized by police and customs. Each year, the INCB publishes data on the illicit trafficking of drugs under international control.
Approximatively 250 substances are listed in the schedules annexed to the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs (New York, 1961, amended in 1972), the Convention on Psychotropic Substances (Vienna, 1971), and the United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (including precursor control) (Vienna, 1988). The aim of this list is to regulate and restrict the use of these drugs based on their therapeutic value, potential for abuse, health risks, and to prevent the diversion of precursor chemicals to illegal drug manufacturers.
Narcotic drugs
Narcotic drugs are classified and placed under international control by the United Nations Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961, as amended in 1972. This convention limits 'exclusively to medical and scientific purposes the production, manufacture, export, import, distribution of, trade in, use and possession of drugs' (art. 4c).
The Yellow List contains the complete list of narcotic drugs under international control according to 1961 Convention.
The Yellow List is available at:
Narcotic drugs are classified in four schedules:
Schedule | Harmfulness | Degree of control | MSF attribute |
I | Substances with addictive properties, presenting a serious risk of abuse | Very strict; 'the drugs in Schedule I are subject to all measures of control applicable to drugs under this Convention' (art. 2.1) | N1 |
II | Substances normally used for medical purposes and given the lowest risk of abuse | Less strict | N2 |
III | Preparations of substances listed in Schedule II, as well as preparations of cocaine | Lenient; according to the WHO, these preparations present no risk of abuse | N3 |
IV | The most dangerous substances, already listed in Schedule I, which are particularly harmful and of extremely limited medical or therapeutic value | Very strict, leading to a complete ban on 'the production, manufacture, export and import of, trade in, possession or use of any such drug except for amounts which may be necessary for medical and scientific research' (art. 2.5.b) | N4 |
To identify the schedule of narcotic drugs and their MSF attribute (Narcotic 1, 2, 3, 4), consult your European Supply Centre website (see below).
Psychotropic drugs
Psychotropic substances are regulated under international control by the 1971 United Nations Convention on Psychotropic Substances. The purpose of this Convention is are again to limit the use of these substances to medical and scientific purposes (arts. 5 and 7).
The Green list contains the list of psychotropic substances under international control according to the 1971 Convention.
The Green List is available at:
Psychotropic drugs are classified in four schedules:
Schedule | Harmfulness | Degree of control | MSF attribute |
I | Substances presenting a high risk of abuse, posing a particularly, serious threat to public health which are of very little or no therapeutic value | Very strict; use is prohibited except for scientific or limited medical purposes | P1 |
II | Substances presenting a risk of abuse, posing a serious threat to public health which are of low or moderate therapeutic value | Less strict | P2 |
III | Substances presenting a risk of abuse, posing a serious threat to public health which are of moderate or high therapeutic value | These substances are available for medical purposes | P3 |
IV | Substances presenting a risk of abuse, posing a minor threat to public health with a high therapeutic value | These substances are available for medical purposes | P4 |
To identify the schedule of psychotropics drugs and their MSF attribute (Psychotropic 1, 2, 3, 4), consult the website of your European Supply Centre (see below).
Precursors are chemicals frequently used in the illicit manufacture of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and are subject to international control under the United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances of 1988.
The Red List contains the list of precursors under the 1988 Convention.
The Red List is available at:
Precursors are classified in two tables with the MSF attribute "DP" (Drug Precursor).
To identify the table of precursors and their MSF attribute (Drug Precursor 1, 2), consult the website of your European Supply Centre (see below).
When exporting or importing narcotic or psychotropic drugs, the legislation of all countries involved must be considered.
The exporter typically needs to present an import permit from the destination country to obtain an export permit for these substances.
If importing for re-export (ImpEx) via a third country (e.g. via Kenya for Somalia), the regulations of the third country must also be followed, or the transit regime should be selected.
In some countries, additional controls may apply if these products are considered chemical weapons by the Office of National Security (beyond the oversight of the National Drug Regulatory Authority).
Importing country
Verify the regulations custom clearance procedures with the Ministry of Health, National Medicines Regulatory Authorities (NMRA), etc.
Some countries prohibit the import of narcotics by humanitarian agencies or allow it only in cases of national supply chain disruptions (exceptional import requests).
Import permit for narcotic and psychotropic drugs
An import permit, usually issued by the Department of Narcotics of the Ministry of Health or NMRA, must include at least:
- Permit number
- Date of issue
- Expiry date of this permit: should be at least 3-4 months, date by which importation must take place. Note: in some countries, extension may be possible.
- Name and address of the importer: MSF name only (instead of the medical coordinator) to avoid delays from changes in coordinator. Otherwise the MSF procurement centre has to apply for a new address to the concerned European MoH in case the coordinator changes.
- Name and address of the exporter: verify with your procurement centre or medical department.
- Details of the product: number of units (ampoules, vials, capsules, tablets, oral drops, oral solution, patches or rectal tubes), in letters and numbers, with precise volume, dose, total active ingredient content (in mg or g). Example: one hundred (100) ampoules of fentanyl, 0.05 mg/ml, 2 ml, totalling 10 mg of active ingredient). Ensure proper conversion if the product is a salt (e.g. morphine HCl) as some countries request the base content of the drugs. Example: 40 vials of morphine hydrochloride 10 mg/ml, 1 ml contain 400 mg of morphine hydrochloride, but only 40 x 7.6 mg = 304 mg of morphine base.
- Name and signature of the authority issuing the permit: preferably on official letterhead.
- Carefully review import permits for errors before sending, as changes cannot be made after issuance.
- Orders should be placed per full pack quantity as specified on the permit. You can import less than what is specified on the permits but not more.
- Some countries require additional information (e.g. name and address of the manufacturer) or documentation (e.g. Certificate of Analysis, cGMP, Proforma INV, etc.) as this is important for the procurement centre re-order process (if stock (picking) reservation is required for example).
- In some countries, a general import permit must be obtained before applying for a Special Import Permit (regulated items) (e.g. Ethiopia and Nigeria)
- The scanned copy of the import permit can be sent to the procurement centre to begin the export permit process, followed by the hard copy. Some countries require the return of the hard copy after after obtaining the export permit (e.g. Uganda).
- The MSF procurement centre will use the import permit to apply for the export permit to their concerned MoH. The import permit can only be used once for this application.
- Review the website of your procurement centre for specific information on which drugs require an export licence, grouping drugs on a single import permit, number of orders per mission (usually one order for the whole mission instead of one per projec,t and preferably annual due to the time to obtain the import/export permits), how to send the import permit.
- The import permit must be sent direct to your procurement centre (and not the NMRA)
Exporting country (where the order is placed)
Check the instructions on the website of your procurement centre:
- MSF Supply:
- MSF Logistique:
Exceptional cases
In certain situations (e.g., civil war, guerrilla-controlled areas), if the competent authority is no longer operational or not a member of the INCB (e.g. South Sudan), or if the local competent authority is under other authority (e.g., KMCA-Kurdistan Medical Control Agency- for Iraq is under Baghadi authorities) and cannot issue import permits, the responsible pharmacist at each European Supply Centre may negotiate with its ministry and the International Narcotic Control Board in Vienna. This may lead to obtaining a permit to export small quantities of controlled narcotic or psychotropic drugs via WHO Emergency Authorisation Procedure. This procedure is also possible in emergency situations (e.g., natural disasters). A written request signed by the medical director of the MSF section should be sent to the pharmacist responsible for controlled drugs at the MSF procurement centre. The medical coordinator must promptly acknowledge receipt, which is then used for reconciliation with the NMRA associated with the supply centre.
Transportation of narcotic and psychotropic drugs to missions
Transport will generally be by air, as the import permit is typically valid for three months (though it is often longer). The drugs must arrive in the country before the permit expires.
A specific module is created for regulated drugs (code ending with "C") for each kit. However, this module is not automatically supplied when the kit is ordered. These regulated products will not be included in the kit or module and must be ordered separately. An import permit for each of these drugs must be sent to the procurement centre.
Note: this applies only to medical items regulated at the supply centre level (those requiring an export permit in the EU). If the product is regulated (narcotic, psychotropic, or precursor) only in the destination country, these items will not be automatically separated by module in the kit. It is the mission's responsibility to screen the kit contents using the detailed Medical Kit List detailed, available on the MSF Catalogues website.
It is essential to adhere to the list of regulated drugs and legal requirements in the country, where MSF operates, as we are not exempt from national law. We work with national staff and MSF pharmacies may be subject to inspection by health authorities for evaluation.
In general
- Identify regulated drugs: confirm what is considered a “regulated drug” by the national authorities, as the list may vary from country to country.
- Designate responsible personnel: appoint 2 or 3 people responsible for the movement and tracking of regulated products.
- Maintain written records: all pharmacies should have a written list of regulated drugs.
- Storage requirements: regulated drugs must be stored securely (under lock and key) in accordance with the country's regulations, under the responsibility of the designated personnel. Drugs included in a kit should be identified by the kit name.
- Ensure proper handling: double-check the different steps of handling (reception, packing, authorisation, dispatch, etc.).
- Follow FEFO principle: The "First Expired First Out (FEFO) principle applies to regulated drugs. Ensure expiry dates are regularly checked, especially for drugs in kits.
- Track and report movements: record the movement of drugs in a separate register. National health authorities may require regular written reports of movements and consumption. If required, ensure that stock movements are officially documented.
The deterioration of medicines depends on various factors, including the product type, manufacturing process, quality of raw material, excipients, etc. Storage conditions also play a significant role. The shelf-life of a product is determined based on an average rate of deterioration under standard conditions of temperature, humidity, and light, as specified by the International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH) for the climatic zone where the medicine will be marketed. The expiry date is set to ensure that, under these conditions, the therapeutic effectiveness remains unchanged (at least 90% of the active ingredients must be present) and that there is no significant increase in toxicity.
Quality is defined as “the suitability of a pharmaceutical product for its intended use”. Each medicine intended for patient use must meet acceptable quality standards, including identity, purity, safety, and efficacy.
If a medicine fails to meet quality standards, the consequences can include:
- lack of therapeutic effect, potentially leading to prolonged illness or death,
- toxic or adverse reactions,
- wastage of financial resources, and
- loss of patient confidence
The quality of pharmaceutical products is affected by raw materials, the manufacturing process, packaging, transport and storage conditions. These influences may accumulate over time.
Stability is defined as “the extent to which a product retains, within specified limits, and throughout its period of storage and use (i.e., its shelf-life), the same properties and characteristics as it had at the time of manufacture” (USP 37).
Even when stored under proper conditions, medicines naturally deteriorate over time due to various processes.
In many countries, manufacturers are legally required to study the stability of their products under standardised and exaggerated environmental conditions. These studies help manufacturer select the optimal formulation, packaging, storage conditions, and ultimately determine an expiry date for each dosage form in its packaging.
The manufacturer’s expiry date refers to the expiry date of the unopened container.
The International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH) of Technical Requirements for the Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use guidance document defines shelf-life as: “The period of time during which a pharmaceutical product is expected to remain within the approved shelf-life specification, provided it is stored under the conditions defined on the container label.”
Most pharmaceutical products have a shelf-life of 3 to 5 years. Products containing less stable substances are guaranteed for only 1 or 2 years.
Practical definition of shelf-life: the time between the date of manufacture and the expiry date.
For products sent to the field, the remaining shelf-life should be at least 1/3 of the total shelf-life. This means that 1/3 of the shelf-life should remain at the time the product is released from stock (Note: transport and handling may take additional time). For medical kits, which often only have 6 months of remaining shelf-life, they should only be ordered for emergency situations and not for EPREP stock.
The expiry date is clearly indicated on both primary (immediate) packaging and secondary packaging:
The UK MHRA advices pharmaceutical manufacturers that the term ‘expiry date’ means the product should not be used after the end of the month stated. For example, an expiry date of 12/2025 means the product should not be used after 31 December 2025.
On the other hand, the UK Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS) clarifies that when a product is labelled ‘Use by’ or ‘Use before’, it means the product should be used before the end of the previous month. For example, ‘Use by 06/2025’ means the product should not be used after 31 May 2025.
It is important not to confuse the date of manufacture with the expiry date (“Exp. Date”).
Once a multi-dose drug container is opened, the exposure of the drug to environmental factor can shorten its shelf-life. Repeated opening and closing of the container may increase the risk of microbiological contamination and/or physico-chemical degradation. This risk is particularly high in bulk packaging and for certain medicines, such as anti-tuberculosis medicines, which are sensitive to temperature and humidity.
Some oral or injectable multi-dose products are provided in powder form tat needs to be reconstituted before use. After reconstitution, these products may undergo significant hydrolysis and thus have a limited shelf-life. Some may require refrigeration. For non-sterile medicines, always consult the manufacturer's leaflet for information on the in-use shelf-life. If such information is provided, follow the manufacturer’s guidance. If not, refer to the table below. Always record the date the product was opened and the updated expiry date on the medicine label or, if there is insufficient space, on the outer packaging.
Formulation type, in original pack with printed expiry date | Expiry details: from date of opening or manufacturer’s recommendation if shorter |
Tablets and capsules in original blister or container | Use manufacturer’s expiry date Special case: glyceryl trinitrate tablets - 8 weeks after opening |
Tablets and capsules stored in bulk (open tin) | 12 months (1 year) |
Liquids internal (not diluted or dissolved) | 3 months Special case: Potassium chloride, oral sol: discard 8 weeks after first opening |
Liquid external, lotions and solutions | 6 months |
Creams in tubes (unpreserved / preserved) | 1 month / 3 months for non-sterile products |
Creams in pots or jars | 1 month for non-sterile products |
Ointments in tubes | 6 months |
Ointments in pots or jars | 3 months |
Sterile eye/ear drops/ointments | 28-30 days |
- Sterile products: any remaining content should be discarded immediately after the first use.
- Ointments: these are semi-solid, greasy preparations intended for application to the skin or mucous membranes.
- Creams: these are similar to ointments but contain an aqueous phase, making them more susceptible to microbiological contamination.
- Use of jars: a 100 g jar is intended for individual use. A 500 g jar can be used between multiple patients (e.g. in an hospital ward), but carres an increased risk of contamination.
Proper storage is essential to maintaining the effectiveness and safety of medicines, as they can be sensitive to environment factors such as light (especially sunlight), oxygen, moisture, and extreme temperatures.
MSF follows manufacturer storage recommendations in alignment with WHO GDP Guidelines and MSF transport policy
- Keep medications in their original containers and outer packaging to protect them from sunlight.clearly
- Ensure the container is tightly closed to prevent exposure to air and moisture.
- Avoid opening containers before use.
- Do not remove desiccant packets (e.g. silica gel) from the packaging, as they help control moisture levels.
- Always check and respect the expiry dates - do not cover them with labels or writings.
- Store medicines according to the manufacturer's instructions.
- Follow the FEFO (First Expired, First Out) policy to manage stock.
- Organise cartons properly, ensuring that arrows are pointing upward and that identification labels, expiry dates, and manufacturing dates are visible.
Protecting products from sunlight:
- Cover windows or use curtains to block direct sunlight exposure.
- Store products in their original packaging and in cartons.
- Avoid storing or packaging products in direct sunlight.
- Use opaque plastic or dark glass bottles for products that are specifically sensitive to light.
- Maintain trees around the facility to provide natural shade, but regularly check for any branches that could potentially damage the facility.
Temperature storage for medical consumables:
- Store frozen: products that require storage at temperatures of -20ºC, such as certain vaccines, should be transported in a cold chain and stored frozen, typically for longer-term storage at higher-level facilities.
- Store refrigerated: store products at a temperature between 2°C and 8°C. This range is suitable for products that are heat sensitive but should not be frozen, such as vaccines. (For further information see Vaccines family).
- Keep cool: store products between 8°C and 15°C. This is for products that need to be kept cool but are not as temperature-sensitive as those requiring refrigeration.
- Store at room temperature: store products at a temperature between 15°C and 25°C. This is the standard temperature range for most of medical products.
- Store at ambient temperature: while not widely used, this term refers to normal storage conditions. Ambient temperatures typically means “room temperature”, ranging from 15°C to 25°C or up to 30°C, depending on local climate conditions. It implies storage in a dry, clean, and well-ventilated area.
Measures to reduce effects of humidity:
- Ventilation: ensure proper airflow by opening windows (with screens and bars) or using air vents. Store products on pallets and maintain space between pallets and walls.
- Secure lids: make sure all container lids are securely closed to prevent moisture from entering.
- Air circulation: use fans to improve airflow and reduce humidity build-up.
- Air conditioning: use air conditioning to control temperature and humidity levels.
Monitoring temperature and humidity in the medical storage area
- Manual monitoring: temperature and humidity should be manually checked twice a day, including on weekends
- Electronic monitoring instruments: use electronic devices for continuous monitoring that can record and track temperature and humidity over time, including minimum and maximum readings. To be monitored twice daily as well.
- Importance of manual checking: while remote monitoring systems are valuable, they should not replace the twice daily manual checks.
Medicines can deteriorate even if their expiry date has not been reached, particularly if they have been stored under conditions (temperature, humidity, and light) that differ from the conditions used during stability testing. Excessive or accelerated deterioration can also occur due to initial quality defects, such as manufacturing issues. Therefore, it is important to understand the normal appearance and characteristics of each medicine (colour, odour, solubility, consistency) in order to detect any signs of deterioration.
Some forms of deterioration may not show visible changes, but physical changes should be closely monitored. Any medicine showing signs of deterioration should be discarded, regardless of the expiry date. If any doubt, contact the pharmacist for advice.
Signs of deterioration:
- For all products: broken or ripped packaging, missing, incomplete or illegible labels.
- Liquids: discolouration, cloudiness (turbidity), sediment or unsuspended agglomerates in solutions, broken seal on bottles, cracks in ampoules, bottles or vials, moisture in packaging.
- Light-sensitive products: torn or damaged packaging
- Tablets: discolouration, crumbled tablets, tablets missing from blister packs, sticky tablets (especially coated tablets), unusual smells..
- Capsules: discolouration, sticky, crushed capsules
- Injectables: liquid that does not return to suspension after shaking.
- Tubes: sticky tubes, leaking contents, perforations or holes in the tube.
- Sterile products: torn or ripped packing; missing parts; broken or bent parts, moisture inside packaging; stained packaging.
- Foil packaging: perforation in packaging.
- Suppositories, pessaries, creams and ointments: melting, separation of phases.
Using expired or deteriorated drugs
MSF DOES NOT recommend the use of expired or damaged medicines due to the significant risk for the patient safety.
Expired or deteriorated medicines must be removed from all usable stock and stored in a designated, locked area, pending destruction. Before proceeding with destruction, contact your medical department to determine the most appropriate method based on your situation. Improper destruction can be dangerous! |
Check local regulations regarding medical waste management and environmental protection before implementing a disposal method.
Proper disposal is critical, as incorrect disposal can lead to serious negative consequences, including:
- water contamination
- the diversion and illegal resale of expired or inactive medicines
- toxic pollutants being released into the air due to improper incineration.
Particular attention must be given to the disposal of certain categories of pharmaceuticals, including controlled substances (e.g., narcotics and psychotropic drugs), anti-infective drugs, cytotoxic anti-cancer drugs, toxic drugs, aerosols, antiseptics, and disinfectants.
Normally, MSF should obtain authorisation for destruction from the relevant local authorities and ensure that the destruction method adheres to both WHO and MSF guidelines, as these may differ from local guidelines (if any). In specific cases, such as batch recalls, MSF must also obtain a certificate of destruction.
The WHO defines packaging as a collection of various components (e.g. bottle, vial, closure, cap, ampoule, blister) which surround the pharmaceutical product from production until its use1. The US FDA defines the container closure system (CCS) as the combination of packaging components that work together to contain and protect the dosage form. This includes both primary and secondary packaging components, with the latter intended to provide additional protection to the drug product2.
Any proposed packaging system must be proven to be suitable for its intended use: it should adequately protect the dosage form (against light, moisture, oxygen, contaminants, etc.); it should be compatible with the dosage form (without adsorption of the active pharmaceutical ingredient, etc.); it should be made from materials considered safe for use with both the dosage form and its route of administration (without migration of potential toxic substances); and it should function as intended (performance features).
Child-resistant closures are designed to make it difficult for young children to open drug packaging while still allowing easy access for adults. The use of child-resistant packaging has been shown to effectively reduce child mortality due to intoxication from oral prescription drugs. The three most common common types of reclosable child-resistant closures are “press–turn”, “squeeze–turn” and a combination lock (WHO TRS 902).
Tamper-evident packaging refers to a system where access is impossible without visible destruction of the seal or some part of the packaging (USP 659) or one that “provides visible evidence to consumers that tampering has occurred” (WHO 902). Examples of packaging technologies capable of meeting the TRP requirements are given in “FDA Compliance Policy Guide, 7132a. 17, CPG Sec. 450.500 Tamper-Resistant Packaging Requirements for Certain Over-the-Counter Human Drug Products”.
1 WHO, TRS 902 Annex 9
2 USFDA, Container Closure Systems for Packaging Human Drugs and Biologics
Parenteral drug products are sterile preparations, typically liquids in the form of solutions, emulsions, suspensions, or dry solids that must be reconstituted with an appropriate vehicle to obtain a solution or suspension. They are classified as small-volume parenterals (SVPs) if the volume is 100 ml, or less, and as large-volume parenterals (LVPs) if the volume exceeds 100 ml.
SVPs (DINJ family) may be packaged in disposable cartridges, disposable syringes, vials, ampoule, flexible bags, or semi-rigid bottles. Only single-ended ampoules are accepted by MSF.
- Cartridges, syringes, vials, and ampoules are usually made of Type I or II glass or polypropylene. Specific glass types for each pharmaceutical form can be found in the European Pharmacopoeia (EP), British Pharmacopoeia (BP), or United States Pharmacopoeia (USP).
- Stoppers and septa used in cartridges, syringes, and vials are typically made from elastomeric materials. Closures for injectable preparations must meet the Type I (for aqueous preparations) or Type II (for non-aqueous preparations) test limits defined in the EP or USP.
- Caps or over seals are used to secure the rubber closure to the container to maintain the integrity of the seal under normal conditions of transport, handling, and storage during the product's shelf-life. These caps are usually made of aluminium may include a plastic top for easier opening. Caps also provide evidence of tampering.
LVPs (DINF family) may be packaged in flexible bags (with or without PVC), semi-rigid bottles, or a glass bottles. MSF's first choice is PVC-free flexible bags or semi-rigid bottles, as those containing are no longer accepted. The containers must have a site suitable for the attachment of an infusion set and a site that allows the administration of drugs.
Flexible bags are typically made of multi-layer plastic.
- Cyclo-olefins offer an alternative to PVC or glass; they are flexible and have low permeability.
- Flexible bag ports (for input of medication and output for administration) are made from plastic and/or elastomeric materials. These bags usually include a hanging part to withstand tension during use.
- Depending on the plastic used, IV fluid bags may have a protective pouch/overwrap that protects against solvent loss (which can lead to increased concentration), oxygen ingress, and dust. The over pouch is made from material with low permeability to water and gases.
Semi-rigid plastic bottles are typically made using Blow-Fill-Seal (BFS) technology and come with a sealed top that can be fitted with various types of closures. Some manufacturers offer open-neck bottles fitted with rubber stoppers and a flip-off caps.
- BFS bottles with a nipple head are not appropriate, as the base of the nipple head is fragile and the small cap does not provide adequate protection, leading to potential fatigue points and micro-holes during transport. Additionally, they lack an injection or administration site, requiring the top of the nipple to be pierced by the IV set or the needle. If alternative is available, experts recommend using larger caps for better head protection.
- Euro head caps are acceptable, but present some risks, including contamination of the top before welding if not done in an aseptic environment, and the potential for the space between the bottle top and cap to remain unsterilised due to insufficient penetration of water vapour.
- Newer generation caps have two access ports for the IV set and admixture, typically protected by an aluminium seal or a plastic cover (Twincap®, Duocap®).
Ophthalmic preparations are sterile products, avaiable in liquid, semi-solid, or solid forms, specifically designed for application to the eye. These preparartion can be categorized into eye drops, eye lotions, semi-solid eye preparations, and ophthalmic inserts.
Liquid preparations for ophthalmologic use are typically packaged in sterilised single-dose (often preservative-free) or multi-dose containers. Multi-dose products are most commonly packaged in polyethylene (PE) or polypropylene (PP) bottle with an integrated dropper on the neck, sometimes referred to as "droptainers". For some eye drops, glass containers may be used when there are stability or compatibility concerns with flexible plastics. The container must be tamper-evident and contain a maximum of 15 ml of the preparation. Single-dose containers are generally made from . PP manufactured using the Blow-Fill-Seal (BFS) technique. Some preparations may be indicated for both ophthalmic or otic use (e.g., DEXTCIPR1D- : a preparation for eye and/or ear).
Semi-solid eye preparations are packaged in small, collapsible sterilised tubes, with or without an ophthalmic cannula or tip. These tubes are typically made from metal, though ophthalmic ointments that react with metal may be packaged in tubes with an epoxy or vinyl plastic coating inside. The packaging must be tamper-evident and contains no more than 5 g of the preparation3.
3 USFDA, Container Closure Systems for Packaging Human Drugs and Biologics.
Topical dosage forms include aerosols, creams, emulsions, gels, lotions, ointments, pastes, powders, solutions, and suspensions. These forms are typically intended for local (non-systemic) effects and are usually applied to the skin or oral mucosa. Topical products also include ceratin nasal and ear preparations, as well as vaginal and rectal pharmaceuticals.
Semi-solid or liquid preparations are commonly packaged in multi-dose containers, such as jars or collapsible tubes.
- Flexible (collapsible) tubes are usually made from metal (or metal-lined), LDPE, or laminated materials. These tubes are classified as closed-ended or open-ended. In closed-ended tubes, the product does not come into contact with the cap during storage.
- Jars are usually made of polypropylene and have a screw cap. The same type of cap liners and inner seals are sometimes used for solid oral dosage forms.
- Nasal, otic, vaginal, and rectal preparations should be packaged in containers suitable for their appropriate administration at the application site, or should be supplied with an appropriate applicator.
The closures of these containers should be designed to minimise the risk of microbial contamination and should be tamper-evident.
Liquid ear preparations5 are supplied in multi-dose containers made from glass or suitable plastics. These containers often have an integrated dropper or a screw cap from appropriate materials, which may incorporate a rubber dropper or plastic teat, sometimes provided separately.
Vaginal and rectal products are usually packaged in aluminium/aluminium strips or blisters, or occasionally in tubes (e.g., vaginal gel).
4 WHO, TRS 902 Annex 9 ; Handbook of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Formulations: Liquid Products, Sarfaraz K Niazi, CRC Press, 2009
5 Ph Eur monograph 0652, Ear Preparations
Liquid oral pharmaceutical products6, such as solutions, syrups, or suspensions, require protection from solvent loss, microbial contamination, and sometimes Exposure to light or reactive gases (e.g., oxygen). These liquid dosage forms can be supplied in either multiple-dose (bottles) or single-dose (sachets) containers.
- Bottles are usually made of glass or plastic (e.g., PET, HDPE), often featuring a screw cap (made of aluminium or polypropylene) with a liner, and may include a tamper-resistant seal or an overcap welded to the bottle.
- Each dose from a multi-dose container is administered using a device suited for measuring the prescribed volume, such as a measuring cup, dosing spoon (for volumes of 5ml or more), oral syringe (for other volumes), or a dropper.
- Many of the associated components are graduated for dose administration. Graduations should be legible and indelible.
- Pouches may be made of a single-layer plastic or laminated material.
Solid Oral dosage forms (e.g. tablets and capsules) and powders for reconstitution should generally be protected from the potential adverse effects of water vapour (moisture). Typical container closure systems are bulk containers, strips, blister packs and sachets.
Bulk containers are plastic or glass bottles with a screw or snap closure.
- Glass containers are made of type III glass. Plastic containers are most often made of HDPE, PP or PET. The primary packaging may be a LDPE bag, which is then placed in HDPE/PP bottles and provides additional protection.
- A typical closure consists of a cap (often made of PP), often with a sealed part. The seal is a piece of material that sits between the cap and the bottle. Different liner materials can be used to provide a moisture barriers, chemical resistance, or preventing leakage. Another benefit is tamper evidence; once the sealed part has been removed, it cannot be reapplied to the container.
- A filler material can be added to the container to fill the empty spaces and prevent the tablets from breaking during transport. Fillers can be made of cotton, rayon or polyester.
- Desiccant is used to reduce the amount of moisture in the head space of the bottle, and to protect gelatin capsules or moisture sensitive products/substances. The shape and size of the desiccant should be clearly distinguishable from the shape of the medicine to prevent accidental consumption. The desiccant is usually packed in a small HDPE canister or sachet which should be placed on top of the tablets.
- A bulk container should not contain more than 1000 tablets.
Strips are multi-dose containers consisting of two layers of aluminium, usually provided with perforations, suitable for containing single doses of solid or semi-solid preparations7.
Blisters are multi-dose containers consisting of a moulded film insert that contains the product and a cover, which is the material that seals the blister.
For the film blister, different types of materials and many combinations - offering different degrees of protection from water vapour, gas and light - are available on the market 8. However, due to the lack of barrier properties of PVC film, multi-layer PVC-based films are often used when better moisture protection is required, e.g. PVC coated with PVDC (polyvinylidene chloride), PVC laminated with PCTFE (polychlorotrifluoroethylene, or Aclar®), triplex laminates made of PVC/PE/PCTFE, etc.
The lid stock is sealed to the moulded blister. Its material is usually a laminate that includes a barrier layer (e.g., aluminium foil).
Sachets are adequate packaging for oral powders in single-dose preparations. Each dose is enclosed in an individual sachet preferably made of laminated aluminium foil, the edges of which are sealed by heat or adhesive.
6 USFDA, Container Closure Systems for Packaging Human Drugs and Biologics; USP <659> Packaging and storage requirements
7 WHO, TRS 902 Annex 9
8 USP <1146> Packaging practice—repackaging a single solid oral drug product into a unit-dose container
Preparations for inhalation are intended to be administered as vapours or aerosols into the lung to obtain a local or systemic effect. These products may be supplied in either multi-dose or single-dose containers 9.
Inhalation pharmaceuticals include:
- Aerosols in pressurised metered-dose devices: The preparation is released from the container as an aerosol upon activation of an appropriate valve.
- Liquid preparations for inhalation: Administered using nebulizers, these are usually packaged in a PP (polypropylene) single-dose containers.
- Inhalation powders: Delivered by dry powder inhalers, which are loaded with pre-dispensed powders in capsules or other suitable dosage forms, or with a powder reservoir and a metering mechanism
- Nasal sprays: designaded for nasal administration
9 Ph Eur monograph 0671: Preparations for inhalation; USFDA, Container Closure Systems for Packaging Human Drugs and Biologics.
A code allows ordering an article without any ambiguity on what is requested and helps to streamline the supply chain. MSF has created an international codification based on the article’s English label, and is significant so that codes itself “tells” what is being ordered.
With the central masterdata system, UniData, both types of articles, standard and non-standard are codified with the following set of codification rules. An MSF code is composed of min 11 and max 13 alphanumerical characters and structured in 4 subdivisions.
In the order tools, the code of the article is followed by the attribute indicating the standardization level.
- STD = standard article ( = validated by the 5 operational centres = OC’s)
- NST = non-standard article (= not validated by the 5 OC’s but used by one or few operational centres)
- NSL = non-standard local article ( = validated by one or few OC’s and purchased locally due to country constraints).
The MSF catalogues include only STD articles.
The GROUP is defined by 1 character which identifies a functional category. Some groups are exclusively medical and others exclusively logistic, while group K (kits) contains both categories.
9 groups have been defined:
K | Kits | N | Nutrition |
A | Administration | P | Program support |
C | Camps | S | Renewable medical supplies |
D | Drugs | T | Transport |
E | Medical equipment | Y | Spare-parts |
L | Library |
The FAMILY is defined by 3 characters which identify a speciality within a group. A family is either exclusively medical, exclusively logistical or exclusively library, except the leaflets family (LEAF) which is both: medical and logistical.
Medical families
D ORA | Oral drugs | K SUD | Surgical dental sets |
D EXO | Ophthalmic drugs for external use | K SUR | Surgical instrument sets |
D EXT | Drugs for external use | K SUI | Internal fixation instrument sets |
D INF | Infusions | L EAF | Leaflets (included in a kit) |
D INJ | Injections | N FOS | Specialized food |
D VAC | Vaccines | N SFO | Food commodities stationary |
E ANE | Anaesthesia | N SFS | Specialized food stationary |
E ANT | Anthropometricequipment | S AST | Antibiotic susceptibility testing items |
E DDC | Drug dispensing & compounding equipment | S BCM | Bacteriological culture media |
E DIM | Diagnostic imaging equipment | S BID | Bacterial identification system |
E EMD | Electromechanical devices | S BQC | Bacterial strains quality control |
E HOE | Hospitalequipment | S CTD | Catheters, tubes and drains |
E EIMT | Inspection, measuring and test equipment | S DDC | Drug dispensing & compounding supplies |
E LAB | Laboratoryequipment | S DIM | Diagnostic imaging supplies |
E LAE | Electricallaboratory equipment | S DIS | Disinfectants |
E LIN | Linen and clothing | S DRE | Dressing |
E MEQ | Medicalequipment | S IGN | Nail of SIGN material |
E PHY | Physiotherapyequipment | S INS | Injection supplies |
E PSY | Equipment for psychological support | S LAS | Laboratory reagents |
E STE | Sterilization | S MST | Medical stationery |
E SUD | Dental surgical instruments | S MSU | Small medical supplies |
E SUF | Instruments for external fixator | S PPE | Personalprotective equipment for medical activities |
E SUO | Ophthalmic surgical instruments | S SCO | Surgical consumables |
E SUR | Surgical instruments | S SDT | Stand-alone diagnostic tests |
E TMA | Training mannequins | S TSS | Transport, storage and sampling systems |
E TME | Training medical material | S SUR | Surgical instruments for single use |
E TPO | Training posters | S SUT | Sutures |
K MED | Medical kits | S STRY | Stryker material for internal fixation |
Logistical families
A DAP | Data processing | Y DAV | Davey spare parts |
A FOO | Food for MSF teams | Y DEE | John Deere spare parts |
A FUR | Furniture | Y DEN | Denso spare parts |
A LIF | Team life | Y DEU | Deutz spare parts |
A LST | Logistic stationery | Y ELX | Electrolux spare parts |
A OFF | Office equipment | Y FLE | Spare parts Fleetguard |
A STA | Stationery | Y HAT | Hatz spare parts |
C BUI | Building | Y HAY | Hayward spare parts |
C CLI | Acclimatization | Y HIN | Spare parts Hino |
C SEM | Semi-permanent structures | Y HON | Honda spare parts |
C SHE | Shelter | Y HYU | Spare parts Hyundai |
C WAT | Water and sanitation | Y ISU | Spare parts Isuzu |
K ADM | Administration kits | Y IVE | Iveco spare parts |
K CAM | Camp kits | Y KIA | KIA spare parts |
K COM | Communication kits | Y KOS | Koshin spare parts |
K PRO | Programme support kits | Y KUB | Kubota spare parts |
K TRA | Transport kits | Y LIS | Lister Petter spare parts |
K WAT | Water and sanitation kits | Y LOM | Lombardini spare parts |
N FOO | Food commodities | Y MAH | Mahindra spare parts |
N SFO | Stationary food commodities | Y MAN | MAN spare parts |
P COL | Cold chain | Y MAR | Spare parts Marelli |
P COM | Communication | Y MAS | Massey Ferguson spare parts |
P COO | Cooking equipment | Y MER | Mercedes spare parts |
P ELE | Electricity | Y MIT | Mitsubishi spare parts |
P HDW | Hardware | Y MRC | Mercury spare parts |
P HYG | Hygiene | Y NGK | NGK spare parts |
P HYP | Personal hygiene | Y NIS | Nissan spare parts |
P IDE | Identification | Y PER | Perkins spare parts |
P PAC | Packing and handling | Y PEU | Peugeot spare parts |
P PAI | Paint | Y PRA | Pramac spare parts |
P SAF | Safety and protective equipment | Y REN | Renault spare parts |
P TOO | Tools | Y ROB | Robin spare parts |
T AIR | Items & accessoires for air transport | Y SAT | Satherm spare parts |
T BOA | Boat and boat accessories | Y SDM | SDMO spare parts |
T CYC | Bicycle | Y SHE | Sherp spare parts |
T MOT | Motorcycles & quads and accessories | Y SKF | SKF spare parts |
T TOY | Toyota vehicles | Y SOT | Sotrad spare parts |
T TRA | Agriculture machinery | Y SUM | SUMO spare parts |
T TRU | Trucks > 3.5 T | Y SUZ | Suzuki spare parts |
T TYR | Tyre | Y TAT | Tata spare parts |
T VEA | Vehicle accessories | Y THK | Thermo King spare parts |
T VEC | Vehicle consumables | Y TOY | Toyota spare parts |
T VEM | Vehicle modifications | Y TRE | Spare parts Trecol |
Y BEL | Belarus spare parts | Y VDO | VDO spare parts |
Y BOS | Bosch spare parts | Y VKW | Volkswagen spare parts |
Y CAR | Carrier spare parts | Y VOL | Volvo spare parts |
Y CAT | Caterpillar spare parts | Y WAC | Wacker spare parts |
Y CHE | Spare parts Chevrolet | Y WIL | Wilson spare parts |
Y CUM | Cummins spare parts | Y YAM | Yamaha spare parts |
Y DAF | DAF spare parts | Y YAN | Yanmar spare parts |
Field Library families
L 001 | Medicinegeneralinformation | L 028 | Staffhealth |
L 002 | Internalmedicine | L 029 | Nursing |
L 003 | Viralinfectiousdiseases | L 030 | Infectionprevention&control |
L 004 | Bacterialinfectiousdiseases | L 032 | Physiotherapy |
L 006 | Parasiticinfectiousdiseases | L 033 | Medicalethics |
L 007 | Sti-aids | L 034 | Patienteducation, supportandcounselling |
L 008 | Surgery-anaesthesia-dentistry | L 035 | Palliative care |
L 009 | Gynaecology-obstetrics-sexualandreproductivehealth | L 040 | Logistics |
L 010 | Paediatrics | L 041 | Mechanics- transport |
L 011 | Ophthalmology-dermatology | L 042 | Telecommunication |
L 012 | Diagnosticimaging | L 043 | Building -shelters |
L 013 | Laboratory | L 044 | Dataprocessing |
L 014 | Pharmacology | L 045 | Catalogues &orderlists |
L 015 | Immunization | L 046 | Foodaid |
L 016 | Nutrition | L 047 | Supply |
L 017 | Emergencymedicine | L 048 | Energy |
L 018 | Water&sanitation | L 049 | Coldchain -biomedicalengineering |
L 020 | Emergencies-refugees-disasters-conflicts | L 050 | Administration -finances inMSF |
L 021 | Training - staffeducation | L 051 | Humanresourcesmanagement inMSF |
L 022 | Communityhealth-healtheducation-healthpromotion | L 052 | SecurityinMSF |
L 023 | Anthropology | L 061 | MSF- publications |
L 024 | Epidemiology-statistics-operationalresearch | L 070 | Humanitarianassistance |
L 025 | Management ofhealthprograms | L 072 | Humanitarianassistance -law |
L 026 | Pharmacymanagement | L 077 | Languages |
L 027 | Mentalhealthprograms |
The ROOT is defined by 4 characters and is built from the article’s English label or description.
E.g.: CLOXACILLIN, 250 mg, caps => CLOX
A same root can belong to several families:
E.g.: CLOXACILLIN, 250 mg, caps => DORA CLOX
CLOXACILLIN, 500 mg, powder, vial => DINJ CLOX
NB: When an article’s label starts with the letter “Z”, the first character of its root will be “Y” to prevent any confusion with the “local code”.
Electro-mechanical equipment and their accessories, consumables and spare-parts are identified with a root of 3 letters followed by a letter E for equipment, A for accessory, C for consumable, S for spare-part and T for test/control.
See introduction on Electro mechanical medical devices in Medical Catalogue Volume 3
The SPECIFICATION is defined by 3 to 5 characters and allows the differentiation of two similar articles. These specifications are often significant and follow the rules set-up for that specific root.
For some groups of articles MSF chooses to work with a manufacturer (supplier) code instead of setting up an MSF code when it fits the following criteria
- technical complexity of the assortment
- clear codification of maximum 16 characters set up by the manufacturer with a good documentation reference, that can easily be consulted (catalogue or online)
- many articles concerning the same purpose or main article
On logistical side this is the case for articles such as Toyota spare parts.
On medical side this it the case for articles used for internal fixation: Stryker system and Nail of Sign.
These specific codes, called free codes, are built up with an MSF group and family followed by the manufacturer’s code which could be up to 16 characters long.
CORTICAL SCREW, self tapping, full thread, Ø4.5 x 24 mm (STRY340624);
V-BELT fan and alternator, PZ-HZJ78/79, pair (YTOY90916-02452).
The central masterdata system, UniData is implemented with some new codification rules.
The diverse code or “Z-code”, created by the OC’s (Operational Centers) and ESC’s (European Supply Centers) disappeared and are replaced by the code structure of a standard article. It will still be possible to make the difference between a standard, a non-standard code and a non-standard local code with another attribute directly linked to the code.
- STD = standard article ( = validated by the 5 OC’s)
- NST = non-standard article ( = not validated by the 5 OC’s but used by one or few operational centres)
- NSL = non-standard local article ( = validated by one or few operational centres and purchased locally due to country constraints)
A DIVERSE CODE (Z-code) was used in the past for the creation of LOCAL codes. It has a similar structure as the standard codes that allow classifying the referred article according to GROUP and FAMILY (as for a standard article), while clearly indicating who created it:
Places of issue for diverse codes:
- KE MSF in Nairobi
- SL MSF in Sierra Leone...
There are no LOCAL CODES in the catalogues, but they may appear in order tools.
The local codes are nowadays integrated in UniData following the same codification rules as the standard and non-standard codes (regular codes). The diverse codes (Z-codes) are progressively disappearing.
EN 13795-1: Surgical clothing and drapes - Requirements and test methods - Part 1: Surgical drapes and gowns (2019)
Surgical drapes, including the intended use as a sterile field, and surgical gowns are used to minimize the spread of infective agents to and from patients’ operating wounds, thereby helping to prevent postoperative wound infections.
The performance required of coverings for patients, clinical staff and equipment varies with, for example, the type and duration of the procedure, the degree of wetness of the operation field, the degree of mechanical stress on the materials and the susceptibility of the patient to infection.
The use of surgical gowns with resistance to the penetration of liquids can also diminish the risk to the operating staff from infective agents carried in blood or body fluids.
Critical – less critical areas
Performance requirements are specified depending on product area and performance level.
Critical product area: area with a greater probability to be involved in the transfer of infective agents to or from the wound, e.g. front and sleeves of surgical gowns. The other areas are called “less critical product area”. EN 13795 does not include provisions for the size and position of critical and less critical areas. The user has to decide whether these are suitable to meet the anticipated challenges of a certain surgical procedure.
The American standard ANSI/AAMI PB70 provides more specifications: the critical zone of a surgical gown shall, at a minimum, comprise the front area of the gown from chest to knees and the sleeves from the cuff to above the elbow.
For drapes the identification of critical product area is not mentioned in the standards, but in literature it is mentioned: “The critical zone is usually the centre of the drape, around any fenestrations or openings. This area is often reinforced with additional fabric, which may be fluid absorbent”
If the manufacturer does not differentiate product areas, all areas shall meet the requirements for critical product areas. If there is such differentiation, the manufacturer must supply the information to allow identification of these areas by the user.
The manufacturer must provide information on the performance level to the user.
Characteristics to be evaluated and performance requirements for surgical gowns & drapes
- The biocompatibility of the product shall be evaluated and approved for acceptable risk
- Information on the flammability of the product and fire risks must be provided by the manufacturer on request.
- testing according to EN 13795: Summary see table below
- CA = critical product area
- LCA = less critical product area
- IB = Barrier index
Microbial penetration - dry:
- determine the ability of dry fabric to resist penetration of particles carrying micro-organisms.
- Measure: CFU = number of colonies formed after incubation
- Result: only required for the less critical areas: ≤ 300
Microbial penetration – wet
- Determine a fabric’s resistance to penetration of bacteria in liquid while being subjected to mechanical rubbing
- Measure: number of colonies formed after incubation, expressed in barrier index (BI) 6,0 = no penetration (maximum achievable value)
- Result: only required for the critical areas: ≥ 2.8 (standard performance) or ≥ 6.0 (high performance)
Cleanliness microbial / bioburden
- Estimate the bioburden or number of viable micro-organisms on the fabric prior to sterilization.
- Measure: CFU = number of colonies formed / dm²
- Result : ≤ 300 / dm² for all areas, gowns & drapes (based on the experience of manufacturers and what is routinely available)
Particle release
- = release of fiber fragments and other particles during mechanical stress simulating handling and use. Estimate linting of the fabric in a dry state. Particle release is a concern during surgery: foreign body contamination can cause an increased frequency of postoperative complications. An indirect effect is also observed: fibres and particles can deposit on surfaces in the operating room providing a potential vector for microorganisms to be carried into wounds. Particles smaller than 3µm are too small to carry microorganisms and particles larger than 25µm are too large to remain airborne because of gravity.
- Measure: number of particles 3 – 25 µm generated after twisting ad compressing, expressed as log10 of the count value.
- Result: ≤ 4 for all areas, gowns & drapes
Liquid penetration
- = hydrostatic head test: estimate the resistance of fabrics to liquid penetration by water under constantly increasing hydrostatic pressure
- Measure: the head height results are recorded in centimetres of water pressure on the fabric sample.
- Result:
- less critical areas: ≥ 10 cm H2O
- critical area standard performance: gowns: ≥ 20 cm H2O, drapes: ≥ 30 cm H2O
- critical area high performance: ≥ 100 cm H2O for gowns & drapes
Bursting strength - dry / wet
- Determine the resistance of a fabric to puncture under dry & wet conditions
- Measure: strength at burst, in kPa
- Results: gowns & drapes: ≥ 40 kPa, not required for the less critical area in wet state
Tensile strength - dry / wet
- Determine the ability of a product to withstand fabric tearing under dry and wet conditions
- Measure: amount of force applied to break the strip, in Newton
- Results (not required for the wet less critical areas)
- gowns: ≥ 20 N
- drapes: ≥ 15 N (standard performance) or ≥ 20 N (high performance)
Guidance for selecting products
Comfort is based on several factors: thermal resistance, air permeability, drapeability, stretchability, weight, size, fit, tactile comfort (softness = highly dependent on fibre smoothness and finish technologies), fibres and manufacture. Discomfort properties such as rustling tendency and skin irritation are difficult to measure.
The standard does not provide further essential requirements regarding flammability. However, manufacturers are required to supply information regarding fire risks in relation to the use of their products.
Specific tests for electrostatic discharge (ESD) re not required as no reports were made of patient safety incidents related to ESD.
EN 13795 does not specify requirements for the functional design of surgical gowns & drapes.
The products should be tested practically in clinical situations where the end-user is going to apply them, to ensure that they are suitable from all important aspects including functionality and comfort. The practical trials should be evaluated before choice of products.
