IMMUNOGL. SNAKE ANTIVENOM, Africa (EchiTab-ICP) pwd+dil vial


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Full Name

EchiTab-ICP, lyophilized Polyspecific Snake Antivenom

Therapeutic Action

Neutralisation of snake venom

Equine serum globulins


Treatment of snakebite envenomations from 22 African species found in sub-Saharan Africa, including:

  • Puff adder and Gaboon vipers (Bitis spp.)
  • African carpet viper (Echis spp.)
  • African spitting cobra and neurotoxic cobras (Naja spp.)
  • Black Mamba and green Mamba (Dendroaspis spp.)
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Instructions for use

Lyophilised vial with diluent.

Reconstitute the powder vial with the diluent supplied to obtain a reconstituted 10 ml solution.

Must be given as:

  • IV infusion in ringer lactate or 0.9% NaCl, or
  • slow IV injection in case of vital emergency (fastest rate: 2ml/min)

The minimum dose for envenomation is 3 vials.

Read the manufacturer's instructions.

Precautions for Use

Never administer by IM route (ineffective).

Appropriate medical treatment should always be immediately accessible in the event of an anaphylactic reactions after the administration of the product.


  • Below 25ºC
  • After reconstitution, use the product immediately.