TURK solution, WBC, 100 ml, bot.
Valid Article
TURK solution, WBC
Reagent used for the manual leucocytic count (white blood cells count).
acetic acid gentian violet solution
Technical specifications
- CAS n°: 548-62-9, 61-73-4 or 64-19-7
- Formula: CH3COOH (10 g/l)
- Gentian violet blue solution
- Quality: for microscopy
Packaging & Labelling
100 ml glass bottle
Instructions for use
Used for the dilution of a blood sample before counting white blood cells.
The erythrocytes are haemolysed by the acetic acid and the leucocytes are stained by the dye contained in the Türk solution. The stained leucocytes in a defined volume are counted in a specific counting chamber (Neubauer) and the number of cells is then calculated in a microlitre of blood.
Equipment needed
- Sampling tube EDTA
- Neubauer counting chamber
- Planed cover glasses for counting chamber
- Yellow tips
- Minipets 20 µl
(see related articles below)
Please consult the “Updated laboratory procedures, 2022” or “Bacteriology laboratory procedures and resources“ available online via the Laboratory working Group sharepoint page: Laboratory Procedures and Resources.
For offline access, contact your laboratory advisor.
- Store between 15°C and 25°C
- Shelf life: 12 months
- Guaranteed minimum remaining shelf life at delivery: 1/3 of total shelf life
Waste management
Substance with hazardous characteristics. Please contact your watsan referent for advice on proper disposal.
Detailed hazard and precautionary information can be found in the safety data sheet (SDS).