Extra Tables
Characteristic | Test method | Unit | Standard performance CA / LCA | High performance CA / LCA |
Microbial penetration - dry | EN ISO 22612 | CFU | NA / ≤ 300 | NA / ≤ 300 |
Microbial penetration - wet | EN ISO 22610 | IB | ≥ 2.8 / NA | 6.0 / NA |
Cleanliness microbial / bioburden | EN ISO 11737-1 | CFU / 100 cm² | ≤ 300 | ≤ 300 |
Particle release | EN ISO 9073-10 | Log 10 (lint count) | ≤ 4.0 | ≤ 4.0 |
Liquid penetration | EN ISO 811 | cm H2O | ≥ 20 / ≥ 10 | ≥ 100 / ≥ 10 |
Bursting strength - dry | EN ISO 13938-1 | kPa | ≥ 40 | ≥ 40 |
Bursting strength - wet | EN ISO 13938-1 | kPa | ≥ 40 / NA | ≥ 40 / NA |
Tensile strength - dry | EN 29073-3 | N | Gowns : ≥ 20 Drapes : ≥ 15 | ≥ 20 |
Tensile strength - wet | EN 29073-3 | N | Gowns : ≥ 20 / NA Drapes : ≥ 15 / NA | ≥ 20 / NA |
The cholera kit 001 is specially designed for refugee camps.
It can also be used for urban or rural populations, altough being less adapted (in this case, small kits for 10 or 50 patients are to be made on the spot according to the needs and the available means).
This kit is meant for the treatment of 625 cholera cases, of which 75 % (500 cases) need IV and ORS, and 25 % (125 cases) need ORS only. These proportions are different from those recommended by the WHO and are based on the MSF experience showing an often high proportion of severely dehydrated cases. In urban or rural areas, only 20 % of the cholera cases need IV and ORS.
The antibiotics supplied cover all cholera cases plus 4 close contacts per case (2 500 contacts). MSF does not recommend chemoprophylaxis of close contacts, but supplies antibiotics for this purpose in case local circumstances demand their use (high secondary attack rate, political pressure, strategic reasons, etc.).
The complete kit (KMEDKCHO1--) is composed of a medical part with 2 infusions modules (2000 l each) and a logistic part. If logistic modules are made locally, it is possible to order medical modules only:
- (KMEDKCHO2M-) with 4000 l infusions
- (KMEDKCHO3M-) with 2000 l infusions
- (KMEDKCHO4M-) without infusions module
These two last kits are proposed because of the transport costs of infusions modules. If quality assured Ringer lactate (Hartmann) has been identified and validated by your section pharmacist or if you have quality assured Ringer lactate in your emergency stock, you can consider ordering the following kits: KMEDKCHO3M- or KMEDKCHO4M-.
It is mandatory to have minimum 4000 l of Ringer Lactate (Hartmann) to one's disposal for the IV treatment of 500 cholera patients.
An underestimation of needs which could lead to infusion stocks running out during an epidemic is always more expensive than ordering 4000 l in the first place.
Instructions for use
Take 10 samples with the sample module 001 (KMEDMSAM1C-) and send them to headquarters for culture and sensitivity.
Supplies to be got locally if possible
- Ringer lactate (Hartmann), after the medical/public health dpt's approval
- Plastic sheeting (for shelters, insulation...)
- Oral Rehydration Salt (ORS)
- Blankets
- Tent 27 m² (white)
- Calcium Hypochlorite (HTH)
- Watertight boots
- Washing product (soap or powder)
- Minimal medicine cabinet
- Tubes (to make stretchers with plastic sheeting)
See Management of a cholera epidemic, MSF, 2018
These kits contain the necessary equipment to set up a nutritional programme.
NB: Certain conditions must be met beforehand. It is essential to have an adequate infrastructure, to organise the supply of food and water and to ensure the medical follow up of the beneficiaries.
The two kits were designed in 2021 and replace the previous ones:
- nutrition inpatient kit
- nutrition outpatient kit
Modules and/or items which are optional must be ordered separately. They are NOT automatically sent with the kits.
Psychotropic drugs and narcotic should be ordered separately (Cf Introduction in the Medical catalogue: Narcotic and psychotropic medicines under international control).
See the checklists for the medicines included in the outpatient kit.
(module nut. inpatient) REGISTRATION 2021 | KMEDMNUTI31 |
(module nut. inpatient) EQUIPMENT 2021 | KMEDMNUTI32 |
(module nut. inpatient) MEDICAL SUPPLIES 2021 | KMEDMNUTI33 |
(module nutrition) DIAGNOSTIC MATERIALS 2021 | KMEDMNUT34A |
(module nutrition) DIAGNOSTIC MATERIALS cold chain 2021 | KMEDMNUT34B |
(module nut. inpatient) MEDICINES 2021 | KMEDMNUTI36A |
(module nut. inpatient) MEDICINES, cold chain 2021 | KMEDMNUTI36B |
(module nut. inpatient) MEDICINES, regulated 2021 | KMEDMNUTI36C |
(module nut. inpatient) MEDICINES, RTR 2021 | KMEDMNUTI36D |
(module nut. inpatient) RESUSCITATION ITEMS 2021 | KMEDMNUTI35 |
(mod hospital) DRESSING EQUIPMENT 2015 | KMEDMHHE24- |
(mod hospital divers) MEDICINES STAFF HEALTH | KMEDMHMI15- |
MODULE, PEP, post exposure prophylaxis for AIDS 2021 | KMEDMPEP03- |
KIT, FIRST AID, polypropylene bag | KMEDKFAI5-- |
CABINET, MEDICINES, metal, + safe for controlled substances | EHOECABI1M- |
(module nut. outpatient) REGISTRATION 2021 | KMEDMNUTO31 |
(module nut. outpatient) EQUIPMENT 2021 | KMEDMNUTO32 |
(module nut. outpatient) MEDICAL SUPPLIES 2021 | KMEDMNUTO33 |
(module nutrition) DIAGNOSTIC MATERIALS 2021 | KMEDMNUT34A |
(module nutrition) DIAGNOSTIC MATERIALS cold chain 2021 | KMEDMNUT34B |
(module nut. outpatient) MEDICINES 2021 | KMEDMNUT035A |
(module nut. outpatient) MEDICINES cold chain 2021 | KMEDMNUT035B |
(module nut. outpatient) MEDICINES regulated 2021 | KMEDMNUT035C |
KIT, FIRST AID, polypropylene bag | KMEDKFAI5-- |
MODULE, PEP, post exposure prophylaxis for AIDS 2021 | KMEDMPEP03- |
HIV 1 + 2 TEST (Determine), ser/pl/wb, 1 test 7D2343 | SSDTHIVD10T |
HIV 1 + 2 TEST (SD Bioline), ser/pl/wb, 1 test 03FK10 | SSDTHIVB30T |
HIV 1 + 2 TEST (STAT-PAK), ser/pl/wb, 1 test, 60-9500-0 | SSDTHIVS20T |
Cytotoxic drugs are toxic compounds and are known to be carcinogenic, mutagenic and/or teratogenic. On direct contact, they may cause skin, eyes, and mucous membranes irritation, as well as tissue ulceration and necrosis. The toxicity of cytotoxic drugs makes it necessary to minimise the exposure of health-care workers to these drugs. The handling and administration of cytotoxic drugs should not be carried out by pregnant staff. At the same time, aseptic conditions should be maintained.
In order to highlight the danger of cytotoxic materials, the following signs are used:
- In some countries, it is mandatory that cytotoxic drugs and their waste are properly identified with the capital “C” symbol and, under it, the words “CYTOTOXIC /CYTOTOXIQUE “ in capital letters, and the both words and the symbol should appear on a dark grey rectangle.
- This sign will be added to the cytotoxic drugs in the MSF catalogue.
- Cytotoxic materials can also be identified by a purple symbol representing a cell in the late phase of division know as telophase. The labels are dark purple and bear the telophase symbol.
MSF code | MSF label | WHO classification |
DINJBLEO1V- | BLEOMYCIN sulfate, eq. 15 mg base, powder, vial | L01D CYTOTOXIC ANTIBIOTICS AND RELATED SUBSTANCES L01DC Other cytotoxic antibiotics |
DINJDOPL5V- | DOXORUBICINE pegylated liposomal, 2 mg/ml, 25ml vial | L01D CYTOTOXIC ANTIBIOTICS AND RELATED SUBSTANCES L01DB Anthracyclines and related substances |
DINJGANC5V- | GANCICLOVIR sodium, eq. 500mg base, powder, vial | J05A DIRECT ACTING ANTIVIRALS J05AB Nucleosides and nucleotides excl. reverse transcriptase inhibitors |
DORAVALG4T- | VALGANCICLOVIR hydrochloride, eq. 450mg base, tab. | J05A DIRECT ACTING ANTIVIRALS J05AB Nucleosides and nucleotides excl. reverse transcriptase inhibitors |
DINJVINC2V- DINJVINC1V- | VINCRISTINE sulfate, 1 mg/ml, 2 ml, vial VINCRISTINE sulfate, 1 mg/ml, 1 ml, vial | L01C PLANT ALKALOIDS AND OTHER NATURAL PRODUCTS L01CA Vinca alkaloids and related substances |
- Safety measures: ensure that safety equipment, protocols, and instructions are available in all areas where cytotoxic drugs are stored, handled, prepared, administered and disposed of.
- Minimise handling and movement of cytotoxic drugs from reception to preparation.
- Medicines should remain in their original secondary or tertiary packaging (sealed plastic bag and/or cartons), as the outside of many commercial vials may be contaminated, presenting an exposure risk to anyone handling them.
- Cytotoxic vials are usually well-packaged by pharmaceutical companies, so no specific Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is required for staff transporting cytotoxic agents, as long as the original packaging is intact and there are no signs of damage or leakage.
- For vials that have not been opened but are no longer in their original packaging, use protective gloves (nitrile, powder-free).
- As damage or leakage can only be detected by handling the product, wearing gloves is advisable when handling cytotoxic agents.
- Centralise the preparation of cytotoxic agents:A
- One single person should transport all cytotoxic drugs needed for the next 24 hours from the pharmacy to preparation area at one time.
- Prepare the drugs in one place.
- Provide safety equipment (see below) in all areas where cytotoxic drugs are stored, handled, prepared or administered.
- Easily visible posters with protocols/instructions describing how to manage cytotoxic drug spills should be available on the wards and are part of nursing care.
- The following materials should be present (or readily available):
- Cytotoxic Spill Kit containing all PPE and materials needed to clean up spills.
- Running water supply + soft soap.
- Device for eye wash (EMEQEYEW7++) (or alternatively 1l of 0.9% NaCl with a 60ml Luer syringe (SINSSYDL60-) or infusion set (SINSSETI2-).
- Movement of cytotoxic drugs should be limited and rationalised. All transports should be coordinated from departure up to the arrival. The TREM card (transport emergency card) and MSDS (material safety data sheet) sheet should be prepared and given to the driver to facilitate transport through customs or by air.
- Ensure that the cytotoxic drugs are stored according to the manufacturer's specific requirements. Be aware that storage conditions may vary between from manufacturers for the same.
- Store cytotoxic drugs centrally in the main pharmacy, avoid storing them in the preparation room.
- Cytotoxic drugs should NOT be stored near or on top of other medicines or medical equipment. They must be stored securely to minimise the risk of breakage and contain any spillage. Ensure clear, visible labelling for easy identification.
- The best storage option is a closed cupboard. Lower shelves mat be used as an alternative, but the storage area should limit the risk of contamination or exposure.
- Labelling and storage directions:
- Mark boxes with arrows on the outside to indicate the box proper storage orientation (to prevent the box from being turned upside down).
- Apply a "hazardous" sticker to the box.
- Ensure that all labels are clear and understandable for all staff involved in handling of the cytotoxic products.
- Reception: visually inspect cytotoxic drugs upon receipt to check for any damage or leakage during transport. In damage or leakage is detected, appropriate PPE should be worn, and proper actions must be taken immediately.
A Cytotoxic Spill Kit must be available in all areas where cytotoxic substances are used. All staff handling cytotoxic drugs and waste should be trained in spill management and decontamination. A ready-to-use cytotoxic spill kit can be ordered (SDDCCYTTS2-).
- 1 surgical cap (ELINCADS1S-)
- 1 pair of shoe covers (ELINSHOC001)
- 4 pairs of of long-sleeved nitrile examination gloves (SMSUGLEN1+++): inner and outer pair, for 2 persons
- 2 respirators FFP2 (ELINMASP+++)
- 2 protective glasses (SPPEGOGPR++)
- 1 non-woven surgical gown (ELINGOWS+++)
- Pean forceps (ESURFOAP14S) or standard dressing forceps (ESURFODR14-) for collecting glass from broken ampoules or vials.
- Single-use plastic sharps container (SINSCONT2P-).
- Disposable absorbent material such as cotton rolls, compresses, toilet paper, or kitchen paper. Enough to absorb up to 1 litre.
- Absorbent towel with a waterproof layer (ELINDRAW6D-)
- Disposable cleaning cloths (towels).
- Liquid soap (for cleaning the floor).
- 3 plastic bags:
- one for contaminated absorbent material and cleaning materials
- one for disposable protective clothing
- one for protective goggles, which should be washed after use.
- 1 biohazardous waste bag (ELABBAGR001) to place the first two bags.
- Instruction card for safely mopping up spills on surfaces.
- Instruction card for wearing / removing PPE.
Remark on gloves
All gloves have some degree of permeability to cytotoxic drugs, and this permeability increases over time. Vinyl and latex surgical gloves should not be used, as they do not provide the required level of protection.
Gloves specifications:
- Gloves should be made from materials that minimise drug permeability, such as nitrile, polyurethane, or neoprene.
- Gloves must be powder-free, as powder can absorb contaminants, increasing the risk of aerosolization and contact contamination
- Gloves should be long enough to cover the gown sleeves when the wearer's arm is fully extended
A system must be in place to promptly report spills or contamination of staff. The incident report should include the following information:
- type of incident
- actions taken to manage the spill
- actions taken to prevent recurrence
- Alert and notify:
- Alert people in the immediate vicinity that a hazardous spill has occurred and direct them to stay clear.
- Request assistance from an additional person to provide materials, read the instruction cards, and handle the waste bag.
- Secure the area:
- Cordon off the spill area and, if possible, close windows and doors to contain the spill.
- Turn off any fans or ventilation system that may spread the spill or aerosolised particles.
- Open the Cytotoxic Spill Kit and display hazard signs around the perimeter of the spill area.
- Don PPE in the following order:
- respiratory protection
- goggles
- cap
- first pair of gloves
- gown
- overshoes
- second pair of gloves
- the assistant should also wear two pairs of gloves, goggles, and respiratory protection
- Contain the spill:
- For a liquid spill: cover the spill with an absorbent waterproof plastic-lined towel.
- For a powder spill: cover the spill with absorbent towels to minimise dust production. Carefully wet the towel with water (without flooding the pill), allowing the powder to dissolve and be absorbed by the towel.
- Collect and dispose of the spill:
- Use the scoop and scraper to gather the absorbed material and any broken glass.
- Discard the collected cleaning materials into the first plastic bag held by the assistant.
- Do NOT handle sharps/glass with your hands. Use forceps or tweezers to carefully dispose of needles and glass into the sharps container.
- Clean the area:
- Wash the area several times with water and detergent, rinsing thoroughly each time with water. Always work from the outside of the spill toward the centre.
- Remove PPE in the following order:
- outer gloves
- overshoes
- gown
- goggles
- cap
- respiratory protection
- inner gloves
- place used disposable items into the secondplastic bag.
- place the protective glasses into the third bag for cleaning.
- The assistant (still wearing PPE) closes the first two plastic bags and places them into the "biohazard" bag.
- The assistant removes his PPE and adds the single-use PPE into the "biohazard" bag.
- Wash hands with soap and water.
- Wash goggles in hot, soapy water while wearing non-sterile gloves, then dry with paper towels (discard paper towels into the "biohazard" bag).
- Place the "biohazard" bag into the appropriate hazardous waste bin.
- Contact the waste or Watsan manager responsible for the transport and disposal of the biohazard bag.
- Ensure the Cytotoxic Spill Kit is replaced and fully stocked for future use.
- If not already done, don the appropriate PPE as described above.
- Immediately cover the affected area with absorbent material.
- If the spill involves a powder, gently cover with it an absorbent towel to minimise dust production. Wet the towel to dissolve the powder and allow it to absorbed by the towel.
- Carefully collect the absorbed material, making sure to use forceps to pick up any broken glass.
- Discard the collected waste into the appropriate waste bin (solid container dedicated to cytotoxic waste, such as vials, needles etc.).
- Wash the affected area with water and detergent, then rinse thoroughly several times with water.
- Dry the cleaned area using absorbent towels or cloths.
- Discard the waste into the cytotoxic waste bin.
- Remove and dispose of gloves safely, then replace them with clean ones.
- Inhalation of drug aerosols, dust, powder, or droplets:
- When opening the vial or handling the drug, inhalation of large quantities is unlikely due to the small vial size. If respiratory symptoms occur, move the victim away from the source into fresh air.
- Skin exposure:
- If splashes, drops, or contaminated surface come into contact with healthy skin or a wound, irritation, allergic reaction, itching, burning, and skin lesions (particularly with vincristine) may occur.
- Remove any contaminated clothing or shoes immediately.
- Flush the affected area with a large volume of water for 10-20 minutes, then wash thoroughly with soap and rinse with running water.
- If the skin is damaged, apply a clean dressing.
- Eye contact:
- Flush the eyes with a large volume of water or normal saline eye drops for at least 15-20 minutes.
- Seek immediate medical attention.
- If gloves are worn, remove them before flushing the eyes, as they may be contaminated.
- If contact lenses are worn, remove them immediately before flushing.
- Ingestion (unlikely via splashes, contaminated food, drink, or hand-to-mouth contact).
- Do not induce vomiting.
- Clothing contamination:
- All contaminated clothing should be removed and discarded in the "biohazard" waste bag if it is to be disposed of.
- For clothing that is not to be discarded, wash separately in hot water, and repeat washing.
See also: Hazardous waste management of health structures within low-income Countries, MSF, 2013, 3rd edition.
Contact your section pharmacist for more details.
Everytime a respirator is put on, PERFORM A SEAL CHECK
Stand in front of a mirror and fully open the respirator
STEP 1: Cup the respirator in your hand with the nosepiece at your fingertips
STEP 2: Position the respirator under your chin with the nosepiece up in order to cover the chin, the mouth and the nose
STEP 3: Pull the top strap over your head resting it high at the back of your head. Pull the bottom strap over your head and position it around the neck below the ears
STEP 4: Mould the nosepiece (using two fingers of each hand), to the shape of your nose
STEP 5: Cover the respirator with both hands, being careful not to disturb the position of the respirator
- Inhale deeply in order to create an air vacuum: if the seal is good, the respirator will cling to your face
- Exhale sharply: if the seal is good, the respirator will slightly expand
- Inhale and exhale several times: no leakage of air between the face and the respirator may be detected
If problems are met (the respirator does not collapse neither expand or if air leak is detected), adjust the respirator and retest the seal. In case the problems persist, replace the respirator and/or try another model or size. Once the respirator is correctly fitted, don't manipulate it any longer.
Protection is vital to ensure safety and performance in challenging conditions, and understanding NIJ ballistic levels is essential for choosing the most appropriate ballistic levels of protection for your application.
Rating | Ammunition | Weight (gram) | Weight (gram) | Min/Max (meters/sec) | Min/Max (feet/sec) | Number of shots |
Level I | .22 long rifle high velocity lead | 40 | 2.6 | 320 +/- 12 | 1050 +/- 40 | 5 |
Level I | .38 special round nose lead | 158 | 10.2 | 259 +/- 15 | 850 +/- 50 | 5 |
Level IIA | .357 mag. jacketed soft point | 158 | 10.2 | 381 +/- 15 | 1250 +/- 50 | 5 |
Level IIA | 9mm full metal jacket | 124 | 8 | 332 +/- 12 | 1090 +/-40 | 5 |
Level II | .357 mag. jacketed soft point | 158 | 10.2 | 425 +/- 15 | 1395 +/- 50 | 5 |
Level II | 9mm full metal jacket | 124 | 8 | 358 +/- 12 | 1175 +/- 40 | 5 |
Level IIIA | .44 mag. lead semi-wadcutter gas | 240 | 15.55 | 426 +/- 15 | 1400 +/- 50 | 5 |
Level IIIA | 9 mm full metal jacket | 124 | 8 | 426 +/- 15 | 1400 +/- 50 | 5 |
Level III | 7.62mm (.308 Winchester) full metal jacket | 150 | 9.7 | 838 +/- 15 | 2750 +/- 50 | 5 |
Level IV | .30-06 armor piercing | 166 | 10.8 | 868 +/- 15 | 2850 +/-50 | 1 |
The NIJ provides five armor protection level classifications - IIA, II, IIIA, III and IV. The “A” in some levels refers to the fact that the jacket offers more protection than the previous level, but cannot meet the standard of the next level, so it is usually half a step. Although there is a level 1 armor, it is now obsolete and no longer approved by the NIJ due to its low resistance level.
Soft-body vests are generally level IIIA or below, while hard-body vests and ballistic protective equipment are generally level III or above, including armour plates. Each of the five levels of armor has distinct advantages over different types of ammunition:
- Level IIA: This soft body armor is light and undetectable. The wearer is protected from 9mm and .40 Smith & Wesson bullets.
- Level II: Level II is still easy to conceal and light yet offers greater protection than level IIA. It’s designed to protect the wearer from 9mm and .357 magnum ammunition from short-barrel handguns.
- Level IIIA: Level IIIA is soft for easy flexibility but offers excellent protection against .357 SIG and .44 Magnum ammunition from longer-barrel handguns.
- Level III: This hard body armor uses metal plates or other composite materials to withstand rifle rounds. The NIJ tests this armor to withstand 7.62mm FMJ lead core rifle ammunition.
- Level IV: Level IV is the most powerful body armor available. It’s designed specifically for military applications and can withstand .30cal steel core armor-piercing rifle ammunition.
NIJ standard levels
- Surgical suture (commonly called stitches) is a medical device used to hold body tissues together after an injury or surgery. Application generally involves using a needle with an attached length of thread. Sutures are used to repair tissue and facilitate healing
- Single-armed suture: the classic combination consists of a thread and a single needle.
- A double-armed suture consists of a thread with a needle at each end.
- A strand of material used to identify or differentiate anatomical structures and to clamp blood vessels or ducts.
Characteristics of threads used for sutures
Thread memory is the capacity of the suture thread to return to its former, packaged shape. Thread memory has little effect on the quality of the suture, however it does affect manageability, as threads with memory tend to form knots spontaneously during use.
Tensile strength is defined as the force required to break a suture. The knot tensile strength is usually 30 to 50% less than the linear tensile strength of a suture. The suture material and diameter are key factors where tensile strength is concerned.
The capillarity of a suture describes the ease with which fluids can be wicked along the suture thread. This property is inherent to multifilament sutures as a result of the loose interstices of their fibers.
Surgical suture material can be classified on the basis of the characteristics, absorbability, origin of material and thread structure.
Absorption = resorption = loss of mass.
The rate of absorption of absorbable sutures depends on what they are made of and their thickness. Disappearance of the suture occurs through inflammatory reaction, hydrolysis or enzymatic degradation.
Absorbable sutures may be used to hold wound edges in approximation temporarily, until they have healed sufficiently to withstand normal stress. Some are absorbed rapidly, while others are treated or chemically structured to lengthen absorption time.
Non-absorbable sutures are those which are not digested by body enzymes or hydrolyzed in body tissue. They are made from a variety of non-biodegradable materials and are ultimately encapsulated or walled off by the body’s fibroblasts. When used for skin closure, they must be removed postoperatively.
Origin of material :
- Natural absorbable sutures: CATGUT: thread of animal origin.
- Natural non-absorbable sutures
- Silk fibers, often coated with wax or silicone. Tensile strength decreases as moisture is absorbed and is completely lost within 1 year.
- Cotton or linen fibers, or coated natural fibers where the coating contributes to suture thickness without adding strength.
- Metal wire of monofilament or multifilament construction.
- Synthetic origin: produced from synthetic polymers as polyamide, polyolefines and polyesters.
Number of strands:
Sutures are classified according to the number of strands of which they are comprised
monofilament | multifilament |
made of one single filament presenting a unique physical structure and a homogeneous diameter | composed of many fine individual threads either twisted or braided together |
simplified structure = less resistance as they pass through tissue = less tissue trauma | multifilament threads have a rough surface that impairs passage through tissue but results in considerably better knotholding security |
because of their smooth, closed surface and completely closed interior, monofilament threads have no capillarity | capillarity: can be relatively high for twisted threads (longitudinal orientation of the individual filaments) but is less for braided threads (the individual filaments lie more or less obliquely to the longitudinal axis of the thread which impedes the passage of fluid) |
care must be taken during handling and tying: crushing of this suture type can nick or create a weak spot in the strand. | multifilament threads are generally coated. The coating smoothes out the irregular surface and thus facilitates passage through tissue without impairing knot-holding security. The coating also reduces capillarity. Coated multifilament threads are less stiff and wiry than monofilament threads. |
Synthetic absorbable sutures
Absorbable sutures are medical devices class III according to rule 8 (surgically invasive long term use, mainly absorbed)
Low tissue reaction.
Absorption occurs by enzymatic process. This process can become altered in patients with a fever, infection or protein deficiency, resulting in an accelerated decline of tensile strength. Furthermore, the absorption process can begin prematurely if the sutures are placed in a moist or fluid filled part of the body, or if the material becomes wet or moist during handling or any other time prior to implantation.
Most of synthetic absorbable sutures are made of absorbable polyesters and contain one or more of the five basic building blocks: Glycolide, L-lactide, p-dioxanone, ε-caprolactone and trimethylene carbonate
Table 1: Synthetic absorbable sutures
PGA and PGLA sutures rapid
Absorption rate is higher for the sutures “Rapid” “Fast” or “Quick”: treating absorbable braided sutures with gamma radiation reduces their resistance. Tensile strength 50% @ 5 days, absorption complete by 42 days (PGA rapid is sometimes indicated as PGAP).
Synthetic non-absorbable sutures
Low tissue reaction, uniform and resistant.
Non absorbable sutures are in general medical devices class IIb according to rule 8 (surgically invasive, long term use)
If the suture is intended to be used in direct contact with the heart or central circulatory or nervous system, the medical device class becomes III)
Table 2: Synthetic non-absorbable sutures
Gauge of suture threads
Two parallel systems are used for measuring the gauge of thread (size of the thread):
- EP (European Pharmacopoeia) measurement: decimal size, representing a tenth of the thread diameter, expressed as a Metric size number (Metric 2 = DEC2 = 0.20 mm diameter). It ranges from 0.1 to 7.
- USP (United States Pharmacopoeia) measurement: ranges from 11/0 to 5 (the more zeros in the number, the finer the thread)
USP designation | Metric size = EP | Diameter (mm) |
11-0 | 0.1 | 0.01 |
10-0 | 0.2 | 0.02 |
9-0 | 0.3 | 0.03 |
8-0 | 0.4 | 0.04 |
7-0 | 0.5 | 0.05 |
6-0 | 0.7 | 0.07 |
5-0 | 1 | 0.1 |
4-0 | 1.5 | 0.15 |
3-0 | 2 | 0.2 |
2-0 | 3 | 0.3 |
0 | 3.5 | 0.35 |
1 | 4 | 0.4 |
2 | 5 | 0.5 |
3 | 6 | 0.6 |
4 | 6 | 0.6 |
5 | 7 | 0.7 |
Length of the sutures: there is no standard length for the sutures. Manufacturers offer different lengths for each suture, habits change per country, very thin threads are often shorter.
Other features
The suture threads are available dyed (violet, green, blue, black, etc.) or undyed. The colour acts as an indicator, which can be particularly useful in certain cases (e.g. vascular surgery) for distinguishing the different anatomical structures. The colour enhances their visibility, even if they are steeped in blood. In contrast, undyed threads have the advantage of being less visible and more discreet, and thus better for use in eye surgery or skin suturing, to avoid a tattoo effect.
Coating is a surface treatment that can be used for the needle as well as for braided sutures and has the purpose of modifying the surface.
Coating the needles improves precision and penetration. Coating the thread optimizes its passage through the tissue and at the same time makes it less traumatic while still maintaining good knot security. However, this surface coating is thin and friction during manipulation can rub off the protective coating.
Antimicrobial suture
They contain / are coated with an agent to locally inhibit bacterial growth: triclosan or chlorhexidine.
- prevent bacterial adhesion and biofilms formation and avoid long-term systemic antibiotics.
- be biocompatible with medical products
- do not impair healing processes and be well tolerated in wounds with no toxicity or systemic absorption.
Barbed suture
The knotless barbed suture is widely used in both skin and deeper structures. It is a specifically designed monofilament suture (absorbable or non absorbable) with barbs orientated in the opposite direction to the needle. While suturing tissue, these barbs penetrate inside the tissue and lock them into place, eliminating the need for knots to tie the suture. Initial fixation of the suture is with a fixation tab or a loop.
Three types according to the direction of the barbs: bidirectional, unidirectional or spiral
PTFE Pledgets
Reinforcement of a suture: PTFE pledgets are used as a suture buttress
- Protect tissue from thread tension
- Distribute tension evenly across the pledget
- Enable better tightening
Various materials and sizes available, packed separately or preloaded on the suture
Control release needle
To save time, the needle-thread combination has been constructed with a removable needle. After the suture has been placed, the needle can be removed from the suture with a slight pull.
The suture needle
In addition to the thread, the needle is an essential component of sutures.
Atraumatic sutures are defined as needle-suture combinations, where the (eyeless) needle is firmly attached (swaged) to the suture in order to reduce tissue trauma.
General characteristics
Most of surgical needles are fabricated from heat treated steel. There is no formal definition on what constitutes a "surgical stainless steel", so product manufacturers and distributors apply the term to refer to any grade of corrosion resistant steel.
The most common "surgical steels" are austenitic 316 stainless and martensitic 440 and 420 stainless steels.
The surgical needle has a basic design composed of three parts
- The point is the sharpest portion and is used to penetrate the tissue. The point runs from the tip to the maximum cross-sectional area of the body.
- The body represents the mid portion of the needle, made of solid steel. It is the strongest and widest portion of the needle and is also referred to as the grasping area.
- The swage is the portion to which the suture material is attached. Instrumentation here will break or weaken the suture. This part permits the suture and needle to act as a single unit to decrease trauma
Shape of the needle
Needle Body
Needles with round bodies pierce and spread the tissues with minimal cutting. They are used in easily penetrated tissues like the peritoneum and abdominal viscera.
Needles with triangular shaped bodies are referred to as “cutting” needles. Each of the three edges is a cutting edge, and they are used to penetrate tough tissues and are ideal for suturing skin.
Needle curvature (longitudinal shape)
In practice, the deeper the layer, the more curved the needle should be.
- 1/4 circle: shallow curvature, used on easily accessible convex surfaces: for ophthalmic and microsurgical procedures
- 3/8 circle: most commonly used needle. The curvature makes it easy to manipulate in large and superficial wounds, however it is impossible to use in deep cavities due to the large arc of manipulation needed.
- 4/8 = ½ circle: to be used in confined locations, but requires more pronation and supination of wrists
- 5/8 circle: ideal for deep, confined holes (nasal cavity), and can be used by rotating the wrist with little to no lateral movement.
Needle Point
- Taper point: needle body is round and tapers smoothly to a point. Penetrates the tissue by separating rather than by cutting.
- Conventional cutting: has a triangular cross section with the apex of the triangle on the inside of the needle curvature. The effective cutting edges are restricted to the front section of the needle and merge into a triangulated body which continues for half the length of the needle.
- Reverse cutting needle: is triangular in cross section, having the apex cutting edge on the outside of the needle curvature. This improves the strength of the needle and particularly increases its resistance to bending.
- Protection point: designed to minimize the risk of needle stick injury. The needle point is sharp enough to penetrate fascia and muscle but not skin.
- Blunt point: designed to suture extremely friable tissue such as liver.
- Tapercut needle: combines the initial penetration of a cutting point with the minimized trauma of a round bodied needle. The cutting is limited to the point of the needle, which then tapers out to merge into a round cross section.
- Side cutting or spatula points: flat on top and bottom with a cutting edge along the front to one side, for eye surgery
Sutures selected by MSF
The list of sutures has been drawn up by a group of surgeons who wished limiting their number while keeping a sufficient range to cover the surgical needs in the MSF missions.
The sutures must meet the characteristics and tests described in the pharmacopoeia. They must also meet the essential requirements of medical devices.
- Material: the selected sutures are all synthetic. The use of catgut is forbidden within MSF because it has unstable characteristics and involves a risk of contamination (bovine spongiform encephalopathy, scrapie...)
- Absorbable sutures braided (SSUTSABB+++) and the absorbable sutures braided rapid (SSUTSABR+++): coated polyyglycolid (PGA) or polygalactin 910 (PGLA), both materials are considered equivalent.
- Absorbable sutures monofilament (SSUTSAMD+++): polydioxanone = different type of material that has different characteristics.
- Non absorbable sutures, monofilament (SSUTSNAM+++): nylon (PA) and polypropylene (PP) are considered equivalent for most applications, unless specified otherwise.
- Length: sutures are 70 to 75 cm long (ligatures = 250 cm), variations occur according to the manufacturer.
- Surface: the absorbable braided sutures are coated, the monofilament sutures are not. All sutures have a smooth surface without barbs or pledgets and without antibacterial coating.
- Colour of the suture: the absorbable sutures are most often violet, the rapid ones are undyed. The specification coloured or undyed will only be added when necessary (important for plastic surgery, for intradermal continuous suture)
Codes and labels
The MSF labels are generic and mention the main characteristics of the selected sutures
- absorbable or non absorbable
- braided or monofilament
- gauge in USP measurement
- type of needle (curvature, length, type of point)
- double needle in case the suture is double armed
- all sutures are sterile and for single use, this is not specified in the label because lack of space
The codes of the sutures
- Family: SSUT
- Root: identifies the material
- SSUTSABB = absorbable braided
- SSUTSABR = absorbable braided rapid
- SSUTSAMD = absorbable monofilament PDA
- SSUTSNAM = non absorbable monofilament
- Qualifier:
- The gauge of the thread: 1 for gauge 1, 20 for gauge 2/0, 30 for gauge 3/0…
- The next letter identifies the tip of the needle
- T (trocar)
- R (reverse cutting
- C (conventional cutting
- B (blunt / protection point)
- The following digit is a sequential numbering for all other specifications (mainly linked to the needle: length, curve..)
Extra Tables
Table 1: Synthetic absorbable sutures
Suture Composition | Characteristics Caractéristiques | Brands / marques (Manufacturer / Fabricant) |
Polyglycolide (PGA) 100% glycolide |
| Dexon (Covidien) Safil (BBraun) Optime (Peters s.) AssuCryl (Assut) |
Poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) (reinforced) poly-L-lactic acid fibers |
| Orthodek (Teleflex) |
Polydioxanone (PDO or PDS) 100% p-dioxanone |
| PDS II (Ethicon) MonoPlus (BBraun) Monodek (Teleflex) Monotime (Peters s.) |
Polyhydroxybutyrate (P4HB) biosynthetically produced |
| MonoMax (BBraun) TephlaFLEX (Tepha) |
Polygalactin (PGLA) 90-93% glycolide 7-10 % L-lactide |
| Vicryl (Ethicon) Polysorb (Covidien) Novosyn (BBraun) AssuCryl Lactin (Assut) |
Polyglecaprone (PGCL) 75% glycolide 25% ε-caprolactone |
| Monocryl (Ethicon) Advantime (Peters s.) AssuCryl MonoRapid (Assut) Petcryl Mono (Dolphin) |
Poly(L-lactide-co-caprolactone) P(LA/CL) 75-85% L-lactide 15-25% ε-caprolactone |
| Surgisorb M (Sutures-UK) Caprolon (Resorba) |
Polyglyconate (PGTMC) 64% glycolide 36%trimethylene carbonate |
| Maxon (Covidien) |
Glycomer 631 60% glycolide 26% trimethylene carbonate 14% p-dioxanone |
| Biosyn (Covidien) |
Glyconate 72% glycolide 14% trimethylene carbonate 14%ε-caprolactone |
| Monosyn (BBraun) |
Polyglytone 6211 Glycolide L-lactide ε-caprolactone trimethylene carbonate |
| Caprosyn (Covidien) |
Table 2: Synthetic non-absorbable sutures
Suture Composition | Characteristics | Brands / Marques (Manufacturer / Fabricant) |
Nylon suture* nylon 6-6.6 |
| Monofilaments Dafilon (BBraun) Filapeau (Peters s.) Ethilon (Ethicon) Dermalon (Covidien) Monosof (Covidien) Nylon (Teleflex) |
Polyester suture Poly (ethylene terephthalate) (PET) |
| Mersilene (Ethicon) Ethibond excel (Ethicon) Dagrofil (BBraun) PremiCron (BBraun) Astralen (Assut) Polytresse (Peters s.) Terylene (Peters s.) TiCron (Covidien) |
Polypropylene suture synthetic linear polyolefin (PP) |
| Premilene (BBraun) Prolene (Ethicon) Surgipro (Covidien) Mopylen (Resorba) |
Teflon sutures Poly (tetrafluoroethylene) (PTFE) |
| Cytoplast (Osteogenetics) Coreflon (Implacore) |
Poly vinylidene fluoride polyvinlyidene fluoride (PVDF) |
| Resopren (Resorba) Centidene (Centenial) copolymer Pronova (Ethicon) |
Polybutester suture (PBE) copolymer of polyglycol terephthalate and polytrimethylene terephthalate |
| Novafil (Covidien) Vascufil (Covidien) |
*in common usage, the prefix 'PA' (polyamide) or the name 'Nylon' are used interchangeably and are equivalent in meaning
d'usage courant, le préfixe «PA» (polyamide) ou le nom «Nylon» sont interchangeables et ont un sens équivalent
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is concerned by the increasing number of adverse events associated with surgical staplers and staples for internal use.
The FDA believes that many of the problems identified in these reports can be primarily attributed to surgical staplers for internal use because proper staple formation is largely contingent on proper function and use of the stapler. Some of the most commonly reported problems in these adverse event reports include:
- opening of the staple line
- malformation of staples
- misfiring
- difficulty in firing
- failure of the stapler to fire the staple
- misapplied staples (e.g., user applying staples to the wrong tissue or applying staples of the wrong size to the tissue).
Stapler and/or staple malfunctions or misuse may result in prolonged surgical procedures or unplanned, additional surgical interventions, which may lead to other complications, such as:
- bleeding
- sepsis
- fistula formation
- tearing of internal tissues and organs
- increased risk of cancer recurrence
- death.
- Read and carefully follow the stapler manufacturer’s instructions for use.
- Have a range of staple sizes available and select the appropriate size cartridge for the tissue type and thickness.
- If you have difficulty squeezing the handle of the stapler, you may need to select a different size staple.
- Avoid using the stapler on tissue that is too thick or too thin for the selected staple size, as this could result in staple malformation.
- Be aware that different companies may use different colour schemes on the cartridges to indicate different staple sizes.
- Consider other options if the patient’s tissue is edematous, friable (tissue that readily tears, fragments, or bleeds when gently palpated or manipulated), or necrotic, as the staples may be less likely to securely approximate tissue.
- Be familiar with the structures around the intended staple site.
- Check that unintended structures, such as urinary bladder, or foreign objects, such as clips, are not in the staple line.
- Avoid using on large blood vessels, such as the aorta.
- Avoid clamping the stapler on delicate tissue, as clamping can still cause injury even if no staples are fired.
- If a malfunction of the stapler occurs while applying staples across a blood vessel, then clamp or ligate the vessel before releasing the stapler, while the stapler is still closed on the tissue.
- Check to ensure that the staples are compatible with the stapler.
- Be aware that there is a risk of increased leak rates when staple lines are crossed, even if there may be clinical circumstances when it is clinically necessary or appropriate to do so.
Vaccines as well as most drugs and diagnostic products are very sensitive products (light and temperature). Exposure to heat and / or freezing can have a negative impact on the quality, safety and efficacy
In 2020 the Thermosensitive Classification Codes changed. The previous codes *0(F), *A(F), *B(F), *C(F)… represented a mixture of temperature storage requirements and excursion management thresholds. The EU, WHO GDP (guidelines for good distribution practices) for pharmaceutical products, as well as the different national regulations, requires a focus on ensuring proper environmental conditions (as per manufacturer label claim) during storage and transportation.
The new thermosensitive codes are defined for storage and transport temperature requirements only. They are aligned with general (or targeted) storage facilities in the field (freezers, fridges, pharmacies, medical warehouses or transport vehicles) and their targeted temperature ranges. A wider application of temperature sensitivity codes for medical devices and therapeutic food will bring more clarity for the field in terms of (additional) storage needs from a quality perspective.
In the medical catalogues and ordering tools, all thermosensitive products are associated to a thermosensitive code listed in the table below.
Code | Definition | Temperature range |
CT30/CT3+ | Controlled Temperature 2°C-30°C | 2-30°C |
CT25 | Controlled Temperature 2°C-25°C | 2-25°C |
1525 | Controlled Room Temperature 15-25°C | 15-25°C |
0208 | Cold Chain / Refrigerated 2-8°C | 2-8°C |
F-20 | Frozen < 20°C | <-20°C |
FSRT | Frozen for Storage, Refrigerated for Transport | <-20°C/2-8°C |
The products that do not require a temperature control have no thermosensitive code associated.
A pharmaceutical product, if not stored according to manufacturer’s specifications, might become ineffective or dangerous for the patient.
Controlled Temperature: 2°C-30°C
The storage and transportation of medical items falling into this thermosensitive classification needs to be done in compliance to the Good Storage and Distribution Practices.
In the medical storage facilities, the temperature should be monitored recorded twice a day in a dedicated sheet.
Example of items stored between 2°-30°C: Specialised Food items (NFOS), medical devices of class I and IIa.
Controlled Temperature: 2°C-25°C
The storage and transportation of medical items falling into this thermosensitive classification needs to be done in compliance to the Good Storage and Distribution Practices.
In the medical storage facilities, the temperature should be monitored recorded twice a day in a dedicated sheet.
Example of items stored between 2°-25°C: some Specialised Food items (NFOS), dressings (SDRE), sampling and transport mediums and containers (STSS), medical devices of class IIb and III.
Controlled Room Temperature 15°C-25°C
The storage and transportation of medical items falling into this thermosensitive classification needs to be done in compliance to the Good Storage and Distribution Practices, following the requirements expressed by the World Health Organization and the national drug regulatory authorities (NRAs). The premises and vehicles used for storing or transporting medical products, should be of a suitable size and of a standard that allows for a secure, clean and temperature-controlled storage with a relative humidity below 65 % and no direct sunlight affecting the products.
Temperature and relative humidity should be monitored recorded twice a day in a dedicated sheet, the tool recommended for this purpose is the following: PCOLMONIHLU THERMO-HYGROMETER recorder (Log Tag Uhado-16) display.
Example of items stored between 15°-25°C: medicines (DORA, DINJ, DINF, DEXT, DEXO), some dressings (SDRE), laboratory reagents (SLAS).
Cold Chain / Refrigerated 2°C-8°C
The transport of items falling in this thermosensitive classification needs to be done in isothermal containers, while the storage requires ice-lined refrigerators (see storage and transportation equipment)
Temperature should be monitored and recorded twice a day in a dedicated sheet, with monitoring by FreezeTag and LogTag (see cold chain management).
Example of items stored between 2°-8°C: most of the vaccines (DVAC), some rapid diagnostic tests (SDDT), laboratory tests and controls (ELAE)
Frozen -20°C
The transport of items falling in this thermosensitive classification needs to be done in isothermal containers with dry ice. The storage requires qualified freezers.
Temperature should be monitored and recorded twice a day in a dedicated sheet, with monitoring by the PCOLTHER35A THERMOMETER alcohol (Moëller 104614) -30°C-+50C° (to be kept vertically).
Example of items stored at -20°C: a few laboratory tests and controls (ELAE), a couple of laboratory reagents (SLAS) and antibiotic powder for antibiotic susceptibility testing (SAST)
See Cold Chain Management guideline, MSF, 2022
- Cold Chain: A system intended to keep thermosensitive medical products, within a specific temperature range from the manufacturer until its final use. In MSF settings, the “cold chain” means keeping medical products between +2°C and + 8°C (inclusive)
Active Cold Chain: includes all devices that require electricity to produce and maintain the cold. This kind of equipment is mainly used for medical item storage or icepack production. Examples include fridges, freezers, cold rooms.
Passive Cold Chain: includes the equipment which, in order to maintain the cold, does not require electricity, however requires pre-conditioned ice-packs. Examples include isothermal/cold boxes, vaccine carriers
- Storage volume: For fridges, freezers and cold rooms, the net volume (expressed in litres) indicates the maximum quantity of medical items that the appliance may contain using the storage baskets (or shelves in the case of a cold room). The gross value is the overall volume without the baskets or the shelves. For isothermal/cold boxes and vaccines carriers the storage capacity indicated is normally always the net one (excluding the space occupied by icepacks).
- Freezing capacity: Specific for the freezer equipment, it is the capacity of a specific appliance to produce a certain volume of ice in a specific interval of time. The units of measure are indicated in Kg/24 hours).
- Holdover time: The standard MSF active cold chain equipment has the characteristic of guaranteeing, in the absence of its energy source, that the temperature is kept within range for a period of time (thanks to thermal insulation, Ice-Lining, etc). This cold time extending characteristic is called “holdover time”, and is measured in hours. The holdover time changes according to the equipment brand and model. The holdover time is always specified within an environmental temperature range (e.g. 02-08°C maintained for 48 hours if external temperature is between 15°C and 43°C).
- Cold life: Refers to passive cold chain equipment. Is intended as the time (in hours) that the equipment can keep the medical products between a specific range (e.g. between +2°C and +8°C). The cold life parameter is also only reliable within a specific external temperature range for which the equipment has been qualified.)
- Cold Chain Breakdown: Refers to passive cold chain equipment. Is intended as the time (in hours) that the equipment can keep the medical products between a specific range (e.g. between +2°C and +8°C). The cold life parameter is also only reliable within a specific external temperature range for which the equipment has been qualified.)
Thermosensitive items require continuous temperature monitoring throughout their lifecycle using standard articles included in the PCOL catalogue such as:
- Alcohol thermometer
- Freezing Indicator ( FreezeTag®)
- Historical Data Logger (LogTag®)
- Remote monitoring and Alerts (BluLog®)
Refer to the OC Specific guidance and protocols for more information regarding their usage and configuration.
MSF supplies mainly equipment pre-qualified by WHO (PQS). Consult your Technical Department before ordering cold chain equipment as an incorrect choice may result in substantial losses of vaccines/medicines/rapid diagnostic tests, delays in the program, or worse, in the use of ineffective products.
Maintenance is important for all equipment and should be carried out regularly to keep the equipment in good condition. Details of these tasks can be found in technical documentation and guidelines.
Cold chain equipment is divided into two main groups:
The active cold chain category includes all equipment that require energy to produce and maintain the cold. This kind of equipment is mainly used for the items storage or icepacks production. This category contains:
- Ice Lined Refrigerators
- Freezers: used for ice pack production or F-20 item storage.
- Cold rooms
The passive cold chain category includes the equipment which, in order to maintain the cold, requires pre-conditioned ice-packs. This category contains:
- Isothermal/cold boxes
- Vaccine’s carriers.
- Icepacks
The choice of PCOL equipment is determined by: vaccine storage capacity needed, the cold life needed, weight and volume of the box (depends of mode of transport) and number of ice-packs needed. Refer to PCOL family in the logistic catalogue for manufacturer specification and item details.
- The shipment receiver has to check their storage capacity before green lighting an order of cold chain items. Preclearance or any possible administrative paperwork is completed in advance to avoid transit delays (that are linked to packing cold life).
- The first choice of transport between central and periphery stocks for cold chain items should be by air freight when available.
- In case of road transportation, choose the fastest option, match packing cold life with anticipated delivery times and avoid open vehicles.
- The packaging container should be chosen depending on the type of transport, the lead-time and the means of transport.
- Prior to any shipment, the sender should confirm the volume, date and time of arrival of a cold chain shipment (to ensure adequate storage space upon arrival).
Follow your MSF section specific cold chain protocol. In general take following steps:
dentify the product clearly and keep it separate in a refrigerator (between 2ºC and 8ºC).
- Keep the temperature recorder as evidence after stopping the recording.
- Contact your OC or Supply Centre focal point to find out what action to take.
- Information to be given:
- Product: name, code, batch number, expiry date
- Temperatures: temperature ranges, duration of exposure, temperature monitor readings.
- Pay attention that storage and transportation conditions complies to the IFU of the manufacturer.
- Prevent the risk of cold chain item freezing by following ice pack conditioning procedures.
- Implement a cold chain contingency plan and provide continuous training per OC recommendations.
- Keep all vaccines in their original packaging during storage as this is printed with the expiry dates and batch numbers and protects the vaccine from light and damage.
- Diluents should be at the same temperature as the vaccines (between 2º C and 8º C) at the time of reconstitution. It is not necessary to store them in the refrigerator, but the required quantity of diluent should be placed in the refrigerator or in some cool box 24 hours before use. Diluents must never be frozen. Only the specific diluent recommended for the vaccine can be used. Replacement diluents can be ordered using the specific diluent code mentioned in MSF catalogue and specifying the manufacturer required.
- Do not store food, drinks or biological samples in medical refrigerators or freezers.
The regulations concerning Medical Devices (MD) and In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices (IVDMD) are intended to protect the patient, the user or any other person against the risks associated with their design, manufacture, packaging and use. Such regulations differ across countries, but all use a risk-based approach.
MSF purchases medical devices mainly from the European Union and from the United States.
The following definitions are taken from the EU legislation, but the ones of the US Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) are not significantly different.
Medical Devices according to the MDR 2017/745
‘medical device’ means any instrument, apparatus, appliance, software, implant, reagent, material or other article intended by the manufacturer to be used, alone or in combination, for human beings for one or more of the following specific medical purposes:
- diagnosis, prevention, monitoring, prediction, prognosis, treatment or alleviation of disease,
- diagnosis, monitoring, treatment, alleviation of, or compensation for, an injury or disability, investigation, replacement or modification of the anatomy or of a physiological or pathological process or state,
- providing information by means of in vitro examination of specimens derived from the human body, including organ, blood and tissue donations,
and which does not achieve its principal intended action by pharmacological, immunological or metabolic means, in or on the human body, but which may be assisted in its function by such means.
The following products shall also be deemed to be medical devices:
- devices for the control or support of conception;
- products specifically intended for the cleaning, disinfection or sterilisation of devices.
‘accessory for a medical device’ means an article which, whilst not being itself a medical device, is intended by its manufacturer to be used together with one or several particular medical device(s)
‘custom-made device’ means any device specifically made in accordance with a written prescription of any person authorised by national law by virtue of that person’s professional qualifications which gives, under that person’s responsibility, specific design characteristics, and is intended for the sole use of a particular patient exclusively to meet their individual conditions and needs.
‘active device’ means any device, the operation of which depends on a source of energy other than that generated by the human body for that purpose, or by gravity, and which acts by changing the density of or converting that energy. Software shall also be deemed to be an active device.
‘implantable device’ means any device, including those that are partially or wholly absorbed, by clinical intervention and which is intended to remain in place after the procedure (for at least 30 days).
‘invasive device’ means any device which, in whole or in part, penetrates inside the body, either through a body orifice or through the surface of the body.
‘single-use device’ means a device that is intended to be used on one individual during a single procedure
In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices according to the IVDR 2017/746
‘in vitro diagnostic medical device’ means any medical device which is a reagent, reagent product, calibrator, control material, kit, instrument, apparatus, piece of equipment, software or system, whether used alone or in combination, intended by the manufacturer to be used in vitro for the examination of specimens, including blood and tissue donations, derived from the human body, solely or principally for the purpose of providing information on one or more of the following:
- concerning a physiological or pathological process or state;
- concerning congenital physical or mental impairments;
- concerning the predisposition to a medical condition or a disease;
- to determine the safety and compatibility with potential recipients;
- to predict treatment response or reactions;
- to define or monitoring therapeutic measures.
Specimen receptacles shall also be deemed to be in vitro diagnostic medical devices.
‘specimen receptacle’ means a device, whether of a vacuum-type or not, specifically intended by its manufacturer for the primary containment and preservation of specimens derived from the human body for the purpose of in vitro diagnostic examination.
‘accessory for an in vitro diagnostic medical device’ means an article which, whilst not being itself an in vitro diagnostic medical device, is intended by its manufacturer to be used together with one or several particular in vitro diagnostic medical device(s).
‘device for self-testing’ means any device intended by the manufacturer to be used by lay persons, including devices used for testing services offered to lay persons by means of information society services.
‘device for near-patient testing’ means any device that is not intended for self-testing but is intended to perform testing outside a laboratory environment, generally near to, or at the side of, the patient by a health professional.
Products for general laboratory use are not in vitro diagnostic medical devices, unless such products, in view of their characteristics, are specifically intended by their manufacturer to be used for in vitro diagnostic examinations.
The market authorization systems for medical devices in the US and EU are different but the basic concept of the legislation is similar. In both systems, the effort to obtain market authorization increases with the perceived risk of a device.
Safety and performance of MDs are assessed through a balance of pre-market scrutiny, adequate manufacturer quality management systems, and the implementation of effective post-market surveillance. The assessment body typically follows rules for this evaluation (in the form of laws, regulations, guidance, standards from internationally recognized organizations, or other documents) that address the specific information that is needed for a given product, typically based on the risk that the product poses to the end-users and/or patient. It then assesses the documentation to determine if it conforms to the rule or standards it follows. This activity is sometimes referred to as conformity assessment.
A common framework for medical device regulations
Stage | Pre-market | Placing on the market | Post-market |
Control/Monitor | Product | Sale | After-sale / Use |
Person | Manufacturer | Vendor / Distributor | Vendor / User |
Items or activities regulated | Device attributes Manufacturing Labelling | Establishment registration Advertising | Surveillance / vigilance After-sale obligations Monitoring of device’s clinical performance Problem identification and alerts |
In the EU
The Medical Devices Directive (MDD) 93/42/EEC and the Active Implantable Medical Devices Directive (AIMDD) 90/385/EEC were introduced in early 1992. These directives were repealed by the Medical Devices Regulation (MDR) 2017/745, formally published in May 2017.
Directive 98/79/EC constitutes the Union regulatory framework for in vitro diagnostic medical devices. However, a fundamental revision of that Directive was needed to bring EU legislation into line with technical advances, changes in medical science and progress in law-making. It was repealed in April 2017 by the IVD Regulation 2017/746.
The transition periods Directive to Regulation were 3 years for the medical devices and 5 years for the IVD, starting from May 2017, but the Covid pandemic slowed down these transitions.
According to the applicable Directive / Regulation, a manufacturer must, prior to marketing its MD/IVD, fulfill four requirements:
- Assign the MD/IVD to a category of products (see Classification chapter below).
- Ensure that the MD/IVD meets defined “Essential Requirements”
- Follow the conformity assessment procedure corresponding to the type of device.
- Depending on the category of the device, ensure that an independent certification body, called a “Notified Body,” is involved in the conformity assessment procedure.
Notified bodies:
A Notified Body is an organization designated by an EU country to assess the conformity of certain products before they are placed on the market. These bodies perform tasks related to conformity assessment procedures defined in the applicable legislation, where a third party is required.
The MDR strengthens the rules for the surveillance of Notified Bodies.
The authorities responsible for Notified Bodies must reassess their compliance with the requirements of the new European Medical Device Regulation (MDR) at least once a year. They must carry out a full reassessment three years after the first notification and then every four years.
The MDR strengthens the position of Notified Bodies vis-à-vis manufacturers by introducing the obligation to perform unannounced on-site audits and to perform physical or laboratory testing of devices to ensure continued compliance.
Notified Bodies:
- Are free to offer their conformity assessment services to any economic operator inside or outside the EU
- Must operate in a non-discriminatory, transparent, neutral, independent, and impartial manner
- Must employ the necessary personnel, with sufficient knowledge and experience to carry out the conformity assessment in accordance with the law(s) in question
- Must make adequate arrangements to ensure the confidentiality of the information obtained in the course of conformity assessment
- Must provide information to their notifying authority, the market surveillance authorities, and other notified bodies.
Manufacturers are free to choose any notified body that has been legally designated to carry out the conformity assessment procedure.
The competence of the notified body should be subject to verification carried out at regular intervals and following the practice established by the accreditation organisations.
Lists of Notified Bodies can be found on the NANDO website (New Approach Notified and Designated Organisations). The lists include the identification number of each notified body and the tasks for which it has been notified.
CE marking
The CE marking is a certification mark that indicates conformity with health, safety, and environmental protection standards for products sold within the European Economic Area. It is mandatory to be affixed on a medical device before being placed on the European market, but this does not necessarily mean that the MD is marketed in the EU. Sometimes manufacturers get a CE marking in order to facilitate the registration of their product(s) on other non-EU markets (e.g. Africa or Middle-East).
- If the CE marking is reduced or enlarged the proportions given in the graduated drawing must be respected.
- The various components of the CE marking must have substantially the same vertical dimension, which may not be less than 5 mm;
- The C and E are not formed by perfect semi-circles, i.e. the top and bottom arms extend one square beyond the semi-circles, and the middle arm of the E stops one square short.
Registration of medical devices
The European legislation does not require registration of the medical devices with the each European authority, except for class I medical devices, custom-made and kits (procedure packs) and IVD. For this type of products, the manufacturers or their European representatives have to register the products in the countries where they have the registered offices. Few other European Authorities require class II and III medical devices be registered as well before being placed on the local market. This is the case with France, Italy, Germany, Portugal, Latvia, and Bulgaria.
Eudamed – European Databank on Medical Devices
Eudamed is the IT system developed by the European Commission to implement Regulation (EU) 2017/745 on medical devices and Regulation (EU) 2017/746 on in-vitro diagnostic medical devices.
Eudamed will include 6 interconnected modules, they will become available on a gradual basis as soon as they are functional. It is envisaged that all the modules Eudamed and the audit of the system will be completed before Q1 2023
- Actor registration (voluntary module now available)
- UDI/device registration (voluntary module now available)
- Notified bodies and certificates (voluntary module now available)
- Clinical investigations and performance studies (Q4 2022)
- Vigilance and post-market surveillance (Q4 2022)
- Market surveillance (Q4 May 2022)
In the US
The US FDA allows for two regulatory pathways that allow the marketing of medical devices.
The first and by far the most common is the so-called 510(k) process. A new medical device that can be demonstrated to be “substantially equivalent” to a previously legally marketed device can be “cleared” by the FDA for marketing as long as the general and special controls, as described below, are met. The vast majority of new medical devices (99%) enter the marketplace via this process. The 510(k) pathway rarely requires clinical trials.
The second regulatory pathway for new medical devices is the Premarket Approval process, which is similar to the pathway for a new drug approval. Typically, clinical trials are required for this premarket approval pathway.
The FDA may also issue export certificates for unapproved products in the United States, but manufactured within their territory, which have therefore no quality value.
Main differences
- In the USA, the market authorization is granted by a governmental agency, whereas in Europe this responsibility has been delegated to designated third-party companies, so called Notified Bodies.
- The large variation in time to the market in Europe and the USA, mainly for the highest risk devices, appears to be due to the stricter requirement to perform more elaborate clinical studies for medical devices going through the PreMarket Approval (PMA) procedure in the USA.
- There is no explicit requirement for post market surveillance in the USA legislation, although the FDA can require this for specific devices.
- The essential requirements for products are well described in the EU legislation, whereas this is less clear in the USA.
- The FDA makes most information on medical devices, related to market authorization and post-market activities publicly available, whereas such transparency does not exist in Europe.
Mutual recognition
The CE mark has no official status in the USA and an FDA-approved device has no official status in Europe.
Mutual Recognition Agreements are in place between Australia and the European Union, Memoranda of Understanding with both Canada and Switzerland, and other agreements with countries such as Japan, China, and Malaysia. FDA and regulatory agencies in Australia, Brazil, Canada, and Japan put in place the Medical Device Single Audit Program (MDSAP) with the goal to develop a process that allows a single audit to ensure the medical device regulatory requirements for all five countries are satisfied. The FDA will accept MDSAP audits as a substitute for routine FDA inspections, typically done every two years for all classes of medical devices and including in vitro diagnostic devices.
In the EU
In Europe, medical devices are assigned to one of four regulatory classes: Class I (with subclasses sterile, and measuring function), IIa, IIb and III. The classification of a device is governed by classification rules, described in the MDD or MDR.
There are rules for medical device classification based on factors such as:
- Intended use of the device: means the use for which the device is intended according to the data supplied by the manufacturer on the labelling, in the instructions and/or in promotional materials (not the particular technical characteristics of the device, not the accidental use of the device, not the class assigned to other similar products)
- Device’s duration of contact with the patient for normal use:
- Continuous: uninterrupted
- Transient: less than 60 minutes
- Short term: not more than 30 days
- Long term: more than 30 days.
- Degree of invasiveness: Invasive device = a device which, in whole or in part, penetrates inside the body, either through a body orifice (any natural opening in the body, as well as the external surface of the eyeball, or any permanent artificial opening, such as a stoma) or through the surface of the body.
- Surgically invasive device: an invasive device which penetrates inside the body through the surface of the body, with the aid of or in the context of a surgical operation. A surgically invasive device always implies that it enters through an artificially created opening. This can be a large opening, such as a surgical incision, or it can be a pinprick opening created by a needle
- Part of body contacted by the device: higher classes are attributed to devices directly in contact with the heart or central nervous system or certain parts of the circulatory system.
- If a given device can be classified according to several rules, then the highest possible class applies
- If the device is not intended to be used solely or principally in a specific part of the body, it must be considered and classified on the basis of the most critical specified use.
Classification remains essentially the same under the MDR.
- Rule 6 keeps the reusable surgical instruments in Class I but at the same time involvement of a NB is required: Class Ir.
- Surgical meshes are Class III
- New rule for classification of software: they can fall under any risk class, Class I is the exception
- Rule 20 places devices intended for inhalation of medicinal substances in risk Classes IIa or IIb
- Rule 22 places active therapeutic devices with an integrated diagnostic function, which provides data on patient management in Class III (e.g., automated external defibrillators).
In the US
Under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) recognizes three classes of medical devices, based on the level of control necessary to assure safety and effectiveness. The classification procedures are described in the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21, part 860 (usually known as 21 CFR 860).
In the USA legislation, no explicit rules about the classification could be identified. Device types and specific devices have been assigned by the FDA to one of these three risk classes. FDA has organized 18 medical specialty panels, in which over 1700 distinct types of devices are described. For each of these type of devices, a general description including intended use, the class to which the device belongs and information about marketing requirements are specified. For a completely new device, the risk class cannot be established from these lists and the FDA will have to be contacted to establish the risk class.
- Class I: Devices not purported to be for a use, which is of substantial importance in supporting, sustaining or preventing impairment of human life or health, and the devices do not present a potential unreasonable risk of illness or injury.
- Class II: Devices for which it is necessary to establish a performance standard, in order to provide reasonable assurance of safety and effectiveness.
- Class III: Devices for which insufficient information is available to establish a performance standard. The devices are purported to be for a use which is of substantial importance in supporting, sustaining or preventing impairment of human life or health, or the devices present a potential unreasonable risk of illness or injury.
In regards to the classification of in-vitro medical devices, the Directive 98/79/EC groups IVDs into four categories according to the perceived risk associated with the relative danger to public health and/or patient treatment by an IVD failing to perform as intended.
- List A: for determining the blood groups: ABO system, rhesus (C, c, D, E, e) anti-Kell or for the detection, confirmation and quantification in human specimens of markers of HIV infection (HIV 1 and 2), HTLV I and II, and hepatitis B, C and D
- List B: device for self-diagnosis: for the measurement of blood sugar
- IVDs for self-testing: Pregnancy RDT
- General IVDs: (Non A / non B): any IVD not identified in Annex II List A or List B or for self-testing
- Tropical diseases: Malaria RDT, Cholera RDT, Cryptococcus RDT, Leishmaniasis RDT, Dengue RDT, Meningitis RDT, Trypanosoma RDT
- Non tropical disease: Syphilis RDT, Rotavirus test, Adenovirus test, Biochemistry Urine strips
In the new classification system, IVDs will be divided into four classes of risk: A (lowest risk), B, C and D (highest risk).
Class Risk level Examples
Class | Risk level | Examples |
A | Low individual risk and Low public health risk | Clinical chemistry analyser Prepared selective culture media |
B | Moderate individual risk and / or Low public health risk | Pregnancy self testing Urine test strips |
C | High individual risk and / or Moderate public health risk | Blood glucose self screening Rubella test HLA typing |
D | High individual risk and / or Moderate public health risk | HIV donor screening HIV blood diagnostic |
Under the current IVD directive 10-15% IVD’s require Notified Body assessment but under the new Regulation 85-90% will require Notified Body assessment.
FDA classifies IVD products into Class I, II, or III according to the level of regulatory control that is necessary to assure safety and effectiveness. The classification of an IVD (or other medical device) determines the appropriate premarket process.
Harmonized standard
European Directives & Regulations related to medical devices set out the “essential requirements” which must be met by the manufacturers in order to have the authorization to affix the CE marking.
The technical specifications to be complied with in order to meet the essential requirements of a directive are referred to as “harmonised standards”. Compliance with harmonised standards applicable to medical devices will provide a presumption of conformity with the essential requirements of the above-mentioned Directives.
US FDA published guidance for industry on the recognition and use of national and international consensus standards
Some standards are transversal or horizontal and cover many categories of medical devices such as EN ISO 10993 series on Biological evaluation of medical devices or EN ISO 11607 series on Packaging for terminally sterilized medical devices. Others are specific to a type of product called vertical standards such as EN ISO 4074 on Natural latex rubber condoms - Requirements and test methods or EN 455-1 on Medical gloves for single use.
ISO standards
ISO, the International Organization for Standardization develops and publishes International Standards: documents that provide requirements, specifications, guidelines or characteristics that can be used consistently to ensure that materials, products, processes and services are fit for their purpose. Regulators and governments count on ISO standards to help develop better regulation, knowing they have a sound basis.
ISO 13485 – Medical devices Quality management systems: is an internationally agreed standard that sets out the requirements for a quality management system specific to the medical devices industry. It is designed to be used by organizations throughout the life cycle of a medical device, from initial conception to production and post-production, including final decommission and disposal. It also covers aspects such as storage, distribution, installation and servicing, and the provision of associated services.
ISO 13485:2016 responds to the latest QMS practices, reflecting the evolution in medical device technology and changes in regulatory requirements and expectations. This ensures that the standard remains compatible with other management system standards, including the new edition of ISO 9001.
Standards used in the US
All medical device manufacturers supplying medical devices to the U.S. are required to maintain a quality management system in compliance with the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 21, otherwise known as 21 CFR 820. The quality management system requirements cover a broad range of areas, including production and process controls, corrective and preventive actions, product development and management.
ASTM International, formerly known as American Society for Testing and Materials, is an international standards organization that develops and publishes voluntary consensus technical standards for a wide range of materials, products, systems, and services. ASTM International has no role in requiring or enforcing compliance with its standards. In the United States, ASTM standards have been adopted, by incorporation or by reference, in many federal, state, and municipal government regulations. The National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act, passed in 1995, requires the federal government to use privately developed consensus standards whenever possible. The Act reflects what had long been recommended as best practice within the federal government.
The U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention (USP) is a scientific, nonprofit organization that sets standards for the identity, strength, purity, and quality of food ingredients, medicines, medical materials and dietary supplements manufactured, distributed and consumed worldwide. Their standards are enforceable in the United States by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and they are also used in more than 140 countries.
For the designing of a medical device, each composing material should have certain characteristics, which should be in a harmony with the final properties of the medical device as well the target application.
The manufacturing companies take into consideration the following criteria:
- availability of the material in sufficient quantities and material cost, (including the costs of production, transportation, and amounts required for each device)
- matching between the material properties and the required specifications of the designed device.
- biocompatibility of the finally designed device, as well as its components. This can be considered one of the most important factors for selecting material, where the formation of any harmful products following the usage of the device will lead to its failure.
- required sterilization technique which can preserve the structure and properties of the constituting materials as well.
- sustainability of the medical device: choice of material, the manufacturing method and its related economic issues, and finally the disposal of the device.
ISO standard for medical grade materials
Because they come in contact with the human body, materials are tested for biocompatibility and safety in order to receive the “medical grade” designation
ISO 10993: biological evaluation of medical devices. The ISO 10993 set entails a series of standards for evaluating the biocompatibility of medical devices.
- Part 1: Evaluation and testing within a risk management process (2018)
- Part 3: Tests for genotoxicity, carcinogenicity and reproductive toxicity (2014)
- Part 4: Selection of tests for interactions with blood (2017)
- Part 5: Tests for in vitro cytotoxicity (2009)
- Part 6: Tests for local effects after implantation (2016)
- Part 7: Ethylene oxide sterilization residuals (2008)
- Part 9: Framework for identification and quantification of potential degradation products (2019)
- Part 10: Tests for irritation and skin sensitization (2021)
- Part 11: Tests for systemic toxicity (2017)
- Part 12: Sample preparation and reference material (2021)
- Part 13: Identification and quantification of degradation products from polymeric medical devices (2010)
- Part 14: Identification and quantification of degradation products from ceramics (2009)
- Part 15: Identification and quantification of degradation products from metals and alloys (2009)
- Part 16: Toxicokinetic study design for degradation products and leachables (2018)
- Part 17: Establishment of allowable limits for leachable substances (2002)
- Part 18: Chemical characterization of medical device materials within a risk management process (2020)
- Part 23: Tests for irritation (2021)
Plastic is material consisting of any of a wide range of synthetic or semi-synthetic organic compounds that are malleable and so can be molded into solid objects. Most plastics contain organic polymers. The vast majority of these polymers are formed from chains of carbon atoms, ‘pure’ or with the addition of: oxygen, nitrogen, or sulfur. The chains comprise many repeat units, formed from monomers. Each polymer chain will have several thousand repeating units.
An elastomer is a polymer with viscoelasticity (i.e., both viscosity and elasticity) and very weak intermolecular forces compared with other materials. The term of elastic polymer, is often used interchangeably with rubber. Each of the monomers which link to form the polymer is usually a compound of several elements among carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and silicon.
They are generally lightweight, can have excellent flexibility, and are generally inexpensive. Approximately 75 percent of polymers used in medical device manufacturing are thermoplastics (plastics that, when heated, do not undergo chemical change in their composition and so can be molded again and again), allowing them to be molded to precise shapes. Unlike metals, polymers do not interfere with medical scanning devices such as MRIs.
Polymers used in medical device manufacturing must be sterilizable, resistant to contamination, and have acceptable low levels of toxicity.
Many of the properties of plastics are determined by intenational standards.
ABS | acrylonitrile butadiene styrene | a copolymer of acrylonitrile and styrene, toughened with polybutadiene |
(PEVA) | (poly) ethylene / vinyl acetate | different types of EVA copolymer, which differ in the vinyl acetate (VA) content and the way the materials are used |
FEP | (poly) ethylene / propylene perfluorate | low friction and non-reactivity, used in IV catheters |
PA | polyamide or nylon | |
PC | polycarbonate | |
PE | polyethylene | most common plastic, primary use = packaging |
LDPE | Low density polyethylene | very flexible plastic, lightweight plastic which is puncture resistant, used for squeezy bottles and packaging films. reusable, but not usually recyclable. density: 0.910–0.940 g/cm³ |
HDPE | High density polyethylene | a versatile plastic, comes in both hard and soft plastic forms. It is usually recyclable. also used as a liner for the inner lumen of vascular catheter. |
PEI | polyetherimide (Ultem) | |
PES | polyester | category of polymers that contain the ester functional group in their main chain |
PET(E) | polyethylene terephthalate | clear, tough and solvent resistant. clear PET bottles are recycled back into bottles, or even into polyester clothing. rPET = made from recycled plastic. |
PLA | polylactic acid | a biodegradable, thermoplastic polyester |
PNMA | polymethyl methacrylate | transparent thermoplastic often used in sheet form as a lightweight or shatter-resistant alternative to glass |
POM | polyacetal | |
PF | Phenolics or phenol formaldehyde | relatively heat resistant, excellent fire resistant polymer |
PP | polypropylene | |
PS | polystyrene | |
PEEK | polyetheretherketone | strong, chemical- and heat-resistant thermoplastic. used in medical implants |
PTFE | polytetrafluorethylene | Teflon – heat-resistant, low-friction coatings |
PUR | polyurethane | |
PVC | polyvinyl chloride | |
PVDC | polyvinylidene chloride | Mainly used in food packaging |
NR | natural rubber | |
SI | silicone |
Plastic number code
The plastic symbols are the Resin Identification Coding System (RICS). They advise what type of plastic the item is. Recyclers use these plastic codes: they can visually identify plastics to sort if for recycling, but the symbol doesn’t tell you if it will be recycled or not.
Properties of some plastics
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC / V)
- inert, chemically stable and flexible polymer that is used in a wide array of products
- the material has a smooth surface and is firm enough for easy insertion, yet soft enough to be slightly pliable. It tends to warm to body heat which can also aid in overall pliability.
- it is often used for medical devices which are sterilized by the manufacturer, it is the most popular material used for intermittent catheters. It is clear, you can view the output.
- unplasticized PVC is hard and brittle at room temperature. A plasticizer (=phthalate) is typically added to increase the flexibility of the polymer. DEHP (= Di-ethylhexyl phthalate) is the plasticizer for most PVC medical devices.
- platelet affinity is significantly higher for PVC = more thrombogenic.
- incineration generates dioxins (carcinogenic) which escape in the atmosphere via the fumes of the incinerator, may also contain some lead (Pb).
In 2002, the US FDA issued a Public Health Notification concerning PVC. The agency expressed concerns regarding exposure to the PVC plasticizer DEHP that is used in numerous medical devices. In view of the available animal data, the agency advised, “precautions should be taken to limit the exposure of the developing male to DEHP.” In the wake of public health concerns regarding phthalate plasticizers, PVC is becoming an outdated legacy material overtaken by others “better suited to the demands of healthcare applications.
For MD used by MSF: For new products: the potential benefits of products containing phthalates will be evaluated against their risks. Enteral nutrition for neonates seems to be the highest risk procedure at present time. For the existing articles: No phthalate eviction policy.
Polypropylene (PP)
Rugged material which resists very well against chemical solvents, bases and acids, as well as bacterial growth. It is therefore often used in the manufacture of medical devices and laboratory equipment.
Incineration of PP is less polluting than the one of PVC. Moreover, its components are elements that give off a lot of calorific value when incinerated. This allows helping incineration of other medical waste that doesn’t burn that well without having to add (too much) additional fuel. Polypropylene (PP) and polypropylene copolymer (PPCO) containers can be autoclaved many times.
Polycarbonate (PC)
- group of thermoplastic polymers containing carbonate groups in their chemical structures
- has high impact-resistance but also a low scratch-resistance
- can undergo large plastic deformations without cracking or breaking
- products made from polycarbonate can contain trace quantities of the precursor monomer bisphenol A
- polycarbonate (PC) products can be autoclaved with caution, as they should not be exposed to alkaline detergents or steam additives, and they may withstand only up to 30 – 50 autoclaving cycles. Sterlizing PC reduces the mechanical strength of the material.
- commonly used in eye protection
Polyester (PES)
- polyester is a synthetic polymer made of purified terephthalic acid (PTA) or its dimethyl ester dimethyl terephthalate (DMT) and monoethylene glycol (MEG)
- it most commonly refers to a type called polyethylene terephthalate (PET)
- polyester fabrics are highly stain-resistant, they have high water, wind and environmental resistance compared to plant-derived fibers but they are less fire resistant and can melt when ignited
- polyester fibers are sometimes spun together with natural fibers to produce a cloth with blended properties
Polystyrene (PS)
- a synthetic aromatic hydrocarbon polymer made from the monomer styrene
- can be solid or foamed (Styrofoam): “open cell” form, in which the foam bubbles are interconnected, as in an absorbent sponge or “closed cell”, in which all the bubbles are distinct
- general-purpose polystyrene is clear, hard, and rather brittle, is a poor barrier to oxygen and water vapor and has a relatively low melting point
- widely used in packaging, petri dishes, test tubes and microplates
- generally non-biodegradable, burns to give carbon dioxide and water vapor, it typically combusts incompletely as indicated by the sooty flame.
Polytetrafluorethylene (PFTE)
- synthetic fluoropolymer of tetrafluoroethylene, thermoplastic polymer
- best known brand name of PTFE-based formulas is Teflon
- commonly used as a graft material in surgical interventions.
- frequently employed as coating on catheters; this interferes with the ability of bacteria and other infectious agents to adhere to catheters. (catheters using PTFE cannot be sterilized by irradiation because the irradiation process degrades PTFE)
Polyurethane (PUR)
- polymer composed of organic units joined by carbamate. there are many types of thermoplastic polyurethanes available: polyester or polyether or polycarbonate based polyurethanes
- thermoplastic polyurethanes do not use plasticizers to obtain softness, the additives used are biocompatible
- they are key polymers in the vascular catheter market: Polycarbonate-based polyurethanes are first choices for long-term central venous catheter applications. Polyether-based polyurethanes soften considerably within minutes of insertion in the body: this promotes patient comfort and reduces risk of vascular trauma.
- larger internal diameter compared with same CH silicone catheter = increased flow. PUR requires less wall thickness for strength compared to silicone. PUR is easily coated with a variety of specialized coatings
Silicone (SI)
- inherent chemical and thermal stability, low surface tension and hydrophobicity, does not contain proteins and are non-allergenic, can be autoclaved ➔ intrinsic biocompatibility and biodurability.
- super-smooth material, softness may reduce vein trauma
- its flexibility as an intermittent catheter lies somewhere between vinyl and rubber latex. It is firmer than latex, which helps with an easy insertion, but it can feel slightly more flexible than vinyl materials.
- kink resistant
- greater wall diameter compared to PUR
- it is clear, so you can view your output.
- extensive application in catheters and other medical products: short- and long-dwelling catheters, drains, and shunts
- compared to PVC: does not contain phthalates or another organic plasticizer which might leach out. Show significantly less sepsis, prolonged service life and fewer catheter insertions per patient.
- mineral incrustation with urinary catheters: the all-silicone and silicone-coated catheters remained patent the longest (compared to latex and latex-coated catheters)
Polyamide (PA)
- macromolecule with repeating units linked by amide bonds, occur both naturally (proteins) and artificially
- synthetic polyamides are classified according to the composition of their main chain: Aliphatic polyamides, Polyphthalamides and Aramids = aromatic polyamides.
- nylon is a generic designation for the synthetic polymers, based on aliphatic polyamides. In common usage, the prefix ‘PA’ (polyamide) or the name ‘Nylon’ are used interchangeably and are equivalent in meaning
- nylon is a thermoplastic silky material that can be melt-processed into fibers films or shapes.
- nomenclature used for nylon polymers uses numbers to describe the number of carbons in each monomer unit
Natural Rubber (NR)
- Rubber and latex are not the same, but many people use the words as if they both referred only to natural rubber
- a latex is a dispersion of extremely small particles of an insoluble liquid or solid material in a liquid (the particles are almost always polymeric, and the liquid is usually water, most latexes also contain a surfactant)
- natural Rubber Latex refers to the white sap that comes from the hevea brasiliensis tree. The latex then is refined into rubber, also called India rubber or caoutchouc, ready for commercial processing.
- thermos-sensitive: warms up to the surrounding temperatures and becomes easily pliable.
- very soft, has a large stretch ratio and high resilience, and is extremely waterproof.
- is almost always given a tint with special dyes while it is still in a liquid state.
- Latex allergy: prevalence among medical professionals is estimated at 8 – 17%, in the general population: 1 – 6%. Latex allergies usually present as a type I (IgE-mediated) immediate allergic reaction to proteins contained in the natural rubber. Several of the additives used during manufacture have also been implicated as causal agents. Latex allergies are regarded as a major healthcare issue.
Synthetic rubber
Synthetic rubber is a man-made rubber which is produced in manufacturing plants by synthesizing it from petroleum and other minerals. It has the property of undergoing elastic stretch or deformation under stress but can also return to its previous size without permanent deformation. Depending on the chemicals added and the properties associated with it, the synthetic rubber can be as hard as a bowling ball or as resilient as a rubber band or as soft as a sponge. Approximately 70% of all rubber used today are one from many synthetic rubber varieties. Some of the popular synthetic rubber types include the following:
- Isoprene Rubber (IR)
- Nitrile Rubber (NBR)
- Polychloroprene (CR)/ Neoprene
- Silicone Rubber (SiR)
- Styrene Butadiene Rubber (SBR)
Ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA)
- also known as poly (ethylene-vinyl acetate) (PEVA) = copolymer of ethylene and vinyl acetate
- elastomeric polymer that produces materials which are “rubber-like” in softness and flexibility. The material has good clarity and gloss, low-temperature toughness, stress-crack resistance, hot-melt adhesive waterproof properties, and resistance to UV radiation. EVA is competitive with rubber and vinyl polymer products in many electrical applications.
- used in: Hot melt adhesives, in biomedical engineering applications as a drug-delivery device, EVA foam is used as padding or as a shock absorber in physiotherapy equipment.
Surgical drapes and materials are a key element when preventing postoperative wound infections. Surgical fabrics have to fulfill the following requirements:
- Maximum protection for patients, users and third parties
- High microbiological and hygiene standards to prevent the risk of infection
- Good wearing comfort of the clothing to maintain the high performance
- Liquid-absorbing
- Easy handling of the drapes
Types of fabrics
- Woven fabrics have an over/under structure of machine direction (MD) and cross machine direction (XD) threads-produced on a loom that feeds thread in only two directions and are generally inelastic.
- Knit fabrics are constructed through series’ of interlocked loops, which make a knit fabric more flexible in multiple directions.
- Non-woven fabric is a fabric-like material made from staple fiber (short) and long fibers (continuous long), bonded together by chemical, mechanical, heat or solvent treatment.
Non-woven textiles
Non-woven fabrics are structures of textile materials, such as fibres, continuous filaments, or chopped yarns of any nature or origin, that have been formed into webs by any means, and bonded together by any means, excluding the interlacing of yarns as in woven fabric, knitted fabric, laces, braided fabric or tufted fabric (Film and paper structures are not considered as non-wovens)
Non-woven fabrics are engineered fabrics that may be single-use, have a limited life, or be very durable.
Different manufacturing processes classify non-woven fabrics: Staple non-wovens, Melt-blown non-wovens, Spunlaid (also called spunbond) non-wovens, Flashspun fabrics
- SMS non-woven fabric = fabric consisting of 3 layers (polypropylene is mostly used): 1 layer of meltblown non-woven in sandwich between 2 layers of spunbond non-woven.
- SMMS non-woven contains 4 layers: spunbond non-woven fabric + meltblown non-woven fabric + meltblown non-woven fabric + spunbond non-woven fabric
With special treatments during the production process, different specifications can be obtained: hydrophilic, antibacterial, anti-mite, anti-static, alcohol and blood repellent, oil repellenty, hydrostatic pressure resistance.
Medical use:
- medical packaging: porosity allows gas sterilization
- isolation gowns, surgical gowns, surgical drapes and covers, surgical masks, surgical scrub suits, caps, gloves, shoe covers, wound dressings, plasters,..
Regulations for non-woven fabrics:
- ISO 9092: 2019: Textiles — Nonwovens — Definition
- ISO 9073: Textiles -- Test methods for nonwovens – different parts
Woven fabrics
Woven fabric is any textile formed by weaving. Woven fabrics are often created on a loom, and made of many threads woven on a warp and a weft. Technically, a woven fabric is any fabric made by interlacing two or more threads at right angles to one another.
- Polyester/cotton: 50% polyester-50% cotton fabric
- Cotton: 100 % cotton cretonne fabric
Comparative results of the tests made on reusable woven textiles
- Dusting rates: Polyester/cotton gives off 50% less particles than cotton and is therefore particularly recommended for surgical linen.
- Physical properties : Polyester/cotton shows the best physical properties. However, its resistance decreases in proportion to use and to the number of sterilization cycles.
- Barrier properties (bacteriological and physical resistance to liquids): New cotton can absorb the equivalent of its weight: high permeability, immediate bacterial passage. After the 1st sterilization cycle, polyester/cotton shows a high level of absorption, but the permeability is limited thanks to waterproofing treatments, performed by the manufacturer.
Tychem® used in SARS or VHF contexts
Tyvek is a non-woven product consisting of spunbond olefin fiber. It is a brand of flashspun high-density polyethylene fibers, a synthetic material; the name is a registered trademark of DuPont. The material is very strong; it is difficult to tear but can easily be cut with scissors or a knife. Water vapor can pass through Tyvek, but liquid water cannot.
Tychem® fabric is a Tyvek® brand fabric with additional coating to increase chemical protection.
- Barrier against infectious agents
- Impervious to many inorganic chemicals and particles < 1 μm
- Impervious to liquids and aerosols
- Resistant to splashes up to 2 bars
- Permeable to air and steam
- Antistatic treated
- Stitched and covered seams for better strength and protective barrier
Selection of textiles within MSF
- The single-use non-woven textile is used for single use surgical masks and for the single use surgical linen module → intended for emergencies or kept in “reserve” in surgical programmes.
- Tychem® is used for items intended for the personal protection of medical/non-medical staff and patients’ attendants in contact with suspected or known cases of SARS or viral hemorrhagic fever (Ebola, Marburg, Lassa, etc.).
- Polyester/cotton fabric is used for surgical gowns and drapes (comfort of cotton and long life of polyester)
- 100 % cotton fabric is used for all other articles (easy local supply).
Metals are solid, non-organic materials. They have long been the most common material in medical device manufacturing and are currently used in some way shape or form in 80 percent of all medical devices. The combination of metals with other materials allows the properties of the material to be modified through the creation of alloys. Because most metals oxidize easily, stainless steel—comprising iron, carbon, and chromium—is often the metal of choice for medical device manufacturers. The use of titanium alloys is increasing, in part due to its modulus of elasticity which is closer to that of bone than that of steel.
Steels used in the manufacture of surgical instruments: see introduction ESUR family.
Types of stainless steel
In metallurgy, stainless steel, also known as inox, is a steel alloy with a minimum of 10.5% chromium content by mass and a maximum of 1.2% carbon by mass. Stainless steel is divided into different families depending on its metallurgical structure.
Austenitic steel
These steels are the most common. Their microstructure is derived from the addition of Nickel, Manganese and Nitrogen. It is the same structure as occurs in ordinary steels at much higher temperatures. Corrosion resistance can be enhanced by adding Chromium, Molybdenum and Nitrogen. They cannot be hardened by heat treatment but have the useful property of being able to be work hardened to high strength levels whilst retaining a useful level of ductility and toughness. Higher nickel austenitic steels have increased resistance to stress corrosion cracking. They are nominally non-magnetic but usually exhibit some magnetic response depending on the composition and the work hardening of the steel.
- Grade 302 and 304 =18/8: containing a minimum of 18% chromium and 8% nickel, combined with a maximum of 0.08% carbon
- Grade 316: the carbon content is held to 0.08% maximum, while the nickel content is increased slightly with addition of molybdenum up to a maximum of 3% (it increases the corrosion resistance)
Martensitic steel
These steels are similar to ferritic steels in being based on Chromium but have higher Carbon levels up as high as 1%. This allows them to be hardened and tempered much like carbon and low-alloy steels. They are used where high strength and moderate corrosion resistance is required. They are more common in long products than in sheet and plate form. They have generally low weldability and formability. They are magnetic.
- Grade 410 is the basic martensitic type: 11.5 – 13.5 % chromium, carbon max 0.15%, Manganese max 1%, Silicon max 1%, Nickel 0.75%
- Grade 416 is a modification of type 410: sulfur or selenium have been added
Ferritic steel
These steels are based on Chromium with small amounts of Carbon usually less than 0.10%. These steels have a similar microstructure to carbon and low alloy steels. They are usually limited in use to relatively thin sections due to lack of toughness in welds. However, where welding is not required they offer a wide range of applications. They cannot be hardened by heat treatment. Ferritic steels are also chosen for their resistance to stress corrosion cracking. They are not as formable as austenitic stainless steels. They are magnetic. (Steel grade 430 is the basic type)
Designation of steel types
Steel grades to classify various steels by their composition and physical properties have been developed by a number of standards organizations.
- SAE steel grades: a standard alloy numbering systems for steel grades maintained by SAE International (Society of Automotive Engineers (a U.S.-based professional association and standards developing organization for engineering professionals in various industries)
- British Standards
- International Organization for Standardization ISO/TS 4949:2016
- European standards - EN 10027: designation system for steels:
Part 1 (2016): Steel names: specifies rules for designating steels by means of symbolic letters and numbers to express application and principal characteristics, e.g. mechanical, physical, chemical, so as to provide an abbreviated identification of steels.
Part 2 (2015): Numerical system: sets out a numbering system, referred to as steel numbers, for the designation of steel grades. It deals with the structure of steel numbers and the organization for their registration, allocation and dissemination. Such steel numbers are complementary to steel names set out in EN 10027-1.
- Japanese steel grades : Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS) standard
- Germany steel grades : DIN standard
- China steel grades : GB standard
Ceramics play an increasing role in medical devices manufacturing. In materials sciences, the term ceramics applies to solid materials that are neither metallic nor organic. The category includes glass, clay, and concrete. They are usually oxides but can also be carbides, silicides, or nitrides. They are ideal for implantable medical devices as they are chemically nonreactive, good insulators, can be molded at small sizes and do not degrade within the body.
Packaging plays significant roles in maintaining product quality and promoting safe and effective use of a medical device, namely:
- It protects the product from the environment and vice versa: effective barrier to light, moisture, oxygen, bacteria; etc., protection from damage, maintain product integrity until its in-use phase is completed (or the expiry date has passed)
- It provides all necessary information for: identification of the article, safe use of the product (clearly worded instructions, pictograms) including precautions, storage and shelf life of in-use product, appropriate disposal of the unused product and the packaging itself.
- It enables accurate dosing and compliance: additional spoons or syringes for oral dose measurement and delivery, dropper tubes, applicators, dispensing devices, dose counters and calendar devices.
- It ensures supply-chain integrity of the product: “Track-and-Trace” systems, anti-counterfeiting measures.
A well-designed and correctly used sterilization pack provides effective sterilization, safe handling and storage of all items until the moment they are used. A pack must remain sealed against bacteria and facilitate aseptic presentation of the packaged product. The sterile state of a medical device is maintained with the help of an appropriate packaging. The design, materials and manufacture of the packaging materials have to be compatible with the medical device to be packed, the handling processes of the medical device, the sterilization method to be used, the labelling systems, and the distribution and storage conditions as well.
Directive (EU) 2018/852 on packaging and packaging waste must ensure that the packaging placed on the EU market meets the essential requirements:
- limit the weight and volume of packaging to a minimum to meet the required level of safety, hygiene and acceptability for consumers
- reduce the content of hazardous substances and materials in the packaging material and its components
- design reusable or recoverable packaging
Medical device packaging is highly regulated. Often medical devices are sterilized in the package (=terminal sterilization). A series of special packaging tests documents and ensures that packages meet regulations and end-use requirements. Manufacturing processes must be controlled and validated to ensure consistent performance.
ISO 11607-1:2018 – is the principal guidance document
- Part 1: Requirements for Materials, Sterile Barrier Systems and Packaging Systems. Details the elemental attributes demanded of materials and pre-formed systems intended for use in packaging systems. It takes into consideration the vast array of potential materials, packaging system designs and sterilisation methods. Specifies the requirements and test methods until the point of use.
- Part 2: Validation requirements for Forming, Sealing and Assembly Processes. The development and validation of the packaging processes are crucial to ensure that sterile barrier system integrity is maintained until opened by the users.
The following definitions can be found in EN868 or EN ISO 11607:
- Packaging material: any material used in the fabrication or sealing of the packaging system or a primary pack.
- Primary pack: sealed or closed packaging system which forms a microbial barrier, enclosing a medical device.
- Seal: result of joining of surfaces together (e.g. by use of adhesive, thermal fusion or gaskets).
- Seal integrity: characteristics of the seal which ensures that it presents a microbial barrier.
- Secondary pack: pack containing one or more medical devices, each in its primary pack.
- Sterile: condition of a medical device which is free from viable micro-organisms (EN 556 standard on sterility of medical devices)
- Terminally sterilized: term for medical devices which are sterilized after being completely sealed or enclosed in at least the primary pack.
- Transport pack (or tertiary pack): pack containing one or more primary and/or secondary packs intended to provide the necessary protection during the transport and storage.
- Sterile barrier system is defined as “the minimum packaging configuration that provides a microbial barrier and allows aseptic presentation of the product unit at the point of use”.
- A preformed sterile barrier system is a “partially assembled sterile barrier system prior to filling and final closure and sealing”.
- Protective packaging is the “packaging configuration designed to prevent damage to the sterile barrier system and its contents from the time of their assembly until the point of use”.
- Packaging system is the “combination of the sterile barrier system and protective packaging” and could include the transit packaging.
Pouches are typically fabricated from two or more different materials with plastic, Tyvek, film, paper, and/or laminates of these materials sealed to form a peel-open or tear-open package. In general, peel pouches should be used for small, lightweight, low-profile items. For larger and heavier items, thermoformed trays provide a stronger, more protective package.
The regular pouches are manufactured of medical grade paper (allows penetration for sterilization process) and clear plastic film (allows the content to be seen) and are suitable for sterilization in steam and EO processes.
Dimensioning of pouches: outside dimensions are given: first the opening or width, secondly the length of the pouch.
Characteristics of packages closed by “heat sealing”:
- The MD may occupy at most 75 % of the pouch in order to allow the package to conform to air evacuation processing during sterilization
- The space between the MD upper end and the seal seam on the peeling side must be at least 3 cm with an excess of up to 3 cm above the seal seam to allow for un-impeded peeling as well as aseptic withdrawal
- A protective must be fitted to any pointed or sharp instruments before they are placed in pouches or reels.
- The opening of MDs with a cavity (e.g. kidney dish) will face the paper side.
- End of the article to be grasped is presented first when the package is opened.
- Each seal must extend along the total width and length of the seal lines with no channels, kinks, folds, air pockets or notches and no signs of burning or melting.
- Protective packaging in the form of an outer see through wrap: The pouch size must permit unimpeded introduction of the inner wrap. The inner see through foil must not be kinked or folded, the inner wrap is not sealed into the seal seam of the outer wrap and the paper side of inner pouches face the paper side of the outer pouches
- Labels should be affixed to the foil side. If the label is to be affixed to the paper side, the size of the label must not exceed 20% of the paper surface. Label only outside the seal seam and outside the area surrounding the sterile MD.
Desiccants are used to control the exposure of products to ingress of moisture. They vary in their capacity and the rate that they can adsorb/absorb moisture.
Silica gel is an amorphous and porous form of silicon dioxide (silica), consisting of an irregular tridimensional framework of alternating silicon and oxygen atoms with nanometer-scale voids and pores. The voids may contain water or some other liquids, or may be filled by gas or vacuum. Silica gel is usually commercialized as coarse granules or beads, a few millimeters in diameter. Some grains may contain small amounts of a substance that changes color when they have absorbed some water. Small paper envelopes containing silica gel pellets, usually with a “do not eat” warning, are often included in dry food packages to absorb any humidity that might cause spoilage of the food.
When a visible indication of the moisture content of the silica gel is required, ammonium tetrachlorocobaltate or cobalt chloride is added. This will cause the gel to be blue when dry and pink when hydrated. An alternative indicator is methyl violet which is orange when dry and green when hydrated. Due to the connection with cancer, cobalt chloride has been forbidden on silica gel in Europe.
- The packaging protects the medical device from the environment and maintains sterility
- Medical devices must be transported and stored in their original packaging
- Sterile medical devices must be stored at least in their secondary packaging
- Sterile medical devices must be packaged in easy handling pouches that can be opened while maintaining product sterility before use
- Nest paper to paper and plastic to plastic for steam penetration
- Basic control of the packaging before use of sterile medical devices :
- Expiry date
- Seal strength (sufficient peeling force)
- Packaging integrity (no holes)
- Validity of the desiccant when applicable
The primary purpose of labelling is to identify the medical device and its manufacturer, and communicate safety and performance related information to the user, professional or lay, or other person, as appropriate. Such information may appear on the device itself, on packaging or as instructions for use.
- Label: written, printed, or graphic information either appearing on the medical device itself, or on the packaging of each unit, or on the packaging of multiple devices.
- Labelling: the label, instructions for use, and any other information that is related to identification, technical description, intended purpose and proper use of the medical device, but excluding shipping documents.
- Primary Packaging: contains and protects the article so it is normally in contact with it. Can be sterile or no sterile EX: sachet, plastic box, peel-open pack
- Secondary Packaging: A pack component with no product contact but may add protection to that provided by the immediate pack. EX: cardboard box, rigid wrapping.
IMDRF (International Medical Device Regulators Forum): IMDRF/GRRP WG/N52 FINAL:2019: Principles of Labeling for Medical Devices and IVD Medical Devices
Definition of UDI
A series of numeric or alphanumeric characters that is created through internationally accepted device identification and coding standards and that allows unambiguous identification of specific devices on the market.
UDI is a unique numeric or alphanumeric code, displayed in both human readable (plain text) and machine readable AIDC (Automatic identification and data capture) form, that consists of two parts: the device identifier (DI) and the production identifier(s) (PI)
- DI = Device Identifier: Mandatory, fixed portion of a UDI that identifies the specific version or model of a device and the labeler of that device. It is also the identifier used to access the UDI Database.
- PI = Production Identifiers: a variable code related to production data of the device, such as lot/batch number, expiry date, manufacturing date, etc.
Objective of UDI
- Establish a system to adequately identify devices through distribution and use
- Facilitate the rapid and accurate identification of a device
- Enable access to important information concerning the device
- Allow more accurate reporting, reviewing, and analyzing of adverse event reports.
- Provide a standard and clear way to document device use in electronic health records, clinical information systems, claims, data sources and registers.
- Enable more efficiently managed device recalls
UDI barcode combines the Device Identifier (DI) which would be a static portion to the barcode and then the Production Identifier (PI), which would be a dynamic portion to the barcode, including Application Identifiers such as Manufacturing date (AI-11), Serial (AI-21), Lot Number (AI-10) and Expiration Dates (AI-17).
Data delimiter means a defined character or set of characters that identifies specific data elements within an encoded data string. The data delimiters are key to UDI comprehensibility and utility. The data delimiters indicate the DI value or the PI values that follow each data delimiter within the UDI.
Data Delimiters | Identifier | Data Type | HR Field Size | DB Field Size | Example Data |
(01) | Device Identifier (DI) | Numeric | 16 | 14 | 51022222233336 |
(11) | Manufacturing/Production Date | Numeric | 8 | 6 (YYMMDD) | 141231 |
(17) | Expiration Date | Numeric | 8 | 6 (YYMMDD) | 150707 |
(10) | Batch/Lot Number | Alphanumeric | 22 | 20 | A213B1 |
(21) | Serial Number | Alphanumeric | 22 | 20 | 1234 |
The final human readable string for this example: (01)51022222233336(11)141231(17)150707(10)A213B1(21)1234
UDI regulation
UDI’s are issued by an accredited UDI issuing agency (FDA or EU)
Conform to each of the following international standards:
ISO/IEC 15459: Information technology -- Automatic identification and data capture techniques -- Unique identification. the different parts are confirmed in 2020.
- Part 2: 2015: Registration procedures
- Part 4: 2014: Individual products and product packages
- Part 6: 2014: Groupings
Use only characters and numbers from the invariant character set of ISO/IEC 646 (information technology: 7-bit coded character set for information interchange)
UDI issuing entities
The Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) of 7 June 2019, has announced the four UDI issuing agencies applicable for Medical Devices under the MDR and In-Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices IVDR. These agencies will issue the unique codes necessary for UDI. This assignment will be valid for five years, after which designations will be reviewed by the European Commission and possibly renewed.
- IFA GmbH: Informationsstelle für Arzneispezialitäten (IFA GmbH is an information service provider for the pharmaceutical market, providing information services including economic, legal and logistic data for goods sold in pharmacies in Germany)
The other identified agencies are already active for US FDA UDI. They are:
- GS1: a not-for-profit organization that develops and maintains global standards for business communication. The best known of these standards is the barcode, a symbol printed on products that can be scanned electronically.
- Health Industry Business Communications Council (HIBCC): was established in 1983 as an industry-sponsored nonprofit council by major health care associations to develop a standard for data transfer using uniform bar code labelling. Over time, it has expanded its focus to include additional electronic data interchange standards.
- International Council for Commonality in Blood Banking Automation (ICCBBA): is an international not-for-profit non-governmental standards organization in official relations with the World Health Organization (WHO) and is responsible for management and development of the ISBT 128 Standard (a global standard for the identification, labelling, and information transfer of medical products of human origin, including blood).
The Global Unique Device Identification Database (GUDID) is administered by the FDA and serves as a reference catalog for every device marketed in the US with an identifier. Under the UDI rule, the labeler of each medical device labeled with a unique device identifier (UDI) must submit information concerning that device to the GUDID, unless subject to an exception or alternative. The GUDID contains ONLY the device identifier (DI), which serves as the primary key to obtain device information in the database. The database is free access.
IMDRF (International Medical Device Regulators Forum): UDI Guidance, December 2013
A global Medical Devices nomenclature is required, to support faster regulatory process, easier selection, improved procurement and supply, increased trade and better asset management, in order to increase patient safety, better allocation of resources, post market surveillance and impact the access and availability of medical devices to support better health care delivery.
The European Medical Device Nomenclature (EMDN) will be the nomenclature of use by manufacturers when registering their medical devices in the EUDAMED database.
Founded on pre-established criteria and requirements and based on orientations provided by the Medical Device Coordination Group (MDCG), the European Commission decided in favour of the use of the ‘Classificazione Nazionale Dispositivi medici (CND)’ as the basis for the EMDN. To the extent possible, the Commission will map the EMDN to the Global Medical Device Nomenclature (GMDN).
EMDN / CND nomenclature
This nomenclature is characterized by its alphanumeric structure that is established in a multi-level hierarchical tree. It clusters medical devices in three main levels:
1 = Category
2 = Group
3 = Type (which if necessary, expands into several levels of detail)
Each MD is classified by an alphanumeric code consisting of a letter referring to the Category, a couple of numbers referring to the Group and a series of other couples of numbers referring to the Type (whose amount depends on the level of detail) up to a maximum of 7 levels.
GMDN: Global Medical Device Nomenclature
GMDN is a system of internationally agreed descriptors used to identify medical device products.
GMDN is managed by the GMDN Agency, a non-profit organization which reports to its Board of Trustees, that represents medical device regulators and industry.
Medical device experts from around the world (manufacturers, healthcare authorities and regulators) compiled the GMDN, based on the international standard ISO 15225. The work was mandated by the European Commission in order to provide the necessary tool to carry out the implementation of the Medical Devices Directive, including the European databank for medical devices (Eudamed)
The GMDN term is in the form of a 5-digit numeric GMDN Code cross-referenced to a specific Term Name and Definition, with which all specific medical devices having substantially similar generic features, can be identified. They are mentioned at the bottom of the definition in the technical sheet of the MD.
UMDNS: Universal Medical Device Nomenclature System
UMDNS is owned and copyrighted by ECRI Institute (an independent international nonprofit organization that researches approaches to improving patient care). Codes are free to be used by any stakeholder but do not contain the granularity required.
UMDNS contains 10,056 unique medical device concepts and definitions (preferred terms), along with an additional 23,004 entry terms to facilitate classifying of biomedical information. UMDNS contains explicit relationships among the 33,000+ terms, including hierarchical relationships and synonymous relations, as well as relationships among related devices.
UNSPSC: United Nations Standard Products and Services Code
UNSPSC a four-level hierarchy coded as an eight-digit number, with an optional fifth level adding two more digits. The UNSPSC was jointly developed by UNDP and is currently managed by GS1 US.
HS (Harmonized System)
The Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System is an internationally standardized system of names and numbers to classify traded products. It came into effect in 1988 and has since been developed and maintained by the World Customs Organization (WCO), an independent intergovernmental organization based in Brussels, with over 200 member countries.
According to ISO 14971: graphical representation appearing on the label and/or associated documentation of a medical device that communicates characteristic information without the need for the supplier or receiver of the information to have knowledge of the language of a particular nation or people. The symbol can be an abstract pictorial or a graphical representation, or one that uses familiar objects, including alphanumeric character. These symbols may be used on the medical device itself, on its packaging or in the associated documentation.
- ISO 15223-1: 2021: Medical devices -- Symbols to be used with medical device labels, labelling and information to be supplied -- Part 1: General requirements
- identifies requirements for symbols used in medical device labelling that convey information on the safe and effective use of medical devices.
- It also lists symbols that satisfy the requirements of ISO 15223-1.
- is applicable to symbols used in a broad spectrum of medical devices, which are marketed globally and therefore need to meet different regulatory requirements.
- EN 15986:2011: Symbol for use in the labelling of medical devices. Requirements for labelling of medical devices containing phthalates
- ISO 7000:2019: Graphical symbols for use on equipment -- Registered symbols
- ISO 780:2015 (confirmed in 2021): Packaging — Distribution packaging — Graphical symbols for handling and storage of packages
- IEC TR 60878:2015: Graphical symbols for electrical equipment in medical practice
The International System of Units is known by the international abbreviation SI in all languages. The SI comprises a coherent system of units of measurement starting with seven base units, which are the second (symbol s, the unit of time), metre (m, length), kilogram (kg, mass), ampere (A, electric current), kelvin (K, thermodynamic temperature), mole (mol, amount of substance), and candela (cd, luminous intensity).
Abbreviations for most units of measurements use small letters and periods.
Temperature abbreviations use capitals because they come from proper nouns.
English Unit Abbreviations | metric abbreviations | ||
bbl. | barrel | b | bit |
cu. | cubic | B | byte |
doz. | dozen | cm³ (or cc) | cubic centimeter |
F. or F | Fahrenheit | ml | milliliter |
fl.oz. | fluid ounce | l | liter |
ft. or ‘ | foot | g (or gr) | gram |
gal. | gallon | μg (or mcg) | microgram |
gr. | grain | mg | milligram |
gro. | gros | kg | kilogram |
in. or ‘’ | inch | MT (or T or t) | metric ton |
lb. | pound | km | kilometer |
mi. | mile | m | meter |
yd. | yard | cm | centimeter |
oz. | ounce | mm | millimeter |
pt. | pint | W (or w) | watt |
qt. | quart | ||
sq. | square | ||
T. ou T | ton |
inches → centimeters | 1 in = 2,54 cm | centimeters → inches | 1 cm = 0,394 in | |
feet → meters | 1 ft = 0,305 m | meters → feet | 1 m = 3,281 ft | |
square inches → square centimeters | 1 in² = 6,452 cm² | square centimeters →square inches | 1 cm² = 0,155 in² | |
square feet → square meters | 1 ft² = 0,093 m² | square meters → square feet | 1 m² = 10,764 ft² | |
ounces → grams | 1 oz = 28,350 g | grams →ounces | 1 g = 0,035 oz | |
pounds → kilograms | 1 lb = 0,454 kg | kilograms →pounds | 1 kg = 2,205 lb | |
cubic feet → cubic meters | 1 ft³ = 0,028 m³ | cubic meters →cubic feet | 1 m³ = 35,315 ft³ | |
imperial gallons → liters | 1 UK gal = 4,546 l | liters →imperial gallons | 1 l = 0,220 UK gal | |
US liquid gallon → liters | 1 US gal lqd = 3,785 l |
from | to Fahrenheit | to Celsius | to Kelvin |
Fahrenheit (F) | F | (F-32) x 5/9 | (F-32) x 5/9 + 273.15 |
Celsius (C or °) | (C x 9/5) + 32 | C | C + 273.15 |
Kelvin (K) | (K – 273.15) x 9/5 + 32 | K – 273.15 | K |
The Kelvin scale is an absolute thermodynamic temperature scale using as its null point absolute zero, the temperature at which all thermal motion ceases in the classical description of thermodynamics. The Kelvin is the base unit of temperature in the International System of Units.
Pressure is the amount of force applied perpendicular to the surface of an object per unit area. The SI unit for pressure is the pascal (Pa), equal to one newton per square metre. In the English system, pressure is usually expressed in pounds per square inch (psi).The torr (symbol: Torr) is a unit of pressure based on an absolute scale, defined as exactly 1/760 of a standard atmosphere.
1 bar = 1 atm = 1 kg/cm² = 100 kPa = 14.5 psi = 750 Torr
Simply gauge, G or GA generally refers to Birmingham gauge or British gauge Calibre, where an increasing gauge corresponds to a smaller diameter needle.
The Birmingham gauge is a wire gauge system, and is also used to specify the outside diameter of hypodermic needles, catheters, cannulae and suture wires. Birmingham gauge is often simply termed Gauge, with the abbreviation G. Smaller gauge numbers indicate larger outer diameters. Inner diameter depends on both gauge and wall thickness.
The gauge starts at the lowest gauge number 5 corresponding to the largest size of 12.7mm. The highest gauge number 36 corresponds to the smallest size of 0.102mm. Size steps between gauges range from 0.025 mm between high gauge numbers to 1.17 mm between the two lowest gauge numbers and do not correspond to a particular mathematical pattern, although for the most part the steps get smaller with increasing gauge number.
Note: The gauge/mm correspondence may vary, due to figures being rounded off in conversion from inches to mm
Sizes of hypodermic needles
Needle | Nominal outer diameter | Nominal inner diameter | Nominal wall thickness | Color | Needle | Nominal outer diameter | Nominal inner diameter |
Gauge | mm | tol. mm | mm | | mm | | ISO |
10 | 3.404 | ±0.025 | 2.692 | ±0.076 | 0.356 | ±0.025 | Olive brown |
11 | 3.048 | ±0.025 | 2.388 | ±0.076 | 0.330 | ±0.025 | Green-yellow |
12 | 2.769 | ±0.025 | 2.159 | ±0.076 | 0.305 | ±0.025 | Pale blue |
13 | 2.413 | ±0.025 | 1.803 | ±0.076 | 0.305 | ±0.025 | Purple |
14 | 2.108 | ±0.025 | 1.600 | ±0.076 | 0.254 | ±0.025 | Pale green |
15 | 1.829 | ±0.013 | 1.372 | ±0.038 | 0.229 | ±0.013 | Blue-grey |
16 | 1.651 | ±0.013 | 1.194 | ±0.038 | 0.229 | ±0.013 | White |
17 | 1.473 | ±0.013 | 1.067 | ±0.038 | 0.203 | ±0.013 | Red-violet |
18 | 1.270 | ±0.013 | 0.838 | ±0.038 | 0.216 | ±0.013 | Pink |
19 | 1.067 | ±0.013 | 0.686 | ±0.038 | 0.191 | ±0.013 | Cream |
20 | 0.9081 | ±0.0064 | 0.603 | ±0.019 | 0.1524 | ±0.0064 | Yellow |
21 | 0.8192 | ±0.0064 | 0.514 | ±0.019 | 0.1524 | ±0.0064 | Deep green |
22 | 0.7176 | ±0.0064 | 0.413 | ±0.019 | 0.1524 | ±0.0064 | Black |
23 | 0.6414 | ±0.0064 | 0.337 | ±0.019 | 0.1524 | ±0.0064 | Deep blue |
24 | 0.5652 | ±0.0064 | 0.311 | ±0.019 | 0.1270 | ±0.0064 | Medium purple |
25 | 0.5144 | ±0.0064 | 0.260 | ±0.019 | 0.1270 | ±0.0064 | Orange |
26 | 0.4636 | ±0.0064 | 0.260 | ±0.019 | 0.1016 | ±0.0064 | Brown |
27 | 0.4128 | ±0.0064 | 0.210 | ±0.019 | 0.1016 | ±0.0064 | Medium grey |
28 | 0.3620 | ±0.0064 | 0.184 | ±0.019 | 0.0889 | ±0.0064 | Blue-green |
29 | 0.3366 | ±0.0064 | 0.184 | ±0.019 | 0.0762 | ±0.0064 | Red |
30 | 0.3112 | ±0.0064 | 0.159 | ±0.019 | 0.0762 | ±0.0064 | Yellow |
The French scale or French gauge system is commonly used to measure the outer diameter of a catheter. It is most often abbreviated as Fr, but can often be seen abbreviated as Fg, FR or F. It may also be abbreviated as CH or Ch (for Charrière, its inventor).
- A round catheter of 1 French has an external diameter of 1⁄3 mm,
- D (mm) = Fr / 3 or Fr = D (mm) x 3
- An increasing French size corresponds to a larger external diameter.
Shelf life is the term or period during which a commodity remains suitable for the intended use. ”Shelf life” refers to the durability under specified storage and transport conditions defined by the manufacturer until the immediate packaging is opened for the first time.
An expiry date (“use-by” date) is the termination of shelf life, after which a percentage of the commodity, e.g., medical devices, may no longer function as intended.
To determine if a particular device requires an expiry date, there are a number of different parameters that must be considered. The device must be analyzed to determine if
- it is susceptible to degradation that would lead to functional failure
- the level of risk that the failure would resent
For some devices, e.g., tongue depressors, it is not reasonable to assign a shelf life because of the small likelihood of time-dependent product degradation and the lack of serious consequences if it did fail to perform as designed. For devices intended to treat life-threatening conditions, the failure rate should approach zero within the labeled shelf life.
For CE marking of Medical Devices, as a part of the Technical File, manufacturers need to define the shelf life of their device, which is also mandatory as a component of Risk assessment. Shelf life refers to the durability under specified storage and transport conditions defined by the manufacturer until the immediate packaging is opened for the first time.
Essential requirements are set forth in the MDR and in the ISO 13485
Based on the type of the device, chemical, physical, microbiological, toxicological, technological as well as packaging aspects have to be considered while determining the shelf life of a product. This also applies to the storage and climatic conditions: compliance to the climate zones of the target markets have to be taken into consideration also. In case of Active medical devices the lifetime of the device is calculated by a compiled calculation of all the critical components of the device.
Testing should be conducted on a minimum of three to four batches to eliminate the variability related to the raw material and production processes. Also the intervals between tests conducted need to be risk based and has to be distributed throughout the shelf life of the product.
- Product testing: ease of assembly, simulated use and ease of use, dose accuracy, tamper evidence, visual inspections, dimensions, connection compatibility
- Packaging testing: ISO 11607 package validation, integrity, seal strength, sterile barrier system, transport simulation
The shelf life can be determined by either a real time or an accelerated ageing test where Arrhenius Law is applied in a simulated environment.
Sterile medical devices (ex: injection supplies)
A sterile item with a passed expiry date cannot be considered as sterile anymore and must be eliminated. If the expiry date only mentions the month and the year, it is the end of the month which has to be considered the use-by date. The evolution with time of the constituent materials of medical/surgical equipment can only be determined by the manufacturer who knows exactly its composition.
The period of validity only applies if transport and storage are carried out under good conditions (protected from heat, humidity and light) and for items of which the sterile primary packaging is intact. The item cannot be considered sterile any more if the primary packaging is deteriorated (cracks, moldy).
Non sterile medical devices (ex: adhesive tape)
An item with a passed expiry date does no longer have the properties required for its use and should not be used. The period of validity only applies if transport and storage are carried out under good conditions (protected from heat, humidity and light) and for items of which the primary packaging is intact.
State of sterility
The concept sterile is referred to as a state completely free of any viable microorganisms, and sterilisation is defined as the process which will destroy all viable microorganisms.
“Sterile” is an absolute term, but the assurance that any given item is sterile, i.e. free from viable microorganisms, is a probability function. The Sterility Assurance Level (SAL) is defined as the probability of a medical device being non-sterile after exposure to a validated sterilization process. The SAL defined by the norm EN 556 is 10-6, i.e. the probability of a viable organism being present after sterilization must be less than 1 per 1 million.
Sterilization batch
Items are grouped in sterilization batches (= packaging units sterilized during the same operation) to guarantee their traceability and allow the post-marketing monitoring.
Sterilization controls
These include the sterilization control (tests on the process) and the sterility control (tests on the finished product).
ISO 13485
Medical devices -- Quality management systems -- Requirements for regulatory purposes, Parts related to sterilization of medical devices:
- Sterile Medical Device Clause 3.20 states that sterility requirements of each medical device can be subject to applicable regulatory requirements.
- Contamination control (Clause 6.4.2) addresses the prevention of contamination after the devices are sterilized.
- Particular requirements for sterile medical devices (Clause 7.5.5) sets two direct requirements:
- Records of process parameters of sterilization of each batch
- Traceability of all batches
- Requirements for validation of processes for sterilization and sterile barrier systems (Clause 7.5.7)
EN 556-1
Sterilization of medical devices - Requirements for medical devices to be designated “STERILE” - Part 1: Requirements for terminally sterilized medical devices (+ AC:2006)
ISO/Technical Committee 198 : Sterilization of health care products
Scope: Standardization of processes and equipment for sterilization of health care products.
- ISO 11135: Sterilization of health-care products -- Ethylene oxide -- Requirements for the development, validation and routine control of a sterilization process for medical devices
- ISO 11137 set: Sterilization of health care products -- Radiation
- ISO 11138 set: Sterilization of health care products -- Biological indicators
- ISO 14161: Sterilization of health care products -- Biological indicators -- Guidance for the selection, use and interpretation of results
- ISO 11139: Sterilization of health care products -- Vocabulary of terms used in sterilization and related equipment and process standards
- ISO 11140 set: Sterilization of health care products -- Chemical indicators
- ISO 15882: Sterilization of health care products -- Chemical indicators -- Guidance for selection, use and interpretation of results
- ISO 11607 set: Packaging for terminally sterilized medical devices
- ISO 11737-1: Sterilization of health care products -- Microbiological methods
- ISO 13408 set: Aseptic processing of health care products
- ISO 14937: Sterilization of health care products -- General requirements for characterization of a sterilizing agent and the development, validation and routine control of a sterilization process for medical devices
- ISO 15883 set: Washer-disinfectors
- ISO 17664: Processing of health care products -- Information to be provided by the medical device manufacturer for the processing of medical devices
- ISO 17665 set: Sterilization of health care products -- Moist heat
- ISO 25424: Sterilization of health care products -- Low temperature steam and formaldehyde -- Requirements for development, validation and routine control of a sterilization process for medical devices
High temperature/pressure | Irradiation | Chemical | |
Sterilizing agent | steam | gamma or electron beam (beta) irradiation | ethylene oxide gas |
Sterilizer | autoclave | industrial ioniser or irradiator | ethylene oxide autoclave, either under pressurised or over pressurised |
Sterilization cycle effectiveness parameters |
| radiation dose expressed in Mrad |
Characteristics | Thermal energy from steam is used to kill microorganisms by heat. Product is exposed to high temperatures (121 °C or 134°C) and high humidity. | Radiation energy produces free radicals that react with nucleic acids, damaging nuclear material or cytoplasmic structures. | EtO gas kills microorganisms via chemical reactions with nucleic acids. The process results in a temperature increase (60 °C). A high relative humidity (50–70%) is used to allow EtO to interact with water deposited on the surface of the device. Pressure cycling is used to alternatively pump in and evacuate EtO gas. Only suitable for central sterilization. |
Material MD | Compatible with metal devices such as surgical instruments Not suitable for heat sensitive materials i.e. polymers. | Can change the properties of some material like plastics and have adverse effects on glues and adhesives. Radiation has no effect on metals. | 85% of the sterile MD for single use are sterilized by EtO Can be used for heat or moisture sensitive items More strict regulations concerning neonatology and paediatric items are under preparation in Europe. |
Packaging of MD | Porous packaging materials are required to allow steam to enter the package and contact the surface of the device. | Radiation can penetrate all packaging materials. Nonporous or impervious materials such as vapor barriers and metal foil pouches can be used. | Porous packaging is required to allow EtO gas to penetrate the package and contact the surfaces of the device. |
Standards | ISO 17665 | ISO 11137 | ISO 11135 |
Validation process | Quality of steam sterilizer Temperature profiles of product during sterilization cycles (using thermocouples) Fractional and/or half cycles with product & B.I.s. | Dose mapping study: Dosimeters are placed in products at contract sterilizer. Determination of product bioburden Verification dose resistance experiment | Equipment: chamber studies with thermocouples, humidity sensors, EO concentration measurement devices. Fractional cycles with products and biological indicators Half & full cycles with biological indicators. |
Disinfection and sterilization of reusable medical devices are mandatory procedures to prevent nosocomial infections (infections acquired by the patients or the medical staff in a health care facility, also called hospital-acquired infections or health care-associated infections.
Disinfection, sterilization or single use MD according to the level of infection risk
Infection risk | MD criticality | Intended use | Disinfection/Sterilization/Single use | Examples |
Low | Non critical | Touches intact skin or does not touch the patient | Low level disinfection | Tourniquet, blood pressure cuff, stethoscope, laryngoscope handle, sphygmomanometer, thermometer, standard ultrasound transducer probe… |
Medium | Semi-critical | Touches mucous membranes or skin with superficial damage | Single patient use = disposable | Sterile: mucus extractor for neonate Non sterile: oxygen mask, nasal oxygen cannula |
Single use | Nasogastric tube, amniohook, examination gloves | |||
Steam sterilization for autoclavable MD | Anaesthesia balloon, Guedel cannula, Magill forceps, laryngeal mask, vaginal speculum, biconical connector, MVA aspiration device | |||
Intermediate level disinfection | Endovaginal ultrasound probe, vacuum extractor “Kiwi” | |||
High | Critical | Introduced into the vascular system, body cavity or sterile tissue, regardless of the route of access | Single use MD | IV catheter, urinary catheter, IUD, tracheotomy tube, thoracic drain |
Steam sterilization for thermo resistant MD | Stainless steel surgical instruments | |||
High level disinfection for thermo sensible, immersible MD | Not a standard procedure in MSF |
(For detailed procedures, please refer to ‘Disinfection and sterilization protocols for MSF projects, 2010 – updated OCP version = 2013)
Steam sterilization
Steam sterilization is the only recommended method for sterilization of immersible thermo-resistant MD in health care facilities. It is a reliable, simple and not toxic procedure. It requires a steam autoclave, a source of energy (electricity, fuel, gas), water with a checked or controlled quality and a basic training. All these conditions must be fulfilled, including in emergency situations.
- pre-disinfection by immersion in a detergent-disinfectant solution (Anios®Clean type) for minimum 15 minutes
- cleaning-disinfection with a detergent-disinfectant solution (Anios®Clean type) for 15 minutes
- sterilization by steam autoclave
Important: The maximum shelf life recommended for medical devices wrapped in a double layer of sterilization paper (non-woven or crepe paper) is 2 weeks after sterilization.
High level disinfection
“High-level” disinfection concerns a very restricted number of medical devices, non-autoclavable, immersible and thermosensitive MD, likely to be reused. It consists in temporarily eliminating the vegetative forms of bacteria and viruses (but not bacterial spores) by immersion in a strong disinfectant solution.
Comment on boiling (not recommended)
Boiling for 20 minutes (+ 5 minutes / 1000 m altitude) in a recipient eliminates vegetative forms of bacteria and viruses, including hepatitis and HIV, but does not destroy bacterial spores. Boiling is not a recommended method and is only acceptable in situations where steam sterilization and “high” disinfection are impossible (e.g. traditional birth attendants in remote area).
Procedures according to the level of disinfection
level | Immersible MD | Non-immersible MD |
high | • cleaning-disinfection with a detergent-disinfectant solution (type Anios Clean®) for 10 minutes and rinsing • cleaning-disinfection with a detergent-disinfectant solution (type Anios Clean®) for 5 minutes and rinsing • disinfection by complete immersion in a disinfectant solution (glutaraldehyde 2%) for 20 minutes, rinsing with sterile water • drying & keep away from dust (wrap in a sterile drape) • use maximum 24 hours after disinfection | |
intermediate | • immersion in a detergent-disinfectant solution (type Anios Clean®) for minimum 15 minutes • repeat immersion for 15 minutes • rinsing • drying | • wiping the MD with a cloth impregnated with detergent-disinfectant (type Anios Clean®) solution • repeat wiping • rinsing with a moistened cloth |
low | • immersion in a detergent-disinfectant solution for surfaces (type Surfanios), keep humid for at least 15 minutes • rinsing • drying | • wiping the MD with a cloth impregnated with detergent-disinfectant solution for surfaces (type Surfanios), keep humid for at least 15 minutes • repeat wiping • rinsing with a moistened cloth |
Steps of steam sterilization
Step 1 | COLLECTION In a plastic container with cover | Collection consists in gathering the soiled medical devices and transporting them to the cleaning area of the sterilization unit, ensuring the safety of the staff and the environmental protection. |
Step 2 | PRE -DISINFECTION Soaking in a detergent-disinfectant solution for 15 minutes Rinsing in clean water | Pre-disinfection consists in eliminating, killing or inhibiting a part of micro-organisms by immersing the medical devices in a detergent-disinfectant solution for 15 minutes in order to reduce the number of germs. |
Step 3 | CLEANING - DISINFECTION Washing and brushing in a detergent-disinfectant solution Rinsing in clean water and drying | Cleaning – disinfection consist in removing micro-organisms and dirtiness (organic or non-organic) through the physical-chemical action of a detergent-disinfectant solution combined with the mechanical brushing and rinsing action. |
Step 4 | CHECKING Visual inspection and checking of the good functioning Preparation of sets to be sterilized | Checking consists in inspecting visually the cleanliness of the medical devices and to check their good functioning. Eliminate corroded and/or defective instruments. Open jointed instruments, lubricate the joins with silicone-free oil if necessary and wipe the surplus. |
Step 5 | STEAM STERILIZATION Double packaging with sterilization paper + autoclave steam indicator tape Sterilization at 134°C for 10 min. or 121°C for 30 min. | Sterilization with steam enables to kill all micro-organisms present on the surface of the medical devices. It is the only recommended method, whatever the health care facility. Two cycles are recommended: 134°C during 10 min. for surgical instruments 121°C during 30 min. for MD made of plastic, silicone, etc. |
Step 6 | STORAGE In a clean and closed place. | Storage must preserve the sterility of the medical devices until use. The MAXIMUM recommended storage time for medical material wrapped in a double layer of sterilization paper is 2 weeks. |
By “CLEAN WATER “ is meant FILTERED, non salt, low or non chlorinated water, as drinking water, tap water or rainwater if quality is controlled.
- 5.1.1 : Manufacturer (+ name and address)
- 5.1.2 : Authorized representative in the European Community / European Union (+ name and address)
- 5.1.8: Importer (+ name and address)
- 5.1.9: Distributor (+ name and address)
- 5.1.11: Country of manufacture (the CC in the symbol shall be replaced 2 or 3-letter country code)
Identification of product
- 5.1.5: Batch code = lot code = batch number
- 5.1.6: Catalogue number = reference number = reorder number = commercial product code
- 5.1.7: Serial number
- 5.1.10: Model number
User information
- 5.1.3: Date of manufacture
- 5.1.4 : Use-by date : the date after which the device is not to be used (after the end of the year, month or day shown)
- 5.2.8: Do not use if package is damaged and consult instructions for use
- 5.4.3: Consult instructions for use
- 5.4.4: Caution
Safe use
- 5.4.1: Biological risk
- 5.4.5: Contains or presence of natural rubber latex as material of construction within the medical device or the packaging of it.
- 5.4.10: Contains hazardous substance(s)
- 5.4.2: Do not re-use = medical device is intended for single use only = use only once
- 5.4.12: single patient multiple use: the medical device may be used multiple times on a single patient
- 5.2.1: Sterile: indicates that a medical device has been subjected to a sterilization process.
- 5.2.2: Sterilized using aseptic processing techniques
- 5.2.3: Sterilized using ethylene oxide
- 5.2.4: Sterilized using irradiation
- 5.2.5: Sterilized using steam or dry heat
- 5.2.6: Do not resterilize (only to be used when there is also the sterile symbol)
- 5.2.7: Non-sterile (to be used only to distinguish between identical or similar medical devices sold in both sterile and non-sterile conditions)
- 5.2.12: double sterile barrier system
Storage conditions
- 5.3.1: Fragile, handle with care
- 5.3.2: Keep away from sunlight = keep away from heat
- 5.3.3: Protect from heat and radiation sources
- 5.3.4: Keep dry = keep away from rain
- 5.3.5: Lower temperature limit (+ temp limit adjacent to lower horizontal line)
- 5.3.6: Upper temperature limit (+ temp limit adjacent to upper horizontal line)
- 5.3.7: Temperature limit (+ temp limits adjacent to both horizontal lines)
- 5.3.8: Humidity limitation (+ limits adjacent to both horizontal lines)
- 5.3.9: Atmospheric pressure limitation + limits adjacent to both horizontal lines)
- 5.5.1: In vitro diagnostic medical device
- 5.5.2: Control material intended to verify the performance of another medical device
- 5.5.3: Negative control
- 5.5.4: Positive control
- 5.5.5: Contains sufficient for “n” tests
Transfusion / infusion
5.6.2: Fluid path present (liquid or gas)
5.6.3: Non-pyrogenic
5.6.4: Drops per milliliter: the number of drops to be specified in the symbol
5.6.5: Liquid filter with pore size: the infusion or transfusion system of the medical device contains a filter of a particular nominal pore size (size indicated in the symbol)
5.6.6: One-way valve: the flow is only possible in one direction and cannot be reversed
General / other
- 5.7.7: Medical Device
- 5.7.9: Repackaging (+ name + address of unit responsible for repacking, if not by manufacturer)
- 5.7.10: Unique Device Identifier
1 Legal provisions
Biological samples are considered “dangerous substances” whose transport is subject to strict regulation based on the United Nations “Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods”.1
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has incorporated these recommendations into its “Dangerous Goods Regulations,” to which many airlines are subject, including express transporters like DHL. These regulations are updated annually.
International air transport regulations (IATA) are the most restrictive.
Whatever the type of transport – national or international, road, rail, maritime, or air – all MSF shipments of potentially infectious samples must comply with those regulations.
According to the “Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods”, all biological samples fall into the “6.2-Infectious Substances” risk class.
1 UN Library, 2019. Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods: Model Regulations.
2 Sample classification
Infectious substances are divided into three categories according to risk
Infectious substance, Category A Classification UN2814 | An infectious substance that is transported in a form that, when exposure to it occurs, is capable of causing permanent disability, life-threatening or fatal disease in otherwise healthy humans or animals |
Biological substance, Category B Classification UN3373 | A biological substance that does not meet the criteria for Category A, but which contains pathogens capable of infecting humans or animals, with no risk of death or permanent disability. Samples that contain pathogens not classified as UN2814 or not included in the exemptions (slides or dried blood spots (DBS)) should be considered as UN3373. |
Exemptions | Some biological products do not fit into Category A or B for a variety of reasons and hence are exempt; the IATA regulations do not apply. |
Information regarding the danger category for each of the pathogens described in the MSF guideline 'Collection, storage and transport of samples from field to reference laboratory', chapter 2. A table of all Category A infectious substances – UN2814 can be found in Section 6.1.
A declaration is also required when using dry ice as a cooling agent, because it is a dangerous substance. The following must be added to the packages in question: UN1845 “Carbon dioxide, solid” (+ specific hazard label). The following must also appear on the Air Waybill (AWB): UN1845 “Carbon dioxide, solid”, the number of packages, and the net quantity of dry ice added per package. This must also appear on the Dangerous Goods Declaration, if it accompanies UN2814 infectious substances.
Every type of international transport has specific documents and conditions regarding:
- The packing instruction
- Marking and labelling
- Transport mode
- Administrative documentation
It is therefore necessary to:
- Assign the dangerous substance to be transported to one of the three categories (UN2814, UN3373, or exemptions). It is up to the medical staff to determine which categories the samples in question belong to.
- Know the recommended transport temperature: ambient temperature or cold chain (positive or negative).
- If there is any doubt or question, consult the laboratory advisor.
2.1 Special case of dried blood spot (DBS) shipments
According to the IATA, DBS shipments are exempt.2
The completely dry DBS should be placed in its own bag with desiccant, and the bag placed in an envelope and shipped by a rapid transporter with shipment tracking (e.g., DHL, UPS, or FedEx).
DBS samples shipped via transporter must meet the following criteria:
- Triple packaged, with two waterproof inner packagings (individual bags and then a zip-lock bag).
- A third (outer) packaging (envelope or cardboard box) measuring at least 10 x 10 cm.
- “Exempt Human Specimen” appears on the package (outer packaging) and on the Air Waybill.
The transporter may ask for documentation proving that the samples are exempt.3 Check with the laboratory advisor.
3 Biological substance, Category B - UN3373
3.1 Transport materials, transport temperature, and packing instruction
Regardless of transport temperature, the packaging must consist of the following three components:
- A primary receptacle
- A secondary* packaging, and
- A rigid outer packaging
* For liquid biological substances, enough absorbent material should be placed between the primary receptacle(s) and the secondary packaging to absorb the entire contents in case of leakage. Each primary sample should be individually wrapped so that there is no contact between samples.
The maximum volume of the primary receptacle is 1 litre, and the outer packaging should contain no more than 4 litres of dangerous liquid substances, e.g., blood or urine samples, or 4 kg of dangerous solid substances (e.g., swabs or Trans-Isolate). This weight or volume does not include ice packs or dry ice.
Note: depending on the quantity of dangerous substances to be shipped, check the maximum weight or volume for which the packaging was manufactured, which may be less than the quantities above.
The manufacturer will provide the product characteristics.
- Ambient temperature transport: IATA packing instruction 650. Two items available in the MSF catalogue:
- BOX, triple packaging, biological substance UN3373 +pouch [STSSUN62DS-] (Figure 6.1)
- BOX, triple packaging, biological substance UN3373+container [STSSUN62DS2]
- + POUCH, polyethylene, for transport of samples, 20 x 30 cm [ELABPOUP203]
- Cold chain transport between +2 and +8 °C: IATA packing instruction 650. Two items available in the MSF catalogue:
- BOX ISOTHERMAL, triple pack., biological subst. UN3373 +pouch [STSSUN62DSI] [Figure 6.2]
- BOITE ISOTHERME, triple emb, substance biologique UN3373 + récipient [STSSUN62DSI2]
[Figure 1 - Shipping material UN3373]
[Figure 2 - Shipping material UN3373] Ambient temperature Cold chain
The temperature is controlled by four ice packs that are pre-frozen and placed between the secondary and outer packaging.
With four ice packs, the insulated box should keep the samples between +2 °C and +8 °C for 48 hours at an ambient temperature of +28 °C.
Additional materials available:
- CONTAINER, PROTECTION, transport of sample, plastic, Ø 30 mm [STSSCONP030P]
- CONTAINER, PROTECTION, transport of sample, plastic, Ø 44 mm [STSSCONP044P]
- CONTAINER, PROTECTION, transport of sample, plastic, Ø 130mm [STSSCONP130P]
3.2 Marking and labelling
The regulations on marking and labelling for ambient temperature transport and cold chain (+2 °C to +8 °C) transport are the same. Additional information and a hazard label are required on outer packaging containing dry ice (see Section 6.2).
The outer packaging should display the following information:
- The following pictograph, measuring at least 50 mm a side, with the text “Biological substance, Category B” in letters at least 6 mm high adjacent to the pictograph.
[Figure 3 - Pictograph UN3373]
- The name and physical address of the recipient must be entered in the spaces provided (no post office boxes but any details that might facilitate direct delivery).
- The name and physical address of the sender should be entered in the spaces provided.
- The name and telephone number of someone in the field who can be contacted 24 hours a day should be entered in the spaces provided.
- Shipments to the Institut Pasteur laboratory in France must bear the Institute’s own shipping label (voir Section 6.5).
3.3 Transport modes
DHL: biological substances, Category B - UN3373 can be shipped via DHL or other transporters or airlines.
For cold chain shipments, the transporter must be informed so that the package is placed in a refrigerated cargo container, if available.
- DHL can transport refrigerated packages but does not maintain the cold chain (i.e., it does not replenish ice packs or add dry ice for cold chain shipments). The sender is responsible for ensuring that the cold chain system used (ice packs or dry ice) is sufficient for the entire duration of shipment.
- Some transporters/forwarding agents do monitor the cold chain, replenish ice packs, or add dry ice (World Courrier, for example). It is the sender’s responsibility to enquire about the options ahead of time
3.4 Administrative documents
These are the responsibility of the supply and logistics departments.
Shipments of Biological Substances, Category B – UN3373 do not require dangerous goods declarations (DGD), even when shipped with dry ice.
A donation certificate with the recipient’s and sender’s addresses, the exact name of the suspected pathogen and the quantities being shipped (completed by the supply department (see Section 6.3).
- A “custom invoice” specifying the monetary value of the product (prepared by the supply or logistics department) with the recipient’s and sender’s addresses, the number of packages, detailed contents, and weight.
- A Material Transfer Agreement issued by the Ministry of Health or other competent authority in the country.
- For some countries, an import permit is required and should be furnished by the receiving laboratory.
A paper copy of these documents is given to the forwarding agent in the originating country. If there is a forwarding agent involved in the destination country as well, all the documents must be provided to him in electronic form (logistics/supply department responsibility).
- An anonymised packing list (without patient’s name) should be inserted between the secondary and tertiary packaging of the package in question
- A copy of the packing list and the package’s anticipated arrival date should be emailed to the receiving laboratory.
The forwarding agent: an essential service provider for all air shipments of infectious or biological substances (UN2814 and UN3373). If shipment with DHL, DHL takes the role of forwarding agent.
- Is commissioned by MSF.
- Is the intermediary between MSF and the airline at departure and between the airline and the receiving laboratory.
- When shipping via DHL, DHL manages the entire shipment (“door-to-door” service). If not shipping via DHL, a forwarding agent is needed at departure and a second forwarding agent may be needed to collect the package at arrival and facilitate its passage through customs.
- Completes the air waybill (AWB) (see Section 6.4) :
- The AWB should show “UN3373 Biological substance, category B” but not the name of the infectious agent. It should also include the number of packages.
- An accredited DHL account number must be used for UN3373 shipments. Contact the supply centre, laboratory advisor, or mission to get that account number.
When shipping via DHL, you must also notify the headquarters transport manager and forward the DHL tracking numbers (Air Waybill) (MSF-OCBA, MSF-OCG and MSF-OCP: MSF-Log focal point in Bordeaux; MSF-OCA: the transport officer at the APU and the mission laboratory advisor; MSF-OCB: laboratory advisor).
Other conditions may be required for cargo shipments. Contact the supply/logistics advisor and notify the medical department.
4 Infectious substance, Category A - UN2814
4.1 Transport materials, transport temperature, and packing instruction
Regardless of transport temperature, the packaging must consist of the following three
- A watertight, leak-proof primary receptacle(s)
- A watertight, leak-proof secondary packaging*
- A rigid outer packaging
* For liquid infectious substances, enough absorbent material should be placed between the primary receptacle(s) and the secondary packaging to absorb the entire contents in case of leakage. Each primary sample should be individually wrapped so that there is no contact between the sampless.
Maximum allowable volume per package:
- 50 mL or 50 g for passenger plane transport,
- 4 litres or 4 kg for cargo plane transport
This weight or volume does not include ice packs or dry ice.
- Ambient temperature, IATA packing instruction 620
- One item available in the MSF catalogue:
- BOX, triple packaging, infectious substance UN2814 [STSSUN62IS-]
[Figure 4 - Shipping material UN2814 - Ambient temperature]
[Figure 5 - Triple packaging box UN2814 - Ambient temperature]
- Cold chain transport between +2 and + 8 °C, IATA packing instruction 620
- The temperature is controlled by four ice packs that are pre-frozen and placed between the secondary and outer packaging.
- One item available in the MSF catalogue:
- BOX ISOTHERMAL, triple pack., infectious substance UN2814 [STSSUN62ISI]
[Figure 6 - Shipping material UN2814 - Cold chain]
[Figure 7 - Triple packaging box UN2814 - Cold chain]
Insulated box that keeps the samples between +2 °C and +8 °C for 48 hours (at an ambient temperature of +28 °C).
Additional materials available:
- CONTAINER, PROTECTION, transport of sample, plastic, Ø 30 mm [STSSCONP030P]
- CONTAINER, PROTECTION, transport of sample, plastic, Ø 44 mm [STSSCONP044P]
- CONTAINER, PROTECTION, transport of sample, plastic, Ø 130mm [STSSCONP130P]
- POUCH, polyethylene, for transport of samples, 20 x 30 cm [ELABPOUP203]
4.2 Marking and labelling
The regulations on marking and labelling for ambient temperature transport and cold chain (2 °C to +8 °C) transport are the same. Additional information and a hazard label are required on outer packaging containing dry ice (see Section 2).
The outer packaging should display the following information:
- The following pictograph (infectious substance symbol) (pre-printed on MSF materials) with UN2814 “Infectious substance, affecting humans”.
[Figure 8 - Pictograph infectious substance]
- The name and physical address of the recipient must be entered in the spaces provided (no post office boxes but provide any details that might facilitate direct delivery).
- The name and physical address of the sender should be entered in the spaces provided.
- The name and telephone number of someone in the field who can be contacted 24 hours a day should be entered in the spaces provided.
- Shipments to the Institut Pasteur lab in France must bear the Institut’s own shipping label (see Section 6.6.5).
4.3 Transport modes
- Infectious substances, Category A – UN2814 can be transported by an airline or possibly other transporters accredited by the IATA for UN2814 shipments (enquire locally). They cannot be transported by DHL.
- For cold chain shipments, the transporter must be informed so that the package is placed in a refrigerated cargo container, if available.
- Transporters can transport refrigerated packages, but not all of them maintain the cold chain (i.e., they do not replenish ice packs or add dry ice for cold chain shipments). The sender is responsible for ensuring that the cold chain system used (ice packs or dry ice) is sufficient for the entire duration of shipment.
4.4 Administrative documents
These are the responsibility of the supply and logistics departments.
- A dangerous goods declaration (DGD): must include “Infectious substance, affecting humans (+ scientific name of the substance, if known, in parentheses)” or “Infectious substance, affecting humans (+ suspected Category A infectious substance, in brackets” (for example: “Infectious substance, affecting humans (Ebola virus)” or “Infectious substance, affecting human (suspected Category A infectious substance)”) + the net quantity. (see example, Section 6.2).
Note: the DGD must be completed and signed by an IATA-accredited person. If this is not the case for MSF personnel or the local forwarding agent, contact the supply/logistics department and your laboratory advisor to get a list of accredited people within the departments. - A donation certificate with the address of the sender and the recipient, the exact name of the suspected pathogen, and the quantities contained, completed by the supply department (see, Section 6.3).
- A custom invoice (with the monetary value of the product) prepared by the supply department or logistics coordinator, with the sender’s and recipient’s addresses, the number of packages, their contents, and their weight.
- A Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) issued by the Ministry of Health or other competent authority of the country.
- For some countries, an import permit is required in the recipient’s country; this will have to be furnished by the receiving laboratory.
A paper copy of these documents is given to the forwarding agent in the originating country. If there is a forwarding agent involved in the destination country as well, all of the documents must be provided to him in electronic form (logistics/supply department responsibility).
- An anonymised packing list (without patient’s name) should be inserted between the secondary and tertiary packaging of the package in question.
A copy of the packing list and the package’s anticipated arrival date should be emailed to the receiving laboratory.
The forwarding agent: an essential service provider for all air shipments of infectious or biological substances (UN2814 or UN3373).
- Is commissioned by MSF.
- Is the intermediary between MSF and the airline and/or between the airline and the receiving laboratory.
- In some cases, a second forwarding agent may be needed to collect the package on arrival and facilitate its passage through customs.
- Completes and signs the DGD if he has been accredited by the IATA for less than two years.
- Completes the AWB (Air Waybill) (see Section 6.4):
- The “handling information” box on the AWB must state “dangerous goods as per associated DGD”.
- The AWB should include “UN2814 Infectious substance, affecting humans”, but not the name of the infectious agent.
Other conditions may be required for cargo shipments. Contact the supply/logistics advisor and notify the medical department.
5 Cold chain preparation
The insulated boxes available in the catalogue will keep the temperature between +2 °C and +8 °C for 2 days at an ambient temperature of 28 °C. It has not been tested at higher ambient temperatures.
5.1 Shipping at +2 °C to +8 °C with 0.6-litre ice packs
The procedure for samples that have to be sent at +2 °C to +8 °C using ice packs is as follows:
- Prepare an insulated triple-packaging box.
- Prepare the four ice packs:
- Remove them from the freezer and leave them in a +20°C location, protected from the sun.
- After 15 minutes, check the amount of liquid in the ice packs. To ensure that the ice packs are at the right temperature, they should have 5 cm of water visible in the bottom when held vertically. When the ice packs are shaken, the sound of water can be heard.
! If there is less than 5 cm of water or no water at all, the packs are too cold, and the samples might freeze early in transport !
! If there is more than 5 cm of water, the packs are too warm, and the temperature might get too high during transport ! - If the ice packs are not at the correct temperature after 15 minutes, leave them for another 15 minutes, protected from sunlight, and then check again.
- Once all four ice packs are at the correct temperature, place them in the insulated box.
- Put the samples, in their packaging, into the box.
- Close the insulated box.
6. Documentation
6.1 IATA : Category A - UN2814
Indicative examples of infectious substances included in Category A in any form unless otherwiseindicated
UN Number and Proper Shipping Name | Micro-organism | Form |
UN2814 Infectious substance affecting humans | Bacillus anthracis | Cultures only |
Brucella abortus | Cultures only | |
Brucella melitensis | Cultures only | |
Brucella suis | Cultures only | |
Burkholderia mallei – Pseudomonas mallei – Glanders | Cultures only | |
Burkholderia pseudomallei – Pseudomonas pseudomallei | Cultures only | |
Chlamydia psittaci – avian strains | Cultures only | |
Clostridium botulinum | Cultures only | |
Coccidioides immitis | Cultures only | |
Coxiella burnetii | Cultures only | |
Escherichia coli, verotoxigenic | Cultures only | |
Francisella tularensis | Cultures only | |
Hantavirus causing hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome | ||
Mycobacterium tuberculosis | Cultures only | |
Poliovirus | Cultures only | |
Rickettsia prowazekii | Cultures only | |
Rickettsia rickettsii | Cultures only | |
Shigella dysenteriae type 1 | Cultures only | |
Dengue virus | Cultures only | |
Rift Valley fever virus | Cultures only | |
Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever virus | ||
Omsk haemorragic fever virus | ||
Yellow fever virus | Cultures only | |
Kyasanur Forest disease virus | ||
Variola virus | ||
Tick-borne encephalitis virus | Cultures only | |
Eastern equine encephalitis virus | Cultures only | |
Cultures onlyVenezuelan equine encephalitis virus | Cultures only | |
Japanese Encephalitis virus | Cultures only | |
Russian spring-summer encephalitis virus | Cultures only | |
Hepatitis B virus | Cultures only | |
Human immunodeficiency virus | Cultures only | |
Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus | Cultures only | |
Marburg virus | ||
West Nile virus | Cultures only | |
Ebola virus | ||
Flexal virus | ||
Guanarito virus | ||
Hantaan virus | ||
Hendra virus | ||
Herpes B virus | Cultures only | |
Junin virus | ||
Lassa virus | ||
Machupo virus | ||
Monkeypox virus | ||
Nipah virus | ||
Rabies virus | Cultures only | |
Sabia virus | ||
Yersinia pestis | Cultures only |
Adapted from Guidance on regulations for the transport of infectious substances 2021-2022. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2021. Licence: CCBY-NC-SA3.0IG
6.2 Sample dangerous goods declaration (DGD)
6.3 Sample donation certificate
6.4 Sample Air Waybill (AWB)
6.5 Institut Pasteur shipping label
Available at the following address:
Regardless of the mode of transport, fill out and affix a label as above to the outer packaging of all shipments destined for the Institut Pasteur's National Reference Centers.
- Name
- Hospital/Laboratory/Unit
- Address
- Postal code
- City
- Country
- Phone number
- Fax number
Storage conditions: choose one
- Ambient temperature
- + 4 °C
- -20 °C
- Institut Pasteur
- National reference laboratory of _______________________________
- For the attention of _________________________________________
- Address: already added
1. Guidance on regulation for the transport of infectious substances 2021-2022/WHO
2. Exempt Human/Animal specimens shipping guidelines. Retrieved from :
3. IATA document. Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR). 62nd Edition. 2021. Retrieved from
This document as well as the technical sheets of non specialized food products are intended to provide information on what we consider to be ideal with regard to products, packaging, and purchase conditions. Depending on the amount purchased, the frequency of purchase and the supplier, you should come as close as possible to this ideal by demanding the maximum number of guarantees (certificates,monitoring agency services, sampling,analysis, phytosanitary treatments, etc.).
- If the project’s basic foodstuffs do not require storage (e.g., small quantities bought daily on the local market), it will be difficult for you to follow the quality sheets recommendations. In this case, we recommend that:
- you buy in this way only those foodstuffs that warrant it, that is, which don’t lend themselves to storage (fresh produce, meat, etc.)
- you choose the same quality you would for consumption by MSF staff (to avoid dubious, inexpensive products)
- On the other hand, once food stocks are organized, each sheet should be read and followed. The larger the volumes, the more closely the recommendations should be followed. If some of them are hard to follow, discuss your alternatives with your coordination team/ headquarters, and come to a joint decision on a purchasing strategy. We recommend prioritizing quality guarantees over purchase location (local supermarket, for example). Get as close as possible to the product’s source, and avoid intermediaries.
To sum up
- product that is hard to store: purchase locally, choosing products as if you are buying for the MSF team
- storable product: buy from a supplier who can provide quality guarantees
MSF specifications and national specifications
MSF specifications have been written for each product. They are based on the codex alimentarius
The implementation of the recommendations of the codex alimentarius vary upon countries. We recommend that you consult the authorities to know the local specifications before purchase
Importations of foodstuffs are always subject to prior authorization by national authorities.
Consider the potential impact on local, national or regional market availability and prices before purchasing large quantities of basic foodstuffs.
Packaging and labelling
2% empty bags should be added to the shipment without additional charges.
Standard labelling
- Supplier initials/year/order no./section initials/ program code
- Médecins Sans Frontières
- Product
- Net Weight in kg
- Crop year
- Might be added the note: "Humanitarian donation".
- In case of local or sub-regional availability of products outside of MSF standards, we recommend contacting headquarters for approval prior to purchase
- All products should be clearly labelled as being wholesome, sound, of market quality, and fit for human consumption. Getting a certificate of origin is a plus for guaranteeing the traceability of the product. The Cartagena Protocol requires producers/exporters to indicate whether their products do or do not contain GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms).
Local purchases and inspection company
- Use and fill the appropriate "Contract for local purchase" (1 per product) ref. NSFOPURC++.
- In case of purchase of big quantity, make an inspection company (SGS, Cotecna, Véritas, FAIDEX, etc.) perform an inspection before loading. Use and fill the appropriate "Inspection contract" (1 per product) ref. NSFOINSP++.
- Check the transport modes used before shipping (cleanliness, protection, etc)
- Check the contract of carriage: the carrier must promise to take responsibility for any deterioration of goods during shipping (dirty trucks that previously transported hydrocarbons or other products incompatible with foodstuffs, trucks not covered despite the risk of rain, etc
- Check the goods (for quantity/quality) upon receipt. Use and fill the "check list for the control upon receipt": NSFOCRECOOE (English), NSFOCRECOOF (French).
Follow the procedure QA-NFOS-SOP2 "Storage and stock management of food".
- Always store on pallets or groups of pallets
- Food products must always be separated from other products
- FEFO (first expired first out) inventory management
- Under humid tropical conditions, most insects can multiply by a factor of 50 in six weeks. Limit storage time is therefore a way to minimize insect infestation.
- The relative humidity indicates the amount of water vapour in the air. It is expressed as a percentage and depends primarily on the precipitation pattern and atmospheric pressure (which increases with temperature).
- It is essential that stocks be kept at the lowest possible temperature and humidity (air humidity < 70%).
- An increase in the product’s moisture content due to high ambient air humidity promotes the growth of fungi which secrete toxins.
- The ability of microorganisms to multiply in foodstuffs increases in the presence of free moisture.
Insects, rodents and birds (pest control)
- Temperatures between 10 and 45ºC are most favourable to completion of their reproductive cycle.
- Rodents (rats and mice) represent an important risk factor for foodstuffs, packagings, buildings and staff.
- Prevention is the key word, it is necessary to treat in case of infestation.
- It is essential to take action at the first sign of infestation in order to minimize reproduction of insects and damage to the foodstuffs. Follow the procedure MSF-NFO-SOP3.1: "Pest control".
- Fumigation is the main method of treating staple foods. Caution, phytosanitary treatments may only be performed by authorized organizations to prevent excessive quantity of residual pesticides. Safety conditions must therefore be met before any operation of fumigation, and only national organizations authorized and trained to handle such substances can perform fumigation.
- The decision to distribute mildly infested foodstuffs (1 to 2 living insects per kg of product) will depend upon the circumstances. Such a decision is acceptable if the product is consumed quickly. Higher infestation levels are acceptable for distributions if the product is intended to be ground prior to consumption.
Food logistics. Practical guide intended for logisticians and medical personnel involved in managing food products in the field (L046FOOM01E-P).
Specialised food products
Unlike basic food products (NFOO family), such as cereals (millet, sorghum...) or legumes (beans...), specialised food products (NFOS family) are specifically designed to meet the needs of malnourished people in crisis situation.
These products are enriched with proteins, minerals, and vitamins according to the nutritional requirements of patients, considering factors such as age, the severity of malnutrition, associated pathologies, local dietary habits.
A global strategy for responding to a nutritional crisis can only be developed after assessing the nutritional situation and identifying the intervention goals and target population. The response can be general or selective, including options such as general distribution, blanket feeding, supplementary feeding programs,or therapeutic feeding programs.
Specialised foods can be categorised into different categories, each designed to meet specific nutritional needs:
Therapeutic milks (F75 and F100)
Therapeutic milks are used in the initial (F75) and rehabilitation (F100) phases of treatment for severe acute malnutrition.
RUTF: Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food
RUTF is used during the rehabilitation phase for treating severe acute malnutrition. It should not be used in the initial phase due to its iron content.
Examples: Plumpy’nut, eeZeepaste, Valid Nutrition, Insta paste, BP100
Caution: RUTF should not be used in children under 6 months of age.
RUSF: Ready-to-Use Supplementary Food
RUSF is used for treating Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM) and can also be used for nutritional support in emergencies or as part of nutritional programmes to prevent malnutrition.
Examples: Plumpy'Sup, eeZeRUSF
Note: RUSF are sometimes referred to as LNS LQ (Large Quantity)
LNS: Lipid-based Nutrient Supplement (LNS MQ and LNS SQ)
- LNS MQ (Medium Quantity) is a ready-to-use product used to prevent Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM) in children aged 6 to 36 months. When consumed as a supplement to the regular diet, it balances the daily intake of micronutrients.
Examples: Plumpy doz, eeZee50
- LNS SQ (Small Quantity) is a ready-to-use product used to prevent malnutrition and provided nutritional support in emergencies.
Examples: Nuttributter, eeZee20
Micronutrients (fortified paste with vitamins and minerals)
Micronutrient supplements are used to address dietary deficiencies, particularly the lack of animal-based products.
Examples: QBmix
Emergency food ration
Compressed biscuits used as nutritional substitutes or food supplements in crisis situations, especially in the initial phase of an emergency before general ration distribution.
Examples: BP5, NRG5
Infant formulas (infant milks) and breast-milk fortifiers
These are substitutes for breast milk or fortifiers to enhance the nutritional quality of breast milk, depending on the needs of the infants.
Food for Special Medical Purposes (FSMP) (e.g. VHF patients, burn victims, HIV patients, etc.)
FSMP products are specially designed for patients with specific medical conditions requiring tailored nutrition. They should be used under medical supervision and vary in terms of calories, protein, and other nutritional contents, as well as form (oral, enteral feeding, or both).
- adults or children
- isocaloric or hypercaloric
- normoprotein or hyperprotein
- semi-elemental
- with or without fibres
- available as powders for reconstitution, ready-to-use drinks, or ready-to-use bags for enteral (tube) nutrition (ready to hang).
Powders generally have a longer shelf-life (24 months) and are more cost-effective than ready-to-use products, reducing the number of product references and simplifying stock management and orders.
Contact your nutrition advisor before ordering these products. These products can be used as a sole source of food or as a meal supplement for VHF/Ebola patients unable to follow a normal diet or suffering from severe anorexia, for example.
Super Cereals (Pre-cooked fortified flours )
Super Cereals are used for general (WFP) and family ration distributions, supplementary feeding programs, and blanket feeding programs.
They are made from corn flour (CSB+) or wheat flour (WSB+) and soya cooked by extrusion or micronization, and fortified with minerals and vitamins.
Examples of Super Cereals: Unimix (MSF-UNICEF-UNHCR), CSB/CSB+ (WFP), WSB (WFP).
Super Cereal plus (+) are newer versions containing milk and are better adapted for children's nutritional needs.
Examples of Super Cereals Plus: CSB++
It is essential to manage stocks of specialised food products by batch and shelf life. A batch is defined as a quantity produced under homogeneous conditions, although its exact definition may vary depending on the supplier's internal organisation.
The quality of yje product depends on every stage of the supply chain:
- supply of raw materials, manufacturing, packaging, storage at the supplier's premises
- transport
- storage
- distribution
- cooking (if necessary)
- consumption.
Any issue or negligence at any of these stages can impact the final product quality. Therefore, it is essential to adhere to the recommended procedures at every stage.
All suppliers of specialised food must undergo a rigorous validation process to ensure their products meet high-quality standards. Only validated suppliers should be used for purchases.
Local purchases are only permitted from validated suppliers. A list of validated suppliers is available from section pharmacists and nutrition referents.
All donations of specialised food products must be accompanied by a delivery bill (waybill) that specifies all batch numbers and best-before dates. Upon reception, conduct both a control check and a quality (organoleptic) evaluation for each donation (see procedure bellow).
Each shipment of specialised food products may include various certificates, which can be requested from the field.
These certificates may include: health certificate, analysis certificate, certificate of origin, conformity certificate, GMO/non-GMO certificate, etc.
The certificate of analysis is mandatory for any reception of specialised food product.
Specialised food should be stored at temperature below 30ºC to prevent quality issues and deterioration.
Refer to procedure QA-NFOS-SOP2 "Storage and stock management of specialised food" for guidance.
If storage conditions in the field exceed or have exceeded 30°C, it is recommended to conduct an analysis in a laboratory to verify that the vitamins (the most fragile) have not degraded and to determine the new shelf life. (see the sampling paragraph below).
Procedures for quality control
Control at Reception
Complete the "Check list for control upon receipt": NSFSCRECOSE (English), NSFSCRECOSF (French). These forms are also available ºon request from the section pharmacist or nutrition referent.
A certificate of analysis (one per batch number) must be provided by the supplier for each delivery.
Specific case for Super Cereals:
For Super Cereals, complete the specific checklist: NSFSQCONFFF (French) / NSFSQCONFFE (English).
Sampling (for analyse in laboratory)
When products are stored at temperatures above 30ºC, samples must be sent to a laboratory to check the level of fortification (as vitamin content decreases with temperature) and to potentially adjust the product's shelf life.
If a quality issue is suspected, it may be necessary to send samples to a laboratory. In this case, contact your section pharmacist or nutrition referent. You may be asked to complete the sampling report form, NSFSSAMPOSF (French) / NSFSSAMPOSE (English).
This statement (CAC/MISC 2-1976) was written on the request of the 11th session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (1976)
"The effects of protein-calorie malnutrition on morbidity and mortality among infants in underprivileged socio-economic groups have been well recognised. Impaired physical growth and mental development have been scientifically shown, and the adverse effect malnutrition can play during pregnancy and lactation has also been recognised.
Thus, infant feeding represents a problem of prime importance and the value of breast-milk as an ideal food for the infant during the first six months of its life cannot be too strongly stressed. However, poor health of the mother and certain social conditions can reduce lactation, separate the infant from the mother or otherwise make breast-feeding impossible. In these circumstances it is necessary to use alternative foods such as infant formula to overcome the lack of breast- milk. Numerous formulae have been produced which offer a nutritionally adequate food for infants, and, provided they are prepared under hygienic conditions and given in adequate amounts, there is no contra-indication to the use of such products. However, when economic conditions do not permit the purchase of sufficient amounts of suitable infant food, such as infant formula, or where the mother is not familiar with the proper use of such foods (e.g. proper hygiene, appropriate quantity and proportion of the formula, etc.) infants thus fed may develop symptoms of nutritional deficiency or may even reach a state of severe malnutrition.
Therefore, it is necessary to encourage breast-feeding by all possible means in order to prevent that the decline in breast-feeding, which seems to be actually occurring, does not lead to artificial methods of infant feeding which could be inadequate or could have an adverse effect on the health of the infant."
Under COVID-19 times, the procurement and validation of locally purchased Personal Protective Equipment items is becoming under pressure. Despite the pressure, we must still make sure we provide the best levels of protection to staff and patients. Often, we hear that masks are fake, there is no such item as a fake mask, there are copies, counterfeits and many different qualities. MSF provide staff and patients with the best quality PPE, but sometimes it is very difficult to tell between a good mask and a bad one. To assist with the local procurement process and to ease the pressure, a field-testing protocol has been developed to provide useful information to ease the exceptional validation process.
This testing protocol comes as a complement to the quality documentation assessment including the review of the packaging, certificates and test reports when available. The reason these masks require testing is because there is doubt about their quality, origins, and/or because the quality cannot be verified by other means (certificates, unknown manufacturer, etc).
Please follow the local purchase validation procedure in place in your OC and contact your OC Medical Device / pharma referent if you have any questions.
- Material needed. A marker, a pair of scissors, a lighter and a bottle of water
- Mask Selection. Take 6 Masks from 3 separate boxes, do not take them all from the same box and it is always best to take them from the middle of the box, not just the tope one.
- Numbering. Number the Masks 1-6 using a pen on the outside and inside. These number will be used to record the details of your finding.
General Test
Check the stitching or bonding, does it look tight, professional, neat, cover the month and nose, no loose threads, strap bonded okay, metal nose strip, is it along the full length of the mask, or only a small part. Is it comfortable to wear, is material soft and non-irritating. Masks have 3 layers, coloured on outside, 2 equal straps or ear loops, measured when flat 90 x 175 mm.
If the general test produces very bad results then it is clear the quality of the product is so bad that it cannot be used as any type of surgical masks, only you will be able to see how good or bad it is, and make the assessment based on your findings. Base your decision on the impact of your findings, are there minor faults (small parts of loose stitching or bonding, 1 or 2 areas where stitching has come off) or major (lots of bad quality, missing ear loops, very poor stitching, not very strong). Everything you could possibly find or not find can be listed here. If it is so bad, do not verify and do not send request for exceptional validation.
Score: 1 - Excellent; 2 - Good; 3 - Fair; 4 - Bad; 5 - Very Bad
Static Test
Place some very small pieces of cotton, thread or polystyrene on a table, place the masks on the thread and lift the mask up, some of the thread should stick to the masks because of the static, static is good as it improves the filtration of the masks.
Whilst it is best to have a functional filter in a surgical mask, static test is a lower priority to having a surgical mask as a good barrier between you and others. So, a poor performing static test could still be validated as a Surgical mask, if the static energy does not pick up more than a couple of pieces of thread or polystyrene. Then, it can still be sent forward for exceptional validation. Just make sure the findings are recorded in the record sheet. Even if no pieces are picked up, still useful to send for exceptional validation.
Score: 1 – Excellent, lots of pick up; 2 – Good, some pick up; 3 – Fair, 3-4 pieces picked up; 4 – Bad, only 1-3 pieces picked up; 5 - Very bad, no pieces picked up.
Water Repellent Test
Lay all masks on a clean table in order with the outside facing up, place 3-4 drops of water on the outside of the masks. The water should NOT be absorbed and should remain on the outer layer. If water is absorbed, write how long in seconds it is before the water is absorbed.
This is one of the most important tests for surgical masks, it should be repellent on the outside. If the water is absorbed into the material immediately or within 5 minutes, the mask cannot be used as a surgical mask, FAIL overall. If the water is absorbed after 5 minutes, note this in the record sheet, the mask might still be able to be used with other measures, for example using a face shield, not high-risk areas or after a specific period of time.
Score: Water absorbed: 1 - in more than 10 Minutes; 2 – in 8 minutes; 3 – in 6 minutes; 4 – in 5 minutes; 5 – in less than 5 minutes
If water is absorbed immediately, the test is a fail and the mask cannot be validated for medical or surgical use.
Water Absorbent Test
Turn the masks over, place 3-4 drops of water on the inside of the masks. The water SHOULD be absorbed into the mask over a period of time, record on record sheet how long until droplets absorbed, if no absorption write ‘repellent’.
A good quality mask should be absorbent on the inside, but it is a lower requirement to some other tests, note the time it takes to absorb, if at all. If the mask does not absorb, a request should be made for exceptional validation, but additional measures may be required.
Score: Water absorbed : 1 –immediately; 2 – in 1 minute; 3 – in 5 minutes; 4 – in 10 minutes; 5 – Water not absorbed
Filter Thickness
Using scissors, cut around the stitching of the masks so they can be taken apart. The central layer should be very tightly bound, it’s the filter part, you should not be able to see through or just being able to see through. If it is very easy to see through, it is not good like the examples below.
A good quality mask has a good quality filters, if the filter is too thin, it can still be exceptionally validated but additional measures will have to be considered, for example, only use in low risk areas, not to be used as a procedural mask etc.
Score: 1 – Excellent; 2 – Good; 3 – Fair; 4 – Bad; 5 - Very bad
Flame Test
Using a lighter, try and light the three layers of the mask one at a time. Describe what happens when exposed to flame (melts, melts and flame, catches fire easily, disintegrates or other more accurate words to describe)
A flame test is a good way of checking if a mask can be used in all areas and all procedures, if the mask does not catch fire it is good. If the mask catches fire immediately and is totally engulfed, it cannot be used in an area where there is a risk of fire or near smoking areas. If it burns, but slowly, it can be used in most areas but certainly not in high fire hazard areas like incinerator operators.
Score: 1 - No flame; 2 - Slight slow flame; 3 - Flame in less than 3 seconds; 4 - Immediate flame; 5 - Quick to catch fire and burns quickly
All the findings of each mask on the Field Testing Record Sheet below or using the Excel sheet. Put a score for each test, send the complete record sheet to Pharma reference team in HQ it and if needed, take some photographs where you are experiencing some difficulties or need more support.
Surgical mask Field Testing Record Sheet
- Manufacturer and country of manufacture
- Supplier Information + contact details
- Comments from tester (Difficult, easy, understandable, not possible, no resources for proper testing, unusual occurrences etc
A mask that has good results in all areas is clearly a good mask, it will most probably pass exceptional validation. Whereas a mask might have average test results for all tests, whilst it will be average it might produce quite a bad overall score. Before requesting exceptional validation, please make sure the need is there for these masks.
- A mask that scores 5-12 is likely to be exceptionally validated as a surgical mask to the type marked on the packing
- A mask that scores 13-19 may receive exceptional validation but additional measures are likely so it can be used as a surgical mask as a ELINMASSN00: FACE MASK, non-woven (not medical, not type IIR)
- A mask that scores 20-25 is unlikely to receive any validation so other sources of supply should be investigated. If there are no other sources of supply for this mask, a risk/benefit analysis will be discussed between HQ Pharma, Cell Med Ref, HoM, Mission Pharma, MedCo, IPC Focal Point to decide on risk mitigation measures.
Extra Tables
sample number | general | static | repel outer | absorb inner | filter thickness | flame test | comments |
1 | |||||||
2 | |||||||
3 | |||||||
4 | |||||||
5 | |||||||
6 |
MSF Specifications
MSF provides PVC-free containers for use in anaesthesia and emergency care, and for the injection of drugs (including cytostatics) and additives.
PVC containers should not be used for the preparation and administration of cytostatics, nor in neonatology, obstetrics, or paediatrics.
Infusion containers should be unbreakable and collapsible (closed system).
- PVC is not recommended because it releases phthalates (DEHP) and can adsorb certain medicines. For example, it is incompatible with cytostatics and certain drugs like amiodarone. Its use is also not recommended in neonatology, obstetrics, and paediatrics. Since 2020, PVC flexible bags are no longer the MSF standard.
- Flexible PVC-free bags offer the most advantageous logistic properties, including low volume and low weight.
- Semi-rigid PVC-free bottles made of PE (polyethylene) or PP (polypropylene) remain standard for specific products where there is no. or only a limited number of sources available of PVC-free flexible bags. They also provide benefits in specific situations, such as when large volumes need to be injected into the infusion solution or when a container that can stand upright is required.
Injection sites
Containers should have two injection sites, both protected from contamination:
- 1 site for adapting the infusion set
- 1 additional site for the possible addition of medicines (beware of incompatibilities). Use specific labels to indicate the medicines added to the infusion.
Container closure system
- The elastomer closure should be firm enough to allow a needle to pass through with the minimum release of particles.
- The Eurohead cap system offers the best option against the risk of contamination. Blow-fill-seal bottles are manufactured with a flattened head, and the Eurohead device is inserted in non-aseptic class before the entire system is autoclaved.
- The Nipple head system should be avoided due to the risk of microbial contamination through micro-leaks in the primary packaging.
Secondary packaging
To prevent containers, especially flexible bags, from being compressed under their own weight and to avoid fatigue points at the closure system (which can lead to the formation of micro-holes), the secondary packaging (carton box) should meet some specifications:
- Strong enough to withstand transport conditions.
- The box should be tested for compressive strength and bursting strength, based on the height of the stack and the weight of the box.
- The manufacturer should provide documentation of the compressive strength value of the packaging.
Infusion set
The infusions are supplied without infusion sets.
- Infusions sets should be ordered separately.
- Infusion fluids and infusion sets are supplied in separate packages. The corresponding quantities should be packed together before delivery to health facilities.
Insulin categories
Insulin is available in two main forms: human insulin and analogues of human insulin.
Human insulin is a synthetic version of insulin that exactly replicates the structure of natural insulin. However, when injected under the skin, it differs from natural insulin in that it tends to aggregate and has a longer absorption time.
Insulin analogues are also synthetic insulins designed to closely mimic the body's natural insulin release. The amino acid sequence of insulin analogues is altered compared to human insulin to modify its pharmacokinetic properties. Once absorbed, it works similarly to human insulin but with more predictable absorption. Insulin analogues are more expensive than human insulin.
Insulin characteristics
Insulins are classified based on their action profile, which include:
- Onset of action: the time it takes for insulin to start acting
- Peak action: the at which insulin reaches its maximum effectiveness
- Duration of action: the length of time the insulin remains effective
Insulin types
Insulin types are generally categorised into three main groups: Rapid-acting (or short-acting), Intermediate-acting, and Long-acting.
Rapid-acting insulin (or Short-acting)
- Rapidly absorbed from fat tissue (subcutaneous) into the bloodstream.
- Intended to provide the necessary bolus or prandial insulin.
- Used to control blood glucose levels during meals, snacks, and to correct hyperglycaemia.
Regular Human Insulin
- Onset: approx. 30 min
- Peak: in 2 to 4 hours
- Duration: 6 to 8 hours
- The higher the dose, the faster the onset, but the longer the time to peak and the longer the duration of effect.
- Less predictable than rapid-acting insulin analogues.
- Administered at least 30 minutes before meals to reduce postprandial glucose levels.
- Examples: Actrapid®, Humulin R®
(Ultra-) Rapid-Acting Insulin Analogues (insulin Aspart, insulin Lispro, insulin Glulisine)
- Onset: 5 to15 minutes
- Peak: in 1 to 2 hours
- Duration: 4 to 6 hours
- Regardless the dose, the onset and peak time remain similar.
- The duration of action varies with the dose: few units may last 4 hours or less, while a larger dose (25 or 30 units) may last 5 to 6 hours. As a general rule, these insulins are considered to have a duration of action of 4 hours.
- Administered during meals to correct high blood glucose levels.
- Examples: Humalog® (insulin Lispro), Novorapid/® (insulin Aspart), Apidra® (insulin Glulisine)
Intermediate-acting insulin
- Absorbed more slowly, with a longer duration of action.
- Intended to provide the necessary basal insulin (when administered at bedtime) or prandial insulin (when administered in the morning).
- Used to control blood glucose levels between meals and overnight.
Isophane (NPH) Human Insulin
- NPH : Neutral Protamine Hagedornis
- A fish protein, protamine, has been added to regular human insulin to delay its absorption. As NPH is a suspension of different sized crystals, its absorption and action time are highly unpredictable.
- Onset: 1 to 2 hours
- Peak: in 4 to 12 hours
- Duration: 14 to 18 hours
- A small dose given before meals results in an earlier peak and shorter duration of action (to cover needs between meals), while a higher dose given at bedtime will have a longer peak effect and a longer duration of action.
- Examples: Insulatard®, Humulin N®
Premixed Insulin (or Biphasic insulin)
- NPH premixed with regular human insulin or rapid-acting insulin analogs.
- Combines the action profile of rapid-acting and intermediate-acting insulins:
- Onset: 30 to 60 minutes
- Peak: in 2 to 8 hours
- Duration: 10 to 16 hours
- Includes various combinations:
- NPH mixed with regular human insulin in a 70:30 ratio (70% NPH, 30% Regular). e.g. Mixtard 30®
- NPH mixed with rapid-acting insulin analogue Lyspro in a 75:25 ratio (75% NPH, 25% insulin Lyspro). e.g. Humalog Mix 75/25®
- NPH mixed with rapid-acting insulin analogue Aspart in a 70:30 ratio (70% NPH, 30% Aspart). e.g. NovoMix 30®
Long-acting insulin (or Prolonged-acting)
- Absorbed slowly, with minimal peak and a stable, prolonged effect lasting from 8 to 24 hours.
- Intended to provide basal insulin needed throughout the day, especially at night.
- Used to control blood glucose levels overnight, while fasting, and between meals.
Long-acting insulin analogues (Glargine insulin, Detemir insulin, Degludec insulin)
- Onset: 3 to 6 hours (for Glargine insulin)
- Peak: over the next few hours
- Duration: relatively stable for 12 to 24 hours with Detemir insulin and 24 hours for Glargine insulin
- Examples: Levemir® (Detemir insulin), Lantus® (Glargine insulin), Tresiba® (Degludec insulin, ultra-long-acting)
Any unopened insulin container should be stored in a refrigerator between 2°C and 8°C.
Once in use, Insulin vials or pens can be kept at room temperature, between 15°C and 30°C, for approximatively 1 month. Insulin detemir can be stored at room temperature for up to 42 days.
Do not freeze insulin and protect it from light.
Exposure to high temperatures can reduce insulin efficacy and compromise glycaemia control.
Regular insulin, basal insulin analogues (such as glargine, detemir, and degludec), and rapid-acting insulin analogues (such as lispro, aspart, and glulisine) are clear and colourless. They should not be used if they appear cloudy or viscous.
Insulin therapy
Insulin doses are expressed in units.
It is not recommended to switch a patient from one type of insulin to another. Changes in concentration, brand (manufacturer), type, origin (human insulin or human insulin analogue), and/or method of manufacture may require adjusting the dose.
Insulin is administered by subcutaneous injection using either a syringe marked with insulin units and a needle, or a pre-filled pen. Insulin pumps are not par of MSF Standard.
For pre-filled pens, only use specific needles designed for theses types of pen.
MSF codes and labels for insulins
All insulins have a concentration of 100 IU/ml, as indicated on the label (but not in the code).
- Type of insulin
- DINJINSA+++: analogue insulin
- DINJINSH+++: human insulin
- Duration of action
- B = biphasic: the ratio is identified in the label: fast / long-acting
- L = long-acting analogue insulin
- U = ultra-rapid analogue insulin
- I = intermediate / isophane human insulin
- R = rapid-acting human insulin
- Volume / Quantity
- 1 = 10 ml
- 3 = 3 ml
- Insulin presentation:
- V: 10 ml vial
- C: 3 ml cartridge, for use with a reusable auto-injector
- AP: 3 ml pre-filled pen (single-use insulin pen)
- Manufacturer: last letter of code and label
- L = Lilly
- N = Novo Nordisk
- S = Sanofi
All vaccines supplied by MSF are pre-qualified by the WHO. If pre-qualified vaccines are unavailable, , MSF will procure vaccines without pre-qualification label but are licenced by stringent regulatory authorities. Before ordering vaccines, verify any specific requirements related to national vaccine policy (strains, VVM, ...) and regulatory bodies.
(Cf Introduction: Thermosensitive products and Cold chain)
Vaccines, along with most medicines and rapid diagnostic tests, are highly sensitive to light and temperature. Exposure to heat and/or freezing conditions can negatively affect their quality, safety, and efficacy.
Thermosensitive codes are defined only for storage and transport temperature requirements. They are aligned with the typical (or targeted) storage facilities in the field (freezers, refrigerators, pharmacies, medical warehouses, or transport vehicles) and their target temperature ranges.
In medical catalogues and ordering tools, all thermosensitive products are associated with a thermosensitive code, as listed in the table below.
Code | Definition | Temperature range |
CT30/CT3+ | Controlled temperature 2°C-30°C | 2-30°C |
CT25 | Controlled temperature 2°C-25°C | 2-25°C |
1525 | Controlled temperature 15°C-25°C | 15-25°C |
0208 | Cold Chain/ Refrigerated 2°C-8°C | 2-8°C |
F-20 | Frozen <20°C | <-20°C |
FSRT | Frozen for Storage, Refrigerated for Transport | <-20°C/2-8°C |
All thermosensitive vaccines with the code 0208 should be stored in a refrigerator and transported in cold chain. The "cold chain" refers to all means used to transport and store thermosensitive products at temperature between +2ºC and +8ºC.
In general
- Pay particular attention to storage and transport conditions.
- Some vaccines, medicines and rapid diagnostic tests transported in cold chain may be severely damaged by freezing:
- Use only icepacks filled with cold water for transport. Place them in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours. Icepacks pre-filled with eutectic liquid (coloured gel) are not suitable because their freezing point may be below 0ºC.
- Allow frozen icepacks to warm to 0ºC before placing them in the cold box. Let them at room temperature for at least 30 minutes until they "sweat" and liquid appears in the ice-packs.
In accordance with WHO recommendations:
All vaccines should be kept between +2ºC and +8º C from manufacturing to administration. |
- Some vaccines are labelled with a WHO CTC (Controlled Temperature Chain) pre-qualification. This means:
- The vaccine is stable and can be stored for up to 3 days at ambient temperature not exceeding 40°C, immediately before administration, provided the VVM has not reached its limit and the expiry date is still valid.
- Any unused vaccines after a CTC excursion must be discarded.
- For CTC use: see the related article CARD indicator for overrun +40°C (Temptime) irreversible (PCOLMONICTB)
- CTC Implementation should only be done after proper planning and training.
- Currently, three vaccine are pre-qualified with a CTC label:
- oral cholera vaccine Shanchol (DVACVCHO1V-) (40°C/14 days)
- meningococcal A conjugate vaccine 1-29 years; MenAfriVac 10mcg (DVACVMENA1VD) (40°C/4 days)
- 4-valent HPV vaccine (DVACVHPV4V- Gardasil) (42°C/3 days): contact your medical department
- Freezing of vaccines:
- WHO no longer recommends freezing vaccines, except for the oral polio vaccine at national and regional levels.
- BCG, measles, yellow fever, meningitis and Hib vaccines should be stored between +2ºC and +8ºC but should not be frozen. Freezing does not affect these vaccines but is unnecessary (except in some exceptional situations).
- Diluents:
- Diluents should be kept at the same temperature as the vaccines (between 2ºC and 8ºC) during reconstitution. While not required to be stored in a refrigerator, the necessary quantity of diluent should be placed in a refrigerator or cool box 24 hours before use. Diluents should never be frozen.
Heat exposure of a vaccine is cumulative.
The VVM is a thermosensitive label placed on vaccine vials to indicate whether the vaccine has been exposed to excessive temperatures over time. The combined effects of time and temperature cause a gradual, irreversible colour change in the VVM.
VVMs are designed based on the stability curve of each vaccine, with an additional safety margin. The heat response levels are specific to the four models of VVM, depending on their heat stability (see table 1):
The VVM clearly indicates if a vaccine can be used or not (see figure 2).
Not all vaccine vials have a VVM. Preferably use vaccines with a VVM.
Caution, the VVM does not replace other temperature indicators. Clearly, a vaccine with a correct VVM but an expiry date passed cannot be used.
MSF only supplies equipment that has been pre-qualified by WHO (PQS). Before ordering cold chan equipment, consult your technical department, as incorrect selection can lead to significant vaccines/medicines/rapid diagnostic tests losses, delays in the programme, or worse, the use of ineffective products.
Proper maintenance is essential for all cold chain equipment and should be performed regularly to ensure equipment remains in good condition. Details of these tasks can be found in the relevant technical documentation and guidelines.
Cold chain equipment is divided into two main categories:
Active cold chain: This category includes equipment that requires energy to produce and maintain cold. It is mainly used for storage or icepack production. Equipment in this category includes:
- ice-lined refrigerators
- freezers (for icepack production or storage of F-20 products)
- cold rooms
Passive cold chain: This category includes equipment that requires pre-conditioned ice-packs to maintain cold. It includes:
- isothermal/cold boxes
- vaccine carriers.
- icepacks
The selection of cold chain equipment (PCOL) depends on factors such as the required vaccine storage capacity, cold life, weight, and volume of the box (depending on the transport mode), and the number of ice-packs needed. Refer to the PCOL catalogue for manufacturer's specification and item details.
Practical recommendations
It is essential to always qualify refrigerators before using them for storing medicines. You can seek support from your cold chain referent and your MSF procurement centre to assist with the qualification process.
Designate and train a person responsible for the cold chain, along with a backup, to manage:
Temperature monitoring
Thermosensitive items must be continuously monitored for temperature throughout their lifecycle, using standard tools from the PCOL catalogue, such as:
- alcohol thermometers
- freezing indicators (FreezeTag®)
- historical data loggers (LogTag®)
- remote monitoring and alerts (BluLog®)
For more details on their use and configuration, refer to the specific guidelines and protocols provided by your OC.
Stock management
- Prepare a contingency plan in case of a cold chain break, including:
- isothermal containers for storing the most sensitive products
- sufficient frozen icepacks and their renewal (based on the number and type of cold boxes)
- a list of products categorised by thermosensitivity to quickly determine the appropriate action
- Carefully document any breakdown (duration, temperatures reached, and exposed products) and consult the pharmacist in the medical department to decide on the appropriate actions.
- Store thermosensitive products based on their expiry date (first expired, first out).
- Do not store food or beverages in medical refrigerators or freezers.
- During distribution, protect products that should not be frozen, as the risk is particularly high at this stage.
- Develop procedures for the transport of thermosensitive products and for the preparation of cold boxes.
- Place cardboard between the products and icepacks to prevent direct contact.
Assessment of the existing cold chain
- Is the quality of the cold chain satisfactory?
- Have the refrigerators been qualified and is the qualification report available?
- Have the procedures for cold chain management been defined and are they available?
- Is the equipment suitable for your needs in terms of volume and performance?
- Is the equipment in good working order?
- How reliable is the power supply?
- Is the equipment permanently accessible?
- Are the refrigerators and freezers located in cool, clean rooms?
- Is there sufficient capacity to store all thermosensitive products and to freeze icepacks?
- Is the monitoring equipment in each refrigerator / freezer complete and functional?
- Are procedures in place for monitoring thermosensitive products on arrival and departure?
- Are the temperature charts filled in correctly twice a day?
Needs assessment
- What is the nature of your activities (routine immunisation, immunisation campaign, laboratory...)?
- How much storage capacity do you need?
The volume of vaccines varies according to the presentation and the manufacturer.
For 1 dose in a 10-dose vial of injectable vaccines you need 2 to 3 cm3.
To store 1,000 doses, you need:
- 2 litres if 2 cm3/ dose
- 3 litres if 3 cm3/ dose
- 2.5 litres if 2.5 cm3/ dose
Newly introduced vaccines (rotavirus, cholera...) are often more voluminous. Always check when ordering.
To find out the volume of medicines and diagnostic tests, contact your supply centre.
- How much freezing capacity do you need for the icepacks?
- How many cold boxes, vaccine carriers and icepacks do you need?
- What monitoring tools do you need to order (thermometers, freezing indicators, …)?
The term "open vial" refers to a vaccine vial of which one or more doses have been used during a vaccination session.
WHO Policy statement: Multi-dose Vial P (MDVP), Revision 2014
The WHO recommendations apply only to vaccines that meet WHO specifications for efficacy and thermostability and contain an adequate amount of preservative. The vaccines provided by MSF meet these requirements.
- The location of the VVM gives a first indication of the application of the multi-dose vial policy:
- If the VVM is on the vaccine label: the vaccine vial, once opened, can be stored for subsequent vaccination sessions for up to 28 days, regardless of the product formulation (liquid or freeze-dried)
- If the VVM is attached in a different place from the label: the vaccine vial should be discarded at the end of the vaccination session or within 6 hrs of opening, whichever comes first, regardless of product formulation.
- Check the vaccine leaflet to ensure that the use of a specific product is permitted up to 28 days after opening.
- In order to implement the multi-dose vial policy, good injection practices should be followed at all times. For example, a new sterile syringe and needle must be used for each injection, and the needle must never be left inside the vial. In addition, the septum should not be contaminated or have been immersed in water, and there must be no visible contamination of the contents of the vial. Any vaccine vial without a label or with an illegible label should never be used.
Always check the national protocol for the use of open vials.
Orders are always done in number of doses and not in number of vials!
Formula for a first order
Number of doses needed = target population x coverage objective x number of doses per person (according to the vaccination schedule) x loss factor + reserve stock (e.g. 25%)
Formula for subsequent orders
Number of doses needed – number of doses in stock
Loss multiplying factor
The loss multiplying factor is used to calculate the real number of doses to be ordered to vaccinate the target population, taking into account the estimated loss according to the vaccination strategy (routine immunisation activities or mass campaign), the type of vaccine (freeze-dried or liquid) and its presentation (multi-dose or mono-dose).
- For routine immunisation activities:
=> BCG : x 2 (50% loss)
=> Other vaccines : x 1.05 to 1.66 (5 to 40% loss) or specific data available for your activities
- For vaccination campaigns or in-country (national programme):
=> x 1.17 (15% loss)
The multiplying factor is a standard factor based on experience to calculate the first order. For a long-term programme, it should be adapted according to real losses or specific data available on the vaccine (in consultation with the medical department).
- Initial order of DTP-Hib-HepB for vaccination of children aged 0-11 months:
- Total population = 50,000 inhabitants
- Target population (4%) = 2,000 persons
- Coverage 100% (x 1) = 2,000 persons
- Number of doses (x 3) = 6,000 doses
- Number of doses + loss (x 1.17) = 7020 doses
- Number of doses + loss (x 1.17) + reserve (x 1.25) = 8,775 doses/year
=> Need for three months => 2,194 doses
- Order for the next three months:
- Estimated needs for three months = 2,194 doses
- Number of doses in stock = 220 doses
=> To be ordered: 2,194 - 220 = 1,974 doses
- Calculation of the storage volume
- for example: 1 dose = 3 cm3
- 2,194 x 3 cm3 = 6,582 cm3
- 6,582 cm3 / 1,000 = 6.6 litres (1 litre = 1,000 cm3)
- Temperature sensitivity of vaccines (WHO/IVB/06.10)
- Essential drugs, MSF - L014DRUM01E-P
- Clinical guidelines, MSF - L002CLIM01E-P
- Management of a measles epidemic, MSF - L003MEAM01E-P
- Cold Chain Management guideline - 1st edition 2022 - L049COLM08E-P
- Logistics catalogue (cold chain family), MSF - L045CATM07EFP
Prior to implementing X-ray services or installing new equipment, it is essential to:
- Inquire about national radiation regulations as this may impact; equipment selection, X-ray room design, radiation safety requirements, licensing, HR staffing requirements etc
- Contact the Diagnostic Imaging Working Group ( for support and to:
- select the most appropriate x-ray equipment or assess the functioning of existing equipment
- organize the installation, implementation, maintenance and technical support
- assess the x-ray room and the need for general and personal protective equipment
- arrange training and implementation of MSF policies and procedures
- assess and/or provide training on appropriate clincal indications (use of X-ray) & X-ray interpretation for the medical team
Staff and patients’ attendants protection
- Time, distance and shielding are the fundamentals of radioprotection measures
- Time
- Where appropriate reduce the time near the X-ray source. Limit access to the x-ray room to only those people absolutely necessary.
- Distance
- One of the most simple and effective measures. Increase your distance from the X-ray machine and patient when taking radiographs - in particular when using a mobile X-ray to decrease your dose (inverse square law).
- Shielding
- Fixed X-ray rooms are designed to protect the operators by providing a protective barrier (e.g. lead lined walls and lead glass window).
- Operators using a mobile X-ray wear radioprotective clothing (lead or lead equivalent material apron & thyroid protection).
- Extra
- Any person staying beside patient when taking a radiograph must:
- stand as far as away from the radiation beam
- wear individual radioprotective clothing (lead or lead equivalent material apron & thyroid protection).
Protection of patients
- Justification: only x-ray a patient when it is clinically indicated. See MSF X-ray indications.
- Optimization - ALARA, use the lowest reasonable dose for the specfic patient / examination that produces a quality image. See MSF X-ray exposure chart (requires trained radiographers).
- Ensure appropriate radiographic technique is used for each examination, including restricting the X-ray beam to the area of interest (collimation), correct X-ray equipment use, patient communication and positioning supports are available.
- Ensure an appropriate policy is in place for screening potentially pregnant patients prior to performing X-ray imaging.
Before starting an x-ray program, it is essential to:
- Inquire about national regulations concerning radioprotection
- Check if there is a national organisation in charge to monitor x-ray doses by dosimetry and try to install a similar monitoring system
For more information, contact the Diagnostic Imaging Working Group (
The most appropriate X-ray equipment will depend on the specific project requirements. The WHIS-RAD or MULTI-RAD x-ray unit is generally preferred as the primary option for MSF hospital based projects, but may not be suitable in all scenarios. Before ordering an x-ray unit, please contact the Diagnostic Imaging Working Group ( for advice, and to discuss radiation safety requirements, human resources requirements, servicing and necessary accessory equipment.
The EEMD (Electro mechanical medical devices) family includes medical equipment and their accessories, consumables and spare-parts that operate on electrical energy and/or through some integrated physical mechanism or machinery (mechanical).
MSF guide
See the MSF guide that each mission should have and read!
- Medical equipment management guideline, MSF, 2021
MSF codification
Each type of equipment is identified with a specific root of 3 letters
- +E for the equipment = Medical devices requiring calibration, maintenance, repair, user training and decommissioning (the machine, the apparatus, also called parent device)
- +A for the accessories = Supplementary reusable parts or devices, used in combination with an item of medical equipment, to provide specific or additional functionality (e.g. ultrasound probes, barcode scanner, transport bag, warming sleeve).
- +C for the related consumables = Items requiring periodic replacement. Replacement can be required in order to reduce cross-infection risks (e.g. cannula, mask, anti-bacterial filter, syringe, tubing, etc.) or to ensure continued performance of the device (e.g. air (dust) filters, gaskets, etc.)
- +S for the different spare-parts = Integral components which are replaced in order to restore functioning, safety or physical integrity of the equipment. Spare parts can either be purchased new or, when within manufacturers tolerances and local legislation, be removed and retained for future use during decommissioning of equipment.
Further specification of the code: qualifier per brand, by sequential counting/numbering.
The person defining the needs of the accessories, consumables and spare-parts is
- for accessories => medical staff
- for consumables => logistical or medical staff, depending on the type of consumable: for use (medical) or for technical maintenance (logistical)
- for spare-parts => logistical staff
MSF articles
The different roots for the standard equipment are
Root | |
BFW+ | Blood / Fluid warmer |
CPA+ | CPAP Continuous Positive Airway Pressure ventilation |
CON+ | Oxygen concentrator |
OCF+ | Oxygen cylinder filling station |
DEF+ | Defibrillator |
DER+ | Electric dermatome |
DRI+ | Surgical drill |
ECG+ | E.C.G. Electrocardiograph |
EDC+ | Electronic drop counter |
ENP+ | Enteral nutrition pump |
ESU+ | Electro Surgical Unit |
FHD+ | Foetal Heart Doppler |
FLW+ | Fluid warmer |
HEP+ | Heating pad, electrical |
HEL+ | Headlamp |
INP+ | Infusion pump, general purpose |
LEX+ | Examination light |
LOP+ | Operating light |
MAF+ | Alternating-pressure bed mattress system |
MON+ | Single-patient physiologic monitoring system |
NEC+ | Nebulizer + compressor |
PHO+ | Phototherapy unit for infants |
POX+ | Pulse oximeter |
FPO+ | Fingertip pulse oximeter |
PUM+ | Airway clearance suction pump |
SAW+ | Saw, oscillating |
SHC+ | Surgical hair clippers |
SPH+ | Sphygmomanometer |
SYP+ | Syringe pump |
TAO+ | Operating table |
VAC+ | Surgical suction system |
VIC+ | Intensive-care ventilator |
WAI+ | Warmer, infant |
WAU+ | Air heating pad system |
Other families do also contain electro mechanical medical devices: EANE, EDIM, ELAE, ESTE.
Components of equipment
When ordering medical equipment EEMD***E, certain accessories and consumables are delivered with the equipment: they are listed in the technical sheet under “components” and/or “supplied with the article”. These additions are supplied by the manufacturer and/or compiled by the MSF Supply Centres (ESC's) to go with the equipment. This ensures that the equipment can be used correctly upon arrival in the MSF project.
General standard
IEC = International Electrotechnical Commission
IEC 60601-1 Edition 3.1 (or IEC 60601-1:2005+AMD1:2012 +AMD2:2020) Medical electrical equipment - Part 1: General requirements for basic safety and essential performance
- IEC 60601-1 is a series of technical standards for the safety and essential performance of medical electrical equipment, published by the International Electrotechnical Commission
- It concerns any type of medical electrical equipment without distinction
- It is presented in ten sections
- General: Scope and purpose of the standard. Terminology and definitions, general characteristics of devices.
- Environmental conditions
- Protection against electric shock
- Protection against mechanical shock
- Protection against risks due to unwanted or excessive radiation
- Protection against ignition hazards of flammable anesthetic mixtures
- Protection against excessive temperatures and other risks.
- Accuracy of operating characteristics and protection against hazardous output characteristics.
- Abnormal operation and fault conditions, environmental testing.
- Construction rules
The European EN version of the standard is identical to the IEC standard.
The equipment and all accessories selected by MSF are tested according the primary standard governing medical device design.
Collateral standards
Collateral standards (numbered 60601-1-X) define the requirements for certain aspects of safety and performance, or protection for diagnostic use of X-rays.
- IEC 60601-1-2: Electromagnetic disturbances - Requirements and tests
- IEC 60601-1-3: Radiation protection in diagnostic X-ray equipment
- IEC 60601-1-6: Usability
- IEC 60601-1-8: General requirements, tests and guidance for alarm systems
- IEC 60601-1-9: Requirements for environmentally conscious design
- IEC 60601-1-10: Requirements for the development of physiologic closed-loop controllers
- IEC 60601-1-12: Requirements for medical electrical equipment/systems intended for use in the emergency medical services environment
Particular standards
Particular standards for the medical electrical equipment, numbered 60601-2-X / 80601-2-X define the requirements for specific products or specific measurements built into products. These quality standards are listed in the technical sheets per equipment under the “norms”.
- EN 60601-2-2 : Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of high frequency surgical equipment and high frequency surgical accessories
- EN 60601-2-3: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of short-wave therapy equipment
- EN 60601-2-4: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of cardiac defibrillators
- EN 60601-2-10: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of nerve and muscle stimulators
- EN 80601-2-12: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of critical care ventilators
- EN 80601-2-13: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of an anaesthetic workstation
- EN 60601-2-21: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of infant radiant warmers
- EN 60601-2-24: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of infusion pumps and controllers
- EN 60601-2-25: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of electrocardiographs
- EN 60601-2-27: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of electrocardiographic monitoring equipment
- EN 60601-2-28: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of X-ray tube assemblies for medical diagnosis
- EN 80601-2-30: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of automated non-invasive sphygmomanometers
- EN 60601-2-31: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of external cardiac pacemakers with internal power source
- EN 80601-2-35: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of heating devices using blankets, pads and mattresses and intended for heating in medical use
- EN 60601-2-37: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of ultrasonic medical diagnostic and monitoring equipment
- EN 60601-2-41: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of surgical luminaires and luminaires for diagnosis
- EN 60601-2-43 : Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of X-ray equipment for interventional procedures
- EN 60601-2-46: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of operating tables
- EN 80601-2-49: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of multifunction patient monitors
- EN 60601-2-50: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of infant phototherapy equipment
- EN 60601-2-52: Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of medical beds
- EN 60601-2-54 : Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of X-ray equipment for radiography and radioscopy electrocardiographs
- EN 80601-2-55 : Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of respiratory gas monitors
- EN 80601-2-56 : Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of clinical thermometers for body temperature measurement
- EN 60601-2-57 : Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of non-laser light source equipment intended for therapeutic, diagnostic, monitoring and cosmetic/aesthetic use
- EN 80601-2-61 : Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of pulse oximeter equipment
- EN 80601-2-67 : Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of oxygen-conserving equipment
- EN 80601-2-69 : Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of oxygen concentrator equipment
- EN 80601-2-74 : Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of respiratory humidifying equipment
- EN 80601-2-79 : Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of ventilatory support equipment for ventilatory impairment
- EN 80601-2-80 : Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of ventilatory support equipment for ventilatory insufficiency
- EN 80601-2-84: Medical electrical equipment — Part 2-84: Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of ventilators for the emergency medical services environment
Protection against electric shocks
The IEC 60601-1 standard has a significant impact on the product development process, going beyond performance test and verification. This is because product complexity generally yields innumerable potential test cases, permutations, and combinations in both normal and abnormal operating modes, and these cannot be assessed in the final design alone.
While power supplies by themselves are not medical devices and, are therefore, not directly covered by the IEC 60606-1 standard, they are nevertheless integral to the design and operation of medical equipment.
Protection method
All electrical equipment is categorised into classes according to the method of protection against electric shock that is used.This decribes the way the electric equipment is protected agains electric shocks: by being connected to the ground, by double casing ….
For mains powered electrical equipment there are usually two levels of protection used, called "basic" and "supplementary" protection. The supplementary protection is intended to come into action in the event of failure of the basic protection.
- Class I equipment: insulation between live parts and exposed conductive parts with supplementary protection: 3rd protective earth reference point. Symbols seen on earthed equipment
- Class II equipment: Reinforced insulation or double insulation
- Class III equipment: internal power supply or SELV, Very Low Voltage Safety:
- Max 25 V AC (alternating current)
- Max 60 V DC (direct current)
Degree of protection
The degree of protection for medical electrical equipment is defined by the type designation. The reason for the existence of type designations is that different pieces of medical electrical equipment have different areas of application and therefore different electrical safety requirements.
B, BF or CF are classifications of applied parts = parts of the medical device which come in physical contact with the patient.
Types are assigned according to the level of protection to leakage currents
- Type B
- B = "Body"
- equipment operates within a 2 meter radius from the patient but without patient contact
- medical device with non-floating inputs
- average level of electrical protection of the patient
- Type BF
- BF = "Body Floating"
- equipment makes physical contact with the patient
- medical device with floating inputs
- average level of electrical protection of the patient
- CF type
- CF = "Cardiac Floating"
- makes physical contact with the heart
- medical device with floating inputs
- high level of electrical protection of the patient
Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code)
IEC 60529:1989+AMD1:1999+AMD2:2013
The different degrees of protection described in the standard are
- protection of persons against access to hazardous parts inside the enclosure
- protection of the equipment inside the enclosure against ingress of solid foreign objects
- protection of the equipment inside the enclosure against harmful effects due to the ingress of water
The protection index (IP) indicates the degree of protection of a material against the ingress of solids and liquids.
The format of the index, given by the IEC 60529 standard, is IPyy where the characters y are two numbers and/or a letter. The numbers indicate compliance with the conditions summarised in the tables below. Where no criteria are met, the number may be replaced by the letter X.
Protection against ingress of solid foreign bodies
Level | Protection against ingress of solid foreign bodies |
X | No data available |
0 | None |
1 | Protected against solid foreign objects of 50mm and greater |
2 | Protected against solid foreign objects of 12.5mm and greater |
3 | Protected against solid foreign objects of 2.5mm and greater |
4 | Protected against solid foreign objects of 1.0mm and greater |
5 | Dust-protected |
6 | Dust-tight |
Protection against ingress of liquids
Level | Protection against ingress of liquids |
x | No data available |
0 | Non-protected |
1 | Protected against vertically falling water drops |
2 | Protected against vertically falling water drops when the enclosure is tilted up to 15 degrees |
3 | Protected against “spraying” water at an angle up to 60 degrees on either side |
4 | Protected against “splashing” water from any direction |
5 | Protected against “water jets” from any direction |
6 | Protected against powerful “water jets” |
7 | Protected against the effects of “temporary immersion” in water |
8 | Protected against the effects of “continuous submersion” under water under conditions specified by the manufacturer |
9 | Protected against “high pressure and temperature” water jets |
Protection against access to hazardous parts
Additional letter | Protection against access to hazardous parts |
A | Protected against access with the back of the hand |
B | Protected against access with a finger |
C | Protected against access with a tool |
D | Protected against access with a wire |
Waste of electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)
WEEE is a complex mixture of materials and components that because of their hazardous content, and if not properly managed, can cause major environmental and health problems. Moreover, the production of modern electronics requires the use of scarce and expensive resources. To improve the environmental management of WEEE and to contribute to a circular economy and enhance resource efficiency the improvement of collection, treatment and recycling of electronics at the end of their life is essential.
To address these problems pieces of EU legislation have been put in place:
- The Directive on waste electrical and electronic equipment (Directive 2012/19/EU = WEEE Directive) which sets collection, recycling and recovery targets for electrical goods.
- The Directive 2011/65/EU on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS Directive) which specifies maximum levels for 10 substances (heavy metals and phthalates)
Substances subject to limitations as referred to in Article 4 (1) and maximum concentration values by weight in homogeneous materials
- Lead (0.1%)
- Mercury (0.1%)
- Cadmium (0.01%)
- Hexavalent chromium (0.1%)
- Polybrominated biphenyls (PBB) (0.1%)
- Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) (0.1%)
Regarding the disposal of the equipment / apparatus: it must be dismantled and all pieces must be segregated based on matter used: plastic, metallic (iron, aluminium, ...), electronic
- WARNING: All electronic parts are classified as WEEE, sub-category of Hazardous waste.
- Most of consumables can be burnt in a normal incinerator.
Contact your WatSan and Biomedical advisors to receive the detailled procedure about management of each waste parts.
Quality standards related to batteries
- IEC 62133, 2017: Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes -Safety requirements for portable sealed secondary cells, and for batteries made from them, for use in portable applications - Part 1: Nickel systems, Part2: Lithium systems (AMD1:2021)
The use of batteries in medical equipment
Types of batteries
UN Number | Proper Shipping Name and Description Désignation exacte d’expédition et Description | Hazard Class Classe |
UN2794 | Batteries, Wet, Filled with Acid Accumulateurs électrique remplis d’électrolyte, liquide acide | 8 |
UN2795 | Batteries, Wet, Filled with Alkali Accumulateurs électrique remplis d’électrolyte, liquide alcalin | 8 |
UN2800 | Batteries, Wet, Non-spillable Accumulateurs électrique inversables remplis d’électrolyte liquide | 8 |
UN3028 | Batteries, Dry, Containing Potassium Hydroxide Solid Accumulateurrs électriques, secs, contenant de l'hydroxyde de potassium solide | 8 |
UN3090 | Lithium Metal Batteries Piles au lithium métal | 9 |
UN3091 | Lithium Metal Batteries Contained in Equipment or Lithium Metal Batteries Packed with Equipment Piles au lithium metal contenues dans ou emballées avec un équipement | 9 |
UN3292 | Batteries, Containing Sodium Eléments d’accumulateurs au Sodium | 4.3 |
UN3480 | Lithium Ion Batteries Piles au lithium ionique | 9 |
UN3481 | Lithium Ion Batteries Contained in Equipment or Lithium Ion Batteries Packed with Equipment Piles au lithium ionique contenues dans ou emballées avec un équipement | 9 |
Transport of batteries
US Regulations for batteries: all batteries, regardless of chemistry (e.g., alkaline, lithium, lead, nickel metal hydride, carbon zinc, etc., or battery powered products) are subject to 49 CFR 173.21(c) in the U.S. hazardous materials regulations.
Lithium ion and lithium metal cells and batteries
Lithium ion and lithium metal cells and batteries are subject to specific packaging, marking, labeling, and shipping paper requirements.
The regulations that govern the transport of lithium ion and lithium metal cells and batteries are very complex.
Classification (DGR Lithium batteries are classified in Class 9 – Miscellaneous dangerous goods as:
- UN 3090, Lithium metal batteries; and
- UN 3480, Lithium ion batteries
or, if inside a piece of equipment or packed separately with a piece of equipment to power that equipment as:
- UN 3091, Lithium metal batteries contained in or packed with equipment; and
- UN 3481, Lithium ion batteries contained in or packed with equipment.
Since 2016, all lithium ion cells and batteries (UN 3480) and lithium metal cells and batteries (UN 3090) shipped by themselves are forbidden for transport as cargo on passenger planes. Transporting the batteries is organized by Packaging Instructions (PI) numbers. All packages must bear a «Cargo Aircraft Only» label, in addition to existing marks and/or labels.
Lead acid batteries
Lead acid batteries are listed as Class 8 Corrosive hazardous materials in the U.S. and international hazardous materials (dangerous goods) regulations (IATA) and also are subject to specific packaging, marking, labeling, and shipping paper requirements. “Nonspillable” lead acid batteries are provided an “exception” to the regulations if certain testing and marking requirements are met.
“Dry cell” batteries
“Dry cell” batteries, such as alkaline, nickel cadmium, and carbon zinc are not listed as hazardous materials or dangerous goods in the U.S. and international regulations. However, the batteries must be packed in a manner that prevents the generation of a dangerous quantity of heat and short circuits and packaged in strong outer packaging.
Nickel metal hydride batteries
Nickel metal hydride batteries are listed as Class 9 hazardous materials/dangerous goods (UN3496). When shipped by vessel in quantities over 100 kg they must be shipped as fully-regulated Class 9 hazardous materials/dangerous goods. In all other cases (when shipped via road, rail and air), they may be offered as dry cell batteries in accordance with the applicable Special Provisions.
Handling used batteries
The Batteries Directive 2006/66/EC (consolidated version in 2018): it intends to contribute to the protection, preservation and improvement of the quality of the environment by minimising the negative impact of batteries and accumulators and waste batteries and accumulators.
Properly use and dispose of batteries or they may leak or explode
Lithium batteries may present a fire or chemical burn hazard if mistreated. Do not disassemble, heat above 100°C (212°F) or incinerate. Dispose of used cells promptly.
Extra Tables
Surgical mask ELINMAS+++ | Surgical respirator ELINMASP++ | |
Intended use | A surgical mask is a medical device covering the mouth and nose providing a barrier to minimize the direct transmission of infective agents between staff and patient. The medical face mask must fulfil the definition as a medical device and therefore have a medical purpose as intended by the manufacturer. This intended purpose is normally to limit the transmission of infective agents from staff to patients during surgical procedures and other medical settings with similar requirements. It protects also the wearer against large droplets, splashes, or sprays of bodily or other hazardous fluids. | Respirators, known as filtering facepiece respirators (FFRs) or particle filtering half masks, filter at least 95 percent of airborne particles. They are PPE that tightly fit the face and provide certain filtration efficiency levels to help reduce wearer exposure to pathogenic airborne particles in a health care setting. The surgical respirator is also fluid resistant and protects against splashes, or sprays of bodily or other hazardous fluids. (the PSAFMASK+++ respirators are not tested for fluid resistance) |
Face seal fit | Not designed to fit tight to face. Fits loosely over the face and does not typically include a filter. | Fits tightly to the face and creates a seal between the face and respirator to help ensure all air is drawn through the filter. (Fit testing required) User seal check is needed each time the respirator is donned (put on) |
Size | Generally, only one size. | Available in multiple size configurations. However, sizing is not standardized among models. |
Filtration | Does NOT provide the wearer with a reliable level of protection from inhaling smaller airborne particles and is not considered respiratory protection | Effectively filters large and small particles from air. |
Leakage | Leakage occurs around the edge of the mask when the user inhales. | When properly fitted and donned, minimal leakage around edges of the respirator when the user inhales. |
Quality standards | Their performance characteristics are tested according to a set of standardized test methods (ASTM F2100, EN 14683, or equivalent) that aim to balance high filtration, adequate breathability and optionally, fluid penetration resistance medical masks filter 3 micrometre droplets, medical mask filtration tests are performed on a cross-section of the masks | Filtering facepiece respirators (FFR), or respirators, similarly offer a balance of filtration and breathability European FFRs, according to standard EN 149, US FFRs, according to NIOSH 42 CFR Part 84 respirators must filter more challenging 0.075 micrometre solid particles. FFRs are tested for filtration across the entire surface: the layers of the filtration material and the FFR shape are considered |
Classification | EU: MD Class I, 2 types according the bacterial filtration efficiency (BFE): Type I and Type II. If Type II mask is splash resistant: Type IIR US: MD Class 2 (FDA), similar testing, 3 levels (1,2 & 3) | Air-purifying respirator, classification according to minimum filter efficiency EU: FFP1, FFP2, FFP3 (R if reusable, NR is not reusable) NIOSH: N series (not resistant to oil): N95, N99, N100 |
Fluid / Splash resistance | EU: pass or fail (tested at 120 mm Hg), only for type II US: all are tested: at 80 mm Hg (level1) or 120 mm Hg (level 2) or 160 mm Hg (level 3) | EU: pass or fail US: FDA approval |
Masque chirurgical ELINMAS+++ | Appareil de protection respiratoire chirurgical ELINMASP++ | |
Utilisation finale | Un masque chirurgical est un dispositif médical couvrant la bouche et le nez et constituant une barrière pour minimiser la transmission directe d'agents infectieux entre le personnel et le patient. Le masque chirurgical doit répondre à la définition d'un dispositif médical et donc avoir un but médical tel que prévu par le fabricant. Cet objectif est normalement de limiter la transmission d'agents infectieux entre le personnel et les patients lors d'interventions chirurgicales et dans d'autres contextes médicaux présentant des exigences similaires. Il protège également l'utilisateur contre les grosses gouttelettes, les éclaboussures ou les pulvérisations de fluides corporels ou autres fluides dangereux. | Les masques de protection respiratoire, appelés masques faciaux filtrants (FFR) ou demi-masques filtrant les particules, filtrent au moins 95 % des particules en suspension dans l'air. Ce sont des EPI qui s'adaptent étroitement au visage et offrent certains niveaux d'efficacité de filtration pour aider à réduire l'exposition du porteur aux particules pathogènes en suspension dans l'air dans un établissement de soins de santé. Le respirateur chirurgical est également résistant aux fluides et protège contre les éclaboussures ou les pulvérisations de fluides corporels ou autres fluides dangereux. (Les respirateurs PSAFMASK+++ ne sont pas testés pour leur résistance aux fluides). |
Ajustement du joint facial | Non conçu pour être ajusté au visage. S'adapte librement sur le visage et ne comporte généralement pas de filtre. | S'adapte parfaitement au visage et crée un joint entre le visage et le respirateur pour garantir que tout l'air est aspiré à travers le filtre. (Test d'ajustement requis) Vérification du joint facial nécessaire à chaque fois que le respirateur est mis en place |
Taille | Généralement, une seule taille. | Disponible dans des configurations et tailles multiples. Toutefois, la taille n'est pas normalisée parmi les modèles approuvés. |
Filtration | N'offre PAS au porteur un niveau de protection fiable contre l'inhalation de petites particules en suspension dans l'air et n'est pas considéré comme une protection respiratoire | Filtre efficacement les grandes et petites particules de l'air. |
Fuites | Des fuites se produisent sur le pourtour du masque lorsque l'utilisateur inhale. | Lorsqu'il est correctement ajusté et mis en place, les fuites autour des bords du respirateur sont minimales lorsque l'utilisateur inhale. |
Standard de qualité | Leurs performances sont testées selon un ensemble de méthodes de test standardisées (ASTM F2100, EN 14683, ou équivalent) qui visent à équilibrer une filtration élevée, une respirabilité adéquate et éventuellement une résistance à la pénétration des fluides les masques médicaux filtrent les gouttelettes de 3 micromètres, des tests de filtration des masques médicaux sont effectués sur une coupe transversale des masques | Les respirateurs à masque filtrant (FFR), ou respirateurs, offrent également un équilibre entre filtration et respirabilité FFR européens, selon la norme EN 149, FFR américains, selon NIOSH 42 CFR Part 84 les respirateurs doivent filtrer les particules solides de 0,075 micromètre plus difficiles. Les FFR sont testés pour la filtration sur toute la surface: les couches du matériau de filtration et la forme FFR sont considérées |
Classification | UE : DM Classe I, 2 types selon l'efficacité de la filtration bactérienne (BFE) : Type I et Type II. Si le masque de Type II est résistant aux éclaboussures : Type IIR ÉTATS-UNIS : DM Classe 2 (FDA), tests similaires, 3 niveaux (1,2 & 3) | Respirateur à épuration d'air Classification en fonction de l'efficacité minimale du filtre UE : FFP1, FFP2, FFP3 (R si réutilisable, NR n'est pas réutilisable) NIOSH : série N (non résistant à l'huile) : N95, N99, N100 |
Résistance aux fluides (ou aux éclaboussures) | EU: réussite ou échec (testé à 120 mm Hg), uniquement pour le type II États-Unis: tous sont testés: à 80 mm Hg (niveau 1) ou 120 mm Hg (niveau 2) ou 160 mm Hg (niveau 3) | EU: réussite ou échec US: approuvé par FDA |
Norms for enteral devices
- EN 1615: 2001: Enteral feeding catheters and enteral giving sets for single use and their connectors, edition: 2
- ISO 80369-1: 2010: Small-bore connectors for liquids and gases in healthcare applications -- Part 1: General requirements
- ISO 80369-3: 2016 (A 1:2019): Small-bore connectors for liquids and gases in healthcare applications -- Part 3: Connectors for enteral applications
- ISO 80369-20: 2015: Small-bore connectors for liquids and gases in healthcare applications - Part 20: Common test methods
ISO 80369 standards were created to reduce the frequency of misconnections and at the same time harmonize delivery systems across one therapeutic area.
There were numerous reports detailing the risks of compatible tubing systems and the risk to patients. Cases of misconnections are under-reported and many may show as medication errors. Several people did die from misconnections and many more were put at serious risk.
The ISO 80369 series of standards were designed to prevent misconnections of medical devices and ensure patient safety. ISO 80369-3 specifically addresses enteral and gastric medical device applications by defining the geometry, material characteristics and performance of a new standard connector pair.
ENFit is a global change to make all enteral (tube feeding) devices specific to tube feeding. Every administration set, enteral syringe, nasoenteral tube, and nasogastric tube will be designed with a specific ENFit end so that you can only use products designed for enteral/tube feeding access.
Preventing misconnection errors
- Regularly inspect tubing for proper connections.
- Use the correct fittings and connect them according to the manufacturer's instructions.
- Reconnect tubing only under good lighting. Trace tubing back to the source prior to reconnecting.
- Do not modify or try to adapt connections to enteral devices.
- Do not use IV pumps to administer enteral feedings.
- Use enteral syringes (that cannot connect with an IV line) to deliver medications enterally.
Confirm the correct position of nasogastric tubes
using pH test strip (ELABPAPEPH2G)
Check the tube position:
- Following initial insertion
- Before any liquid (feed or medication) is introduced into the tube. At the change of feed if the child is receiving continuous tube feeding (four-hourly for expressed breast milk and six-hourly for all other feeds)
- Following episodes of vomiting, retching or coughing
- Following evidence of tube displacement (e.g. when the visible tube length has increased)
Recommended procedure:
- Check whether the patient is on medication that may increase the pH level of gastric contents (antacids, H2 antagonists)
- Obtain sufficient aspirate (0.5 – 1 ml) to cover an adequate area on the pH test strip
- Aspirate is pH 5.5 or below: OK
- Aspirate is pH 6 or above: DO NOT FEED: leave up to one hour and try again: possible bronchial secretion or dilution of the gastric acid by enteral feed.
- In a chronic wound the usual orderly process of healing is disrupted at one or more points, resulting in delayed healing or failure to heal (more than 6 weeks). A wound becomes chronic because of an underlying pathology (e.g. arterial/venous insufficiency, diabetes, etc.) or an external factor (e.g. infection).
- An acute wound follows the orderly process of healing (hemostasis or coagulation, inflammation, cell proliferation, epithelialization and remodeling). Examples of acute wounds are: burns, frostbite, bites, grafts and graft donor areas, deep derm-abrasions, surgical wounds.
- Primary wound dressings are applied directly to a wound and may be active or passive. Passive dressings don’t have an active effect on the wound healing. They are used because of their covering, non-adherent and/or absorbent characteristics. Active dressings have an active influence on the wound healing: they promote and maintain a moist wound environment. They may contain medication.
- Secondary wound dressings are put on top of a primary dressing in order to strengthen it, to make it more occlusive, or to create more absorption capacity.
- Fixation dressing: used to secure the primary and secondary dressing in place, and to support and protect the wound site.
- Compress: Piece of material(s), in any shape, form or size that is used for one or more following purposes: cleansing skin or wound, absorbing body exudate during surgical procedures, use with agents commonly used in wound management, support organs, tissue, etc. during surgical procedure. (according to EN 1644-1).
- Bandage: is wrapping material placed over a dressing or closed skin to hold the dressing , to immobilize a joint or for compression therapy.
- The FDA defines a medical adhesive as “a strip of fabric material or plastic, coated on one side with an adhesive, and may include a pad of surgical dressing...The device is used to cover and protect wounds, to hold together the skin edges of a wound, to support an injured part of the body, or to secure objects to the skin.”
Dressing materials
The most suitable dressing for wound management depends not only on the characteristics of wound but also on the stage of the healing process. The ideal dressing respects moist wound healing principle, removes excess of exudate, adapted to the healing phase, impermeable to micro- organisms, thermal insulation, allows gaseous exchange, conforms to wound surface, non-toxic; induces no allergic reactions, offers mechanical protection, relieves pain, avoids trauma and pain at dressing removal.
Gauze dressings
Gauze wound dressings were made from woven (cotton) or non-woven (cellulose fibers) gauze. Gauze is highly permeable and relatively non-occlusive, they may dry out and stick in the wound bed in wounds with minimal exudate unless used in combination with another dressing or topical agent. Gauze applied directly to the wound has many disadvantages, shedding of fibers (quality of compress) and the leakage of exudate (‘strike through’) with an associated risk of infection.
Gauze may be used as a primary or secondary wound dressing. Woven and non-woven gauze dressings can be used as secondary layers in the management of heavily exuding wounds. According to the absorbent capacity the compresses can be divided in different groups: normal absorbent capacity, the simple woven and non-woven compresses, and the more absorbent capacity: absorbent compresses and the superabsorbent compresses, they contain - next to gauze - also other types of material.
Cotton gauze fabric can be used for swabbing and cleaning skin. Ribbon gauze can be used to pack wound cavities, but adherence to the wound bed may cause bleeding and tissue damage on removal of the dressing (moistening the dressing with saline may help). An advanced wound dressing is often more suitable. Gauze dressings are inexpensive for one-time or short-term use. Gauze dressings come in many forms: squares, sheets, rolls, or ribbons (packing rope).
Paraffin gauze dressing
Tulle dressings are manufactured from cotton or viscose fibers which are impregnated with white or yellow soft paraffin to prevent the fibers from sticking, This is only partly successful and it may be necessary to change the dressings frequently. The wound exudate can be absorbed in the secondary dressing through the holes in the paraffin gauze (this is impeded if more than one layer is applied). Dressings with a reduced content (light loading) of soft paraffin are less liable to interfere with absorption. Paraffin gauze may be impregnated with antiseptic or antibiotic.
Vapour permeable films
They allow the passage of water vapour and oxygen but are impermeable to water and micro-organisms from outside. The sterile dressing can be used as a primary dressing to create/ maintain a moist wound environment in flat, shallow wounds with low to medium exudate. They are highly conformable, provide protection, and a moist healing environment; Transparent film dressings permit constant observation of the wound.
Water vapour loss can occur at a slower rate than exudate is generated, so that fluid accumulates under the dressing, which can lead to tissue maceration and to wrinkling at the adhesive contact site (with risk of bacterial entry). Vapour-permeable films are unsuitable for infected, heavily exuding wounds.
Most commonly, they are used as a secondary dressing over other types of dressing and as a fixation dressing.
Types of bandages
A bandage is a piece of material used either to secure a medical device such as a dressing or splint, or on its own to provide support to or to restrict the movement of a part of the body. Other bandages are used without dressings, such as elastic bandages that are used to reduce swelling or provide support to a sprained ankle. Tight bandages can be used to slow blood flow to an extremity, such as when a leg or arm is bleeding heavily or as compression therapy (e.g. in case of venous leg ulcers).
Bandages are available in a wide range of types, from generic cloth strips to specialised shaped bandages designed for a specific limb or part of the body. Bandages can often be improvised as the situation demands, using clothing, blankets or other material. In American English, the word bandage is often used to indicate a small gauze dressing attached to an adhesive bandage.
Gauze bandage
The most common type of bandage is the gauze bandage, a simple woven strip of material, or a woven strip of material with an absorbent barrier to prevent adhering to wounds. A gauze bandage can come in any number of widths and lengths, and can be used for almost any bandage application, including holding a dressing in place.
Long-stretch or elastic bandages
Long-stretch bandages (LSBs) = bandages for which the extensibility is high: greater than 100% to 120. They contain elastic fibers and may be dry or cohesive (self-adhering bandage or cohesive bandage is a type of bandage that coheres to itself, but does not adhere well to other surfaces).
The elastic behaviour provides constant pressure, which is almost the same at rest and at work, therefore leading to a low static stiffness index (SSI), with little or no massage effect.
This type of action is particularly recommended for immobile or not very mobile patients, incapable of sufficiently activating their calf-muscle pump.
Elastic systems have to be taken off at night since the pressure that they exert is difficult to tolerate when sleeping. The need for re-application every day can sometimes be a significant obstacle in terms of a patient’s compliance with treatment.
Short-stretch or low-elasticity bandages
These bandages are defined as having low elasticity (or non-elastic) if they have an extensibility of less than 100%.
Short-stretch bandages deliver a low resting pressure and a high working pressure (high SSI), producing a significant massage effect on the calf-muscle when the patient is active. This massage effect reactivates the efficacy of the muscle pump by propelling the venous blood flow from the superficial network to the deep network. Short-stretch systems are therefore very effective in the treatment of severe stages of chronic venous disease (CVD), especially in the treatment of venous leg ulcers and severe oedema, since they significantly improve venous return and lymphatic drainage.
They are effective in patients with sufficient mobility and are particularly recommended in the event of severe oedema. They can usually be kept on day and night, due to their low resting pressures.
Tube bandage
A tube bandage is applied using an applicator, and is woven in a continuous circle. It is used to hold dressings or splints on to limbs.
Adhesive bandage
An adhesive bandage, also called a sticking plaster (or simply plaster) in British English, is a medical dressing used for small injuries. An adhesive bandage is a small, flexible sheet of material which is sticky on one side, with a smaller, non-sticky, absorbent pad stuck to the sticky side.
Medical tape
Properties of medical tapes
- The tape needs to adhere to a surface (skin) being shed, a surface that is highly lipid, a surface that is very irregular.
- It has elastic properties.
- Tapes are called pressure sensitive adhesives (PSA): they adhere to the surface best with application of light pressure on the backing.
- Tapes need to be able to handle moisture vapour that normally leaves the skin = MVTR (moisture vapour transmission rate): it depends on the chemical composition of the adhesive, the tape thickness and the permeability of the backing.
- Tape must be non-toxic, hypoallergenic.
- The base of the tape is made of fabric, non-woven, hypoallergenic material or porous plastic.
The ideal tape must be compatible with skin, adhere strongly, be permeable to air and moisture, and remove gently without skin trauma.
Zinc Oxide Tape
Zinc Oxide tape is also known as Strapping Tape or Sports Tape because it is widely used to prevent sports injuries and soft tissue damage. It can also support muscles to stabilise injured ligaments. Zinc Oxide will remain intact when worn for a long period of time, and tolerates moisture, even in humid environments. It is usually made from non-stretch cotton or rayon (woven) with a Zinc Oxide adhesive.
Do and Don’t when using tape
- Consider using a barrier film to protect skin, but avoid alcohol or solvents on neonates
- Avoid substances that are tacky and increase adhesion such as tincture of benzoin
- Do not put tape strips on bed rails, IV trays or any other surface; do not carry rolls in pockets or on stethoscopes to keep tape clean
- Make sure skin is clean and dry before applying tape
- Avoid stretching tape; apply without tension or pulling on underlying skin
Classification of dressings according to European classification rules
Wound dressings may be any class of medical device, depending upon the intended purpose of the dressing, the constituents, how long it will be applied and where on (or where in) the body it is intended to be used.
The majority of wound dressings are non-invasive devices which come in to contact with injured skin:
- Class I if they are intended to be used as a mechanical barrier, for compression or for absorption of exudates (e.g. gauze dressings, absorbent pads, cotton wool)
- Class IIb if they are intended to be used principally with wounds which have breached the dermis and can only heal by secondary intent (e.g. dressings for chronic ulcerated wounds and severe burns)
- Class IIa in all other cases, including devices principally intended to manage the micro-environment of a wound (film, hydrogel, non-medicated impregnated gauze dressings). These dressings have specific properties to assist the healing process by controlling the level of moisture at the wound and to generally regulate the environment in terms of humidity and temperature, levels of oxygen and other gases, pH values, or by influencing the process by other physical means.
Classification is highly dependent upon the manufacturer’s intended use. Example: a polymeric film dressing would be a class IIa if the intended use is to manage micro-environment of the wound and class I if its intended use is limited to retaining an invasive cannula at the wound site.
A claim that a device is interactive or active with respect to the wound healing process usually implies that the device is a class IIb.
Dressings incorporating an antimicrobial agent, where the purposes of such agent are to provide additional action to the wound, are classified as Class III devices.
Needlestick Injuries (NSIs) are defined as an accidental skin penetrating stab wound caused by hollow-bore needles such as hypodermic needles, blood-collection needles, and IV catheter stylets. The risk of NSI’s: occupational exposure to blood and body fluids (BBF), this can lead to the transmission of pathogens causing an infection and hazardous consequences for health.
The current regulatory context is inciting single use syringes manufacturers to develop safety-engineered injection devices at affordable costs.
Prevention of needle stick injuries consist of different measures:
- Elimination of needles: using needleless systems, eliminate unnecessary injections
- Technical measures: quantity & quality of sharps containers, safety injection devices
- Administrative controls: sharps policy, consistent information and training, incident reporting, no-blame culture, staff vaccination.
- Work practice control: no needle recapping, safe use and disposal of sharps boxes, use of gloves when needed.
Identification of risk in MSF context
The hollow-bore needle (with blood-filled when used):
- syringe with needle (attached or not), for drug injection and vaccination
- blood collection systems
- IV catheters
The MSF context: since risks are different in different contexts, it appeared difficult to propose only one type of safety injection devices for all MSF activities. Consequently, two contexts for the use of these devices have been defined:
- Context of highly contagious diseases (hemorrhagic fevers) where absolute priority is given to HCW protection, with less considerations for cost and waste management, also assuming that staff is more extensively trained before being allowed to work in high risk area.
- Context of non-highly contagious diseases where intuitivism, the use of similar technique as a conventional device/current standard and low cost were favored. For general use in health facilities, priority projects for introduction and criteria to be fulfilled have to be defined.
It is possible to use the devices of both levels, depending on activity and also considering the price.
Selection of safety engineered injection device
Common features required for all contexts:
- Only integrated safety design (i.e. built in as an integral part of the device, as opposed to external devices to be fixed to the point of use)
- Similar use technique as a conventional device as far as possible
- Must not create new safety hazards or sources of blood exposure: it must be usable wearing gloves; it is not prone to be activated by improper handling technique.
- Activation of the safety mechanism is:
- Easy and intuitive
- Permanent and irreversible
- Visible or audible
Acceptance of safety features:
Studies have demonstrated that general acceptance by the staff of safety devices is influenced by:
- Perceived risk of infection
- Design of the device
- Training in the use of the device
- Length of time to become adept
- Ease of use
- Required changes in techniques
- Previous experience with safety devices.
Without appropriate support and education, safety injection devices may not be used, or may be used incorrectly.
Use of safety engineered injection devices in MSF projects
The injection devices to be used in high risk content are standard articles: syringe with needle, IV catheter, tube holder for blood drawing. They are retractable devices. The order is to be justified. The contents of the different VHF kits and modules have been adapted accordingly.
For the non-highly contagious contexts (= regular use) we introduced in 2018 the safety IV catheter (except for the neonatal 26G) with a passive safety mechanism.
AD syringe = auto-disable syringe for fixed dose immunization. Most have non-removable needle and all have a feature that blocks the syringe from being used a second time. (ISO 7886 part3)
RUP syringe = sterile hypodermic syringe for single use with a re-use prevention feature. These syringes can measure flexible dosing amounts, have removable needles and a feature that blocks the syringe from being reused a second time. (ISO 7886 part4)
SIP syringe = sterile hypodermic syringe with a sharps injury protection feature. Some SIPs have also a built-in RUP feature. SIPs cover AD and RUP syringes that have an additional feature to prevent sharps injury. (ISO 23908)
ISO 7000 symbol no 2655 : Re-use prevention
On packaging for medical devices (e.g. hypodermic syringes): to indicate that the device possesses a "re-use prevention" or "auto-disable" function (i.e., a feature that allows one use and prevents further uses).
A same product comes in many different forms and quantities depending on the manufacturer. Quality standards, corresponding to various degrees of purity, and therefore to different purposes, allow to differentiate them:
- No specification
- Pure, ultra pure, very pure
- For analysis or PA
- According to pharmacopoeia
- For synthesis, chromatography, etc.
According to their use on the field (See Updated laboratory procedures, MSF, 2022), MSF selected products which are meeting the following criteria:
- Quality ensuring a very good result
- Best price
- Available in small packaging
3 quality standards have been selected:
- No specification (general use)
- Pure, ultra pure, very pure (specific pharmacopoeia use)
- For analysis (organic analyses and syntheses)
Concerning staining products, the quality standards "for bacteriology" or "for microscopy" correspond exactly to the specifications of solutions and reagents prepared in laboratories equipped by MSF.
Quality standards "for synthesis" or "for chromatography" are indicating a very high degree of purity, with the level of residues following analysis on the label. They are more expensive and should not be ordered.
The decision to use powders for the preparation of reagents should only be taken until a careful study of the laboratory to be equipped has been made.
It is recommended to use ready to use reagents in liquid form if available, because the preparation of reagents or staining products from powder requires additional equipment (test tubes, flasks, scales etc.), complementary reagents (alcohol, phenol, etc.)and well-trained laboratory personnel.
It is recommended to always select the smallest possible packaging, since powders are used only in very small quantities (especially staining products).
A 100 g bottle can last for several years.
In 500 ml or 1 l bottle, but there are exceptions.
Bottles are designed to preserve the product as best as possible (e. g.: Lugol in brown glass bottle for protecting it from light).
Always screw the bottle caps tightly.
- Reagents should not be used beyond the expiry date indicated on the package.
- Reagents with no expiry date should be regularly controlled for their quality, e.g. by staining a known sample.
- If no expiry date is indicated, the reagents can be used until empty but a quality check is required for these reagents. Indicators for expiration can be (but don't have to be):
- Change of colour
- Precipitation in a liquid reagent
- Follow the manufacturer's instructions
- Always protect reagents from heat, light and humidity
- For safety reasons, bottles should be stored in the lower shelves
- If possible, store toxic reagents in a laboratory cabinet with a lock.
International transport
Chemical dangerous products must be labelled, wrapped, packaged and labelled in accordance with the IATA (International Air Transport Association) standards.
The technical sheets of the concerned products mention the air freight code (UNxxxx) as well as the hazard symbol(s).
This information should appear on the packaging, necessarily in English and in well defined dimensions.
National transport
For any transport, the reagents must be packaged and labelled in accordance with the instructions given on their technical sheet. It is recommended to keep them in their original packaging until final destination.
Follow IATA regulations for any shipment by air.
New CLP classification (Classification - Packaging - Labelling) according the EC Regulation N°1272/2008 (GHS/SGH):
- Classification categories
- Hazard pictograms
- Signal word
- Hazard and precautionary statements
Management of laboratory waste should be planned on a case-by-case basis according to the specific activities of the laboratory. Treatment and/or final disposal of (hazardous) laboratory waste will depend on local conditions, availability of treatment options and the waste’s characteristics, packaging, volume and recurrence. Safety, environmental and cost factors also need to be considered.
Existing applicable national, regional or local regulations for treatment and disposal of hazardous waste should always be adhered to. It is recommended to investigate if there are specialized institutions for waste elimination and/or recycling facilities available. If facilities are substandard, the MSF alternatives can be proposed and/or lobbying by WHO or MSF can be done to improve the elimination procedures within the legislation. When legislation is non-existent, the MSF strategy will most probably have to be implemented.
Please contact your laboratory and/or WatSan advisor for support on the management of waste in your laboratory.
Disposable gloves
Disposable gloves fall into two categories:
- Primary concern = protecting patient: Medical Device Regulation (EU) 2017/745. Applicable standard is EN455 for Single Use Medical Gloves.
- Primary concern = protecting wearer: Regulation (EU) 2016/425 on personal protective equipment.
Definition of "Medical gloves for single use " according to EN 455: gloves intended for use in the medical field to protect patient and user from cross-contamination, intended to be used on one individual during a single procedure.
For MSF:
- medical gloves = SMSU / SPPE family
- PPE gloves = PSAF family.
The two main types of disposable medical gloves are examination and surgical (including gynecological gloves) – each with a specific function.
Medical gloves are further designated by their material – nitrile, latex or other.
If the wearer is to be protected from chemical and physical risks as well as biological agents (e.g., during work in a microbiological laboratory or care of patients harboring highly pathogenic microorganisms), gloves declared as PPE must be used. Dual labeling of products for dual purposes as MD and PPE is possible.
Examination Gloves versus Surgical Gloves
General purpose examination gloves are most commonly used by caregivers and healthcare workers to protect themselves from contamination between caregiver and patient during an examination or procedure. These gloves are used during procedures that do not require sterile conditions when a risk of contact with biologic fluids exists (either from patient = most common or from caregiver = breach in hand skin), for example drawing blood for a blood test. Some of these gloves can also protect the wearer from harm caused by dangerous chemicals or pharmaceuticals
The primary purpose of surgical gloves is to act as a protective barrier to prevent possible transmission of micro-organisms between healthcare professionals and patients during surgical procedures.
Differences between surgical gloves and medical examination gloves (the type of gloves found in bulk containers in clinical examination rooms) are:
- Manufacturers of surgical gloves are required to meet a higher level of quality standards.
- Surgical gloves are sterile and individually packaged in pairs (or double pairs) with clear identification of right and left hand.
- They are anatomically shaped medical gloves with the thumb positioned towards the palmar surface of the index finger.
- Surgical gloves have a more precise range of sizing than medical examination gloves (sizes 5 ½ up to 9, per ½ size).
- Donning surgical gloves is according to a strict procedure.
Common surgical glove material: latex, neoprene, polyisoprene or nitrile. Material selected by MSF: standard surgical gloves are latex (latex allergies are rare in MSF projects for the moment), alternatives are gloves made of neoprene (polychloroprene) .
Common examination glove material: latex, vinyl or nitrile. Material selected by MSF: standard examination gloves are latex or nitrile.
LATEX gloves
The natural rubber latex is derived from physical and chemical processing of the sap of certain species of trees, mainly the Hevea braziliensis.
GMDN: glove made of Hevea natural rubber latex (NRL)
- Hevea-latex surgical glove, non-powdered (47178
- Hevea-latex examination/treatment glove, non-powdered, non-sterile (47172)
- Level of barrier protection: Excellent: long standing benchmark for barrier protection.
- Allergen content: Varies: latex contains protein and chemical allergens.
- Strength and durability: Excellent: very strong and durable, tensile strength typically 3000 psi or better. Is a heat sensitive item (storage)
- Elasticity: Excellent: superior to the other gloves. Memory is very high allowing the film always to return to its original shape. Elongation limit +/- 750%.
- Puncture resistance: Very good: very resistant to punctures but can be pierced by very sharp objects.
- Fit and comfort: Excellent due to its high elasticity and memory, preferred by surgeons.
- Chemical resistance: Good: provides good protection from most caustics and detergents. May be used for handling cytotoxic drugs.
- Economy: Very good
- Environmental impact: Excellent: easily decomposes in landfills (natural product), incineration produces mostly water and carbon dioxide
NITRILE gloves
The nitrile is a synthetic rubber latex, derived from Acrylonitrile Butadiene copolymer (NBR).
GMDN: glove made of nitrile
- Nitrile surgical glove, non-powdered (56291)
- Nitrile examination/treatment glove, non-powdered, non-sterile (56286)
- Level of barrier protection: Excellent: nitrile is highly resistant to punctures and tears.
- Allergen content: Very good: contains no latex proteins but contains some curing agents.
- Strength and durability: nitrile film is extremely strong with puncture resistance superior to all glove films. Tensile strength is well above 3000 psi.
- Elasticity: Very good: elongation typically 500% or better. Nitrile exhibits some memory effect allowing the film to adapt to the wearer’s hand.
- Puncture resistance: Excellent. Superior to all medical glove films currently available.
- Fit and comfort: Very good: due to the high elasticity and memory effect. Has a slightly tighter fit (choose a larger size)
- Chemical resistance: Excellent: resistance to most chemicals. May be used for handling cytotoxic drugs.
- Economy: price of nitrile is +/- similar to latex
- Environmental impact: Varies: does not decompose in landfills, incineration produces mostly water and carbon dioxide.
GMDN: glove made of polychloroprene (neoprene)
- Polychloroprene surgical glove, non-powdered (57970)
- Polychloroprene examination/treatment glove, non-powdered (56288)
- Level of barrier protection: Very good, similar to latex
- Allergen content: Excellent: contains no latex proteins but a low level of chemical allergens
- Strength and durability: Very good: unbroken neoprene is very strong. Once punctured however the film tends to tear rapidly. Tensile strength typically 3000 psi or better.
- Elasticity: Excellent: close to that of latex, memory is very high allowing the film to retains its original shape. Elongation limit +/- 750%
- Puncture resistance: Good: neoprene is somewhat puncture resistant.
- Fit and comfort: Excellent: provides excellent comfort and fit due to its high elasticity and memory.
- Chemical resistance: Excellent: good resistance to most chemicals
- Economy: more expensive than latex
- Environmental impact: Varied: does not decompose in landfills. Incineration produces significant amounts of hydrochloric acid.
GMDN: glove made of polyisoprene
- Polyisoprene surgical glove, non-powdered (56293)
- Polyisoprene examination/treatment glove, non-powdered (60624)
- Level of barrier protection: Fair: good barrier protection but more permeable than latex.
- Allergen content: Very good: contains no latex proteins but contains some curing agents.
- Strength and durability: Very good: polyisoprene is durable. Tensile strength typically 2500 psi or better.
- Elasticity: Excellent: similar to natural rubber.
- Puncture resistance: Good: is somewhat puncture resistant.
- Fit and comfort: Very good: similar to natural rubber but slightly stiffer
- Chemical resistance: fair protection against alcohol and other water based solutions.
- Economy: more expensive than latex
- Environmental impact: Varies: does not decompose in landfills, incineration produces mostly water and carbon dioxide.
VINYL gloves
Vinyl gloves are made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC), plus a number of plasticizers to confer specific properties.
GMDN: Vinyl examination/treatment glove, non-powdered (47176)
- Level of barrier protection: Poor: breaks and punctures easily during use, fit around the wrist is baggy making it a poor barrier.
- Allergen content: Very good: contains no natural rubber proteins and no chemical curing agents.
- Strength and durability: vinyl is the weakest of the glove films. Tensile strength is typically below 2000 psi.
- Elasticity: Fair to poor: vinyl elasticity is limited and varies from brand to brand. Typical elongation limit is less than 500%. The film has limited memory.
- Puncture resistance: Poor: vinyl is punctured by sharp objects easily.
- Fit and comfort: Fair: low elasticity limits fit and comfort. The wrist diameter is usually very large making the glove baggy around the cuff.
- Chemical resistance: Fair, often less protection than the other polymer materials.
- Economy: Very good: similar to latex.
- Environmental impact: Poor: does not decompose in landfills, plasticisers may leach out. Incineration produces significant amount of hydrochloric acid.
Latex allergy and other skin reactions from surgical gloves
Healthcare workers and anyone with frequent exposure to latex are at the greatest risk for developing latex sensitivity and allergies. Symptoms range from minor skin irritation or redness to respiratory problems. Shock has been reported in rare cases.
- Irritant contact dermatitis – The gloves, chemicals used in glove manufacture, glove powder or sweat may have a direct irritant action on hands as a result of mechanical disruption of the skin due to the rubbing of gloves; it is not due to an allergic reaction.
- Allergic contact dermatitis – Often due to an allergy to rubber accelerators (chemicals used in the manufacturing of rubber). Can also be due to other glove chemicals such as preservatives, colorants, and other additives.
- Latex allergy – Due to allergy to natural rubber latex protein.
There is a big push by the healthcare industry to become latex-free to prevent further development of latex allergies. However, hand hygiene remains important: hands have to be washed thoroughly after glove removal.
Powdered versus unpowered Gloves
Powder is used to lubricate the gloves, making them easier to put on your hands. Cornstarch is most often used.
On December 19, 2016, the FDA published a final rule banning powdered gloves based on the unreasonable and substantial risk of illness or injury to individuals exposed to the powdered gloves. The risks to both patients and health care providers when internal body tissue is exposed to the powder include severe airway inflammation and hypersensitivity reactions. Powder particles may also trigger the body's immune response, causing tissue to form around the particles (granulomas) or scar tissue formation (adhesions) which can lead to surgical complications.
Special inner coatings on gloves have now replaced powder in many gloves, thus eliminating powder-related complications.
MSF standard = non-powdered gloves.
European norms for single use medical gloves
- EN 455-1 : 2020: Medical gloves for single use - Part 1: Requirements and testing for freedom from holes. Routine testing is done by the watertightness test where the gloves are filled with 1 liter of water in a specific time. A minimum sample size equivalent to sample size code letter L ensures that an adequate assessment of the quality of the lot is obtained when the lot size is small or unknown. AQL (Acceptance Quality Limit = max % of the gloves presenting a defect) = 1.5 for examination gloves and 0.65 for surgical gloves. It is important that the minimum level of pinholes is kept, as the risk of getting an infection through the glove will be increased with a higher AQL level
- EN 455-2 : 2015: Medical gloves for single use - Part 2: Requirements and testing for physical properties.
- Dimensions: length and width (2 tables: one for surgical gloves, one for examination / procedure gloves)
- Strength: force at break in Newton (median values):
- ≥ 9.0 N for all surgical gloves
- ≥ 6.0 N for examination / procedure gloves not made from thermoplastics
- ≥ 3.6 N for examination / procedure gloves made from thermoplastic material: e.g. polyvinylchloride, polyethylene
- EN 455-3 : 2015: Medical gloves for single use - Part 3: Requirements and testing for biological evaluation, it specifies requirements for the evaluation of biological safety for medical gloves for single use.
- Chemicals: Gloves shall not be dressed with talcum powder (magnesium silicate). The manufacturer shall disclose, upon request, a list of chemical ingredients either added during manufacturing or already known to be present in the product.
- Medical gloves containing natural rubber latex shall be labelled on the packaging of at least the smallest packaging unit with symbol for latex. The labelling shall include the following or equivalent warning statement together with the symbol: “contains natural rubber latex which may cause allergic reactions, including anaphylactic responses”.
- The manufacturer shall monitor the endotoxin contamination of sterile gloves.
- For powder-free gloves the total quantity of powder shall not exceed 2 mg per glove, the labelling shall include a prominent indication of whether the glove is powdered or powder-free.
- The manufacturer shall strive to minimize the leachable protein level.
- EN 455-4 : 2009: Medical gloves for single use - Part 4: Requirements and testing for shelf life determination
- Whenever there is any significant change to the product the manufacturer shall re-determine shelf life.
- Attention is drawn to the maintenance of the sterility for the given shelf life of the product.
- Manufacturers shall provide storage instructions to the end user.
- Test methods: real time shelf life determination and accelerated shelf life determination (gloves must keep all the performance after 7 days in a stove at 70°C)
ISO standards
- ISO 11193-1:2020: Single-use medical examination gloves - Part 1: Specification for gloves made from rubber latex or rubber solution (edition 3)
- ISO 10282:2014: Single-use sterile rubber surgical gloves - Specification
ASTM standards
- D3577: Standard Specification for Rubber Surgical Gloves: covers certain requirements for packaged sterile rubber surgical gloves of the natural rubber latex type (Type 1) and of the synthetic rubber latex type (Type 2).
- Thickness (single wall): fingers, palm & cuff: min. 0.1 mm
- Elongation at break: before aging = min 750%, after aging = min 560%
- Tensile strength: before aging = min 24 MPa, after aging = min 18 MPa
D3578: Standard Specification for Rubber Examination Gloves
D5151: Test Method for Detection of Holes in Medical Gloves
D412: Standard Test Methods for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Elastomers—Tension
- D6124: Test Method for Residual Powder on Medical Gloves
Practical medical glove use in MSF
- Gloves must always be worn if there is a risk of contact with human body fluids or the patient’s mucous membranes or non-intact skin, especially during high risk procedures (blood cultures, blood sampling, placement and removal of venous lines, wound dressing, etc.).
- They must also be worn when handling laboratory sample tubes and soiled linens and equipment.
- They are always used when the care provider has a lesion on his or her hand (cut, injury, abrasion or skin condition).
- Wearing gloves is not recommended for contact with intact skin (for example, during physical therapy for rehabilitation, outpatient consultation, etc.).
- Single-use gloves are never washed; they are changed between patients and procedures (even on the same patient). They are donned just prior to contact, care procedure or treatment. They are removed as soon as the care procedure is over, and discarded in the medical waste bin.
- After removing gloves, hands should be washed (with soap and water) or disinfected (with an alcohol-based product).
WEARING GLOVES DOES NOT ELIMINATE THE NEED FOR HANDWASHING Gloves are not a second skin one pair of gloves = one procedure = one patient |
Practical medical glove use (WHO)
- Gloves are effective in preventing contamination of health-care workers’ hands and helping reduce transmission of pathogens dependent upon two critical factors:
- They are used appropriately
- Timely hand hygiene is performed using the method of hand rubbing or hand washing.
- Safe glove use involves:
- Using the correct technique for donning gloves that prevents their contamination
- Using the correct technique for removing gloves that prevents health-care workers’ hands becoming contaminated
- The unnecessary and inappropriate use of gloves results in a waste of resource and may increase the risk of germ transmission.
- Health-care workers should be trained in how to plan and perform procedures according to a rational sequence of events and to use non-touch techniques as much as possible in order to minimize the need for glove use and change.
- If the integrity of a glove is compromised (e.g., punctured), it should be changed as soon as possible and complemented with hand hygiene.
- Double gloving in countries with a high prevalence of HBV, HCV and HIV for long surgical procedures (>30 minutes), for procedures with contact with large amounts of blood or body fluids, for some high-risk orthopaedic procedures, is considered an appropriate practice.
- Use of petroleum-based hand lotions or creams may adversely affect the integrity of latex gloves and some alcohol-based handrubs may interact with residual powder on health-care workers’ hands.
- The reuse of gloves after reprocessing or decontamination is not recommended.
Boats and outboard motors selected by MSF are intended for emergency situations: as lightweight as possible, and simple to assemble and operate.
If you use water transport regularly in your mission, the appropriate choice of boat and engine is more complicated.
Ask your technical department for advice.
The choice between purchase or rental is usually based on 3 criteria: availability, quality and price.
Compare the lead time to the requirement.
The technical standards used by those who sell or hire boats are not reliable measures of quality.
In case of rental, check that the boat is in good condition (engine, safety devices, fuel quality etc.) and that there is no repair required that could subsequently be attributed to lack of maintenance by MSF. Think about establishing a system of quality checks and carry out regular assessments (once a year).
In case of purchase, try to follow the general specifications given below.
In either case, ask your technical department for advice, and if possible ask other organizations about their experiences.
In case of rental, the decisive point is not the price, but the quality! Choose a company that offers good quality over one that offers the lowest price.
In case of purchase, costs are important, especially the initial investment. Make a proposal to the financial coordinator. The higher the initial investment, the longer it will take to recover the cost.
Water transport by slow vessel is the most energy-efficient. "Slow" corresponds to the hull's displacement speed (also known as "hull speed"), expressed as follows:
S = 4.5 x the square root of L
S = displacement speed in km/h
L = waterline length of the boat in m
If a higher speed is required, the fuel consumption will increase drastically. At a certain point, the bottom of the boat – if it is designed for this purpose – will rise to the surface of the water as a result of its speed: this is known as planing. Once the boat is planing, the fuel consumption will drop, but it will stay far above the consumption of a slow vessel.
Planing starts at about 25 km/h, depending on hull design and total weight.
For each boat design, the manufacturer or supplier produces a graph showing estimated speeds and a curve plotting weight against required engine horsepower. These graphs also indicate the planing speeds.
Before choosing a boat, it is essential to assess the requirements and conditions of use.
The type of propulsion, the shape, the size and the weight of the boat will be determined by:
- the environment: river with clear or turbid water, or with floating or submerged objects (tree trunks etc.); fresh or brackish water, or coastal salt water; shallow or deep water etc.
- the required payload
- the required speed
- the required range
- the engine selected (see "choice of engine" below)
A long wooden canoe (± 15 metre) equipped with a small 25 HP outboard motor is a good example. It has good energy efficiency, good payload and reasonably good speed (close to 20 km/h).
Such a canoe can easily carry 500 kg of cargo, 200 litre of fuel and 8 people for about US $0.20/km.
Choice of engine
Most MSF boats have outboard engines.
Two-stroke outboard engines have the advantage of being simple, lightweight, reliable and efficient. They are also easy to maintain and can be repaired almost everywhere. However, it is likely that two-stroke engines will gradually disappear from the market and be replaced by four-stroke engines. Two strokes engines are more and more difficult to find, report to your supply center for availability.
Four-stroke outboards are less noisy and have a greater range and longer lifespan. They are more demanding to maintain, slightly heavier and more expensive, but they are the most economic engines in the short and medium term.
Four-stroke outboards are therefore preferable if they are available locally. However, you should be aware that introducing them often leads to difficulties and negative feedback from local people and boat drivers, hence the importance of proper training.
If you opt for an inboard engine, choose a diesel model rather than a petrol one. Inboards are the most economic engines in the long term.
Choice of propeller
Due to the wide variety of types and sizes available, it is very important to make the correct choice. There is a wide variety of types and sizes available. The standard propeller delivered with any outboard engine is a three blade aluminium propeller with a pitch intended to be used on a fast (light) boat. Aluminium propellers are cheaper compared to stainless steel ones that last longer. If you want to use the outboard engine on a slow boat, ask for advice from the supplier or your support department. An incorrect match of propeller, engine and boat will result in high costs and reduced lifespan.
"Water jet" propulsion is another option; it should be limited to inboard engines and to boats operating in shallow water. Water jet propulsion provides better manoeuvrability, but is less efficient.
Choice of hull
For slow boats, the weight is not very important. Hulls are often made of wood or steel.
For fast boats, weight is an important factor in fuel consumption and costs. Ranked according to increasing weight, the options for fast boats are:
- welded aluminium
- glass reinforced plastic (GRP)
- welded steel
Provided that the boat is suitable for the context and that all materials meet our requirements, the choice will be determined by the local availability of repair facilities.
When you buy a boat
Enquire about the local boatyard's quality and reliability. Test a boat which is equivalent to the one you intend to buy, with the same engine and same power.
Order the boat with an engine, sold and fitted by the boatyard. If this is not possible, or if you decide to order the engine from a different supplier, follow the boatyard's recommendations and make it responsible for the final functioning of the boat/engine combination.
Do not forget to specify the propeller you have chosen in the order or quotation request, and to include a fuel tank, buoyancy chambers etc.
In some cases the same name refers to different fuels in different languages, which can lead to confusion.
For example, in French, petrol is called "essence" and kerosene (lamp oil) is called "pétrole (lampant)".
The table below presents the names of the different hydrocarbons in English, French and Spanish, along with their uses.
Oils are defined by two characteristics: the viscosity index and the quality index.
Classification of engine oil viscosity
This classification follows the SAE norm, defined by the Society of Automotive Engineers. The viscosity indicates how treacly a liquid is. The viscosity of a liquid depends on its temperature: the viscosity reduces at higher temperatures.
- At high temperature: the viscosity should be sufficiently high to assure the protection of the motor and avoid a break in the oil film.
- At low temperature: the viscosity should be sufficiently low to allow the motor to start up easily.
The behaviour of an oil under these two temperatures is normalized by the SAE grade. The cold viscosity grade is determined at -18°C, while the warm grade is determined at 100°C.
Example: SAE 10W40
where 10W = winter grade (W for winter) where 40 = summer grade
Choosing the correct viscosity grade depending on the range of outside temperatures.
Remark Only multigrade engine oils should be used, which are usually of better quality than single-grade oils.
Classification of engine lubricant quality
The API norm of the American Petroleum Institute classifies oils depending on their quality and performance.
For engine oils this norm is presented by 2 letters:
The first letter indicates for which type of engine the oil is used:
- S - petrol engines (spark plug ignition)
- C - diesel engines ( compression ignition)
The second letter indicates the level of performance, increasing with its alphabetical range:
- SA to SN: for petrol engines. SN corresponds to the maximum quality. Note: SA to SE oils are not compatible anymore for vehicles produced after 1979.
- CA to CJ: for diesel engines. CJ corresponds to the maximum quality. Note: CA to CC oils are not compatible anymore for vehicles produced after 1990.
Most engine oils available on the market can be used both for petrol and diesel engines. Therefore you can find on the jar both norms: API SH/CF.
Summerizing the following example: you may use an engine oil with specifications SAE 10W40 API SH/CF for a Land Cruiser, taking into account the climatologic environment and the temperature range in country of operation.
Avoid mixing different brands of engine oil.
Classification of transmission oil viscosity
The principle is the same is with engine oil, however the scale is not the same for an engine oil or a transmission oil.
For example: SAE 80W90.
Classification of transmission oil quality
For transmission oil the API norm is as follows:
API GL-1, GL-2, GL-3, GL-4 and GL-5. GL stands for Gear Lubicant. Note: GL-1 to GL-3 are obsolete.
The oil GL-5 is generally used for the differential, while GL-4 could be used for gear boxes and transfer boxes. Refer to the user manual of the manufacturer in case the MSF standard maintenance logbook specific to your vehicle type is missing.
A differential with a limited slip requires a dedicated lubricant.
MSF has selected the following standard vehicles with a standard preparation by ESC:
5 véhicules 4x4:
- Toyota HZJ76 (hard top), 6 seats, diesel
- Toyota HZJ78 (hard top), 11 seats, diesel
- Toyota HZJ79 (pick-up), 3 seats, diesel
- Toyota HZJ79 double cabin, 6 seats, diesel
- Toyota Hilux double cabin, pick-up, diesel
The choice will depend on your needs, the presence of local dealers, the existing MSF fleet, etc.
City car
It is recommended to execute a market survey on national or regional level, in order to validate a city car for the concerned mission, taking into account the specifications you’re looking for, the presence of local dealers, the availability and quality of the proposed options, etc.
The procurement of a vehicle, either new or second-hand should always be discussed with your technical department and approved by them.
There are 2 possibilities for purchasing:
Purchase via an MSF supply centre
Toyota has entered into an agreement to supply vehicles that meet MSF's specifications.
The choice for a standard vehicle, allows you to benefit from prearranged spare part kits and a defined standard preparation developed for each type of vehicle.
Contact your technical department to know more about to what extent the options vary from one operational centre to another.
It is also reassuring to be able to benefit from the technicians expertise on a well-known and approved model.
Finally, the management tools developed especially for these models are available, such as the logbook and a spare parts order tool.
Sea freight can take anything from 15 days (at best) to 2 months, and could costs between € 2200,- to € 7000,- (whereas air freight costs between € 8000,- to € 15000,- or even more). These indicative prices for transport could fluctuate depending for example on the level of access and the stability of the location / country of destination.
Local purchase
Usually more expensive, but shorter wait for delivery, which can be a requirement in emergencies.
Make sure that spare parts are available locally. Do not buy imitations, but only genuine manufacturer's parts.
In case of local purchase of non-standard vehicles, the supply centres cannot guarantee the supply of spare parts.
Missions must establish stocks of spare parts.
Principally, planned spare parts orders (per semester) should be send to your supply centre. It is useful to explore the local market, to investigate the availability and prices of spare parts at local distributors. Even if you are considering importing spare parts, it can be useful to make an arrangement with a local dealer in case of emergency.
Spare part orders
There are 2 types of spare part orders:
- stock orders (every 6 months)
- specific orders for parts which are not stocked (when required)
MSF has developed a small program in Microsoft Excel to help you manage your stock and place orders for Toyota spare parts (see technical department).
To order parts which are not included in the MSF list, see the Toyota spare parts catalogue on paper or digitally if available.
The following must appear on your order:
- complete code of the model (i.e. HZJ78L- RJMRS)
- chassis number (i.e. JTERB71J700059235)
In case of doubt concerning the suitability of a part, attach as much information as you have to your order, and ask your technical department for advice.
Toyota spare parts catalogue
The paper version of this catalogue is no longer produced, however there might still be a copy available in your mission, which is only useful if it covers the production date of the concerned vehicle. It is not easy to use; you should therefore read the introduction very carefully before consulting the main body of the catalogue.
As spare parts are constantly developing, the catalogue quickly becomes outdated.
The alternative is the electronic spare parts catalogue, as long as the installed version covers the specifics such as the production date of the concerned vehicle.
To define the exact reference of a spare part for a certain model sometimes requires a technical interpretation and knowledge on the options and / or assemblies possible, even when using the digital catalogue.
Consult your technical department in case of doubt or need.
Vehicles are essential to the running of a project and must therefore be properly managed.
See the existing MSF guidelines on the subject.
As a general rule, motorcycles are not recommended for use in MSF missions because of the danger they pose to the rider.
In some situations, motorcycles may nevertheless be a good choice: for example in rural areas, where there is little traffic, for short journeys at low cost, for EPI, etc.
In all cases, the choice of model should be made in collaboration with your technical department, in accordance with the following points:
- Avoid larger cylinders, as more powerful models encourage higher speeds.
- Choose a model which is well-known and has a good network of dealers in the country.
- The use of good quality helmet and personal protection equipment (elbow, knee, boots & gloves) is mandatory.
The procurement of a vehicle, either new or second-hand should always be discussed with your technical department and approved by them.
There are 2 possibilities for purchasing:
Purchase via MSF supply centre
The choice for a standard vehicle, as proposed by your operational centre, gives you the advantage of the technicians expertise on a well-known and approved model.
In this case the management tools developed especially for this model, are available, such as the logbook and a spare parts order tool.
Contact your technical department for more information.
Local purchase
Make sure that spare parts are available locally. Do not buy imitations, but only genuine manufacturer's parts.
In case of local purchase of non-standard motorcycles, the supply centres cannot guarantee the supply of spare parts.
Vehicles are essential to the running of a project and must therefore be properly managed.
See the existing MSF guidelines on the subject.
Using a photocopier
The lifespan of a photocopier is directly linked to the number of copies that it makes. Photocopiers should therefore be used with moderation, by limiting waste (spoiled or unnecessary copies) and where possible by contracting out documents to be reproduced in large quantity (forms, training materials) to an external printing or photocopying service.
Selecting a photocopier
4 models are offered:
Small model
- Intended for emergencies, new missions and small MSF offices
- Average number of copies per month: 200
- Approximate life span: 50000 copies
Medium model
- Intended for average MSF offices
- Average number of copies per month: 2000
- Approximate lifespan: 120000 copies
Large model
- Intended for large MSF offices
- Average number of copies per month: 5000
- Approximate lifespan: 360000 copies
Printer and scanner functions
- most photocopier models have integrated printer and scanner functions
- photocopiers are only supplied in modules (see Guide of Kits, KADM / Administration kits)
- large printer leasing is also an option to be less exposed to the costs associated with the running and the maintenance
A minimum level of standardization is needed to keep data processing technologies coherent both in the field and between MSF sections. This is especially relevant for hardware specifications and software applications.
The ICT departments of all sections try to find the best compromise between requirements in the field and the rapidly evolving technology. Do not hesitate to contact them for any information regarding current standards.
Even though computers are very useful for transmitting information and administering a mission, you should bear in mind that:
- proper measures must be taken to avoid hardware damage (by using an UPS, a power surge protector, etc.)
- computer use is only for professional purpose, not for personal/private tasks
- all locations using data processing techniques should have mechanisms in place to avoid data/communication loss, such as backups, a proper internet connection, a good local network, etc.
As a result of the widely differing levels of computer skills and the particularly high staff turnover of MSF missions, many computer-related problems arise following staff changes. It is therefore essential:
- keep track of your inventory
- if the IT environment grows (too) big, make sure you have enough staff to support it
- always to follow MSF standards regarding software and hardware
- not to personalize the processing of data to the extent that you are the only one who understands it
- to set up a double archiving system for important information,backups to the NAS system and from the NAS to an external hard drive stored in a different location
Follow the filing system and naming conventions defined by your section.
Each user is responsible for his/her own data and should make sure BACKUPS are made at least once a week after running the antivirus software.
A proper backup should be made on NAS or on an external hard drive, if there is no NAS.
USB memory keys (meant for transporting data) and the additional partitions of a hard disk (often identified with a capital letter) are NOT reliable media for backups. Therefore they should not be used to store backups.
The MSF image
Each section has developed an "MSF IMAGE" that contains the standard software [operating system and applications] that is used in the field on USB memory key, external hard disk and/or NAS. This image allows the latest MSF standards to be installed on a computer. Other than in exceptional cases, no other software needs be installed.
When loading the image, first back up your data, then allow about 2 hours to reformat your computer and reinstall software.
The MSF image includes the following software:
- Windows 10 Enterprise English/French/Spanish
- MS Office 2016
- antivirus software (Kaspersky) and email (MS Outlook)
- Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, 7-Zip
- Acrobat Reader, VLC Media Player etc.
- several utilities required for peripherals
Installation of new software under Windows 10 usually requires logging in as an administrator with a username and password (these should be requested from your ICT support).
Non-standard software
Ask your HQ ICT support for permission before installing software that is not included in the MSF standards.
Antivirus software
Update your antivirus software at least once a day and scan your files at least once a week.
Laptop computers
Laptops can be easily carried as hand luggage without having to undergo customs formalities.
The battery, charged using an external power supply, provides up to 8 hours of use. The external power supply partially protects the computer against voltage spikes.
The current MSF standard is a laser printer.
Using a non-standard printers is not advised. It makes use of the standard software more difficult and requires the computer to be reconfigured.
MSF makes sure internet and email addresses are available in the field and usage is subject to a policy.
More and more MSF missions are using Client/Server (C/S) applications and with this comes the need to instal and use networks, with the capabilities to share a broadband internet connection, share files, applications, printers, etc.
Networks should be installed according to the standards set by your OC.
When a wireless network is installed, it must be configured properly in order to prevent access by unauthorized users. At least, WPA2 (Wi-Fi protected access) security should be installed and enabled.
Always be sure to appoint a competent network administrator.
The food products in this chapter of the catalogue can usually be bought locally. Brands and packaging might vary, as well as the exact (net) volume.
Kindly see your OC-specific construction policy for more information.
1. Any building/renovation project will be linked to a medical programme, which implies:
- an evaluation of the current situation and needs
- collaboration between MSF medical, financial and technical managers, as well as with local partners (authorities etc.).
2. Any building project should adhere to a "mid- to long-term" approach:
- no construction during a war or emergency situation (various standardized alternatives are possible: shelters, containers etc.)
- the pre-project period before the construction phase must not be cut short.
3. Any building project requires monitoring by MSF and involvement of local partners:
- definition and support of the programme in consultation with the logistic department and construction managers
- no "end of project presents"
- implications in terms of extra staff, maintenance of new buildings, increased consumption of water, electricity etc.
4. Any building project requires qualified human resources:
- a technical and logistics coordinator in the capital city
- a Log/Constructor in the field, or a constructor in the capital city and logisticians with national assistants in the field
- a registered architect or engineer for local approval of plans
- if possible a local contractor to carry out the work under MSF supervision.
5. Any building project involves administrative and legal procedures depending on the country and the context:
- acquiring the land
- choosing the architect
- building permit
- tendering process for a contractor
- site supervision; provisional and definitive hand over
hand over to partners; setting up the required maintenance.
1. Definition of needs
- Evaluate the needs together with the medical team.
- Propose suitable responses in logistic terms: construction, water and sanitation, human resources etc.
2. Site selection
- Identify a site in agreement with the local authorities.
- Take into consideration formal and customary law, and respect local customs.
- Find out about geographical and climatic conditions (whether in an earthquake zone, flood-risk area or basin; strong winds; high ground; rainfall and rainy season; winter conditions etc.)
- Check that water is available nearby.
- Check that there is easy access for supplies and patients.
- Select a larger site than needed.
- Select a site on a gentle slope to facilitate drainage.
- Fence the site off quickly and have it guarded.
- Draw up overall and specific building plans (ground plan, medical facilities, sanitation, access etc.).
3. Technical considerations
- Identify the type of shelter to be used on the basis of timescale, cost, available human resources, means and conditions of transport, existing buildings, locally available materials etc.
- Consider the various standardised solutions: tents (tunnel, winter...), plastic sheeting, local shelters, partitioning of collective centres etc.
4. Human resources
- Identify available national human resources (site foremen, piece-workers, labourers etc.).
- Enquire about the legislation governing hiring of staff.
- Monitor the size of the payroll.
5. Organisation of the work
- Organise the work teams.
- Manage the supply of materials.
- Draw up a phased work plan, based on medical priorities.
- Monitor the site's financial transactions and accounting.
Temporary health facilities
During the emergency phase, the general MSF policy is to instal health facilities under tents.
In the post-emergency phase, it is important to plan the construction of facilities that will improve the level of care provided.
These facilities must be suitable for healthcare, and suited both to the environment (in climatic, ecological, social and political terms) and to the context (building techniques, available skills etc.).
The roof cover must be able to resist wind and bad weather. The walls, light and non-load bearing, can be made of plastic sheeting, corrugated iron, straw, bamboo etc. The floor is either of rammed earth, with or without plastic sheeting, or is covered with smoothed concrete. The lifespan of the building should be at least 2 years, without maintenance during the first year.
"Temporary Health Structures Guidelines"
This guide contains all the information you need to set up and maintain temporary health facilities. It contains ground plans and specific sanitation plans for each type of facility, as well as an estimate of the materials required. These plans are examples, designed with the input of medical and logistical experts. Putting them into practice will often require having the skills to adapt them.
This guide has two distinct and complementary functions. On one hand, it can assist the decision-making process during the development of a health facility project and facilitate communication between the field and the capital. On the other hand, it serves as a technical aid for field logisticians regarding site choice, construction methods and sourcing of materials.
- L020EMEM02E-P Emergency preparedness - The spirit and the toolkit
- L020EMEM03E-P The priorities - Situations with displacement of population
- L043BUIM07EFP Temporary Health Structures
- L043BUIM06E-P Shelter - Situations with displacement of population
- L043BUIX02E-P Plastic sheeting
- L043SHEX01E-P Transitional settlement for displaced populations
- L043SHEX02E-P Tents, a guide to the use and logistics of family tents
- L043SHEX03E-E Shade nets: Use, deployment and procurement
Practical checking instructions and report form for rapid control at delivery
This checking procedure is meant to point out any major failure which might occur with the material. It is not meant to be an exact check up of all the physical characteristics given in the technical description. Two people are required, but it is really easier with three. It takes about 2 hours for one sample and up to six hours for six samples.
Equipment needed
Physical check of the product
- a measuring tape, 10 metre long
- a scale which measures up to 100 kg, in increments of 100 g, to weigh rolls and/or a scale which measure up to 10 kg, in increments of 10 g, to weigh tarpaulins
- a cutter knife
- a note book, a pen and as many copies of the report form as per number of samples
- a calculator
- a pair of scissors
- a 20 cm ruler
- a pocket knife
- a permanent marker
Mechanical tests
- two clamps with minimum 40 mm wide jaws
- one hook made of 8 mm diameter steel rod
- one "adjustable weight" in order to weigh 10 kg when combined with one of the clamps (i.e. a strong canvas bag filled with iron pieces)
- one weight of 70 kg (i.e. a tarpaulin bale plus the canvas bag)
- two wooden bars of 1 m in length and 4 x 4 cm² in diameter or equivalent
- one punch of 8 mm in diameter
- one hammer and some nails
- one crow bar with nail extractor
Checking procedure
Physical check
NB. Before starting the procedure, write a reference on each roll or tarpaulin to be tested, mentioning the name of the customer, the date of the test and the number of the sample (i.e. MSFKenya-23/03/2019 nr 1, 2, 3,…). This reference has to be reported in the heading of the respective report form.
- weigh the roll or the tarpaulin, without any packaging, and note the result for further calculation
- unroll, or unfold the tarpaulin and check the colour of the sheet: it should be a strong white, without significant colour fluctuation
- compare the presence of the 6 bands to the position given in the drawing (see figure 1), one can accept up to 5 cm fluctuation from the given position
- the bands must be blue
- check that there is a length indicator mark every meter, ensure that the distance between two marks is really 1 m, and check at 3 places
- check for the presence of the manufacturer name and the manufacturing date and month in letters 2.5 cm high, at least one every 6 meter on a roll and twice on a tarpaulin
- measure the width of the tarpaulin or the roll at 3 different places. Measurements must be minimum 3.96 m up to 4.04 metre.
- measure the length on the two edges and in the middle between the two central blue bands: it should be 6 metre for a tarpaulin or 60 m for a roll
- note the differences in the "comments" column of the report form.
- calculate the exact surface of the sample (length by width) and calculate the specific weight (total weight in grams divided by the surface in square meters), it must be between 209 gr/m² and 231 gr/m²
- scratch the white coating of the sheet with the cutter and check that the yarns are black in the two directions, warp and weft: NB. Light grey is not acceptable
- scratch the blue coating of the bands with the cutter and check that the yarns are black in the two directions, warp and weft: NB. Light grey is not acceptable
Non-contact infrared thermometers (NCITs) can be used to measure temperature rapidly and non-invasively
These NCITs were introduced into the MSF lists solely as a means of rapidly screening people during the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. There are not intended to replace the standard clinical thermometer. According to the literature, and MSF experience, reliability of these devices is an issue, an accuracy can easily be reduced by environmental conditions and the way the measurement is taken. They cannot be used to check the vital signs of a patients, but they are a practical screening tool.
There are no consumables (except the batteries) and no accessories (maybe a case / pouch for storage of the device
- Code : 17888
- Name : Infrared patient thermometer, skin
- Definition: A hand-held, battery-powered, electronic instrument designed to estimate the temperature of a site on the skin (e.g., axilla, forehead) by measurement of body infrared emissions at this particular point. It provides a method to determine temperature patterns or variations on the surface of the skin (e.g., due to differences in perfusion). This device may be used in the home. This is a reusable device.
NCITs are non standard articles, currently 3 models are used in MSF projects
- Manufacturer: Visiomed technology, Shenzhen, China
- Issues noticed by MSF users: problem with the accuracy of the measurement, requires to wait 1 min between each measurement
- Range: 32.0 to 42.9°C
- Accuracy = 0.2°C
- Resolution: 0.1°C
- Distance measure = 2-5 cm
- Automatic shutdown, 5 sec
- CE marked (NB0197)
- Manufacturer : Extech
- Range: 32.0 to 42.5°C
- Accuracy = 0.3°C
- Resolution: 0.1°C
- fast response (0.5 seconds)
- measurement distance: 5 - 15 cm
- memory = 32 readings
- 2AA batteries + pouch
- Range: 34.4 to 42.2°C
- Accuracy = 0.2°C (36-39 °C), 0.3°C above and below that.
- Resolution: 0.1°C
- fast response (1 second)
- measurement distance: 1.2 - 5 cm
- memory = 30 readings
- Bluetooth connectivity
- 2AA batteries
- Legal manufacturer
- Name + Address clearly visible on package
- Website available (check)
- Known manufacturer?
- Availability of QA docs
- CE marking:
- check if CE marking is correct
- NB identification (MD Class IIa): If no NB identified: article not registered as MD
- Registered in other HRC
- check GUDID if the device is listed (use manufacturer + brand/model as terms)
- Availability of a technical sheet, reference to a national / international standard?
- Battery powered, 2AA batteries is most common, but they sometime use the rectangular 9V battery (PP3), or AAA batteries (much shorter autonomy)
- Specifications: check IFU
- Range: 32 – 43 °C
- Temp in °F or °C possible
- Accuracy: 0.2 – 0.3 °C
- Distance for measuring: 3 – 5 cm most common, some 5 – 15 cm
- Response in 0.5 – 3 seconds
- Presence of alarms are practical but not essential, alarms can be audible or visible (often a traffic light system)
- Bluetooth connectivity: limited added value (often limited to a specific range of devices)
- Practical use of the device
- Screen of practical size, letters / numbers can be read easily, also with poor light or in bright sunlight
- Change of temperature reading from °F to °C is possible
- Time needed to get the reading of temperature
- Check distance of measuring: minimum and maximum as stated in IFU
- Waiting time between two readings?
- Automatic shutdown after 1-15 minutes, to save the batteries, > 20 minutes = batteries may not last long.
- If alarms present, settings can be adjusted
- Device is not heavy (can be operated by one person during a relatively long period)
- Can be operated using (examination) gloves
- Compare readings with results obtained with other thermometers (limited value, intended use = screening)
Benefits of NCITs
- Non-contact approach may reduce the risk of spreading disease between people being evaluated
- Easy to use
- Easy to clean and disinfect
- Measures temperature and displays a reading rapidly
- Provides ability to retake a temperature quickly
Limitations of NCITs
- How and where the NCIT is used may affect the measurement (for example, head covers, environment, positioning on forehead).
- The close distance required to properly take a person’s temperature represents a risk of spreading disease between the person using the device and the person being evaluated.
Proper Use of NCITs
- The person using the device should strictly follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and instructions for use for the specific NCIT being used.
- Use in a draft-free space and out of direct sun or near radiant heat sources.
- Typically, the environmental temperature should be between 16-40 ºC and relative humidity below 85 percent.
- Place the NCIT in the testing environment or room for 10-30 minutes prior to use to allow the NCIT to adjust to the environment.
- The test area of the forehead is clean, dry and not blocked during measurement.
- The person’s body temperature or temperature at the forehead test area has not been increased or decreased by wearing excessive clothing or head covers (for example headbands, bandanas), or by using facial cleansing products (for example cosmetic wipes).
- Hold the NCIT sensing area perpendicular to the forehead and instruct the person to remain stationary during measurement(s).
- The distance between the NCIT and forehead is specific to each NCIT. Consult the manufacturer’s instructions for correct measurement distances.
- Do not touch the sensing area of the NCIT and keep the sensor clean and dry.
More info online:
2. Mechanical property tests
NB. All the samples tested have to be kept until "quality clearance". In case of failure, the tarpaulin (piece or roll) has to be kept for laboratory control.
Tear test in the sheet (see figure 2).
- The test has to be performed a minimum of 4 times on different samples. Cut 4 samples lengthwise and 4 samples crosswise into the sheet (outside of the reinforced bands!). The dimensions of samples must be 6 x 20 cm² and they must be pre-cut 8 cm down the middle. On each sample note "L" for lengthwise and "C" for crosswise plus the sample reference (Sample description: see figure 2).
- Hang the first clamp with the rope to any support about 2 m high. Insert the sample into this clamp.
- Fix the second clamp to the other end of the sample. Slowly hang a weight of 10 kg (including the weight of the clamp itself) on the second clamp. Release the weight very carefully.
- Each sample should resist the weight of 10 kg. If a sample tears off, do a laboratory test to confirm or to cancel this result. The laboratory test should be a test of tensile strength and tear strength.
Tear test in the band (see figure 3).
- The test should be performed on 3 samples per tarpaulin or roll. Cut 3 pieces on 3 different bands as shown in the drawing (Sample description: see figure 3).
- Roll one end of the sample around the wooden bar several times, clamp it with the second timber and nail it.
- Place both extremities of the wooden timber on a support in order to allow the sample to hang freely (e.g. the raised forks of a forklift).
- Punch a hole of 8 mm diameter in the middle of the band at 20 cm from the border.
- Place the hook in the hole you have punched, and hang a 70 kg weight on it, avoiding any shock. To make a weight of 70 kg you can use one bale of tarpaulins, plus the additional weight you had in the previous test.
- If one of the samples tears off, further laboratory testing is required
Peeling test of the bands.
- Pull off a corner of a band from the tarpaulin with the knife and try to peel the band off just by pulling it by hand. In most of the cases you should be able to peel off the bands. If this is not the case, it means that the band has been welded too strongly, report it into the "comment" column of the report form.
- To check that the resistance to peeling is not too low, you must check that black spots remains on the white side and white spots remaining on the black side. This means that the melting of the band and the base material has been correctly done.
- If one side remains completely white and the other completely black, this counts as a failure and further laboratory testing is required.
- Repeat the whole process on three different reinforced bands.
Peeling test of welding
- If the product has a weld in the middle, perform the same peeling strength control on the weld.
Peeling of the coating
- Try to pull off the white coating from the black fabric, it should be impossible to peel pieces larger than 1 cm² or ¼ square inch.
Articles which are only delivered as part of a kit (motor pumps, water tanks, pipework, tools and sprayers) are not described in the Logistic Catalogue, but can be found in the Kit Catalogue (KWAT).
"Public Health Engineering In Precarious Situations"
This guide is a reference manual for engineers, logisticians, and all those concerned with environmental health in humanitarian relief operations associated with natural disasters or conflicts.
You will find in it information on water supply, sanitation, wastewater and sewage disposal, waste management, dead body management and vector control.
The book's main focus is on technical aspects and equipment; it does not cover hygiene promotion, but gives references to other books that do.
1. Water needed
- What is the target population? (Take account of possible fluctuations in the future.)
- Is MSF in charge of water supply for the whole population?
- What quantity of water do you plan to supply per person per day?
- 5 l is a strict minimum during the emergency phase.
- 10 l is acceptable for a transitional period.
- 20 l should be the standard for the medium and long term.
- What quantity of water do you need for medical facilities?
- Feeding centre: 30 l/person/day
- Dispensary: 5 l/consultation
- Hospital: 50 l/bed/day (40 - 60 l)
NB: You should add 15% to account for losses during distribution and transportation.
- How many distribution points are necessary?
- How many times a day can you fill the tanks?
2. Water available
- What types of water source are available? Rain, lake, river, spring, well, borehole, etc.
- How far away are these sources?
- Should transportation be by pipe or by truck?
- What is the water quality?
- Do you suspect faecal contamination?
- Do you need a water testing kit?
- In all situations, chlorination should be organised. In some cases, it should be combined with sedimentation (in 30 m³ tanks), or filtration (water treatment plant).
- Draw a plan of your camp to review your projected water supply network: how many sites, pipes, roads, access points etc.
3. Equipment needed
Taking account of the answers to the questions above and of your map, you should define your needs in terms of MSF standard kits and modules, which are presented in this catalogue.
A population of 30000 people is placed in a camp with water available 200 m away. MSF is responsible for providing water to the whole camp for 2 months.
Water needed
- For the population: 30000 people x 10 litre/person (transitional period) = 300 m³/day
- For the medical facilities:
- feeding centre: 80 patients x 30 litre/patient/day = 2400 litre/day
- hospital: 20 beds x 50 litre/bed/day = 1000 litre/day
- total: 3400 litre/day
- Total water required: 300 + 3.4 + 15% = 350 m³/day
- For the population:
- 1 distribution ramp = 6 taps = 6 x 250 people = 1500 people
- 30000/1500 = 20 ramps = 10 water distribution modules
- rule of thumb:
- minimum storage = 5 l / person
- => 30000 x 5 l = 150 m³ total storage capacity required
- => 150 m³ / 15 m³ tank = 10 tanks to be ordered
- For the medical facilities:
- 2 days' storage capacity is mandatory
- feeding centre: 2.4 m³ x 2 days = 4.8 m³ => order tank of 5 m³
- hospital: 1 m³ x 2 days = 2 m³ => order tank of 2 m³
- The facilities, being a long way from the river, will be supplied by a 5 m³ tanker truck.
- A tank of 30 m³ has a height of 1.5 m. Sedimentation takes place at 100 cm/hr.
- 150/100 = 1.5 hrs to 2 hrs is needed for the sedimentation of a full tank + count 1 hr for filling the tank and 1 hr for emptying it => total time required = 3.5 to 4 hrs
- 5 batches of 25 m³ can be made in one day (no night work) => one tank can produce 125 m³ per day
- Tanks required: 350 m³/ 125 m³ = 3 tanks of 30 m³ are needed
Water chlorination
- 1 kit contains 15 kg of chlorine, enough for 10,000 people for one week => for 30,000 people 3 kits are necessary
- Additional chlorine calculations: for 30,000 people over two months, 405 kg of chlorine are necessary. Minus the first 45 kg in the kits => order 360 kg of chlorine
Water pumps
- 1 pump for sedimentation
- 1 pump for tanker truck
- 2 pumps for the rest of the distribution
- (diesel or petrol, depending on the fuel available)
- The map of the network shows a total requirement of 480 m of piping.
- The kits (pumps and tanks) already provide a significant quantity of piping, so order 2 modules of additional piping to complete.
- 2 water supply toolkits
- 2 2"/3" adaptation kits
Hand pumps
Hand pumps are manually operated pumps, using human power to lift water from boreholes or wells.
Different hand pump types are used, depending on the depth of the water level, the required yield and the pumps available.
When choosing a hand pump, always keep in mind that the column of water is getting very heavy at greater depth and can be very difficult to lift, especially for women and children who are mainly responsible for collecting water.
Antiseptics are used to kill or eliminate microorganisms and/or inactivate viruses on living tissues, including intact or broken skin and mucous membranes.
The following table provides an overview of the standard antiseptics mentioned in the MSF catalogue.
Extra Tables
gel or solution Hand rub antisepsis Antisepsie des mains par friction | 0.2% mouthwash / bain de bouche Oral infections and antisepsis of noma mouth ulcers Infections buccales et antisepsie des lésions buccales du noma | 2% swab/wipe, tampon/lingette Antisepsis of intact skin (excluding neonates) Antisepsie de la peau saine (à l'exclusion du nouveau-né) | 10% solution Skin antisepsis, surgical site antisepsis, antisepsis and dressing of wounds, antisepsis of gyn/urinary site Antisepsie de la peau, antisepsie préopératoire, antisepsie et soins des plaies, antisepsie du site gynéco/urinaire | 4% or 7.5% Polyvidone iodine / Polyvidone iodée Surgical hand washing, cleansing of surgical site, cleansing of wounds Lavage chirurgical des mains, nettoyage du site chirurgical, détersion des plaies |
2% aqueous sol. / sol. aqueuse Antisepsis of intact skin in neonates Antisepsie de la peau saine chez le nouveau-né | 2% coloured sol. / sol. colorée Surgical site antisepsis on intact skin (excluding neonates) Antisepsie préopératoire sur peau saine (à l'exclusion du nouveau-né) | 10% gel Wound dressings, wound coverings if not contraindicated Pansements, couvertures des plaies si pas contre-indiqué | 4% Chlorhexidine digluconate Wound cleaning if polyvidone iodine is contraindicated Détersion des plaies si contre-indication à la polyvidone iodée | |
5% solution Diluted at 0.05% for wound antisepsis if polyvidone iodine is contraindicated Diluée à 0,05% pour l'antisepsie des plaies si contre-indication à la polyvidone iodée | ||||
7.1% gel Antisepsis and care of umbilical cord Antisepsie et soins du cordon ombilical |
- Indication of type
A nationally recognized type
H harmonized type
- Nominal voltages U0 / U
1 100/100 Volt
3 300/300 Volt
5 300/500 Volt
7 450/750 Volt
- Conductor insulation materials
B EPR (ethylene propylene rubber)
E PE (polyethylene)
G EVA (ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer)
N2 chloroprene rubber for welding cable
R natural rubber
S silicone rubber
V PVC (polyvinyl chloride)
V2 PVC + 90 ° C
V3 Flexible cold PVC
V4 Cross-linked PVC
X crosslinked PE (polyethylene), XLPE
Z halogen-free
- Insulation materials for inner and outer sheaths / braid
B EPR (ethylene propylene rubber)
J Glass fiber braid
N Chloroprene rubber
N2 Chloroprene rubber for welding cable
N4 Chloroprene rubber resistant to high temperatures
Q Polyurethane
R Rubber
T Textile Braid
V PVC (polyvinyl chloride)
V2 PVC + 90 ° C
V3 Flexible cold PVC
V4 Cross-linked PVC
V5 PVC with improved resistance to oils
Z halogen-free
- Construction features
C4 braid copper braid
D central support member
H flat cable with separable conductors
H2 flat cable with non-separable conductors
H6 flat cable for lifts with non-separable conductors
H8 stretch cord
- Core Construction
D flexible core for welding cable
E extra flexible core for welding cable
F flexible core class 5 (flexible)
H flexible core of class 6 (ultra flexible)
K flexible core class 5 (fixed installation)
R wired core class 2
U massive core class 1
Y braid in fine ribbons
- Number of Conductors
- Earth conductor
G with green / yellow earth conductor
X without green / yellow earth conductor
- Section in mm²
H07RN-F 3G2.5
H means that this is a harmonized cable at European level.
07 means a resistance of 700 volts max.
R specifies the insulating material of the conductor
N specifies the insulating material of the sheath
F specifies the flexibility of the cable
3 indicates the number of wires
G indicates that it is equipped with a green / yellow earth wire.
2.5 specifies the section in mm² of each wire.
Cold chain management for thermo-sensitive product
The cold chain is a system intended to keep thermosensitive medical products, within a specific temperature range from the manufacturer until its final use. In MSF settings, the “cold chain” means keeping medical products between +2°C and +8°C (inclusive). Temperature deviations can lead to cold chain ruptures, compromising the quality of therapeutic and diagnostic products and on occasions leading to their destruction, costing time and money.
In MSF, cold chain items can be divided into three main groups:
- Immunization products (vaccines)
- Therapeutic products (e.g. immunoglobulins, insulin or oxytocin)
- Diagnostic products (e.g. blood grouping reagents).
The EU, WHO GDP (guidelines for good distribution practices) for pharmaceutical products, as well as the different national regulations, requires a focus on ensuring proper environmental conditions (as per manufacturer label claim) during storage and transportation.
In the medical catalogues and on the order lists, all thermo-sensitive products are associated to a thermosensitive code listed in the table below.
New code | Definition | Temperature range |
CT30/CT3+ | Controlled Temperature 2°C-30°C | 2-30°C |
CT25 | Controlled Temperature 2°C-25°C | 2-25°C |
1525 | Controlled Room Temperature 15-25°C | 15-25°C |
0208 | Cold Chain / Refrigerated 2-8°C | 2-8°C |
F-20 | Frozen < 20°C | <-20°C |
FSRT | Frozen for Storage, Refrigerated for Transport | <-20°C/2-8°C |
The products that do not require a temperature control have no thermosensitive code associated.
A pharmaceutical product, if not stored according to manufacturer’s specifications, might become ineffective or dangerous for the patient.
Controlled Temperature: 2°C-30°C
The storage and transportation of medical items falling into this thermosensitive classification needs to be done in compliance to the Good Storage and Distribution Practices. In the medical storage facilities, the temperature should be monitored and recorded twice a day in a dedicated sheet.
Example of items stored between 2°-30°C: Specialised Food items (NFOS), medical devices of class I and IIa.
Controlled Temperature: 2°C-25°C
The storage and transportation of medical items falling into this thermosensitive classification needs to be done in compliance to the Good Storage and Distribution Practices. In the medical storage facilities, the temperature should be monitored and recorded twice a day in a dedicated sheet.
Example of items stored between 2°-25°C: some Specialised Food items (NFOS), dressings (SDRE), sampling and transport mediums and containers (STSS), medical devices of class IIb and III.
Controlled Room Temperature 15°C-25°C
The storage and transportation of medical items falling into this thermosensitive classification needs to be done in compliance to the Good Storage and Distribution Practices, following the requirements expressed by the World Health Organization and the national drug regulatory authorities (NRAs). The premises and vehicles used for storing or transporting medical products, should be of a suitable size and of a standard that allows for a secure, clean and temperature-controlled storage with a relative humidity below 65 % and no direct sunlight affecting the products. Temperature and relative humidity should be monitored and recorded twice a day in a dedicated sheet, the tool recommended for this purpose is the following: PCOLMONIHLU - THERMO-HYGROMETER recorder (Log Tag Uhado-16) display.
Example of items stored between 15°-25°C: medicines (DORA, DINJ, DINF, DEXT, DEXO), some dressings (SDRE), laboratory reagents (SLAS).
Cold Chain / Refrigerated 2°C-8°C
The transport of items falling in this thermosensitive classification needs to be done in isothermal containers, while the storage requires ice-lined refrigerators (see storage and transportation equipment). Temperature should be monitored and recorded twice a day in a dedicated sheet, with monitoring by FreezeTag and LogTag (see cold chain management).
Example of items stored between 2°-8°C: most of the vaccines (DVAC), some rapid diagnostic tests (SDDT), laboratory tests and controls (ELAE).
Frozen -20°C
The transport of items falling in this thermosensitive classification needs to be done in isothermal containers with dry ice. The storage requires qualified freezers. Temperature should be monitored and recorded twice a day in a dedicated sheet, with monitoring by the PCOLTHER35A - THERMOMETER alcohol (Moëller 104614) -30°C-+50C° (to be kept vertically).
Example of items stored at -20°C: a few laboratory tests and controls (ELAE), a couple of laboratory reagents (SLAS) and antibiotic powder for antibiotic susceptibility testing (SAST).
Cold chain equipment is divided into two main groups:
The active cold chain category includes all equipment that require energy to produce and maintain the cold. This kind of equipment is mainly used for the items storage or icepacks production. Under this category we have:
- Fridges
- Freezers
- Cold rooms
The passive cold chain category includes the equipment which, in order to maintain the cold, requires pre-conditioned ice-packs. Under this category we have:
- Isothermal/cold boxes
- Vaccine's carriers
- Icepacks
Selection Criteria
The cold chain equipment must meet the needs of each medical activity, as defined by the medical program with specific regards to storage volume and the icepack production capacity required.
The choice of equipment must meet the following criteria:
WHO Pre-Qualification
The WHO “Performance, Quality and Safety” (PQS) process prequalifies products and devices so that member states and UN purchasing agencies are assured of their suitability for use in immunization programs. Similar to vaccine products, MSF recommends using WHO pre-qualified equipment for cold chain activities because of its reliability standards. The updated list can be found at:
Storage volume
For fridges, freezers and cold rooms, the net volume (expressed in litres) indicates the maximum quantity of medical items that the appliance may contain using the storage baskets (or shelves in the case of a cold room). The gross value is the overall volume without the baskets or the shelves. When estimating the storage needs it is crucial to consider the net volume and not the gross volume. The medical activity determines the equipment’s net volume required based on the kind and quantity of products to be stored (per Medical Standard List).
Ice Pack Production
The Medical Activity defines the needs for passive cold chain. The passive chain will require a quantity of ice packs per day to be sustained (at various locations). Combining the ice pack volume (0.4 or 0.6 L) and the quantity of each ice pack needed by the medical activity, the total freezing capacity (in kg/24 hours) can be determined and therefore the correct equipment selected.
Key Equipment Parameters
Storage Volume
For fridges, freezers and cold rooms, the net volume (expressed in litres) indicates the maximum quantity of medical items that the appliance may contain using the storage baskets (or shelves in the case of a cold room). The gross value is the overall volume without the baskets or the shelves. For isothermal/cold boxes and vaccines carriers the storage capacity indicated is normally always the net one (excluding the space occupied by icepacks).
Holdover time
The standard MSF active cold chain equipment has the characteristic of guaranteeing, in the absence of its energy source, that the temperature is kept within range for a period of time (thanks to thermal insulation, Ice-Lining, etc). This cold time extending characteristic is called “holdover time”, and is measured in hours. The holdover time changes according to the equipment brand and model. The holdover time is always specified within an environmental temperature range (e.g. 02-08°C maintained for 48 hours if external temperature is between 15°C and 43°C).
Cold Life
Refers to passive cold chain equipment. Is intended as the time (in hours) that the equipment can keep the medical products between a specific range (e.g. between +2°C and +8°C). The cold life parameter is also only reliable within a specific external temperature range for which the equipment has been qualified.
Freezing capacity
Specific for the freezer equipment, it is the capacity of a specific appliance to produce a certain volume of ice in a specific interval of time. The units of measure are indicated in kg/24 hours.
Special Considerations for equipment type selection
Solar models
New solar refrigerator models with or without battery (direct drive) are included in this catalogue. There are many different models and some have certain constraints on their use (maximum ambient temperatures or other logistical/context constraints).
Solar refrigerators are generally up to 5 times more expensive than the equivalent mains powered versions. Therefore they should only be chosen for locations where no electricity is available.
Blood bank and biological sample equipment
Blood bank refrigerators and other specialised refrigeration or storage equipment are considered as medical equipment. For technical support on this type of equipment contact your technical support for Biomed.
Domestic refrigerator models
The use of domestic refrigerators to store thermo-sensitive pharmaceutical products is not recommended for the following reasons:
- lighter insulation
- imprecise temperature regulation
- internal temperature variation
- temperature changes as a result of automatic defrosting
- difficulty of locating the cold and warm zones because of the diversity of models and technologies.
Temperature monitors are important tools to ensure that thermo-sensitive products are kept at the correct temperature range. There are several types of temperature monitors:
- non-reversible monitors: single use tools, once the alarm is triggered it will have to be replaced
- Temperature recorders: tools with memory storage that sense temperature at specific intervals; that can be reset and reused; that include an alarm. Data and alarm parameters are programmable per OC specifications. The sensing calibration is valid for the life of the original battery.
- Remote temperature recorder: tools that send the actual temperatures to a cloud system for remote visualisation and analysis; they also include alarm settings. Alarm notifications can be send via e-mail or SMS.
Knowing the recommended use of monitoring devices assists with calculating quantities needed:
Evaluation of needs for a new activity
- What is the nature of your activities (laboratory, hospital, routine vaccination, vaccination campaign, outpatient department...)?
- What storage capacity do you need? The volume of vaccines for example varies according to the product, the presentation and the manufacturer.
- Define your storage needs in collaboration with your pharmacist
- To find out the volumes of thermo-sensitive products, refer to the guidelines (Measles guidelines, Meningitis guidelines) and/or contact your supply centre
- How much freezing capacity and storage capacity do you need for the ice packs?
- How many cold-boxes, vaccine carriers and ice packs do you need?
- Which monitoring tools should be ordered?
Assessing the existing cold chain capacity
- Is the quality of the cold chain satisfactory?
- Does the equipment fit your needs in terms of capacity and performance?
- Is the equipment in good working order?
- How reliable is your electricity supply?
- Is the equipment permanently accessible?
- Are refrigerators and freezers located in a cool, clean place?
- Do they have enough capacity to store all the temperature-sensitive products and to freeze ice packs?
- Is the monitoring equipment complete and functional in each refrigerator or freezer?
- Are the monitoring procedures for temperature-sensitive products on arrival and on departure well defined?
- Are the temperature cards properly filled out twice a day?
Contingency plan equipment requirements
- Provide enough passive cold chain equipment (accessible, in good condition) or spare fridges to store the more sensitive products
- Ensure frozen icepacks in a sufficient quantity and their renewal (corresponding to the number and the type of cold box)
- In case of cold chain breakdown, follow your OC specific cold chain indications.
- Distribute the responsibilities of who does what and make sure everyone is properly trained.
- Take contingency plan into account when estimating needs and placing equipment orders.
Transportation Recommendations for Cold Chain Items
- The shipment receiver has to check their storage capacity before green lighting an order of cold chain items. Preclearance or any possible administrative paperwork is completed in advance to avoid transit delays (that are linked to packing cold life).
- The first choice of transport between central and periphery stocks for cold chain items should be by air freight when available.
- In case of road transportation, choose the fastest option, match packing cold life with anticipated delivery times and avoid open vehicles.
- The packaging container should be chosen depending on the type of transport, the lead-time and the means of transport.
- Prior to any shipment, the sender should confirm the volume, date and time of arrival of a cold chain shipment (to ensure adequate storage space upon arrival).
Freezing Prevention while using passive cold chain equipment
- Use only ice packs filled with water! Ice packs pre-filled with coloured refrigerant gel are not suitable since they have a freezing point below 0 ºC
- Always make sure your ice packs are conditioned at 0 ºC, before placing them in the cold-box
- Follow your OC- or mission-specific procedure on conditioning of the ice packs
- Place cardboard between the temperature-sensitive products and the ice packs to prevent them touching
- Always control the temperature inside your cold boxes, before introducing the products
Other Recommendations
- PCOL equipment is not meant for storing or transporting food, blood or biological samples.
- Define written procedures for the transport of thermo-sensitive products (preparation, monitoring tools, labelling and shipping documents) in coherence with HQ recommendations.
- Contact OC Cold Chain Technical Advisor if there are any doubts
- Consult your technical department before ordering cold chain equipment that is not MSF standard.
- For any order of non-standard spare parts, please mention the type and the serial number of the appliance concerned and if possible the reference number of the part to be replaced.
- In case importation (or other) constraints do not allow the procurement of MSF standard equipment, the purchase of any alternative device must be done only after the validation of the OC referent.
- When performing a market assessment, it is recommended to assess the availability of WHO prequalified equipment[1] or specifically certified devices (for the storage of medical items).
Extra Tables
Equipment | Tempera-ture monitoring sheet | Alcohol thermometer | Liquid crystal thermometer | FreezeTag | LCD LogTag TRID30-7F | 2nd LogTag TRIX-8 | Remote monitoring (BluLog) |
Fridge | required | required | X | required | required | see your specific OC recommendation | see your specific OC recommendation |
Freezer (icepack production) | see your specific OC recommendation | see your specific OC recommendation | X | X | see your specific OC recommendation | see your specific OC recommendation | X |
Freezer (medical items storage) | required | see your specific OC recommendation | X | X | required | see your specific OC recommendation | see your specific OC recommendation |
Isothermal box | X | X | X | required | see your specific OC recommendation | see your specific OC recommendation | X |
RCW25 (transport) | X | X | X | required | see your specific OC recommendation | see your specific OC recommendation | X |
RCW25 (vaccination) | X | X | mandatory | mandatory | see your specific OC recommendation | see your specific OC recommendation | X |
RCW25 (contingency storage) | required | see your specific OC recommendation | X | required | required | see your specific OC recommendation | X |
GioStyle (transport) | X | X | X | required | see your specific OC recommendation | see your specific OC recommendation | X |
GioStyle (vaccination) | X | see your specific OC recommendation | see your specific OC recommendation | see your specific OC recommendation | X | X | X |
Cold room | required | see your specific OC recommendation | X | required | required | see your specific OC recommendation | see your specific OC recommendation |
Équipement | Feuille surveillance température | Thermomètre à alcool | Thermomètre cristal liquide | FreezeTag | LCD LogTag TRID30-7F | 2ième LogTag TRIX-8 | Télé-surveillance (BluLog) |
Réfrigérateur | requis | requis | X | requis | requis | voir recommandation spécifique de votre OC | voir recommandation spécifique de votre OC |
Congélateur (production de blocs de glace) | voir recommandation spécifique de votre OC | voir recommandation spécifique de votre OC | X | X | voir recommandation spécifique de votre OC | voir recommandation spécifique de votre OC | X |
Congélateur (stockage des articles médicaux) | requis | voir recommandation spécifique de votre OC | X | X | requis | voir recommandation spécifique de votre OC | voir recommandation spécifique de votre OC |
Boîte isotherme | X | X | X | requis | voir recommandation spécifique de votre OC | voir recommandation spécifique de votre OC | X |
RCW25 (transportation) | X | X | X | requis | voir recommandation spécifique de votre OC | voir recommandation spécifique de votre OC | X |
RCW25 (vaccination) | X | X | obligatoire | obligatoire | voir recommandation spécifique de votre OC | voir recommandation spécifique de votre OC | X |
RCW25 (stockage d’urgence) | requis | voir recommandation spécifique de votre OC | X | requis | requis | voir recommandation spécifique de votre OC | X |
GioStyle (transportation) | X | X | X | requis | voir recommandation spécifique de votre OC | voir recommandation spécifique de votre OC | X |
GioStyle (vaccination) | X | voir recommandation spécifique de votre OC | voir recommandation spécifique de votre OC | voir recommandation spécifique de votre OC | X | X | X |
chambre froide | requis | voir recommandation spécifique de votre OC | X | requis | requis | voir recommandation spécifique de votre OC | voir recommandation spécifique de votre OC |
Technological progress and new selection criteria mean that we have constantly to review the standardization of telecommunications equipment.
Do not hesitate to contact your technical department for any information regarding current standards.
There are several MSF guides to radio communications: these give comprehensive information on installing and using MSF standard equipment.
Start by assessing your needs (point 1), before considering the local possibilities (point 2).
Then send all the information you have gathered, together with any comments, proposals or questions, to your TECHNICAL DEPARTMENT for discussion.
1. Evaluation of needs
- What is the structure of your mission: how many sites, how many people? Make a sketch showing the approximate distances.
- What are the requirements in terms of internal communication? What type (mail, fax, voice) and from where to where?
- What are the requirements in terms of international communication? What type and from where to where?
- What is the security situation? Are there special communication needs linked to security?
2. Evaluation of possibilities
- Is there a telephone network in the region? Is it reliable? Does it allow faxes to be sent? Can lines be obtained for the MSF office? Do such lines allow international communications?
- Is there an internet service provider (ISP)? Are its services reliable and fast? Is it linked to the government (confidentiality issue)?
- Does MSF have access to other organisations' communications facilities (post office, hotel, UN, other NGO etc.)?
- Is an authorization required to use a satellite phone, or HF or VHF radios? Is this difficult to obtain? How long will it take?
- What are the possibilities for sending mail by internal means (travel by MSF or other NGOs etc.)?
- What international mail facilities are available (mail, DHL, diplomatic bag etc.)?
The diagram below (page IX-7) represents the various possible methods of communication and shows the reasoning that should be followed in order to make the right choice.
Telecommunications can be divided into 3 categories according to the type of message to be sent:
A. Voice
B. Data
We refer to information which is sent to the recipient via a computer (e.g. email) as "data".
C. Image
We refer to information which reaches the recipient as a photograph as "image" communication. In practice this includes everything that arrives on a fax machine, even text.
- PSTN stands for "public switched telephone network" and is the official name of the global telephone network that MSF uses.
- ISP stands for "internet service provider".
- It is best to transport fragile and expensive equipment as hand luggage.
- Emails sent through the Internet cannot be considered confidential, especially when the ISP is controlled by a government.
- Sending emails using Outlook via PSTN lines is more confidential than using the Internet, but PSTN lines are often government property and email can be intercepted.
- Use other agencies' communications facilities (UN institutions etc.).
- Try to obtain other agencies' repeater frequencies (UN institutions etc.).
- The use of a 100% reliable voice communication system is possible where confidentiality is required or for security reasons.
- HF networks can transmit emails using the Wavemail system. For more information, contact your technical department.
Use | Short / medium distance | Long distance |
Base radio DATA + VOICE | Icom IC-M700PRO + PACTOR module + dipole or quad loop antenna | Icom IC-M700PRO + PACTOR module + D2T antenna |
Base radio DATA | Icom IC-M700PRO + PACTOR module + dipole or quad loop antenna | Icom IC-M700PRO + PACTOR module + D2T antenna |
Base radio VOICE (OCB / OCP) | Icom IC-M700PRO + dipole or quad loop antenna | Icom IC-M700PRO + D2T antenna |
A vehicle radio always has the same configuration: Codan Envoy X1 radio + Codan 3040 antenna.
DC | Direct current (battery, solar installation etc.) |
AC | Alternating current (mains, generator etc.) |
U | Voltage, measured in volts (V) |
R | Resistance, measured in ohms (Ω) |
I | Current, measured in amperes (A) |
F | Frequency, measured in Hertz (Hz) |
P | Power, measured in watts (W) or volt-amperes (VA) |
W | Unit of power, used for AC and DC |
VA | Unit of power, used for AC only |
Wh | Watt-hour: unit of energy |
Ah | Ampere-hour: unit of battery capacity |
IEC | International Electrotechnical Commission |
MPPT | Maximum power point tracking (solar related) |
UPS | Uninterruptible power supply |
MCB | Miniature circuit breaker |
MB | Main Board |
A unit preceded by a "k" is multiplied by 1000.
(e.g. 1 kW = 1000 W).
Basic laws
I = U/R
P = U x I
Connection in parallel (connection + to + and - to -)
U = U1 = U2 = …
I = I1 + I2 + …
P = P1 + P2 + …
Connection in series (connection + to - and - to +)
U = U1 + U2 + …
I = I1 = I2 = …
P = P1 + P2 + …
Relation between W and VA
As a rule of thumb, 1 VA = ± 0.8 W
Apart from the difference between AC and DC, a source of electricity can take various forms. Below is an overview of the devices which can modify the form of the power supply.
Mains voltage differs from country to country. Europe uses 230 or 240 V AC, the USA uses 110 V AC, and some other countries use 127 V AC. In order to use a device which is not designed for the locally available voltage, a transformer is needed. Please note that the frequency in the USA’s (and a couple of other countries) can be 60 Hz. All the equipment in this catalogue is primarily compatible with the ‘normal’ 50 Hz.
AC/DC adaptor (or "power supply")
Many electrical devices (laptop computers, HF or VHF radios etc.) run on DC within a range of 3 to 20 V. These devices can be powered from the mains by means of an adaptor which converts AC to the required DC voltage. Such an adapter is also called an AC/DC converter or power supply, and is usually supplied together with the device.
Battery charger
A battery charger also supplies DC from an AC source, but the DC current and voltage are suitable for charging a battery.
Caution: even though both supply DC current from an AC source, an AC/DC adaptor and a battery charger are never interchangeable!
A good quality charger will have 3-stage automatic charge management (boost,absorption, float):
- During the first stage (boost), the charger supplies the maximum current allowed by the battery (0.2 to 0.5 A per Ah capacity, depending on the battery type) until the voltage reaches 14.5 V (for a 12 V battery). This maximum current defines the current rating (in A) of the charger to be installed. This maximum current may be adjustable to enable different batteries to be charged by the same charger.
- During the second stage (absorption), the voltage is maintained at 14.5 V, while the current slowly decreases.
- The third stage (float) begins once the current drops below 0.5 A. Then the voltage applied by the charger is reduced to 13.6 V. At this point, the battery is supposed to be fully charged. The voltage applied by the charger maintains the charge and it supplies the low current that is necessary to do so.
A good quality charger must also be equipped with a temperature sensor. If the voltage is too high for a given temperature, the battery will slowly deteriorate by losing water, which is irreversible in the case of a sealed battery. Charging voltage must be adjusted to battery temperature (decrease of ± 0.025 V per increase of 1 ºC). If the temperature sensor is installed, this voltage correction is automatic.
DC/AC inverter
A DC/AC inverter produces an AC output from a DC input. This is the only way to get AC when other sources (mains, generator) are not available. The DC source usually consists of batteries that have to be charged either from AC sources through a battery charger, or from DC sources (solar panels etc.) equipped with a charge regulator.
DC/DC converter
A DC/DC converter enables a DC voltage to be converted into another DC voltage. This kind of converter is useful for example to obtain 12 V DC on board a truck which has a 24 V DC electrical system.
Solar panels
The production of DC electricity from sunlight is clean, quiet, requires little maintenance and is durable. The energy produced daily by a solar panel will depend on the location's mean daily solar irradiance. This information is essential to size an installation: it will vary accordingly to the season. It is expressed in kWH/m2/day.
Solar panels are rated in Wp (watt-peak). Their actual production when the sun is bright is approx. ¾ of that figure. They often come in 12 volt and 24 volt panels.
They will often be used to charge batteries. You will have to use a regulator in-between the battery and the panel. We now only supply so-called MPPT regulators that give the best results.(Maximum Power Point Tracking)
MPPT regulators can convert panel voltages and can be used for various battery voltages (12, 24 or 48 volt).
1. Protection against overloading
The main protection devices in an electrical circuit are fuses or thermal-magnetic circuit breakers. These devices protect the installation against overloading or short circuits by cutting off the supply if the current gets too high. The value of an overload protection device is given in amperes and indicates the maximum current that can be permanently allowed into the circuit.
Fuses consist of a cartridge containing a metal wire that melts when the current reaches a defined value for a given time. They can be used once only and must be replaced once they have blown. Fuses come in different types (slow, normal, or fast) and must be chosen according to the device or circuit to be protected.
Thermal-magnetic circuit breakers or MCB
Thermal-magnetic circuit breakers (MCBs) combine thermal and magnetic protection.
The thermal protection causes the device to trip in case of overloading. The trip time varies according to the size of the overload.
The magnetic protection causes the device to trip instantaneously in case of a short circuit.
There are three main types: B, C and D-curve.
B-curve: The circuit breaker has a relatively low magnetic trip (between 3 and 5 xIn) and eliminates short circuits of very low value. This curve is also used for circuits having long cable lengths, in particular in TN mode.
C-curve: This circuit breaker covers a very large majority of needs (inductive receivers) and is used especially in domestic electrical installations. Its magnetic trigger is between 5 and 10 xIn. This is the most commonly used curve in MSF.
D-curve: This curve is hardly used. It could be used for the protection of circuits where there are very high current peaks at power-up. The magnetic trip of this circuit breaker is between 10 and 20 xIn.
Thermal-magnetic circuit breakers can be manually reset after tripping.
Circuit breakers are installed at the head of an electrical installation (distribution box or board) and protect each circuit individually. They are selected according to the cross-section of the electrical cabling to be protected.
2. Protection against AC supply faults
There are 3 types of AC disturbance that can damage connected equipment.
- Voltage variations: The voltage supplied is too low (brownout), too high (surge) or fluctuates too much.
- Voltage spikes: The supply exhibits brief high-voltage pulses.
- Power cuts: The supply is intermittent, fuses have blown, or the generator tank is empty…
Voltage limiter
An electrical appliance will work normally as long as the input voltage remains within a certain range called the "input tolerance". Most electrical appliances intended for 230 V AC have an input tolerance that ranges from 185 to 250 V AC. These appliances should be protected by a voltage limiter which interrupts the supply when the voltage goes beyond the tolerance range. MSF uses voltage limiters on most electrical appliances.
Lightning protector or surge suppressor
Most electrical appliances are quite vulnerable to voltage spikes.
During a thunderstorm, these spikes can reach several thousand volts and cause significant physical damage. A lightning protector or surge suppressor is a protection device that can eliminate surges and divert the current to earth. Contact your technical department for selection and installation of a lightning protector or surge suppressor.
Voltage regulator/stabilizer
Appliances which have a narrow input tolerance will not be properly protected by a voltage limiter when the input voltage goes outside the tolerance range.
Such appliances need to be protected by a voltage regulator which takes an input voltage that is too low, too high or too fluctuating and corrects it.
Some protection devices (called voltage stabilizers, constant voltage transformers or line conditioners) combine the functions of voltage limitation and regulation, but as there are no standard designations or specifications it is extremely difficult to select the right device without testing it.
MSF has selected a voltage regulator/stabilizer that incorporates all the above mentioned protection functions.
Uninterruptible power supply (UPS)
Power cuts do not pose a problem for some appliances (e.g. lighting). But for other devices (e.g. computers), power cuts can cause loss of data. These devices need to be protected by an offline UPS.
A UPS combines a battery, a battery charger and a DC/AC inverter into one device. It provides an uninterrupted 220 V AC power supply and gives a limited independent operating time in the event of a power cut.
The commercially available UPSs are designed for desktop computers. They provide around 10 minutes of power after a power cut, but they do not protect against voltage spikes.
A special UPS is included in the catalogue for critical/essential medical and laboratory equipment. This is referred to as double conversion (also called online) UPS. This UPS is primarily intended for protection of the equipment.
Power supply module
If the mains supply is of very poor quality and/or the appliances to be protected require significant independent operating time, it is better to instal a power supply module. This module combines the functions of a battery, a battery charger, a limiter and an inverter:
- Energy storage in the batteries
- 12 V DC supply
- 230 V AC supply
- AC regulation and stabilisation by double conversion (AC=>DC=>AC)
- UPS: uninterrupted AC power supply with ample independent operating time
3. Protection against insulation faults or shocks
Besides earthing, there is one protection item very important for safety: the RCD or Residual Current Device, also know under a number of other abbreviations like RCBO, ELCB, RCCB RCTD. The RCD measures if there is ‘leakage current’ and if over 30 mA , it will switch off. RCD’s work correctly with earthed but also with not-earthed systems. Quality is an issue with local purchase so only buy from accredited suppliers (ask your support department).
Electrical consumption
How much electricity do you need to produce? | Rated watts | Surge watts |
Energy saving bulb (medium) | 15 | 24 |
LED bulb | 3 | 15 |
Refrigerator | 150 | 1000 |
Freezer | 300 | 1200 |
Water Pump (domestic) | 1900 | 5700 |
Submersible pump (SQ Grundfos) | 2000 | 2500 |
Space Heater | 1800 | 1800 |
Ceiling Fan | 100 | 200 |
Table Fan | 80 | 150 |
Air conditioner | 1200 | 4000 (depending on type) |
Desktop computer incl. screen | 160 | 250 |
Laptop computer | 40 | 70 |
Printer (inkjet) | 5 | 40 (printing) |
Printer (laser) | 5 | 600 (printing) |
Network router | 18 | 18 |
Network switch | 20 | 20 |
NAS server (Synology DS212) | 20 | 30 |
Wifi Access point Nanostation | 6 | 6 |
Radio/CD | 50 | 50 |
Television | 150 | 250 |
Global V-sat | 100 | 100 |
Microwave | 800 | 800 |
Coffee Maker | 1000 | 1000 |
Iron | 1200 | 1200 |
Electric Water Heater (big) | 3000 | 3000 |
Washing Machine | 500 | 3000 |
Oxygen concentrator | 380 | 600 |
Battery charger 12/25A | 400 | 400 |
Ingress Protection (IP) ratings are developed by the IEC for specifying the environmental protection the enclosure provides.
The IP rating has two numbers:
1. Protection from solid objects or materials
2. Protection from liquids (water)
IP First number - Protection against solid objects | |
0 | No special protection |
1 | Protected against solid objects over 50 mm, e.g. accidental touch by persons hands |
2 | Protected against solid objects over 12 mm, e.g. persons fingers |
3 | Protected against solid objects over 2.5 mm (tools and wires) |
4 | Protected against solid objects over 1 mm (tools, wires, and small wires) |
5 | Protected against dust limited ingress (no harmful deposit) |
6 | Totally protected against dust |
IP Second number - Protection against liquids | |
0 | No protection |
1 | Protection against vertically falling drops of water e.g. condensation |
2 | Protection against direct sprays of water up to 15o from the vertical |
3 | Protected against direct sprays of water up to 60o from the vertical |
4 | Protection against water sprayed from all directions - limited ingress permitted |
5 | Protected against low pressure jets of water from all directions - limited ingress |
6 | Protected against temporary flooding of water, e.g. for use on ship decks - limited ingress permitted |
7 | Protected against the effect of immersion between 15 cm and 1 m |
8 | Protects against long periods of immersion under pressure |
Example - IP Rating
With the IP rating IP 54, 5 describes the level of protection from solid objects and 4 describes the level of protection from liquids.
An "X" can used for one of the digits if there is only one class of protection, i.e. IPX1 which addresses protection against vertically falling drops of water e.g. condensation..
Compact fluorescent or "energy-saving" bulbs offer the same energy efficiency as fluorescent tubes yet are a similar size to incandescent bulbs.
Advantages compared to incandescent bulbs
- Lower energy consumption (- 80%)
- 10 times the lifespan (8000 - 15000 hrs)
Advantages compared to fluorescent tubes
- More compact
- Easy maintenance
- No external holder or ballast (integrated)
Although compact fluorescent bulbs are more expensive, they are becoming more and more widely used by MSF missions. The savings achieved are all the more significant for the fact that MSF pays a very high price per kWh of electricity because of the specific costs related to the use of generators.
Instructions for use
- It takes some time (several tens of seconds) for compact fluorescent bulbs to reach their optimal light intensity, which can be a nuisance when the lamp is used only for short periods (e.g. lighting a corridor or toilet).
- The fluorescent powder and mercury vapour in the tube, while not dangerous in the course of use, mean that used bulbs are dangerous waste items requiring special disposal.
Energy saving bulbs are more and more becoming available in LED versions, be it mainly for the lower wattage models.
Caution: bulbs available on local markets are often of poor quality, and you can pay a lot for a bulb that will last no more than a few hours to a few weeks.
To avoid unpleasant surprises, it is therefore strongly recommended that you:
- buy only brands of known quality
- test a small number of bulbs before buying a bigger quantity, since counterfeit bulbs or those of a lower standard intended for local markets are widely sold
- in case of doubt, order compact fluorescent bulbs through the supply centres.
Only the most widespread models are included in the catalogue (E14, E27 and HG 57 type bulbs, from 7 to 23 W). Equivalents exist for other types of socket (bayonet) and in higher wattages.
The direct and indirect protection of staff in the field depends on 3 key principles:
- the knowledge of hazards, or risks associated with carrying out a specific activity
- the provision of specific protective equipment to protect against these dangers, as well as the protocols and/or the procedures on using dangerous equipment and products
- the establishment of a culture of prevention and of protection of people and assets involved in missions
- Make sure that:
- tools and equipment are properly maintained and used only by authorised persons
- users are trained on the risks involved in activities or handling hazardous equipment
- safety instructions are well respected
- first aid kits are available in the workplace and are properly maintained
- Keep a register of accidents/incidents
- Store flammable materials correctly and away from buildings
PPE includes "any device or means intended to be worn or held by a person to protect him/herself against one or several risks likely to threaten his/her health and physical integrity.
There is a vast range of PPE. The choice of PPE depends in particular on:
- the protection required in terms of the danger associated with the activity:
- body protection
- respiratory protection
- hearing protection
- eye protection
- the seriousness of the danger
- the frequency of exposure to the danger.
PPE is supplied by MSF and its use is compulsory. Staff must be trained to use PPE.
- MSF, as employer, must ensure that staff wear or carry suitable individual protective clothing and material other PPE during work
- staff must be responsible for protective equipment issued to them
- if protective equipment deteriorates, it must be exchanged for new equipment
- PPE and other protective equipment should preferably be kept in the workplace: a changing room and lockers should be provided
- work clothing should be washed regularly
- PPE and work clothing have a limited lifetime
- heck regularly that all building openings (doors, windows, ventilation etc.) are in working order
- define and post evacuation plans for buildings and their enclosure
- establish every member of staff's responsibilities in case of fire and evacuations from the building
- designate fire assembly points outside buildings in case of fire
- organise regular fire drills
- equip buildings (flash points) and vehicles with fire extinguishers and/or other means of fire fighting materials and train staff to use them
- make sure that fire-fighting equipment is known, easily accessible and well maintained
- instal smoke detectors and alarms
Many tools exist in both metric (centimetres and metres) and imperial (inches and feet) versions. MSF uses the metric system, which is more widely used, but tools in imperial sizes can be ordered separately for countries which use the imperial system.
It is preferable to avoid small orders of individual tools and instead order one of the MSF toolkits (see KPRO in the Guide of kits), even if you do not need all the tools.
Most tools were formerly codified using the supplier Facom’s reference, with an "F" added at the start. Now all tools are codified according to the MSF coding system. The Facom reference was added at the end of the label. Nevertheless, this does not mean that all tools sent to the field are supplied by Facom. The actual brand varies according to the supply centre and the tool involved. In case of specific requirements, check the information on Facom tools at or and do not hesitate to send this information in support of your order.
Many tools exist in both metric (centimetres and metres) and imperial (inches and feet) versions. MSF uses the metric system, which is more widely used, but tools in imperial sizes can be ordered separately for countries which use the imperial system.
It is preferable to avoid small orders of individual tools and instead order one of the MSF toolkits (see KPRO in the Guide of kits), even if you do not need all the tools.
The power of a generator is expressed either in kVA or in kW.
As a rule of thumb, 1 kVA = ± 0.8 kW
Begin by assessing your needs, answering the questions below as precisely as possible.
Then send all the information you have, together with any comments, proposals or questions, to your technical department as a basis for discussion.
Needs assessment
- What are the voltage and frequency of the mains supply in the country (110, 127 or 230 V; 50 or 60 Hz)?
- What are the needs of the appliances to be powered (single-phase or three-phase, power, tolerance etc.)? You are recommended to produce a diagram of the intended installation.
- What is the total power required, in kVA, including starting power?
- Is the generator intended for mobile or fixed use?
- What is the estimated duration of use: is it for emergency or long-term use? How many hours a day?
- What kind of fuel (petrol or diesel) is available locally and at what price?
- Which generators are available locally (brand, price, delivery lead time, spare parts etc.)?
- Is noise a problem? Should the generator be open, enclosed or soundproof?
- Where will the exhaust gases go? Will you need an exhaust pipe extension?
- Fuel: petrol or diesel. A diesel engine is heavier and more expensive, but is also more robust and recommended for long-term use (more than 1000 hours).
- Number of cylinders
- Capacity in cc
- Power, in HP or kW
- Engine speed: 1500 or 3000 rpm (the lifespan of a 1500 rpm generator is 3 times the lifespan of a 3000 rpm one)
- Fuel consumption per hour at full load
- Fuel tank capacity/operating time
- Cooling system: air, oil, or water
- Starting: electrical or manual
Electrical part (alternator)
- Output voltage: single-phase 230V or three-phase 400V.
Caution: some generators operate at a voltage of 240/415 V instead of 230/400 V. You are recommended to avoid using 240 V power sources as far as possible, since the voltage limiters used by MSF are set to a nominal voltage of 230 V maximum. They cut off at 245 V and reset when the voltage drops back below 235 V. With a 240 V installation, the limiter may never reset, unless you change its setting.
- Single-phase or three-phase. If you have some devices that will run only on three-phase current, it is essential to have a three-phase source. In all other cases, three-phase can be considered for powers above 10 kVA, although needing more than 10 kVA is not by itself enough to justify this solution. The size of the electrical setup and the distribution of power must make it potentially worthwhile (reduced cabling costs, use of one phase as a permanent circuit etc.). Be aware of the limits and constrains of three-phase: it is difficult to distribute the loads between the phases in a balanced way, and so to take advantage of the whole available power; and the power that is available for single-phase loads is limited to a third of the total power (e.g. a three-phase generator of 10 kVA cannot supply a single-phase load over 3.3 kVA).
- Power in kVA.The is a difference between prime and standby outlet power.:
- Prime Power (PRP): A generator can run unlimited hours annually with an average load profile that does not exceed 70% of the prime power rating. The prime power rating is the one that should be used when sizing a generator.
- Standby Power: A generator can run for 500 hours annually with an average load profile below 70% of the standby power rating. This rating is used on most generators' nameplates and labels. The standby power rating should not be considered for sizing a generator.
- Regulator (AVR): system which maintains the output voltage around its nominal value during power consumption fluctuations when stopping and starting appliances.Regulators are more and more often electronic. Magnetic regulators are more expensive and less accurate, but far more reliable.
- Integrated circuit-breaker. When the generator is overloaded, the voltage drops significantly, which may damage equipment.
Noise and soundproofing
In order to maintain good relations with your neighbours, it is best to avoid annoying noise levels.
The sound power level of a generator (LWA) is expressed in dB(A) (A-weighted decibels). The perceived sound level at a given distance from the source (sound pressure level) is also expressed in dB(A).
The average sound power level of an open generator is 105 dB(A), which translates to:
- 93 dB(A) at 1 m from the generator
- 85 dB(A) at 4 m from the generator
- Conversion of sound power level to sound pressure level
- dB(A) at 1 metre = LWA -12
- dB(A) at 4 metre = LWA -20
- dB(A) at 7 metre = LWA -25
- dB(A) at 10 metre = LWA -28
- Sound levels
- 0 to 20 dB(A) : almost inaudible
- 30 dB(A) : sleepy area in a quiet city
- 50 dB(A) : normal conversation
- 60 dB(A): supermarket, office
- 80 dB(A): annoying sound level (factory)
- > 85 dB(A): sound level which can cause hearing problems in the event of prolonged exposure
- 130 dB(A): invariably harmful sound level = pain threshold
- Soundproofing
There are several solutions to reducing the sound level of a generator:
- Choose a generator which is soundproofed by means of a factory-fitted hood. This reduces the sound level to 85 dB(A) at 1 m (= LWA of 97 dB(A)).
- Soundproof the generator house:
- Place noise attenuators on the air intake and outlet.
- Soundproof the access door.
- Add an extra exhaust silencer.
- Cover walls and ceiling with insulating material (such as rock wool). This reduces the sound level to 75 dB(A) at 1 m (= LWA of 87 dB(A)).
Caution: soundproofing is never inexpensive!
Motor-driven electrical devices require more power for starting than for normal operation. This should be taken into account when designing the system.
Connecting and disconnecting devices creates short voltage fluctuations which are minimized by the generator's built-in regulator. These variations may affect sensitive devices. It is sometimes necessary to install a voltage regulator/stabilizer.
For maintenance and transport reasons, local purchase is often the best solution. Before any local purchase, pinpoint your needs and contact your technical department for advice.
Criteria to be taken into account when considering the available options:
- Select a well-known and well-represented international brand: Caterpillar, Perkins, FG Wilson etc.
- Look for a supplier recognized by the manufacturer (importer or official dealer).
- Make sure that the assembly (engine/alternator/chassis) is either original or conforms to the original assembly.
- Find out if it is possible to set up a maintenance agreement and make sure that original spare parts are available. Also check the availability of spare parts in Europe, since local availability is never certain in the long term.
If these criteria cannot be met, it is better to order through your supply centre.
Generators might be considered as dangerous goods for transport:
- if a shipper or supplier provides written or electronic documentation stating that a flushing and purging procedure for flammable liquid powered engines has been followed in compliance with Special Provision A70 the generator is not subject to IATA DGR regulations
- if not complying with Special Provision A70 then the generator must be managed in compliance to IATA DGR regulations
The minimum to know about generators above 8 kVA (6.4 kW)
- Diesel
- Engine speed: 1500 (preferred) or 3000 rpm
- Fuel water retention filter and pre-filter
- Hour counter
- Automatic shut-off in case of overheating or low oil
- Compensator between the exhaust outlet and the exhaust pipe extension
- Electric starter with 12 V battery
Electrical part (alternator)
- The choice between single-phase or three-phase should ALWAYS be discussed with your technical department. Three-phase is recommended for generators above 12 kVA (standard configuration = 400 V between each phase and 230 V between one phase and the neutral).
- 1 ammeter per phase
- 1 voltmeter per phase or circuit breaker between the phases
- 1 frequency meter
- 1 earth connection
Safety panel
- 1 main circuit breaker (thermomagnetic)
- 1 differential circuit breaker
- 1 emergency stop button
Instructions for installation
If more than 8 kVA, a generator is considered to be stationary (i.e. not transportable by 2 people) and should be placed in a plant room ("generator house").
The dimensions of the room should take into account the space needed around the generator for its maintenance.
The ground should be level to prevent premature wear of the alternator and cemented to protect the engine from dust and prolong its lifespan.
A fixed generator should be installed on a rubber carpet (or other vibration- and sound-absorbing material) and bolted to the floor.
It should be connected to the appliances with permanent connections, via an electrical switchboard.
The exhaust pipe must follow the shortest route to the outside, but must not be on the same side as the air intake.
A flexible steel pipe (compensator) is required between the exhaust outlet and the exhaust pipe extension to absorb the engine vibrations.
The diameter of the exhaust extension should be related to the size of the engine (see manufacturer's standard).
As the lifespan of the engine depends mainly on effective cooling, you are recommended to place the generator diagonally between the air inlet and outlet, in order to maintain good circulation between the cool air (below) and the hot air (above), as in the diagrams below.
Avoid installing the air outlet facing into the prevailing wind. If this is impossible, provide diversion ducts.
If plant room temperature increases excessively, you are recommended to install an extractor fan on the air outlet. The capacity of this fan should be related to the power of the engine and the level of the outside temperature.
Ideally, order an extractor fan which will start automatically with the generator.
Always take care to switch off all appliances being powered by the generator before starting or stopping it.
Minimum load
Manufacturers stipulate that a generator should not run under 30% of its rated capacity (for example, a 20 kVA generator should have a minimum load of 6 kVA).
A generator running at only 10% or 20% of its maximum load cannot actually reach its operating temperature. The exhaust gases are too cold, leading on one hand to excessive oil consumption (= poor efficiency) and on the other to carbon deposition (= premature wear).
Maximum load
It is not recommended to run a generator at 100% of its capacity, at least not all the time. To prevent any risk of premature wear, the maximum load should not exceed 80%.
Phase balancing
The total load on a three-phase generator must be distributed over its three phases. One single phase can provide only one-third of the generator's power (using the generator ammeter, you can measure the average power demand made by the load and then calculate the power demand on each phase).
For the power calculation, you should take into account the decrease of output power if the altitude exceeds 1000 m or the temperature permanently exceeds 35 ºC (contact your technical department for how to calculate these 2 factors).
Start-up current
The starting of motor-driven appliances causes a surge in current which can reach 8 times the normal capacity and trip the thermal cutout. It is thus essential to bear this in mind when deciding on the power of your generator.
- A generator must be protected against the elements.
- The generator plant room should be locked and only the person in charge should have access.
- As electrical accidents can have fatal consequences, it is strongly recommended to install a residual current circuit breaker on the generator outlet in order to protect users and electrical circuits (300 mA for generators > 8 kVA).
- Install a fire extinguisher and a sand bucket near or inside the generator house.
- Service A : EVERY 200 HOURS
- Clean engine
- Change engine oil
- Drain fuel filter water tray
- Clean air filter
- Service B : EVERY 400 HOURS
- Service A
- Change fuel filter
- Change oil filter
- Service C : EVERY 800 HOURS
- Service B
- Change air filter
- NB: the air filter must be changed sooner if the engine is running in a confined or dusty space
- Service A : EVERY 100 HOURS
- Clean engine
- Change engine oil
- Drain fuel filter water trap
- Clean air filter
- Service B : EVERY 200 HOURS
- Service A
- Change fuel filter
- Change oil filter
- Service C : EVERY 400 HOURS
- Service B
- Change air filter
- NB: the air filter must be changed sooner if the engine is running in a confined or dusty space